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Old 20-10-2014, 08:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by canthaveenuf View Post
Actual person is pretty. Body is not bad. Chatty and friendly. Massage is average ba. Can french and it is nice to french her.

FJ at $150 if she offers. But if you handsome, maybe free. Hee hee.
Bro sounds like you got it for free I thought she crash airplane on you a few times. You still went back ah? That time heard she put a few people aeroplane that's why I didn't bother looking for her.
Old 20-10-2014, 08:18 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by maestrokey View Post
The ones I tried were FJ

most recent were these 2!beibei/c19fc!qiaoweila/cd3y

贝贝everything cannot omg. No paint no french, basically just bbbj and fj. Tell me painting not hygienic, means she never wash properly?
乔薇拉 voice sounded nice I thought OK but similarity to photos maybe 50%, she was a hamburger with makeup on. Didn't bother to try paint, location hdb

Hence no more commando for me. Tried them on day 1 and 2 because of small head effect.
Wa, hamburger with makeup ...... trying to imagine that ....... hee hee.

Once a gal told me she dun want painting becos she felt not hygienic. Then I ask why she allow BBBJ? She said becos gal's vagina is deep in and so more difficult to clean, unlike guy's. Hmmmm ...... I never study Biology, but I thought as long as got opening germs can enter liao? Her logic kinda strange.
Old 20-10-2014, 08:21 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by maestrokey View Post
Bro sounds like you got it for free I thought she crash airplane on you a few times. You still went back ah? That time heard she put a few people aeroplane that's why I didn't bother looking for her.
No lah, I where got get it free. I Dirty Old Ugly Man, 0% handsome. She offered but I declined. I think that day she very horny, so even dirty old man, she also offered. "No fish, prawn also good mah".

Yes, she did flew aeroplanes. I kena once but I still persisted becos I am a sucker for good looks. But I forgive her the aeroplanes because it is not really her fault. Her HP SMS app really sucks that's why she screw up the appointments.
Old 20-10-2014, 08:34 PM
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will arrange tmr!!
Old 20-10-2014, 08:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by maestrokey View Post
贝贝everything cannot omg. No paint no french, basically just bbbj and fj. Tell me painting not hygienic, means she never wash properly?
乔薇拉 voice sounded nice I thought OK but similarity to photos maybe 50%, she was a hamburger with makeup on. Didn't bother to try paint, location hdb
Thanks, for FJ, I'm only concern tight bo?

Originally Posted by maestrokey View Post
Anyone tried care to share? Looking for new BBBJ expert!
No thanks for forbidden babes, but I also enlisted one for bbbj-cim:
gotta rest a few days before chiong, 2IC still sore from bingbing's teeth.

Originally Posted by canthaveenuf View Post
Yes, she did flew aeroplanes. I kena once but I still persisted becos I am a sucker for good looks. But I forgive her the aeroplanes because it is not really her fault. Her HP SMS app really sucks that's why she screw up the appointments.
I also dig this Fala look, actually I don't mind aeroplane so long the girl calls and inform. $$$ still in pocket. It's much better than a bad service girl. This Fala always rubber time bcos every guys will end up bonking her and time will run over an hour. I kenna twice liao! 3rd time she shift to east so I gave up.

... the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable.

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Old 20-10-2014, 08:53 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Wanna share with u guys the massage experiences at Liltigersden. I've always been a sucker for massages, and frequently visit mps, with a few ctcs from the other sub-forum. However, recently I've kinda interested in going for FL-type MLs aka this sub-forum. Based of the reviews from this thread, I decided to patronize Liltiger as got the most positive reviews, and the girls were supposedly QC-ed strictly.

In the span of 2 weeks I visited two of the MLs, and this is what I've learnt:

1. Never totally believe 100% of the pictures. One girl is good, pic actually 80-90% similar, the other is sadly 40-50% similar, with photoshop.
2. Price Never correlates with service. Bro Liltiger's girls range from $80-110. The two girls I visited were $90 and $100 respectively. The $90 surprisingly fared much better than the other.

Here is the fr
Girl #1: Eva
Visited on: 12 Oct (sun), evening
Dmg: $90
Pic closeness: 80-90%

Messaged her at about 5, was told she is unavailable till 7.30. Since there's quite a few things to makan around her place, I decided to lazy around over there waiting for her. At 7.30, went to the designated spot and went up. The area 3/10, as is facing the main road, however the interior 8/10 - small yet neat and homely. On her first glance, nice, face quite pretty. I'm a quiet guy so actually not much talk, no icebreaking or whatever. Went in said hello and straight to action with her asking me to bathe first.

When I came out, the red night gown shes wearing is gone, now left a simple black panty. Wah the boobs, big and only slight sag. Poured me a cuppa water and action starts. Since I requested 2 shots, she did a BM and HJ first. Wah first time try BM, I gotta say her standard is superb. With her nibbling on my nips and me squeezing her boobs, I came first time. After a quick wash up, she prepped me for massage. Good massage, and we started to chit chat. Can tell the slight awkwardness in our convo, but can see she tried her best to talk to me - I'm a quiet type. After sometime, she did HDLY and BM on me again! Shiok shiok shiok. She then turned me over and performed HJ. Cummed after awhile, and off I go to bathe. Paid her and I left.

Face: 8/10 abit lian but not bad
boobs: 8/10 Sibeh big and not bad a shape
Body: 8/10 slim built
HJ: 6/10 Standard, nothing to shout about
BM: 8.5/100 Take her boobs run over your body. Can really feel the two nibs running around
HDLY: 8.5/10 Shiok shiok shiok. Try it to believe it
Massage: 6/10 So-so
GFE: 7/10 Abit awkward but not bad, can see she tries to engage in conversation.
Overall: 7.5/10 Highlights: the room, her BM & HDLY, her figure. Cons: Not much maybe no frenching and no sucking of her nips?

Girl #2: Joey
Visited on: Today 20 Oct afternoon
Dmg: $100
Pic closeness: 40-50%

Happened to be a off day and was feeling horny. So gotta try some MLs. Browsed around and was captivated by Joey's huge knockers. Fast hand fast leg messaged her, and was happy by her prompt reply. However some situation happened: I was going to be slightly late but shes got an appt exactly after me, so no grace period to spare. Abit turned off, so I canceled the appt, but in the end succumbed to the thought of her knockers, so asked for the said slot again. Arrived at location 5/10 more secluded and went up her place in anticipation. When the door opened my heart sank. She is indeed the woman in the pic from her facial features. What's different is that she's darker, and her face has 2-3 moles. To make it worse, her body is abit chubby. Nevertheless I decided to go in thinking her gfe/svc will make up for it. Sorta. The interior was 6/10 somehow abit messy. A massage bed beside her bed, super weird set up. Nvm, I went to bathe first.

When I came out, as usual, her black corset is down and shes only with her panties. The boobs were actually quite saggy with big nipples. It dawned on me that big boobs are not always nice - they can be ugly, and I'm not saying her boobs are ugly. Im just saying she's not my type. Nevermind, requested for 2 shots, and lie down on massage bed for action! Btw, shes super quiet. Almost never initiate any conversation, and I duno why, maybe she dun like me - her face is super black, like i owe her money

She went up her own bed to give me the HJ, not without some BM. The BM is not bad but just a very short while and then started stroking my dick. The strokes are not bad and I shun bian touch her boobs. Wah. Super soft and heavy, I like it again! However, when I wanted to squeeze her butt, she glared at me! Thats a shocker, so nvm, just stick to simple boob squeezing and shot.

Next comes the massage. She's powerful. Very powerful. Her strength is like that of a hulk. I super pain, to a point which after I left the building, my calves ache like siao. But i gotta say, her massage is quite good, hard massage lovers u can try her. By then she started breaking the ice with me, for a very short while. I think her mood is abit weird today. So the massage was awkward, with cycle of both of us starting conversation for a short moment then back to dead silence and all over again. Then she started her HDLY and teasing. The teasing part (ant crawl up tree) is good, better compared to Eva, and her HDLY is somewhat different from Eva, so cant compare, but I prefer Eva's style. After some shiok minutes of HDLY i turned over for HJ, but who knows she knows JG! A short while of JG before she start HJ. By that time I'm already abit pissed off by the poor attitude of hers, I wanted to suck her nips, but whenever my head moved to her breasts, she'll automatically shift. Then I tried to kiss her but dealt with the same reaction. I think I earned a few stares from her already. So quickly finished the 2nd shot and I'm done.

Face: 4/10 Partly is cuz I expected too much and ended up disappointed.
Boob: 4/10 Look, 8.5/10 Feel - 2 scoring points cuz I dun like the shape of her boobs and nips, but the soft mushy feeling of her boobs, i cant find it elsewhere.
Body: 7/10 Teapot- Short and stout. Wide body frame. One good thing though: I noticed her butt's pretty firm, and her thighs are big yet not flabby, you see some girls wearing fbts the back of their thighs are flabby, well shes got none of that.
Massage: 9/10 Gotta give her the credit for this one
HJ: 6.5/10 Slightly better than Eva's
BM: 7/10 Boob brushing, but very short on both times
HDLY: 7.5/10 Not bad, but I like Eva's
JG: Unrated- I dun do JG much so I cant give an actual guide on it, besides theres someone much better in JG
Gfe: 2/10 Very sucky attitude. Totally quiet, black face, glared at me when I did something she doesnt allow -clarify: I'll respect her if she doesnt allow, all she needs to do is to simply move away and I get the message. Doing that with a fierce glaring is really uncalled for.
Overall: 5/10 Highlights: Her massage, her soft boob. Cons: Her attitude

So thats it, a pretty good experience and a not-so-good one.
In case you guys are mistaken, I'm not really affected by the looks. I've been massaged by milfs and even gilfs for budget release, so for Joey, she actually is not bad compared to them. What I'm doing is simply state what I've seen and what it falls from my expectation upon seeing the photo and paying the premium. More importantly, I think the more important aspect is service and attitude. I believe we paid good money for an hour of enjoyment both physically and mentally, and to see either one of the areas not satisfied is not getting my money's worth. Physically she(joey) satisfied me to a large extent, but mentally, she makes me feel like I'm being despised on, and that certainly is not what I want to feel. Also, maybe she has issues or what not on that day, but this is a commercial job. If I bring my attitude to work or to my clients I would my ass out of the office in a day, so no excuses for that.

Liltiger and bros who support Joey, pls take no offence, I'm just simply saying what I received from both girls and providing actual fact. And sorry everyone for the long post!
There maybe errors or craps from above, cuz I nvr check: too long and troublesome
Old 20-10-2014, 09:23 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Recently had an encounter with a singapore pr who offer genuine authentic tuina for both male and female.She is a certified masseuse who provide real professional tuina services.She also provide ba guan,huo guan,backstepping and also she knows all your acupoints symptom.Given her professional attitude and skills,I would like to recommend to pure massage lovers who really enjoy a good massage done professionally.

Felt really relaxed and all aches gone after her terrific massage.She dont offer sexual services by the way although there was accidental touches here and there occassionally.

Name : Ming Ming
Age : 30+
Occupation : housewife / masseur
Location : East side
Rate : $50 1 hour session
Contact nos : 81712312

She take all races and uses translator if you sms in english.Only for genuine massage lovers.
Old 20-10-2014, 09:47 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by iamnoob1980 View Post
Visited Chanel / Sugar today.

Looks 7/10 to discount 30% off LTD photos or 50% off TT808 photos.
Massage 7/10, 10mins, decent
Boobs and body 7, not bad but boobs seems enhanced?
BBBj / HJ 6.5/10, have decent techniques, but only for >5mins then take out oil and hj already. She will have a 8 rating here if she was more hardworking.
GFE 8/10 nice sweet voice, easy to chat

Out of the apartment in 40mins inclusive of bathing time.
Went up with much anticipation, but end up with disappointment. Should have listen to the small head. Haiz.
Wah really the looks so much difference? She is on my next to visit list leh. So far all the frs in various pages are so positive n my 1st criteria is always looks follow by a good massage. Guess will look out for more frs or juz go test water n see for myself
Old 20-10-2014, 09:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

FR 20/10/2014

QingQing/ Xiao Min

Actual person better looking than pictures. GFE is on the high end side. Bros looking for solid massage can look for her. Not many authentic massageplus beautiful girl package out there.
Old 20-10-2014, 09:59 PM
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Re: Ice Cream - DAngelsz


look at this link 孟曉藝
Look at one of the pic in the middle, does it look familar

Dunno is real same person or ice cream just PS the face part and use the body.....
But the chinese model cfm at least D or E cups OMG
Dun ask me how I found it, I did not specifically go csi.
Just one of the pic that I happen to browse online...
Just my luck I find the pose very familar as ice cream is on my shortlist...

Maybe bro conquer can enlighten us is she the same as the model since she already see the real deal

Originally Posted by conquer View Post

My rating and review on Ice Cream:
Face: 8/10
Figure: 8/10
Massage: 8/10
HJ: 7/10
DMG: 100
Bro, it must be a damm long BBBJ under the running shower since can see your 2IC sore quite a few days liao.
And I tot bing bing BBBJ quite ok one. Rest well for the next BBBJ. Awaiting your MR on Lan Lan when you try her soonish...

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post

No thanks for forbidden babes, but I also enlisted one for bbbj-cim:
gotta rest a few days before chiong, 2IC still sore from bingbing's teeth..
In hibernation mode

Last edited by ssurfer987; 20-10-2014 at 10:10 PM.
Old 20-10-2014, 10:05 PM
maestrokey maestrokey is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
Thanks, for FJ, I'm only concern tight bo?

No thanks for forbidden babes, but I also enlisted one for bbbj-cim:
gotta rest a few days before chiong, 2IC still sore from bingbing's teeth.

I also dig this Fala look, actually I don't mind aeroplane so long the girl calls and inform. $$$ still in pocket. It's much better than a bad service girl. This Fala always rubber time bcos every guys will end up bonking her and time will run over an hour. I kenna twice liao! 3rd time she shift to east so I gave up.
Save it, both skip

From the comments, seems like LanLan is a better find compared to the Forbiddencity one. Some even opt out FJ for her BBBJ

Awaiting your feedback if you're visiting her
Old 20-10-2014, 10:25 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Thk fair game for the kt
Old 20-10-2014, 10:48 PM
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Wink Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post

My rating and review on Ice Cream:
Face: 8/10
Figure: 8/10
Massage: 8/10
HJ: 7/10
DMG: 100

As she was not feeling well during my visit, my rating and review may not accurately reflect her general performance.

First of all, she is pretty - very sharp features and a pair of stunning eyes. Slight tummy but it just makes her figure looks beautiful naturally. However, she was like an ice-cold beauty - not very chatty. Several times, I wished there was some music played in the background so that the atmosphere was not so awkward.

Massage was OK - I would rate it above average. As stated in her thread, it was the finger press oil massage. She may be trained and experienced but I find the progress was slightly rush. not sure if that was because of her tiredness as she was feeling unwell at that time.

HJ was fine but not so sensual. The stimulation was mainly contributed by the open fondling and squeezing of her boobs but was slightly cut off by the robotic fake moans.

Overall experience was OK but lack of sensual element and GFE. However, as mentioned earlier, as her look is the main attraction to me, perhaps I would still try my luck for a better passionate session next time.

Thanks for the MR ,
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Old 20-10-2014, 10:55 PM
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Re: Ice Cream - DAngelsz

Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post

look at this link 孟曉藝[/URL]
Look at one of the pic in the middle, does it look familar

Dunno is real same person or ice cream just PS the face part and use the body.....
But the chinese model cfm at least D or E cups OMG
Dun ask me how I found it, I did not specifically go csi.
Just one of the pic that I happen to browse online...
Just my luck I find the pose very familar as ice cream is on my shortlist...

Maybe bro conquer can enlighten us is she the same as the model since she already see the real deal

Let me see... I don't know, what do you think?

Haha, her face might be 90% similar to the photos (as presented in her website). But her figure, hmm... not so slim as the original model and not so tall lor. But anyway, it might be VERY SUSPICIOUS the cover photo of Ice Cream is PSed.
Old 20-10-2014, 11:01 PM
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Re: Ice Cream - DAngelsz

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Let me see... I don't know, what do you think?

fwah, dunno what to say
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