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Old 17-04-2018, 11:47 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by lsjie View Post
I used to think that some of these posts were fake, and they were for the most part. Pictures were stolen and posted.

But then... as many bros probably know by now, there was one ML that's the actual model of the so called "stolen pictures" which came as a shock totally lol.

So you never know. Can go see see look look with temporary number, if not correct face just walk away.
Old 17-04-2018, 11:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

100% Fake picture

Not even a B cup , 70% of the time on the phone

Looks 6/10
boobs 2/10
massage 2/10

No BJ even if ad says so ...BJ + $50

only 1x HJ

*She will be FULLY NUDE 一丝不挂* <<<<fake

ad says $110, told me is $120 ...dont wan to argue and FO
Old 18-04-2018, 01:02 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Roulette5 View Post
Any recent FR on SLG Baby? She usually free only evening onwards?
I wrote a MR on Baby some not very far back.
She's a student, so perhaps schedule is as such.

Has the "sha-sha" cute look. Not a stunner, but wont reject.
Pretty green too.

I think more people might be interested in her friend who passed down the number to her, who's retired though...
Old 18-04-2018, 01:51 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ifv88 View Post

100% Fake picture

Not even a B cup , 70% of the time on the phone

Looks 6/10
boobs 2/10
massage 2/10

No BJ even if ad says so ...BJ + $50

only 1x HJ

*She will be FULLY NUDE 一丝不挂* <<<<fake

ad says $110, told me is $120 ...dont wan to argue and FO
Wah! 100% fake photo? Total different girl? Why never walk away?
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES
Old 18-04-2018, 01:52 AM
ToaCahSoh ToaCahSoh is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ToaCahSoh View Post
gonna try Jenny.
no pics of face is scary.
will update here soon!
Just realized i have not updated.
Place is very accessible. Near mrt. Near carpark. Very hip and trendy place. Scared if bump into familiar faces though.
Medium sized room with a sign above the room warning about any sexual misconduct will be reported to police. A little turn off leh.
Shower is a shared room outside the massage room.
All this is on the 2nd floor of the place.

Now to the ML.
Looks 7/10 lah.
But massage is 10/10.
First dry massage. Like warm up. Very good. Very strong.
Then oil massage. Shiok.
Her yoga massage then came in also shiok. A little scary cos I have a huge frame and damn heavy but her petite size managed me very well.
Roaming was limitted and she was super shy but gave in for a paid BM.
Topped up for BM and she emptied my guns via HJ which I'd rate 6/10.
Can give it a miss i think, but will surely RTM.
Hope you all give her a try.
Link in the quote to get her contact.
Old 18-04-2018, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
What does the housemate wants from her? Or she wanted to have you?
First time was ask my ML for small change, all subsequent interruptions are either just open door see what is happening or engage into some conversation with my ML in their province dialet which i catch no ball.

I have visited MLs with housemate but this is the only one who ever interrupt sessions, damn turnoff lah.

Maybe she hoping she appear i will suggest tarma, but she seriously not my dish of veg at all.
Old 18-04-2018, 11:24 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Simple MR for Ailas (SLG)

Just back from a visit to her.

Location: Central. Plenty of roadside parking lots around and ~10-15mins walk from MRT/Bus stop.

Looks: 7.5/10 - Her looks is those that will grow on you kind.

Body: 8/10 - Slim & fair, size B not for boobs lovers but soft and nice size to grab.

Massage: 7.5/10 - Relaxing & good enough for me.

HJ: 8/10 - Pretty good, slow and sensual with variation.

GFE: Very high. Maybe we click well, did not felt any awkward moments.

Overall: 8/10

RTM: Yes, did not feel rush during the entire session.

One man's meat is another man's poison.
Old 18-04-2018, 12:03 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

New girl on the block so decided to give her a try. Location is quite central, hotel. She looking to move. Visited her a little late so she has already removed her make up. So honestly, a little different from the pictures. She is new to this. Showered alone. She holds a decent conversation and is quite knowledgeable for her age. She studied her history well. I was intrigue mentally. Girls who hold a good conversation usually attracts me a lot.

The ability to hold a great convo is probably her best asset. Everything else is below average. Her massage, body, boobs and even the finale nothing to shout about.

No chemistry for me after the initial 10 minutes of intellectual conversation. No RTM for me. However, have to say she is new, so unless bros invest in her to teach her the ways of the trade.

Also took some time to try out En En. Well, she scored better than Yu Shan overall. Massage better, body better, looks better, though picture still better. Her down side is her apartment. Shared toilet between 2 rooms so have to wait to use and wash up.

She has potential but really green too. I have no energy to train her because I am too caught up with Tian Niu.
Old 18-04-2018, 12:21 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Commando on .

Location area G, stays with a flatmate. Greeted at the door by a petite lady in a cute dress, as expected not as young as advertised, but still prettier than most. Not Donna kind of knockout pretty for sure, but quite solid.

Room has a massage bed, surprising cos this kind usually is just filler massage. Was expecting qing qing kind. Shower alone, come back, she actually tries to do a proper massage. Presses the right places, though strength is of course not there.

Flip over, and she actually does more massage. Thought massage ran a bit long, but nvmind. Cop some feels here and there, skin is nice, body slim, really like her legs. Not for boob lovers for sure.

Sensual is good, hj got pattern. i'm weak to her type and came too soon, will need to rtm and fight better next time.

I think bros cheong for looks, service or feeling. I find her slim petite type which i like rare, so will rtm for sure. service of course lose out, and feeling come after warming up.

So do try her if she's your type. quite some happening new blood these days, never enough vitM.
Old 18-04-2018, 01:02 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

sorry for your sacrifice and thanks for the info to help our choice, looks like i dodge a bullet a couple months ago, she + another ML answered at the same time they are available. but i dropped her due to lack of reliable intel other than the fact that she has many positive on her site

Originally Posted by ifv88 View Post

100% Fake picture

Not even a B cup , 70% of the time on the phone

Looks 6/10
boobs 2/10
massage 2/10

No BJ even if ad says so ...BJ + $50

only 1x HJ

*She will be FULLY NUDE 一丝不挂* <<<<fake

ad says $110, told me is $120 ...dont wan to argue and FO
Old 18-04-2018, 01:18 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Special Spawner View Post

Also took some time to try out En En. Well, she scored better than Yu Shan overall. Massage better, body better, looks better, though picture still better. Her down side is her apartment. Shared toilet between 2 rooms so have to wait to use and wash up.

She has potential but really green too. I have no energy to train her because I am too caught up with Tian Niu.
Thanks for your FR, but its a tad vague. I reckon you might have left a few very pertinent bits info that will facilitate better decision making. You don't have to mind you, but if you could fill in these bits it'd be much appreciated.

Is En En more on the bah bah side or slim side? Are her boobs indeed C cups or at least generous Bs? And most importantly, does she strip all clothing items and massage in the nude as advertised?

Again, you're not obliged to elaborate. And I remain thankful for your existing FR.
Old 18-04-2018, 02:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Thanks for your FR, but its a tad vague. I reckon you might have left a few very pertinent bits info that will facilitate better decision making. You don't have to mind you, but if you could fill in these bits it'd be much appreciated.

Is En En more on the bah bah side or slim side? Are her boobs indeed C cups or at least generous Bs? And most importantly, does she strip all clothing items and massage in the nude as advertised?

Again, you're not obliged to elaborate. And I remain thankful for your existing FR.
En En is not exactly slim but not bah bah too. She is a little short so definitely not the tall slim slender type or small petite frame. She is ok i would say. Boobs a nice generous B or small C. She automatically strip off her top leaving her panty on. Roaming is about 3G. More to the cute side.
Old 18-04-2018, 02:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Thinking of visiting either Adele or tian Niu next. Any opinion?

Also,anyone has any recommendations of syt that is fully nude and has good service. Some of those I went to and enjoyed are yuki/carol and mint.
Old 18-04-2018, 02:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Special Spawner View Post

New girl on the block so decided to give her a try. Location is quite central, hotel. She looking to move. Visited her a little late so she has already removed her make up. So honestly, a little different from the pictures. She is new to this. Showered alone. She holds a decent conversation and is quite knowledgeable for her age. She studied her history well. I was intrigue mentally. Girls who hold a good conversation usually attracts me a lot.

The ability to hold a great convo is probably her best asset. Everything else is below average. Her massage, body, boobs and even the finale nothing to shout about.

No chemistry for me after the initial 10 minutes of intellectual conversation. No RTM for me. However, have to say she is new, so unless bros invest in her to teach her the ways of the trade.

Also took some time to try out En En. Well, she scored better than Yu Shan overall. Massage better, body better, looks better, though picture still better. Her down side is her apartment. Shared toilet between 2 rooms so have to wait to use and wash up.

She has potential but really green too. I have no energy to train her because I am too caught up with Tian Niu.
Nice report bro, I was smitten by Yu Shan's youth but as expected and confirmed by you, she still has lots to learn.

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Is En En more on the bah bah side or slim side? Are her boobs indeed C cups or at least generous Bs? And most importantly, does she strip all clothing items and massage in the nude as advertised?
Maybe I can weigh in on this, bro, since I have tried.

For her size, I would deem her as slim but every bro's perspective is different.
I can only say that based on her photos, she looks slimmer in real life.

Again, I am not an expert in boob sizes but let me give you assurance that they are at least generous Bs.

From my session, she strips to her panties only when I turned over.
Old 18-04-2018, 03:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Location: inside a spa in previous Adele location but at different floor

Look: 100% same as photo. Confirm pretty ML.

Service: Massage and JG/hj. Cannot touch if not top up as she claimed this is out of menu service. Touching need to top up from $10 to $50. Not classify as roaming as non nude. Fully clothed throughout the session.

Overall: Not too bad being served by a pretty ML but damge is too high and time slot is too short. Take into account 5 mins after shower to wait for her, another 5 mins she went out to wash hands and another 5 mins to collect money, the actual time slot reduced from 45min to 30min.

GFF: First session was good but subsequent visits drop.

Tips: better to confirm the price for 'touching' before you go.

Last edited by Powerstations; 20-04-2018 at 07:23 AM. Reason: comments added
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