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Old 12-11-2014, 09:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by JizZ View Post
Her sim card kept dropping signal today though, hope it'll be fixed tomorrow so be patient if cant contact her
I seem to have no luck with all the new MLs.
Been getting ignore for 4-5days liao, I wonder is it something to do with the signal? Any bro got similar experience?

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Old 12-11-2014, 09:31 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

This 2 gals looks good. Yum yum. Anyone try before? Got review?
Old 12-11-2014, 10:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by big321big View Post
Thanks for the feedback, she does look good in the photo tho...
the lady in the photo looks like a 10 years ago version of her. lol once i step in saw her face sian ji phua alr age cfm 100% fake.
Old 12-11-2014, 10:41 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by fauste View Post
the lady in the photo looks like a 10 years ago version of her. lol once i step in saw her face sian ji phua alr age cfm 100% fake.
this one ok?
photo latest?
this lili look very lovely
Old 12-11-2014, 10:49 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

commando report for 小敏

there is some hype over 小寒 & 小沫 but no report on 小敏, so decided to check it out myself. Out of the 3 of them, she caught my eye first coz she resemble one of my ex-colleague, and when the door open, my heart was pounding as from certain angle she really look like my ex-colleague alot

- 85% alike from photo.
- very skillful massage, lota patterns (remind me of Laura, butt massage etc)
- good teasing and cat bath.
- very effort HJ, took a while but she no complaint, can tell she tired but still very effort
- lota smile, great attitude, didn't use phone on whole session.

- got tummy, but she is skillful to hide them.
- no attached shower

RTF: 80%

The biggest plus for 小敏 is her willing to please attitude
Old 12-11-2014, 11:11 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post
The one you can't get over is delisted lah.. Dunno is RTC or rest awhile then come back under another alias...
Probably kena scared off by her stalker... *raise arm*
Originally Posted by canthaveenuf View Post
Wa who is this gal u can't get over ? Name starts with F?
Bro, "F" is fate? Not her lah, it's this sweetheart:
Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
You're still hot on her heels eh ? LOL

Make a present for you

Originally Posted by big321big View Post
Bro Derrickboy,
So when you going to tarma xiao mo & xiao han lol?
Did my virgin tarma today, xiao mo tried to tempt me to do "三飞". Though tempted, no balls (in every sense) to try. Anyway, kinda expected that it is not going be a surreal experience - so I was rather aware of what was happening around me; who is doing what blah... not confused with the avalanche of touches whatsoever. The girls were planning their imminent short "break" so there were frequent texting etc... not to say that the session is not enjoyable but think there was limited surface area and only one rod for them to venture anyway. Xiao Mo is still hardworking as the body massage was mainly by her - this was mentioned by a bro who did a tarma MR on them pretty accurately. May consider the 三飞 when I get my next paycheck.

Mango, Tomato
Old 12-11-2014, 11:24 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Did my virgin tarma today, xiao mo tried to tempt me to do "三飞". Though tempted, no balls (in every sense) to try. Anyway, kinda expected that it is not going be a surreal experience - so I was rather aware of what was happening around me; who is doing what blah... not confused with the avalanche of touches whatsoever. The girls were planning their imminent short "break" so there were frequent texting etc... not to say that the session is not enjoyable but think there was limited surface area and only one rod for them to venture anyway. Xiao Mo is still hardworking as the body massage was mainly by her - this was mentioned by a bro who did a tarma MR on them pretty accurately. May consider the 三飞 when I get my next paycheck.
we are at the same place, probably same time
Old 12-11-2014, 11:37 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
we are at the same place, probably same time
Yeah bro, same thought when I saw your MR just above mine

Mango, Tomato
Old 13-11-2014, 02:17 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Recently visited Chewyfruit's Aisha, after reading all the good reviews of her. This is a break from my Milf-trips, figured time to try something SYT, hopefully GFE and boobsy.

Aisha aka Princess from a previous stable, is central/east located. Not in Area G thankfully but near it. What's good is that it's a quiet area, with ample parking at a shopping centre nearby, and her flat is new and modern. She shares with another girl (dunno who) and there's a common toilet but all facilities are very new and the toilet is clean, modern and spacious. A fry cry from Mint's place. Please follow her verbal instructions to access her place, to avoid suspicion from neighbours. No parking in her estate but as mentioned, parking is available nearby.

When she opened the door, I was gobsmacked by this short but really pretty SYT. She was wearing an oversized sleeveless polyester shirt that doesn't reveal her boobs but after seeing all the pics of her I know she's hiding weapons of mass seduction under that top. I could however see her lacy panties. She is very cheeky, helped me to undress and broke the ice quickly by her cheerful disposition and naughty slaps on my bum as she chased me to shower alone. Came back and jumped onto her double bed which has fresh sheets (bath towel was fresh too). Room has nice scents, pleasant music, warm lights and airconditioned.

Aisha started her massage on my back. After the Milfs, I think it's unfair to compare her massage skills. Suffice to say she does not do piano, she does put in a LOT of effort for someone her size and she does her best. Massage was done without oil but with her hands and I like it when she straddles my back - can feel her soft thighs - and press down on my back. I could see her from the bed's headrest mirrors.. Nice!

After the massage, she started to do the HDLY by raising only my thighs and placing them on her thighs, so it's not doggy style. This gives her access to my banana and rambutans without making it uncomfy for me; I never like doggy HDLY. By now she'd taken off her top and I could see her wonderfully perfectly formed C cuppers, which she would rub on my back once in a while when she's doing her HDLY. It got me hard, surprisingly!

Turned around and she kept asking me why am I grinning like a hopeless idiot... I can't help it! She started to do a short BM on my front before coming up to me and planting short sweet kisses. Then she lied down next to me so I could caress her back and her 1000% natural C/D cup boobs, smell her body and hair next to me, while she tugs me off. And without oil, I actually exploded after a few minutes.. it was unbelievable! I usually have major problems cumming but she obviously has skills!

She went to shower up, and I rested on the bed, happy. No autoroaming this first time, esp below but her skin is so soft and nice to touch. I couldn't tell if she has a tummy or not but when she was walking out to the toilet, she looks perfectly slim, size 8 i think, without fats at least I think so.

Went to shower and when I dressed up, it was exactly 60 minutes. Paid her with tips and left, promising to return.

No numbers as it's too late tonight but I'm going to go visit her again. She'll be here till the new year so have time to RTM Must try 2HJ and see if she can pull it off!
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Old 13-11-2014, 06:03 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
Recently visited Chewyfruit's Aisha, after reading all the good reviews of her.

there's a common toilet but all facilities are very new and the toilet is clean, modern and spacious.
Nice MR bro... just visited her the day before as well...

Just to add, the common toilet is used by her and her customers only... so no issues like having to wait for a fellow bro to shower etc...

Mango, Tomato
Old 13-11-2014, 08:59 AM
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X rtm MR on Aisha/Princess

As promised, I will write a MR on Princess/Aisha for my rtm recently... Finally her mood is better and in a good service mood... The usual figure and look no need say liao.. Tested and proven is the real deal... What you see is what you get... Although I think real person is better looking... The more you look the better she looks...

Location is central located and quite accessible and not too far from mrt... Room and bathroom is at the condo level of cleanliness and very spacious although not attached but only her and her customers uses this bathroom so not much issue here. Bed also very big and nice. Towel smell clean and washed.... Hygiene level quite good~

I would say this rtm is back to the golden standard of Aisha/Princess. Very chatty and bubbly although still abit affected by the unfortunate incident that happened recently. Chatting is more at ease and almost no dead air during the whole session except for the 'sensual' part. Maybe she is upping her kc level in this session.

This time round I opt for a longer duration. Since longer duration I asked for 2 shots since longer duration enough for the 2 shots (Both not my usual practice thou).

Enter room liao faster undress and go shower then go back room. Time for 1st HJ, I lie down on the bed and she promptly took off her top to reveal her succulent boobies and lie beside me... See liao buay tahan. 2IC already getting hard.. Time to attack them... Keep squeezing her wonderful boobies, kissing and let my hands do the exploring... After some time, cum and go wash up and lie face down. Time for massage~

Massage strength is decent although as usual not milf pro level but quite good already. Every area of body is taken care of... Her style of HDLY is quite unique but loses its 'surprise' factor once you seen it but still very sensual every time she does it. Her catbath and BM also very nice, just too short for my liking.

Then come the 'sensual' part, I requested BF but she say ok but I had to do the pumping so I end up did not try since quite tired and dun really like doing the humping.. Prefer to be serviced so told her next time then tried. Any bros got her to do the bf instead doing the humping ourselves.. If she can do the bf on her own, I would try it in a heart beat... But it is just me. Those who like BF, go ahead and try the humping...(Might try next rtm when I have the 'feel')

Then came the second hj time. This time, she lie beside me and lick my nip (not my fav) and started to hj me... After sometime, I bring her up for some nice boobies and nip licking time Hands busy squeezing boobies and roaming. Then she changed to cowgal position to finish me off, this position even better to squeeze those boobies~ All the way she is letting out very seductive light moans. Not those loud moans which quite be quite a turn-off or fake.

Overall I would say this rtm session really remind me she is so popular. And a great improvement from my forgettable last rtm session. Now time to find time to rtm her when i got the time.. So many more ML to try....

But I still hate the face to face encounter with other bros at lobby (hate the encounter itself, not the bros just to clarify)... Next time I shall wait even longer before proceed to go up.. (Maybe she wanted to time the last bro to open the door for the next bro, just my thought )

As always my MR experience is based on my own individual experience and chemistry with her. Others might even get better service...

P.S. Do note this is a X times RTM MR...

P.P.S. Btw where are all her regulars' MR since she asked me got MR on her or not? I say not alot leh, i ask back her where are all her regulars' MR.. I then told her maybe all secretly enjoy and dun wan post later she get too busy .... Just doing my part by writing this MR in helping her abit.
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Last edited by ssurfer987; 13-11-2014 at 03:46 PM.
Old 13-11-2014, 09:02 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Wah bro just saw your MR on Aisha/Princess when I finish typing my MR on her also.. Think maybe we visited her same day She asked you to MR on her ar

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
Recently visited Chewyfruit's Aisha, after reading all the good reviews of her. This is a break from my Milf-trips, figured time to try something SYT, hopefully GFE and boobsy.

Aisha aka Princess from a previous stable, is central/east located. Not in Area G thankfully but near it. What's good is that it's a quiet area, with ample parking at a shopping centre nearby, and her flat is new and modern. She shares with another girl (dunno who) and there's a common toilet but all facilities are very new and the toilet is clean, modern and spacious. A fry cry from Mint's place. Please follow her verbal instructions to access her place, to avoid suspicion from neighbours. No parking in her estate but as mentioned, parking is available nearby.

No numbers as it's too late tonight but I'm going to go visit her again. She'll be here till the new year so have time to RTM Must try 2HJ and see if she can pull it off!
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Old 13-11-2014, 09:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Probably kena scared off by her stalker... *raise arm*

Bro, "F" is fate? Not her lah, it's this sweetheart:

Did my virgin tarma today, xiao mo tried to tempt me to do "三飞". Though tempted, no balls (in every sense) to try. Anyway, kinda expected that it is not going be a surreal experience - so I was rather aware of what was happening around me; who is doing what blah... not confused with the avalanche of touches whatsoever. The girls were planning their imminent short "break" so there were frequent texting etc... not to say that the session is not enjoyable but think there was limited surface area and only one rod for them to venture anyway. Xiao Mo is still hardworking as the body massage was mainly by her - this was mentioned by a bro who did a tarma MR on them pretty accurately. May consider the 三飞 when I get my next paycheck.
Hi bro! I think I was overly-excited cos it was my first tarma haha. For me I guess it was a special situation la, which allowed me to overstay for quite a bit, that's why I found it pretty worthwhile.

Looking for next target in Dec...
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Old 13-11-2014, 10:03 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by big321big View Post
Hi bro! I think I was overly-excited cos it was my first tarma haha. For me I guess it was a special situation la, which allowed me to overstay for quite a bit, that's why I found it pretty worthwhile.

Looking for next target in Dec...
no worries bro ... though my first tarma as well but it's just me lah - I more "shy and private" so it's up to individual lah

The overstay thingy again depends on individual w the ML bah... I felt that xiao mo wanted to extend but xiao han "cut" the session on time for good reason I reckon...
anyway the start earlier should be more difficult to get liao cos they are getting popular... both times I start on time though after me no appointment.

Mango, Tomato
Old 13-11-2014, 10:20 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kadoc View Post
MR for Hoery from Mingzhao888

Decided to try this Professional Masseuse as Michelle strongly recommended her when I gave her a call today. I would say no regrets at all.

Hoery is a pleasant looking lady in her early 30s, and greeted me with a very warm greeting. We went into the room and got down to business where she gave me a very relaxing oil massage rubbing almost every single part of my tired aching body for about half an hour or so.

She continued with a professional Chinese acupressure massage, which she explained will "clear the meridians mentally", relieve my fatigue and body aches.

I enjoyed the session very much with a relaxed, comfortable environment with nice classical music playing in the background that I almost fell asleep. Hoery is a very, very good masseuse and I highly recommend her.
Originally Posted by taylorlauren View Post
Hoery from Mingzhao888 [edit]

Decided to try this Professional Masseuse as Michelle strongly recommended her when I gave her a call today. I would say no regrets at all.

Hoery is a pleasant looking lady in her early 30s, and greeted me with a very warm greeting. We went into the room and got down to business where she gave me a very relaxing oil massage rubbing almost every single part of my tired aching body for about half an hour or so.

She continued with a professional Chinese acupressure massage, which she explained will "clear the meridians mentally", relieve my fatigue and body aches.

I enjoyed the session very much with a relaxed, comfortable environment with nice classical music playing in the background that I almost fell asleep. Hoery is a very, very good masseuse and I highly recommend her.
zombie?? You be the judge. I always wanted to try michelle... guess i wont be

Last edited by use141; 13-11-2014 at 12:00 PM.
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