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Old 09-11-2018, 08:20 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Delorean101 View Post
Mint, MoMo, Donna. For me I miss this trio most.

Thank goodness I found Ai La right after Donna disappeared. All is not lost
Have not managed to get any reply from her. not trying to curse her but from how active our enemies in blue is actually going after this hobby I won't be surprised if she kena bait one day as well.
Even Donna I know she was being v careful abt her biz but it's prob unsustainable just depending on the old and tested customers/numbers in the end. If like that also can kena then no one is really safe...
Old 09-11-2018, 09:28 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Ok, been getting quite a fair share of PM since Donna disappeared and now the confirm status, i will just share here what little I know for those who really are concerned about Donna. Bros whom not a fan, just bear with it, do understand that she has a legion of supporters, even if we all can agree that she ain't the highest in playability, she is certainly without a doubt one of the (if not THE) prettiest ML around.

As bro yqz7 highlighted,Donna is the very cautious sort but there's only so much an ML can sustain on RTM or bona fide customers, even for an AP like her. She has been unwell the week before her disappearance, hence her income took a hit that week as she is not working full fledged. Some of her regulars surely have received her "SOS" invite to fill her slots,that was also the last time i saw her. She was lamenting it's getting very tricky as more and more "bait-customers" lately. She was all fine and well but the last I Wechat her, she told me she had no choice but to take on 2 newbies for the last 2 slots, coz they're just not enough RTM customers to make ends meet. That was the last i heard of her, until the Wechat yesterday night. After which she cleaned up that WeChat.

That's about it, some form of "closure" for those who supported her and are mesmerised by her gorgeous looks and one of a kind personality. She is a gal whom draw clear lines when needs be, that is her character. Like another bro pointed out, she definitely has the brians and traits to lead a decent life even if this ML trade ended for her prematurely.

I do wish that she can be a bit like MoMo, whom drafted a warm farewell message to her supporters when she too, departed earlier than she hoped for. But well, that is why Donna is different and that is probably why some of us are her fan.

Hope that address some of the questions bros have. Thats all I know. Will have fond memories of all my sessions will Donna. But gotta move on, many more MLs waiting for us. Cheers 🍻
Old 09-11-2018, 09:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by yqz7 View Post
Oh din know that abt tiiiggeer
oh no....

but then again, their quality has been dropping.

we used to have the good old Xiao Ai, Princess, First Love and the list goes on from there....

And running a site is not easy, you need to risk yourself having to la kopi w our blue guys

(I am a consumer, dont assume i run site, just saying my views)
On an independent adventure to search for the best...
Old 09-11-2018, 10:05 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by massageguy2017 View Post
yup.. the current gahmen seems bent on slowly wiping out everything. legal geylang biz must have be getting worse
A bit political here: Elections coming so need to play ball act a bit to make the general innocent (naive) public happy. If they really keen on eliminating everything,all long gone by now
Old 09-11-2018, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Delorean101 View Post
Ok, been getting quite a fair share of PM since Donna disappeared and now the confirm status, i will just share here what little I know for those who really are concerned about Donna. Bros whom not a fan, just bear with it, do understand that she has a legion of supporters, even if we all can agree that she ain't the highest in playability, she is certainly without a doubt one of the (if not THE) prettiest ML around.

As bro yqz7 highlighted,Donna is the very cautious sort but there's only so much an ML can sustain on RTM or bona fide customers, even for an AP like her. She has been unwell the week before her disappearance, hence her income took a hit that week as she is not working full fledged. Some of her regulars surely have received her "SOS" invite to fill her slots,that was also the last time i saw her. She was lamenting it's getting very tricky as more and more "bait-customers" lately. She was all fine and well but the last I Wechat her, she told me she had no choice but to take on 2 newbies for the last 2 slots, coz they're just not enough RTM customers to make ends meet. That was the last i heard of her, until the Wechat yesterday night. After which she cleaned up that WeChat.

That's about it, some form of "closure" for those who supported her and are mesmerised by her gorgeous looks and one of a kind personality. She is a gal whom draw clear lines when needs be, that is her character. Like another bro pointed out, she definitely has the brians and traits to lead a decent life even if this ML trade ended for her prematurely.

I do wish that she can be a bit like MoMo, whom drafted a warm farewell message to her supporters when she too, departed earlier than she hoped for. But well, that is why Donna is different and that is probably why some of us are her fan.

Hope that address some of the questions bros have. Thats all I know. Will have fond memories of all my sessions will Donna. But gotta move on, many more MLs waiting for us. Cheers 🍻
Old 09-11-2018, 10:13 AM
Delorean101 Delorean101 is offline
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Originally Posted by Vardy View Post
Welcome bro
Old 09-11-2018, 10:46 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Delorean101 View Post
Bro to be fair the ML has every right to insist full payment because it's the customer that was late. You should have stayed through the original end timing la, then you won't feel so shortchanged. Maybe coz the atmosphere is ruined so you decided to go off early?

Anyway it's true that some ML will auto deduct the rate or even push the bros of the next slot to start later to cater to the late customer BUT that won't be fair to the bros behind isn't it?

Anyway appreciate your sharing and the intel on her real looks, i have been reading contrasting things about her looks as well but shall not judge since I have never book her yet.

Plenty more choices around man, the next one could easily erase the bad session you had
Late for 15mins, done deal in 25mins. Still has 20mins available isn't it?

I am often late. But I never expect for full 1hour from the time I reach.

But she shouldn't end in 25mins for whole session.
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I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

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Old 09-11-2018, 10:49 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Hi all,
Managed to get a spot with Chi Zi for today... but not on her list of regulars. Kind enough to let me know that she can't accept. Understand her position so kudos to her. Going to be tough to get spots with APs.

Chiong carefully!
Old 09-11-2018, 01:03 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by way_lam View Post
Hi all,
Managed to get a spot with Chi Zi for today... but not on her list of regulars. Kind enough to let me know that she can't accept. Understand her position so kudos to her. Going to be tough to get spots with APs.

Chiong carefully!
Don't understand... So you managed to get a session or not?

Or she had a free slot, but she could not accept you because you are not under her approved client list?
Old 09-11-2018, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by uglydoll00 View Post
A bit political here: Elections coming so need to play ball act a bit to make the general innocent (naive) public happy. If they really keen on eliminating everything,all long gone by now
For me I feel they are quite keen. It's just that they have only so much resources until a proper law is passed (like the start of fining hotels gao gao few years ago).

It is the recent blocking of SBF and a few other popular ML/FL sites that make me feel this way. Boss Sam changed URL two or three times and all of them were continuously blocked. Until they realised it is fruitless to continue blocking that they stopped.
Old 09-11-2018, 03:45 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Finally managed to secure a slot with her just now and my goodness is she gorgeous-looking with a great figure to boot. Did she stay in the same place as Donna before moving to a nearby apartment? The shower area is quite small for 2 person to be inside it, hence I did not ask her about initially showering together.

As usual, I requested to skip the massage. I enjoyed spending the time chatting with her while the sensual was being carried out, and she smelled oh-so-good while jerking me off (oh, she didn't complain about her hand being tired, which got my stamp of approval). She's really a nice lady with no airs about her, and she's willing to learn more about the trade to improve her level of service. Left the place a happy man, thinking about how many more RTM sessions I'd be willing to have with her.

A tarma with her and Donna will be LIT AF (adding in Breeze for a threesome would be overkill ).
How is Ai La playability? Limited roaming signal?
Old 09-11-2018, 03:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Delorean101 View Post
Ok, been getting quite a fair share of PM since Donna disappeared and now the confirm status, i will just share here what little I know for those who really are concerned about Donna. Bros whom not a fan, just bear with it, do understand that she has a legion of supporters, even if we all can agree that she ain't the highest in playability, she is certainly without a doubt one of the (if not THE) prettiest ML around.

As bro yqz7 highlighted,Donna is the very cautious sort but there's only so much an ML can sustain on RTM or bona fide customers, even for an AP like her. She has been unwell the week before her disappearance, hence her income took a hit that week as she is not working full fledged. Some of her regulars surely have received her "SOS" invite to fill her slots,that was also the last time i saw her. She was lamenting it's getting very tricky as more and more "bait-customers" lately. She was all fine and well but the last I Wechat her, she told me she had no choice but to take on 2 newbies for the last 2 slots, coz they're just not enough RTM customers to make ends meet. That was the last i heard of her, until the Wechat yesterday night. After which she cleaned up that WeChat.

That's about it, some form of "closure" for those who supported her and are mesmerised by her gorgeous looks and one of a kind personality. She is a gal whom draw clear lines when needs be, that is her character. Like another bro pointed out, she definitely has the brians and traits to lead a decent life even if this ML trade ended for her prematurely.

I do wish that she can be a bit like MoMo, whom drafted a warm farewell message to her supporters when she too, departed earlier than she hoped for. But well, that is why Donna is different and that is probably why some of us are her fan.

Hope that address some of the questions bros have. Thats all I know. Will have fond memories of all my sessions will Donna. But gotta move on, many more MLs waiting for us. Cheers 🍻
Not exactly a supporter of Donna, but thanks for sharing what you know. Quite sad her journey ended such a way..
Old 09-11-2018, 03:58 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Chiong safe, heard from one ML, Little India a lot of plain clothes checking today.
Old 09-11-2018, 04:04 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by desparate99 View Post
How is Ai La playability? Limited roaming signal?

Old 09-11-2018, 05:35 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by desparate99 View Post
Not exactly a supporter of Donna, but thanks for sharing what you know. Quite sad her journey ended such a way..
I have known Donna since the days she was first listed as Mica on the tiger den in mid 2017. She's the prettiest ML I have ever seen in my 10 over years chionging life. She's a smart lass too, who believes in lifelong learning. Honestly, that puts me to shame. I should have pursued my Masters. Damn it.

Premature end to her stint or not, this would be her last tour anyway. Certainly, she has plans in place after this. With both brains and beauty (which she barely recognised as an advantage), I personally considered her as a misfit in this ecosystem.

In any case, she has moved on and she needs to. Likewise, for all the other MLs who have retired.

To Catherine, wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
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