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Old 19-11-2018, 10:35 AM
MagicFortune MagicFortune is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Saw some interesting posts which appear to say that Donna has spinning some sob stories to make bros here part with their money? And that she got baited was merely rumors? More than meets the eye?

Actually I think it would be interesting to start a thread sharing the kind of stories or lies that MLs say to different people for whatever their agenda may be. If that would help some of the more gullible folks from being preyed upon by these manipulative women.
Old 19-11-2018, 10:36 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I believe the people who fork out big 5 figures to bao ladies hunt at KTVs, not for MLs.

Had candid discussion with a couple of regular MLs in the past, one who was a quite popular AP during her first stint. The prices offered didnt go that high. Low 5 figures was the highest for her. Unsurprisingly, the seemingly sincere bids come from older men, expats even.

One was relatively young and played a virgin role with pretty good acting, and even had gigs through a middleman to sell her 'virginity' for 3-5k a few times lol.
Old 19-11-2018, 10:41 AM
birdlovely birdlovely is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Yup I think it will be good to learn from those experience to 越陷越深 in being KC-ed. No ML names are required.

Originally Posted by MagicFortune View Post
Saw some interesting posts which appear to say that Donna has spinning some sob stories to make bros here part with their money? And that she got baited was merely rumors? More than meets the eye?

Actually I think it would be interesting to start a thread sharing the kind of stories or lies that MLs say to different people for whatever their agenda may be. If that would help some of the more gullible folks from being preyed upon by these manipulative women.
Old 19-11-2018, 12:40 PM
alexsptrader alexsptrader is offline
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Originally Posted by birdlovely View Post
Yup I think it will be good to learn from those experience to 越陷越深 in being KC-ed. No ML names are required.
Gist is always they tell u they borrowed alot of money to come here i.e. 100k rmb. Or they hav somebody very sick at home. Immediately your mind will conjure pictures of a poor village girl very filial lol. U feel u will go heaven if u help her and at the same time enjoy all the sexual activities.. Fact is now china is rich . very rich. Those who r here feel insecure n want to quickly buy a house. Leapfrog others at home. Also fact is they will get not just 1 robert head but 3-4 robert heads at same time. I.e. u think u r the only one having exclusive unlimited fucks . but actually 2-3 bros also doin it to her in your absence
Old 19-11-2018, 12:49 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

interesting chats haha, from a current ML still around, no names revealed so don't bother ask who, not a AP so considered not the top grade haha.

FJ - $150.00 but only when she offerer, you can't give her $150 ask her to F
Over night - $200.00, 1 shot FJ so its more for the company, can go out eat supper or just chat in the room drinking beer etc.

i didn't take up any of these offer, its too much potential problem for me since i have partner in SG, maybe if i am single i would have considered at this price, not the 1k per day type. but important not to get attached its just another service to them, you are nothing special, she can still nonchalantly show me pictures/videos of her other boyfriends and where they went to, referring to them like customers. Even showed me her "lover" visited her in SG for the weekend from overseas, went to all the tourist spots and showed some of their sexy photos and laughing about it. That really shows how special you are to them.
Old 19-11-2018, 02:59 PM
birdlovely birdlovely is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Exactly. Feels exclusive when somehow she asked a favour but somehow after awhile the response became slower and eventually the topic is changed.

Lol can't help it but feels like a spare tyre sometimes. Haha just that is it sparetyre or sparetyre's sparetyre

Originally Posted by alexsptrader View Post
Gist is always they tell u they borrowed alot of money to come here i.e. 100k rmb. Or they hav somebody very sick at home. Immediately your mind will conjure pictures of a poor village girl very filial lol. U feel u will go heaven if u help her and at the same time enjoy all the sexual activities.. Fact is now china is rich . very rich. Those who r here feel insecure n want to quickly buy a house. Leapfrog others at home. Also fact is they will get not just 1 robert head but 3-4 robert heads at same time. I.e. u think u r the only one having exclusive unlimited fucks . but actually 2-3 bros also doin it to her in your absence
Old 19-11-2018, 03:26 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

seems like the ML scene suddenly died down again...time to hop to other dome liao 😪
Old 19-11-2018, 03:47 PM
Johndick Johndick is offline
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Originally Posted by MagicFortune View Post
15k-30k a month is hardly worth it unless the person has the incredible stamina to do her 2-3 times EVERY DAY for a month.

At that rate, better off bao an aspiring singer or a young starlet from our neighboring country.
I feel those highrollers who can afford this rate is no longer looking from a cost-benefit perspective, because they are so filthy rich that these are just small change to him.

What he trying to achieve is to make the girl yield (since so many of them "insist" their threshold not tied to $$$),to remind her that in this trade, every1 of them has a pricetag to offer their pussies. Remind them that for the really rich ones, the MLs better stop pretending to be angels.

Not only the ego boosted, the girl submitted and he removed her from the active market from all the bros whom are interested, some even die hard regulars. Please don't start me with the true love talk, lol, when a person can flaunt that kind of cash, he can buy watever love he desires. That's my view.

We calculate the cost-benefit is because we not that tier of towkays lah, so not only we find it practically unachievable, we also want to make sure can milk her gao gao even if we can afford and choose to do so.. Herein lies the difference in mentality between the si beh rich VS most of us average joes lor..
Old 19-11-2018, 05:50 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

KC trap issues aside, don't you get really pissed even if one of your favourite/regular MLs cancels your appointment really belated, like 20 mins before ? And for more than twice. Sometimes we RTM so often that she starts to get complacent and slacken off (like finish 10 minutes ahead of time) or fly aeroplane as mentioned earlier.

I feel that we shouldn't take such things in our stride just because she's a demi-goddess in our eyes. At the very least, we need to show that we're not pushovers. So tell her in no uncertain terms that this shouldn't be the way and stop visting her if such things persist.

Sure, one can counter-argue that the loss of just one customer -- you -- would hardly dent their coffers, but we need to show some backbone and not crawl back to them even after bring shortchanged repeatedly.
Old 19-11-2018, 05:55 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Tian Tian has RTC? Cannot seem to contact
Old 19-11-2018, 06:55 PM
Johndick Johndick is offline
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Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
KC trap issues aside, don't you get really pissed even if one of your favourite/regular MLs cancels your appointment really belated, like 20 mins before ? And for more than twice. Sometimes we RTM so often that she starts to get complacent and slacken off (like finish 10 minutes ahead of time) or fly aeroplane as mentioned earlier.

I feel that we shouldn't take such things in our stride just because she's a demi-goddess in our eyes. At the very least, we need to show that we're not pushovers. So tell her in no uncertain terms that this shouldn't be the way and stop visting her if such things persist.

Sure, one can counter-argue that the loss of just one customer -- you -- would hardly dent their coffers, but we need to show some backbone and not crawl back to them even after bring shortchanged repeatedly.
This kind of antics is what i cant tolerate most, last minute cancel. The only thing worse is you reached liao radio silence. If kena this I confirm expose the radio silence type here to pre-empt us all. For cancellation like an hour or more in advance I will determine how she offer to make up for it (i don't mean discount or special), to me she should AUTO allow you another slot of your preference, no questions asked. If she do that, I am fine.

Momo once cancelled me one hour before but because she auto make the effort to accommodate my next preferred slot, I never really hold it against her, and I not even that regular RTM with her. So to me how the ML make up for it is crucial. If she don't give a shit then hell yeah, I will state the FACTS here.

Usually is coz the bro before us extend, pay extra or maybe buy her hour to bring her jalan or makan lah, such offer too enticing for them to turn down.

Of course, they're genuine cases last minute really something crops up, then depends on whether she professional enough to apologize and offer solutions lor. Most can't be bothered lah, like you say, one less RTM customers no biggie, especially if red hot MLs..then we do the same lor, let a more worthy ML earn the $$..until they too let us down.. Vicious cycle
Old 19-11-2018, 08:00 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Bro if you are referring to Nicole of SLG, she list herself as FL at animal site initially and midway then change to ML at that site.

Not sure about her previous stint or whether she still offer top up now. I aware because I was interested when she first listed on SLG. Didn't book her eventually as busy with others.
I see thanks for the clarification as I never trust that animal site too much.

Because some ML I know don't have bbbj or Cim though website indicate those services.

But some webby just cut and paste the whole set of write up.

Seriously thesedays the standard of webmasters are very low compared to years ago.

Photoshop, fake photo, fake FRs, even fake write up.
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Old 19-11-2018, 08:58 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
This kind of antics is what i cant tolerate most, last minute cancel. The only thing worse is you reached liao radio silence. If kena this I confirm expose the radio silence type here to pre-empt us all. For cancellation like an hour or more in advance I will determine how she offer to make up for it (i don't mean discount or special), to me she should AUTO allow you another slot of your preference, no questions asked. If she do that, I am fine.

Momo once cancelled me one hour before but because she auto make the effort to accommodate my next preferred slot, I never really hold it against her, and I not even that regular RTM with her. So to me how the ML make up for it is crucial. If she don't give a shit then hell yeah, I will state the FACTS here.

Usually is coz the bro before us extend, pay extra or maybe buy her hour to bring her jalan or makan lah, such offer too enticing for them to turn down.

Of course, they're genuine cases last minute really something crops up, then depends on whether she professional enough to apologize and offer solutions lor. Most can't be bothered lah, like you say, one less RTM customers no biggie, especially if red hot MLs..then we do the same lor, let a more worthy ML earn the $$..until they too let us down.. Vicious cycle
For me I don't RTM with a particular ML too many times, because it's human nature to try less harder if something comes to you easily. There's only 1 ML so far that hasn't disappointed me on that front, and that happens to be Mint. Every single time I RTM her, the service levels are just as good, if not better than the previous session.

When I first booked Carol, I wasn't aware of her booking pattern, and was kinda pissed at making an empty trip, but at least she had the decency to SMS me later to apologize as she had mixed my timing up. I'm glad I stuck with her as I've yet to come across a ML who is value for money.

So yeah, I'd rather spread my options and choices, and keep a lookout for those potentially good MLs.

@Special Spawner

Wa piang eh... What happened to Xia Tian? So fast delist liao? I really want to try her at least once leh...
Old 19-11-2018, 09:00 PM
birdlovely birdlovely is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Agreed. Got fly aeroplane once and the next booking ML still told me to come 30 minutes later because the customer was late. Though almost wanted to cut ties and move on but she knows i am in the trap and play the emotion card, so gave in.

Haha but after reading so much sharings here, it really do occur to me that they are just taking sg bros for granted. Haha maybe we should have a database search, just like how they do to us

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
KC trap issues aside, don't you get really pissed even if one of your favourite/regular MLs cancels your appointment really belated, like 20 mins before ? And for more than twice. Sometimes we RTM so often that she starts to get complacent and slacken off (like finish 10 minutes ahead of time) or fly aeroplane as mentioned earlier.

I feel that we shouldn't take such things in our stride just because she's a demi-goddess in our eyes. At the very least, we need to show that we're not pushovers. So tell her in no uncertain terms that this shouldn't be the way and stop visting her if such things persist.

Sure, one can counter-argue that the loss of just one customer -- you -- would hardly dent their coffers, but we need to show some backbone and not crawl back to them even after bring shortchanged repeatedly.

Last edited by birdlovely; 19-11-2018 at 09:33 PM.
Old 19-11-2018, 09:17 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by birdlovely View Post
Agreed. Got fly aeroplane once and the next booking ML still told me to come 30 minutes later because the customer was late. Though almost wanted to cut ties and move on but she knows i am in the trap and play the emotion card, so gave in.

Haha but after read so much sharing here, it really do occur to be that they are just taking sg bros for granted. Haha maybe we should have a database search, just like how they do to us
I think the 30 minutes bit is still ok coz she can't control her customer.

More importantly, did she apologise to you for the 1st time aeroplane? If yes, how did she do it? Did she explain why fly aeroplane?
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