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Old 04-05-2019, 02:21 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Mushrooms View Post
Friday night and nothing much to do after work, decided to browse to see if there's any ML free for a short relaxation session.

Xiao Xue caught my eye & I texted her to ask for a session in 20 minutes time.
She replied yes & I drove over immediately.

She may not be the best looking SYT, but I can say she looks pretty enough to get the job done. Looks maybe more to the MILF side but she is super polite & gentle.

Helped to shower & the massage begins.

Massage was rather short but it's ok as I know most of us aren't really here for the massage

Sensual wise, I can say she is quite good at arousing a guy & hardworking.
Her skin is damn smooth!
Did a B2B on my back & also some catbath.
Finished off with a CIM & she won't stop sucking until I ask her to as I can't tahan anymore

Went for a quick shower & she asked me to lie down again for a short massage.
Was quite surprised as most of the MLs will end the session once you have blown your load. Chatted quite a bit with her and found out that she just reached here about a week ago & business was pretty bad. She is considering whether to return early or not.
I feel that she deserve more customers as she's nice & accommodating.
Priced at $100, I feel that her service easily wins most of the $110 ML on the market currently.

Do drop her a visit to find out yourself and prevent this hidden gem from leaving!

& also, she has a roommate who's very close with her & tarma option is available

Hope my MR helps.

Happy chionging guys
Thanks for the FR. Try to search her via wechat seems like its not registered hmmz.

Seems like service among these new comers are usually fine (although they might not be excellent at certain aspect , for example massage)
Old 04-05-2019, 02:27 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ulysses84 View Post
went knowing her code red still yet to finish, so there is still a part of it to be explore.
Well, once the panties are off, I will unleash without any restraint man.
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Old 04-05-2019, 02:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Vardy View Post
By not returning
Natural elimination of the lousy ones
Yup, you don’t RTM and write a scathing and negative MR for the ML.

By then, if her regulars also sense a drop in service levels, then more often than not they too wouldn’t want to visit her again.
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Old 04-05-2019, 03:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

This FR is base on true encounter. Your encounter may be different from me base on many factors. I hope this fr can give u a rough idea of what service is expected and can assist you to make the right choice. If you think that the FR is fake, i urges you not to read it and don’t believe it. Go and read from other. Please do not blame me if you think is not good.

Read before proceed

-Please take this FR as a pinch of salt after reading it
-Please do not let your kid to try it
-Pls read only when wife or girlfriend is not around
-This FR may have the same format and some content which is similarity to my previous
-All the rating are base on own preference, criteria and liking. It will varies from other
-FR may contain some mixture of chinese, malay or thai
-All servcies mention in my FR was being performed to me. It may varies from others
-Please correct me if spot all spelling error.


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$100/1次按摩和抓根服务/60 分钟


按摩技术专业。沒有偷工減料。技术超好。按摩知识也超好。很有经验。力度足够。一按就知道发生什么也会影响 什么。按摩时有些部位的肌肉很酸痛。她可以把我按到整个身体非常很轻松和漂浮的感觉。抓根也很久。抓根时把 我那条隆得又硬又隆软。按和抓到我很放松。很舒服很好也很爽的感觉。我整个人睡着了。按摩时还聊了很多。我 也做了个前列腺的检查和服务。除了抓根, 她也和我分享的很多关系做爱不会伤到自己兰叫和说明前列腺的信息。我学到了很多东西和知识。前列腺服务很像 被鸡奸的感觉。过程中很想要大便和小便的感觉也有一点痛不过一到两份种就好了。抓根和前列腺服务完了我感觉 到下面被按到很松。我也感觉到兰叫比较容易站和硬起来,性能力也更好。很想干一炮。我期待这我下一炮的表现 。

这是个很好的体验。泰国抓龙是抓蛋蛋比较多。抓根是真正抓兰叫的那些精。我一定会在在回头再去做前列腺和抓 根服务。

请大家好好的支持 和照顾她。

我的战报告很长。我的中文不太好。请大家多多指教。谢谢大家的支持和花时间看我的战报。希望我的战报可以让 大家有一样的体验。


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"A FR is to give reader an idea of what to expect, the pics and style of writing are to spice things up, to give more space for imagination, most important thing is we share and we enjoy."

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Old 04-05-2019, 03:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Services slack usually due to too many bros pamper them lah. Human nature to take the easier route BUT we gotta stamp our authority if they cut too many corners. Ultimately they have to remember they in the SERVICE industry.

I can accept if ML become AP then reduce the services only if they REMOVE it in the list. What I cannot stand is they retain stuff like Boobs Fuck, BJ, painting but then when customers want it then they decide to offer or not base on mood. That is CHEATING imo. Entice people to go thinking will get what was listed then end up disappointed. Such unacceptable practices from ML needs to be flagged out to warn us all.
I stop reading the menu as it’s simply has too many things listed and even webmaster put disclaimer that u can mix n match if not enough time to do all...... lol..... and some ML may just say webmaster add on additional items not they add one..... so many put shower together but how many actually do so?

When I visited Ning Xia, she asked me to go shower alone, even tho menu put shower together. I dun want to make a fuss and spoil the session, no point holding them to it if they not willing.
Old 04-05-2019, 03:15 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
No worries bro...yes it's been kinda lacking in substance here in the last few weeks... Lol.

Anyway, no secret as to what happens when you are caught inside or leaving the ML's or FL's place of business.

1. Vice hides usually in staircase.
2. Rushes in as you are about to leave. I admit, it all happens very fast and is quite scary.
3. As you are shaking with fear, lol, the male vice guys bring you aside, take your particulars and begin "interviewing" you. They are actually very polite.
4. The female vice brings the ML or FL to another part of the house.
5. As you are being "interviewed" , the male vice guys take down your official statement. They are really nice and will guide you along how make a proper statement.
6. Once statement is completed, you read through it and sign.
7. They thank you for your cooperation and let you go. Total time about 45mins.
8. I was never contacted after that.

Thanks for sharing! I would imagine they are very guai lan when dealing with the male customer.
Old 04-05-2019, 03:40 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Joined2005 View Post
Thanks for sharing! I would imagine they are very guai lan when dealing with the male customer.
aiya, all mens understand mens needs not that we want fool around
Old 04-05-2019, 03:44 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Well, once the panties are off, I will unleash without any restraint man.
i see laura once red blood stains want to faint n ride horse runaways but leg wobbly.
Old 04-05-2019, 03:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by heartlock View Post
aiya, all mens understand mens needs not that we want fool around
Read in other sub forums here that AV do raid very guai lan one mah....
Old 04-05-2019, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by ulysses84 View Post
Rest for 2 weeks and tbh most web listing are either old vege or recycle stuff. But Angel pic still caught attention and decided with the few positive review just try. Not going to use point just brief of observation & experience

Look: 1st impression looks definitely syt and she does resemble mediacock actress He ying ying.

Skin: As some MR already mention she's from yunnan minority ( 佤族), look slight tanned and personally i feel quite unique. flip her front and back, skin verify smooth with no blemishes.

Body: Very well toned body, probably result of gym exercises. Boobs is small B (i guess) with suckable nip.

Massage: credit for effort but non-existence

Sensual: This is probably what we go for, she know her stuff. What i like is that she does it in a natural progression way to increase the sensual experience.

Fun fact: she's also from jiangsu faction

Overall: RTM is yes. Anyway she's going back in May, so probably try while it's there since current market is pretty bad.
Wow, looks like HYY sia. Maybe should visit her before she goes back cos HYY is my SYT goddess. Any idea when is she going back?
Old 04-05-2019, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by oddeye82 View Post
Wow, looks like HYY sia. Maybe should visit her before she goes back cos HYY is my SYT goddess. Any idea when is she going back?
Yah yunnan HYY, sparkling eyes. My guess is end May rtc.
Old 04-05-2019, 04:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
Thanks for the MR!
You know who is her roommate?
Her roommate bro. I asked before ‘cause I was looking for tarma, cheers.
Old 04-05-2019, 04:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ulysses84 View Post
Yah yunnan HYY, sparkling eyes. My guess is end May rtc.
Yup, tentatively the end of this month.
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Old 04-05-2019, 05:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

anyone knows if Cheng Zi is still around?

Think last was known as Xiao Er ?
Old 04-05-2019, 05:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by lorong8 View Post
Mint will never be back. she is banned from entering Singapore

Though I not sure if she is still continuing the trade in China.
Ohh didn't know that.
Thanks for sharing.

Is it because she got raided?
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