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Old 04-05-2019, 05:53 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
So let’s say you experience a drop in service levels in your RTM.

Will you stop visiting the ML thereafter, or RTM one more time to see if you get the same treatment?
I was visiting a ML for about 6-7 years as her service is very good. Only massage and JG/HJ (no BJ nor FJ offered) and I always found sessions with her super relaxing, and going to her is like visiting a mistress as she (used to) operate out of her home. Used to fool around with her a lot and sessions were always fun. Then I dunno why, she started to restrict i.e. no sucking of boobs (versus her willingly offering her boobs to me in the past), and other restrictions.

After the first time this happened, I went back two more times before I decided that she’s changed her modus operandi and it’s time for me to move on. I’ve since been with another regular for 3 years, who also only offers massage and HJ. I don’t go for the ones who offer BBBJ (personal thing).
Old 04-05-2019, 07:52 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Looking for authentic juagen from the available ML pool, any intro ? Tried cheng cheng, it was good, but the chemistry wasn't there due to the age gap i guess. am on the late 20s, while she look past mid 30s.

So i am contemplating on going for June or Ying Tao from SLG, any advice or reco ?
Old 04-05-2019, 08:22 PM
Blu3 Blu3 is offline
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Originally Posted by piakong View Post
Looking for authentic juagen from the available ML pool, any intro ? Tried cheng cheng, it was good, but the chemistry wasn't there due to the age gap i guess. am on the late 20s, while she look past mid 30s.

So i am contemplating on going for June or Ying Tao from SLG, any advice or reco ?
Ying Tao should be an FL or used to be. Unlikely she has proper JG ba.
Old 04-05-2019, 08:36 PM
LeeHsienLoong LeeHsienLoong is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Services slack usually due to too many bros pamper them lah. Human nature to take the easier route BUT we gotta stamp our authority if they cut too many corners. Ultimately they have to remember they in the SERVICE industry.

I can accept if ML become AP then reduce the services only if they REMOVE it in the list. What I cannot stand is they retain stuff like Boobs Fuck, BJ, painting but then when customers want it then they decide to offer or not base on mood. That is CHEATING imo. Entice people to go thinking will get what was listed then end up disappointed. Such unacceptable practices from ML needs to be flagged out to warn us all.
Too many idiots want to score brownie points with ML.
Singaporeans complain their jobs are being taken by foreigners. Who is to be blamed?
Old 04-05-2019, 09:05 PM
mixmasternrv mixmasternrv is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

MR on Mi Er
Afternoon rain was a bit of a dampener today - and I was at office to do last minute shit. Felt the itch for adventure so I went for a new ML (for me anyway). Had to make choice to contact Vi Vi or Mi Er as I am fond of BBBJ - picked the latter for her boobies (34E) and sent her the requisite text.

She replied quickly and 1 hour later I was at her location. Not too difficult to get to though parking can be an issue - quite a walk uphill from public carpark to her apartment - after of course the usual address runaround. Really must start working out properly - arrived tired and sweaty

Met me at the door to her place and she was in a nice black nightie, no bra and black panties. Now all of what is about to happen and everything I report is MY opinion....some brothers may disagree as is their right. That said:

Looks: 7.5 - she looks most like photograph 4 (the swim pool one) but I was a little surprised because ......

Boobs: 7 these were not E cups but they were natural C- soft and pliable

Figure: 7.5 surprise 2 - she is IMHO a bit stocky, isn't a waif like thing but thicc in a good way. And surprise 3 - she's dark complexioned - can possibly pass for a fairer minah if she wanted to!

Served me water and made me feel comfortable. Studio apartment is large and she lives alone. The place is clean and the separate bathroom large and relatively clean 8/10

Was in my birthday suit and showered on my own in a jiffy and she helped me dry up ushered me to the nuru mattress on her big bed. Towels on pillow was fresh and mattress was bone dry. Started with massage.

Communication was OK even though I dun speak Mandarin - I understand it fairly well anyway but her English was limited to "Oh My God" which she uttered several times later .

Massage: 7 She does not use oil or powder (as Nuru would be next) and she stripped down to full nude. I am an XXL guy (lardy to say the least) and she struggled a bit with my proportions
Still she did a decent job. But lacks finesse - just because guy is big does not mean you need to exert great force...
My regular SYT and MILF ML are much better at this - but I'm not here for the rub down am I???
After 15 minutes of semi-decent kneading- switched to Nuru.

Nuru gel massage: 7.5 Having had Carol's Nuru treatment, Mi Er's has her own merits. Again the difference being finesse and technique. Mi Er's slippy sliding on my back was quite fun and she has a bush so I could feel her pussy distinctly like a soft, pliant soppy wet limpet following that brush like bush up and down my body. And I could discern a fake moan from one where she was really into grinding herself on me. Switched pattern to the front rubbing again with fake love making - and mini me slowly rose to the occasion. Reached over for her boobies but could not get full access to her southern regions.

BJ: I usually opt for BBBJ rather than capped but contrary to her advert she reached over and slipped on a condom and was slurping and sucking and mini-me was on cloud 9.
But as I said mini-me spoilt for BBBJs so he resisted coming and she went at it for a while until she cotton-ed on that I needed more direct stimulation. Pulled off the cap and combo licked HJ to a sextisfying climax. No CIM though.

Painting: Nope - she never positioned her ass near my face at all - though her pussy and my thighs are good friends after her grind fest.

GFE- 8 After I came, she cleaned me up and lead me by the hand to the shower where she gently washed me up - ensuring all the nuru gel was washed off and cleaning mini-me with great care and gentleness - and he started to wake to her ministrations. Of course time was short so I towelled off and dressed. She was really comfortable walking around starkers, getting me a cup of warm water before donning her nightie.

RTM : That is the $64,000 question. Frankly, at $120 I've had far worse. I guess for myriad of offerings in an hour, it's not too steep, but there are $110 options who are better at their craft.
So would I RTM - a qualified "Yes" because now that I've struck some semblance of rapport - she'd be a RTM for me - as I gamble she'll open up more with sessions.
Old 04-05-2019, 09:10 PM
LiuBei LiuBei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by piakong View Post
Looking for authentic juagen from the available ML pool, any intro ? Tried cheng cheng, it was good, but the chemistry wasn't there due to the age gap i guess. am on the late 20s, while she look past mid 30s.

So i am contemplating on going for June or Ying Tao from SLG, any advice or reco ?
Don't mind me asking... what are the benefits of Juagen?
Help your didi recover sensitivity? harder?
Sorry if I am asking stupid question...
Old 04-05-2019, 09:34 PM
edmundng edmundng is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Angel seems highly rate. Any other review on massage skill and sensual ? Need to find a fix
Old 04-05-2019, 10:25 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Blu3 View Post
Ying Tao should be an FL or used to be. Unlikely she has proper JG ba.
Thanks for the help, noted that the Ying Tao I was saying here was Cloris of SLG if I rmb correctly, the Ying Tao in SLG is pretty hot IMHO, but I wanna get my base right first, so see if Juagen is as good as it sounds not ~
Old 04-05-2019, 10:27 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
Don't mind me asking... what are the benefits of Juagen?
Help your didi recover sensitivity? harder?
Sorry if I am asking stupid question...
Not too sure also, still green to this, trying out to see if it's really as beneficial to man as its sounds ~ if there's nice tits to play, it's a bonus
Old 04-05-2019, 11:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mixmasternrv View Post
Nuru gel massage: 7.5 Having had Carol's Nuru treatment, Mi Er's has her own merits. Again the difference being finesse and technique.
So who do you think does it better, finesse and technique-wise?

BTW advertising as E cup when she's an actual C is just..
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Old 04-05-2019, 11:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by edmundng View Post
Angel seems highly rate. Any other review on massage skill and sensual ? Need to find a fix
depends on what do you need and what do you want. not often u get best of both worlds.
Old 04-05-2019, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
Don't mind me asking... what are the benefits of Juagen?
Help your didi recover sensitivity? harder?
Sorry if I am asking stupid question...
Last longer, harder. Ejaculation time increases by 5-10 mins. Helps if you want to make your partner reach climax.

Quite a few go to Laura to treat premature ejaculation.

Effects differ from individuals but generally effective if done proper. Could be adverse if the ML anyhow I read. So be careful.

All mentioned are self-experienced effects. Of course couple with health improements.

Last edited by Blu3; 05-05-2019 at 12:53 AM.
Old 04-05-2019, 11:39 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Are there any non-painful JG or treatments out there? My threshold for JG pain or discomfort is very low

Originally Posted by Blu3 View Post
Last longer, harder. Ejaculation time increases by 5-10 mins. Helps if you want to make your partner reach climax.

Quite a few go to Laura to treat premature ejaculation.

Effects differ from individuals but generally effective if done proper. Could be adverse if the ML anyhow I read. So be careful.

All mentioned are proven effects. Of course couple with health improvements.
Old 04-05-2019, 11:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by piakong View Post
Thanks for the help, noted that the Ying Tao I was saying here was Cloris of SLG if I rmb correctly, the Ying Tao in SLG is pretty hot IMHO, but I wanna get my base right first, so see if Juagen is as good as it sounds not ~
Ying Tao fj at 150 for 30 min. Don't think she offers jg.
Old 05-05-2019, 12:20 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
So who do you think does it better, finesse and technique-wise? BTW advertising as E cup when she's an actual C is just..
Carol knows what buttons to push and she's f-damned aggressive to boot!! She is the winner hands down - good finesse and technique.

But Mi Er is packed with bigger boobs (definitely no where near D's as advertised but soft and pillowy )and its novel to me and different - the soft breasts gliding on your back or front followed by a 1-2 of the rough feel of her bush sliding through only then to feel her soft pussy So she has her own pluses and frankly she rode my thigh like there was no kneecap must be on first name basis with her labia ha ha.
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