Just had a terrible experience with Ah Mei, unfortunately.
Firstly, let me say I've been trying to book this ML for a while now,but on no less than 3 different occasions she either didn't reply or she claimed to have overslept past the suggesting timings. But I tried my luck tonight (and also messaged Li Rou), and she happened to get back to me first saying she was available (sorry Li Rou, will make it up to you).
When I got to her place, for some reason she seemed to think I was AV and didn't let me come up until I sent her pictures of her together with her Jiangsu gang gal pals. I mean... Come on. I know how many good reviews I've received. Why the heck didn't she check my number against the database to see if I'm suspicious?
OK never mind. She finally overcomes her fear and tells me the number to press to go up to the atrium, from which I then need to take another set of lifts to go up to her floor.
What the heck? What sort of idiot architect designs these condos nowadays that you have to take two sets of lifts every time you want return home or go out? OK never mind. I press the number to go to the atrium.
Which doesn't work. KNN. Never mind. Some kind soul going up lets me go up to the condo atrium, and then there's another security pad so I press the number again to go up to the floor.
Which doesn't work.
By this time I'm cursing and swearing, 30 minutes have passed and the gal is clueless as to why the number isn't working.
She then asks me to go down and take another lift to the car park and then take ANOTHER lift to her floor.
By this time I'm thinking what the hell, time to go home. But stupid me, I persevere.
This time, the number works except this other lift is a small fire lift that stops on every single floor and takes ages to go down and come up.
Never mind. I'm depressed and defeated by the time I get to her apartment. I don't care anymore. I knock.
And knock.
And knock.
And then I get a message from her asking where am I. I say I'm outside her door.
I'm now wondering if she's deaf as I've been pounding on her door pretty loudly.
When she finally opens the door I realise it leads into a small corridor where there are more small apartments inside.
See earlier note about idiot architects. Seriously, if I see the architect I'm going to shoot him. Who designs such rubbish??
Anyway, Ah Mei's service is pretty SOP like the Jiangsu lot. Decent figure and nice natural big jugs.
But will I come back? You think?
Anyway she has no more money to move to a new place. With all the intense competition from so many MLS, even some of the Jiangsu girls aren't making money. Which is a pity, as Ah Mei is definitely better looking than most of the recent batch. The large numbers are also definitely making it difficult for the girls to find ideal lodgings as all the good ones are long gone.
Anyway... Dont be stupid like me. If it's taking way too long to get to the girl, move on.