Originally Posted by devil9992002
So true. .....
Maybe next time i should ask if they have 猫山王榴莲? Or foie gras? Or abalones? Won't be surprised to hear that
just had a mini durian feast with a regular, never asked if she bought it or gift from Bros,
it's true that treat them well with respect and they'll reciprocate , as mentioned before the most i bought is dumplings/水饺 or
cheese cakes from the confectionery near my office.
Originally Posted by MiG27
Did you tried Ping Ping? The one recommend by Bro TimeBomb.
There is a thread on the HC section....
very good value and I always leave her apartment well fed. 
will try her next week, appreciate your recommendation.
And yes sadly YF went into semi or full retirement mode, really enjoy the session with this 大姐。
Originally Posted by devil9992002
Yes, i do now, especially after I told them I just got married this year. .... 好男人永远都是别人的老公
.... families end of day. We eat shit outside, and never to bring the food and shit back home.
Originally Posted by MiG27
Actually, what drove you guys to sought for such services since after married for just one year??
Marriage sounds like 爱情的坟墓??
Originally Posted by Blu3
10 years down the grave here guys, balance is the key. Always know that line there and what's important. It's not the ML waiting for you at home.
A word of advice: No 7th year itch, every year is itchy. 
Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei
I got married last yeartive, like one visit every 1-2 months.
Ironically, some of the fiercest cheongsters are actually the best family men.
For me it started with looking for JG, then curiosity kicks in and started looking for massage till
had the taste of the skills of these MLs and hooked since then.
A ML once told me married man who eat outside tends to treat their wife better as deep inside ourselves we feel guilty and somehow broken the vows when tying the knot,
as long as we know where to draw the line and call it a stop,
without compromising the relationship within family ,puts strain ourselves financially and finally not to bring back some funny diseases.
but the funny thing is when asked her if she mind, the look on her face is priceless.
reply was she's so skilled that she's sure that her hubby won't
tao jiak lor.
Some how it's true la, not sure about you guys but for me, it's kinda after the
sextifcation that can only be found outside.
Thank You