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Old 19-05-2014, 10:27 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

to:bandero bro , is something wrong wiht your eyes ? this afternoon i just look for her .
she look like 26 for me . she's really have great massage skill . i can only say Must try ..

★★★ SE7EN 小七 ★★★

Last edited by KKGGKIM; 19-05-2014 at 10:39 PM.
Old 19-05-2014, 10:31 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by bandero View Post
Wah bro little tiger, i really got scared of your massage girl.

in no way, she is on the photo taken. it is completely another person and look like 50 years old grandma. I am shocked like seeing ghost.... keep scratching her infections hands. PLease lah bro tiger...dun do tis to customer like me. I just need good massage with only decent lady but no this type of grandma..
Never I have such scary image of your massage girl..
Bro, IMHO, be fair to the lady, dun believe that the gal is really that unpro. Also Lil Tiger's QC is of tip top quality. He would never allow his gals to go to the level you describe. It is always good to share good and bad exp. However, going out to destroy a gal's ricebowl does not does seems a bit low though.
Old 19-05-2014, 10:43 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

i have to agree on the avg liltiger and chewyfruit are my 2 most fav stables in FL2 and here.

to the bro who kpkb say this stable bo hoh, please gaixiao some recommendations man! maybe im missing something!

to liltiger awesome job so far! bring back love and fate pls!
Old 20-05-2014, 12:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by iori08 View Post
Hi all, am new to this massage area.
Any one tried AnAn ( or AnNa (
Can share MR if the do decent jg?

Many thanks
Hmm so no one tried either of them?
Old 20-05-2014, 03:16 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by bandero View Post
Wah bro little tiger, i really got scared of your massage girl.

in no way, she is on the photo taken. it is completely another person and look like 50 years old grandma. I am shocked like seeing ghost.... keep scratching her infections hands. PLease lah bro tiger...dun do tis to customer like me. I just need good massage with only decent lady but no this type of grandma..
Never I have such scary image of your massage girl..
Dunno whats wrong with u, if look like 50 yr old grandma u still go in with her for the masseur? Just leave for god sake! Its like saying u are aware that the milk is overdue but yet wanna drink it and complain about food poisoning.

Myself, and many other bros will stand by bro liltiger and we trust his standards. I have already tried countless gals from his stable, and so far no issues with them. I am not saying his gals are all perfect(even though i haven met any problematic ones), but the fact that he is willing acknowledges the shortcomings of his gals already shows that he himself do not tolerate nonsense from his gals. which other stable does that, tell me?

You are probable a troll and probable just jealous of bro liltiger. Pls buck up on ur own gals if u're just a liltiger rival, and stay away from this thread.
Do leave your name when u up me so i can return the favor!

Let me know I have have not return your points!
Old 20-05-2014, 09:05 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by limheng View Post
Sharing this sweet young Lady. Her hp nos is 90569796

Tried happy early this week but too busy to write a MR

location is easy to find. room very cosy with nice ambience.
reach doorstep, greet by a foxy SYT.

chop chop proceed to massage. everything just great. as i need a hard massage.

superb HDLY skill. moaning sounds great. beh tahan.
she gave me a boob job as well (with her lovely boob).
finally unload my army on her boob. wow.

RTM: yes.
Hi bro, this is the same girl who post as student previously in another thread right? I did share my Fr in pg 34 also. I hope she don't aeroplane brothers anymore and use study as a excuse
FL that I still missed them
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Old 20-05-2014, 10:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"!niuniu/c22gc

She back for limited time after RTC 2wks , new location nx to Lavender mrt , nice cosy condo!
Old 20-05-2014, 07:59 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by liltiger View Post
Thanks for the feedback Bro.

I have never seen you post anything about your encounters with our lasses and your first post is totally BS.

I am willing to do a 100% refund out of my own pockets if she is like what you said. Are you also willing to do that if what you said is untrue.

This thread has lost its meaning with all the fake advertising, sabotage and foul play.

Thank you nevertheless for your effort!
i nvr post anything that is worst experience. I try ur girls and i will say it is within expectation( 70 percent match photo). I try sweetprc massage gals and it is as good as I expected especially WANG FEI.
tis one totally out of my expectation. We can go to her apartment at JC and take her real photo and post her photo here...see wat we got haha...I will say bro here will find also scary.. I am not saying her as grandma but It is something i cannot really accept plus her massage skills is not existent. For me, massage skills is the most important... tat why I go ahead just for massage and close my eyes..Unless the one who serve me is not her then it is something different story.
Old 20-05-2014, 08:08 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by clown_joker View Post
Dunno whats wrong with u, if look like 50 yr old grandma u still go in with her for the masseur? Just leave for god sake! Its like saying u are aware that the milk is overdue but yet wanna drink it and complain about food poisoning.

Myself, and many other bros will stand by bro liltiger and we trust his standards. I have already tried countless gals from his stable, and so far no issues with them. I am not saying his gals are all perfect(even though i haven met any problematic ones), but the fact that he is willing acknowledges the shortcomings of his gals already shows that he himself do not tolerate nonsense from his gals. which other stable does that, tell me?

You are probable a troll and probable just jealous of bro liltiger. Pls buck up on ur own gals if u're just a liltiger rival, and stay away from this thread.
I am not saying her look grandma. i really cant believe photo is totally different fr wat i see. her photo looks really nice figure with promise to do foot massage. where is foot massage??? NO. Massage skills i rate is 3/10.. I dun want to break her rice bowl but it is something to share with our bro here. it is up to tem to believe if they want to waste money and time to visit her..
Old 20-05-2014, 08:37 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

i started massage since Health Centre era and in my opinion, Health Centre is the golden age of local massage industry. mostly Malaysian and Local syt or milf and of cos some not so appealing.

chiong massage around 20yrs and i think the money i spent can buy a condo if never go! hehehe. was a member since the old alfresco sammyboy forum when politic and porn were still together. i do have a nick but i choose to register this new nick to shed some light on present massage scene. if not will kena mass zap by okts, webmasters and their clones.

now everyone worry about getting caught with the pants down during massage. let me put it this way, whatever u see here is all illegal, those gals here providing massage all doing it without licence. if kena raid u just need to said massage and she is guilty. all of them are tourist visa, business visa, artist pass, work permit and even S pass or some are overstayers and those got caught but choose not to go back.

now mostly various visa and artist pass(歌星证), that means they are here on tourist visa, business visit or singers in the HFJ. some HFJ also work with agents to help Dragon ladies to fly to our shore at the gals cost, they are not here to sing, but to do massage or prostitute. these are still ok.

as for work permit and S pass were a lot during TN era, but now seldom come across. mom clamped down a lot on all these bogus company. the gals got to pay all these companies every mth.

overstayers, obviously times up never go back. they are another type who got caught and given 48hours to leave shore, but chose to stay on and take risk till they are caught.

got another type is those got arrested but were given a piece of white paper which were be stamp on the blank page to extend visa every week when they report to the police.

now let us talk about all these internet stuff. all these what you see here are not okt, they are the webmasters(网主), they go around collect around 300 per month to advertise for the gals, that is why you see same gals but different names under different website. they got no control over the gals. the gals are very much on their own, renting a place, getting a prepaid card for business, advertise with the webmasters. that explain the service standard, some are good, some are bad, sometime good mood good service, sometime bad mood bad service. not consistent at all.
Old 20-05-2014, 08:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

i seldom contribute FR since the TN days because CID anti vice and PID are monitoring this forum, used to see got TN FR, soon kena raid. so nowadays i rather keep to real life chiongster friends.

understand how all these webmaster work, some will make up and take photos for the girls like the 727. some only post touch up selfie. some will try out the gals service like the sgsexcapade and little tiger, which some gals don't like as they don't get paid for doing it!lol! got one ex gf even told me got one webmaster got AIDS still going around testing gals raw to take photo and photos for advertisement on his website, and CID is trying to hunt him down. lol! how true i dont know and i won't say who as this maybe a rumour by other webmasters. when you write a good FR on the website, the gals got to pay to keep the positive FR on. a lot of samsters here are clones and even webmaster themselves, they will use their reputable status to write FRs and clones to keep posting.

the only way to get sure good service is KC with the gals, but must command good chinese and understand some东北 dialects as alot and more chio ones are from there. 辽宁,黑龙江etc. the rest is up to you on how to do it.i get to sleep over at their place without paying overnight fees, went out with them and screw them raw passionately(make love, not commercial sex).

conclusion, i still prefer the good old Health Centres Era. now the gals on their own with no consistency in quality of service. some trying to make more money, make you cum fast and still got 30min, but wayang chit chat with you, then you thought "wah! good attitude!" give tips. but ended up you leave before one hour and got another 2 guys made to wait outside some where! then made too many guys wait even the gals lost count! until some bro here kena fly aeroplane! lol! some got 姐妹come, havent got room. must take turn to use the room! lol! all i kena before. talk about worth the money or not, i think compare to health centre. health centre still the best! with proper facilities and strict timing. sorry old man keep thinking about the good old days. for me, now is the DARK AGE for massage. pls pardon this naggy old man, age catching up.
Old 20-05-2014, 08:39 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by liltiger View Post
Thanks for the feedback Bro.

I have never seen you post anything about your encounters with our lasses and your first post is totally BS.

I am willing to do a 100% refund out of my own pockets if she is like what you said. Are you also willing to do that if what you said is untrue.

This thread has lost its meaning with all the fake advertising, sabotage and foul play.

Thank you nevertheless for your effort!
so this is the second case where a different person appears huh...
Old 20-05-2014, 08:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

another thing, dont trust what you see here. touch up, make up and posture can do wonders on looks and figures.

anyway from what i see, a lot of our fellow samsters here are suckers to those chinese gals. they will be more serious and better in service when they were in China. here they just chin chai lai as long as your shoot your load. many are not syt but divorcees with a child or so call milf. age also bullshit! 29 is 39! 36 is 46! most of them 工作不认真! next time if you see not your liking or really out of shape just reject and walk out of it, simple as that. lousy service also pls list it here. lets make this thread a warning for lousy massage than good ones, good ones clones will come in to flood the thread. samsters can just come here to check the blacklist complied and decide yourself. sorry my posting too long got to cut into a few post as still on M mode.
Old 20-05-2014, 09:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

recently booked a girl sweet lass under a seperate ts, not bad service... feeling the wonders of good frs from bros.. i mean honesty at its best..
Thinking of something new bros, interested can pm me.. Wanna bring the old times back..

working hard to make the bonking environment safer for everyone.. lets work hard together!!
Old 20-05-2014, 10:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

hey guys, maybe can check out a girl by name Anna, i find her quite sexy.. and good massage and presses..

just a recommendation...
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