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Old 13-02-2015, 04:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Liphair View Post
Any bro tried this Cherry before?
Haven't tried this ML before, but think she's a FL on another stable's website. Not sure if I wanna commando since I don't really like the location...
Old 13-02-2015, 04:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post
If it is the bbbj queen/ singer YY. She is mid 20s la.
28-30 abit over liao loh~

Hmm really 150 wor , such a big jump in price and only 2 hj and 60min.. If more than just hj or longer duration then better but same services and duration as previous price. Dunno what happen~ But one man's meat, another poison...
It is the singer YY. She likes to squeeze my black head too. Her latest fetish
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Old 13-02-2015, 04:23 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
It's 90min.
Think the stable forgot to change.

I like.
I guess one man's meat is really another poison. Cannot deny she is good looking but somehow not much chemistry with her.

I take shiok shiok over her
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Old 13-02-2015, 04:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Oh ok 90min then it is abt same as the old price, just longer duration which I like also~
Her look really quite chio and delicious.
Must find time to book her after the cny, nw her area sibei pack wor~

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
It's 90min.
Think the stable forgot to change.

I like.
Hmm, she also like squeeze blackheads from my back. Maybe my face beyond redemption liao~

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
It is the singer YY. She likes to squeeze my black head too. Her latest fetish
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Old 13-02-2015, 05:17 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post
Bro, this is the snake tongue gal link. Middle pic is not her, it is just to show the water bed only LOL. The TS nv put this disclaimer inside the advert...

Just a note to you is that she had mixed reviews. Her service and attitude to me is good when I visited her. But she is damm straight arrow, will just say what she feel~ In this way might upset some bros bah~ And I think she had improved on her booking procedures since she is here for quite long liao~

Since now she included a water bed to provide dg style of services maybe worth a visit from me again
Thx bro, but she stay darn far wor... but will find a chance to go.

Originally Posted by Sgmove View Post
Doing my part , a MR for Yang Yang

First visit with her after reading so many good reviews about her BBBJ.

Scheduled an appointment at 10:30pm but I reached the place at 10Pm, probably due to my sexciment.

Waited till 10:35 before she called me to go up and when I saw her , it is the same as advertised.

Proceed to bath myself and went into the room.
she started off with the back , hand , leg and ass massage with quite a good strength and I enjoyed it.

Next comes the action , she wipe my asshole and started AR and I went Holy Shit as this is the first time I had this . She did it for a very long time till I feel like nothing matters in this world anymore except for this moment. lol

Just when I above the cloud, she brought me to the next level by slowly sensually licking and sucking my balls and rod. NOTHING IN WORDS I CAN DESCRIBE IT.

She then swallow the whole metal rod like an Anaconda swallowing its prey. She goes up and down , up and down with some light moaning music to the ear and when I'm reaching my peak she grab hold of my hand to stop me from resisting and I feels like I'm being mouth raped by her. Finally world war 3 ended by a detonation of a nuclear bomb inside her mouth.

I'm too shiok and tired to move myself, what she did next was really unexpected. She ended up helping me do facial by plucking all the blackhead on my face and when she did that she literally press her breast again my side cheek.

Andddd it did not end there , just when she told me 5 min more to time up , i requested her to do a handjob for me. She mentioned that if cim is only one shot but she still did the hj for me lol.

Best $100 spent till date in 2015

Looks: 7/10
Age: I think ard 28 -30
Massage 9/10
BBBJ: 10/10 Godlite , level 9999
HJ: SOP as i asked it during the last 5 min
GFE: 7/10 .. Chatty and hardworking
Overall: 8/10
Dmg: 90 plus 10 tip
RTM: Yes but after trying others first as I prefer chio one

Bro please up me if you like my genuine report
wah great MR!

Originally Posted by Javabeans View Post
Finally visited Miqi. The experience was totally the same with bro metalslug's MR. The un-usual HJ was awesome and made one of my legs cramp after explode due to unusual posture hehe.

Her malaysian accent is probably due to her frequent visit to malaysia and she is from southern china near HK.

Definitely will RTM once she is back after CNY.
Thx bro for you review too!~

btw anybros heard abt linglong? I noticed her thread no more ctc num.

recobybros4fk (for my own search ref)

Snake Tongue KiKi,!kiki/c879

Yang Yang super BBBJ,

Miqi HDLY,

ling long,
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Old 13-02-2015, 06:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by younggun24 View Post
Yea I didn't know, cuz the web was down. So I tried my luck with her phone no. Oh well~ hahaha

Please up me if possible!

Btw, I have an appt with Kery from Tian Ting later (Again web is also down.)
Anyone tried her before?
use search this thread, a few good MRs on Kerry.
She's a nice SYT. Enjoy!

becareful of tianting, I can vaguely remember only Kerry and Dior photos/comments are accurate, the rest are heavily photo-shop. You go read the comments, a lot of similarities. It's offer as a add-on service to the girls.
Old 13-02-2015, 06:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mag3459 View Post surprise good looking, good body , good massage.
Bro mag3459, thank you, thank you for bringing this gem to our attention!
I was initially skeptical, as I had bad experience with that stable in the past, but am curious with your surprise, and there I go ahead with a booking!

Location is nice, one of the few good one, though less decor then Tao Hong's love den! But way much better than a lot in the East n West!

Her voice alone is pretty seductive, n expectation started to boil...

Went up to the unit, door open, first look.... wow..... WOW.... straight away give her a 7/10!!! Pretty leh... figure damn good leh... boobs not bad leh...

Massage was pretty decent... she showed effort... but give her extra points for the chats she indulge u with... nice character... a 8/10

Action.... it was a good explosion... I must admit... I sooooooo wanna take it to the next level, but she said noooooo.... but the explosion is really good with her moan... n her brushing over you.... 9/10

Definitely a RTM in my list.... wanna explore if I can cross the border... n bring the next level with her... mission locked!!!
Old 13-02-2015, 10:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
It's 90min.
Think the stable forgot to change.

I like.
Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post
Oh ok 90min then it is abt same as the old price, just longer duration which I like also~
Her look really quite chio and delicious.
Must find time to book her after the cny, nw her area sibei pack wor~
Just visited Mina today after she requested the webmaster to revise the rate on the website.
According to her, the reason for quoting $150 for 90 minutes session was that she felt that the previous 60 minutes session was too rush for both her and the customer. Hence, she decided to forgo the 60 minutes session as she felt that 90 minutes session would be the optimum time for her to provide a quality session for her customer

I also like the 90 minutes session.

I'd provide a MR on Mina shortly. Stay tune ... hehe.
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  1. Good Service Attitude with Reasonable Price
  2. Able to suck her tits
  3. OK Massage
  4. Acceptable service time
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Last edited by Zoliath; 13-02-2015 at 11:02 PM.
Old 14-02-2015, 12:10 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Ya she was asking for opinion whether 90mins would be better, and because her oil massage is good and the overall session was pretty solid so I gave the feedback that she can consider changing to 90mins for easier time management. But in a way become less recommended for quick quickie release liao
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Old 14-02-2015, 12:12 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

yangyang never squeeze blackhead on my face too =(
only my back hahaha!

squeeze til quite pain somemore.
Old 14-02-2015, 12:37 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Mika / Sabrina

Think this is another ML who is familiar to most of the bros on this thread, since she's been here for quite some time. But for the benefit of those who have not tried her before, this is another ML who is worth considering after my own personal experience:

Location: Central location near to public transport, hence bros who don't drive should still find it convenient

Looks: Would say about 80% resemblance to her photos (Mika). While Miqi is the sweet looking kind, Mika's looks lean more toward the seductive type and is more mature (not old) looking

Body: Slim body but with reasonably attractive curves. No worries on the strength department as I did not experience a "piano lesson" while I was there. If a jumbo-sized guy like me is satisfied with her strength, then it should be more than enough for most chaps

Massage: Definitely one of the main reasons for me to RTM. While not a Chinese physician, she does know how to identify problem areas and work more on those rather than doing the standard massage procedure for everyone. Of course, you can still tell her which part you want to be massaged more

Extras: BM and catbath were both done slowly and sensually, but I skipped the HDLY part as I feel nothing but ticklish regardless of which ML is doing it. She offered to do BJ as stated in the websites, but again, I turned it down as I don't really enjoy it (maybe other bros who have tried it can give their feedback, thanks). Boobs were nice to caress and hold, with nips that were sensitive to my tuning...

GFE: Friendly and was able to have a decent conversation with her throughout the session. Having being spoilt by Miqi's extraordinary GFE, most other MLs would probably pale in comparison now But she is nevertheless, still a ML with very good service and attitude, a rare combination in these barren days

Overall, bros who are looking for a more than decent massage and service package can consider Mika / Sabrina as she was well worth the money spent for the session
Old 14-02-2015, 12:37 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by FarAway View Post
Ya she was asking for opinion whether 90mins would be better, and because her oil massage is good and the overall session was pretty solid so I gave the feedback that she can consider changing to 90mins for easier time management. But in a way become less recommended for quick quickie release liao
Sad. I'm one of those who wants a quick release. Not everyone's lunch time so long leh. Shall wait for the demand to die down then i rtm.

Anyway this Dior is Sugar is it?

Think for now my target is zoomed to Miqi already. Hopefully can catch her before she goes back.
Old 14-02-2015, 01:02 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Went to Yang Yang a week ago, just like what other bros have described, she is super hardworking, and has a great sense of humour. Not for boob lovers though, but looks definitely won't reject. Plan to RTM in the future.
Old 14-02-2015, 01:12 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Had a 90min session with Liwen. Initially chose her because she lives near me but I have no regrets after the visit, GFE gao gao. Her massage skill is also very good.

Lives alone is an apartment, so plenty of privacy.
She can be easily mistaken to be a local or msian, chats like one as well.
Extremely chatty. the HJ took quite a while because we were chatting and goofing around. Did not focus on the actual task at hand

She looks more tanned than the picture and she told me because she's in msian previously and outdoor quite often.

Seems like she has a lot of regulars as she mentioned most of her customers are regulars.

If bros have issue finding parking lot there can PM me for tips
Tons of food/drink 24/7 near her area.
Old 14-02-2015, 02:23 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

any tried her b4?
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