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Old 02-10-2019, 09:18 PM
LiuBei LiuBei is offline
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Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
It's just one fucker who surfaced some totally unfounded accusation about me, and you and a few others were kind of immature to add fuel to the fire.

Yup, peace out.
Unfounded or not, we don't know.
You have your story and the ML have hers.
I did mentioned in my post that it could be mistaken identity. Don't go around calling people fucker when you're the suspected fucker in question. I can't control when others choose to jump in add fuel and ignore my disclaimer that it could still be a mistaken identity

If you're interested only in vanilla, why pm other bro here which ML can fuck or not etc?
Even when I shared that my regular RTC ML who stayed in an ulu place also kena caught. You also come pm me, ask me which neighborhood? What sort of intention you have behind that? RTC already still want to know for what?

You know why I don't want to share which ML pinpointed you out? Obviously because she have more at risk. I know because she's sister with one of my regular and I saw the threatening SMS and calls that she received to the extent that she have to pull down her ad from SLG. It was so serious to the extend that her and her sisters have to leave Singapore for a month just to hide.
The moment she come back and start having some positive MRs here. The threat start coming again and just so at the same time, your comments start appearing. This happened in both time period. Her first stint here and her second stint after a month back home. So tell me again, why do I need to reveal her identity to whom she suspects?
Old 02-10-2019, 09:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
I just want to reiterate I didn't request any FJ from her n what I wrote is what I experienced.
That's all.
And if she dun feel safe abt me, why she still accept my booking? She could rejected me at the door.
Anyway, I kind of regret I should have just rejected her payment upfront n walk off.
Finally, my previous postings might have angered some Bros here. Fine, I apologise n peace out.
And there seemed to be some collective effort to criminalised me.

Anyway, I had decided I will retire from this scene n rest assured you guys won't see any of my posts again.


Thanks for the ride, it had been fun but it is time to go.

Peace out.
Play so big?? Don't need to retire lah

Come back with another nick like many does! Lol

Ok chillax..
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

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Old 02-10-2019, 09:24 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by heartlock View Post
if at the end of the day, I did everything I was supposed to do, why is paying upfront wrong?".

There is no right or wrong on this issues. If ML is doing a proper job not HF job then is not issues. but what if turn out the other way( within 30mins shit)then nobody like to pay upfront.

The first meet there always need trust on both party that type of feeling.
I personally met few Ml that need upfront payment e.g xiaoyi first time ask for it i give in thought a bit uneasy feeling but the result is good.

Then following booking never ask again because there a trust build alr.

so either party unwilling to give in have to give up the booking
Talking about xiaoyi.... her current location is shit man..

I still don't how to go find her at her terrible shit location..
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

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Old 02-10-2019, 09:26 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
And there seemed to be some collective effort to criminalised me.
I don't think there's any intention from those who have tried her to do that..

It looks to me like getting to the bottom of the matter and trying to figure out why your session turned out that way has been that way so far..

But I do think Spawner's post should've omitted certain details out for privacy reasons..
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Old 02-10-2019, 09:26 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
Unfounded or not, we don't know.
You have your story and the ML have hers.
I did mentioned in my post that it could be mistaken identity. Don't go around calling people fucker when you're the suspected fucker in question. I can't control when others choose to jump in add fuel and ignore my disclaimer that it could still be a mistaken identity

If you're interested only in vanilla, why pm other bro here which ML can fuck or not etc?
Even when I shared that my regular RTC ML who stayed in an ulu place also kena caught. You also come pm me, ask me which neighborhood? What sort of intention you have behind that? RTC already still want to know for what?

You know why I don't want to share which ML pinpointed you out? Obviously because she have more at risk. I know because she's sister with one of my regular and I saw the threatening SMS and calls that she received to the extent that she have to pull down her ad from SLG. It was so serious to the extend that her and her sisters have to leave Singapore for a month just to hide.
The moment she come back and start having some positive MRs here. The threat start coming again and just so at the same time, your comments start appearing. This happened in both time period. Her first stint here and her second stint after a month back home. So tell me again, why do I need to reveal her identity to whom she suspects?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, pal.

Over and out.
Old 02-10-2019, 09:28 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
Unfounded or not, we don't know.
You have your story and the ML have hers.
I did mentioned in my post that it could be mistaken identity. Don't go around calling people fucker when you're the suspected fucker in question. I can't control when others choose to jump in add fuel and ignore my disclaimer that it could still be a mistaken identity


Knn this place srsly turning into EDMW.. Sagat after sagat..
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Old 02-10-2019, 09:29 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post

Knn this place srsly turning into EDMW.. Sagat after sagat..
I'm bigger than this. That's why I see no point in commenting further oftentimes.

Old 02-10-2019, 10:02 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Met Youzi recently amid the recent hype and was not duly disappointed.

First impression was that she looks like her photos, but not so much like Lin Zhi Ling or Hatano Yui. Pretty and ok, that's it, I thought.
It was only well into the session that I began to feel more and more that she's a cross between Ms Lin and Ms Hatano, especially the lower part of her face. She is young, but actually has a kind of womanly look to her, unlike her buddy several lorongs away. That's why I said earlier on these pages that I'm more likely to return to her than her friend.

She is lanky and slim, probably more to the skinny side, which explains her lack of curves. And also why some might question the authencity of her mammaries, which aren't soft like tofu on some other ladies. But no complaints at all. They're nice to my touch and that's all that matters.

In terms of demeanour, she gave me quite a bit of GFE. Her head was on my pec-delt tie-in all along while we were chatting about lots of stuff. Her voice is mellifluous and a bit "sa jiao" type, but nowhere like those ladies on Taiwanese variety shows. Controlled "sa jiao" is absolutely fine with me. Not having a thick Chinese accent is another plus point.

The verdict? She can be a staple "side adventure", but given that she'll be around for only another two months, I don't think I'll visit her that regularly.

P.S. my modus operandi is to look for someone around for a longer term.
Old 02-10-2019, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Really exposed gao
I'm not surprised maybe one person control 5 or 6 sbf accounts.
Last time in Edmw forum, there was this chap one person create 100+ accounts...ownself talk to ownself.
Really tokkong.
Actually notice change in some behaviour patterns liao. The old nicks. Maybe some closed down, some sian liao.

Aye, buck up your game leh. Imitate better leh. Hehe.
Old 02-10-2019, 10:14 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

hmm bobo with her ponytail new DP looks quite sweet , maybe can shortlist with yuki.
Old 02-10-2019, 10:17 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone tried this Xiao Qing before?
Old 02-10-2019, 10:23 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Why so serious man?

A couple of weeks ago, you accused me of some things based on some totally unfounded coffee shop talk here, but i just laughed it off and continued posting here.
so serious till accusation !!
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Old 02-10-2019, 10:28 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Look the last thing we want is to have this threatening shit again happen. Create discord for the MLs that work here, make things difficult for the girls who come to work and at the same time service us. And we report them just because we aren't happy? Basic rules, keeping playground safe.

A couple of years back lots of shit happened, and yes, there are dickless idiots who threaten MLs. Came across and kind of know of some. Targeted were usually the pretty and good ones.

Now, you are having such good fun. Don't do stupid things to chase them back.

A silent prayer for those dickless idiots to have their balls rot.
Old 02-10-2019, 10:30 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ulysses84 View Post
hmm bobo with her ponytail new DP looks quite sweet , maybe can shortlist with yuki.
In all fairness, she's the weak link in the duo.
Old 02-10-2019, 10:31 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Blu3 View Post
Look the last thing we want is to have this threatening shit again happen. Create discord for the MLs that work here, make things difficult for the girls who come to work and at the same time service us. And we report them just because we aren't happy? Basic rules, keeping playground safe.

A couple of years back lots of shit happened, and yes, there are dickless idiots who threaten MLs. Came across and kind of know of some. Targeted were usually the pretty and good ones.

Now, you are having such good fun. Don't do stupid things to chase them back.
Hahaha such issues will never end one lah

Dickless pricks alway will be around as well...

Just simply don't get involve and just enjoy massage..

Those wana threaten MLs can continue.. karma waiting for you only..

You just need one ML to report to police... they go back china vs u face criminal issues...
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

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