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Old 29-10-2019, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
When venturing into the "local" territory of slg, do tread with added caution.
Do elaborate your experience with "locals" bro, I saw some bros prefer to go with long term stayers..
Old 29-10-2019, 06:46 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"
Wanna try her buy her looks like rated 5/10-7/10

How does her look compare to Bella ?
To me, Bella's size and look is like mid to late 40s. Very far from the age 27 listed.
Old 29-10-2019, 07:06 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Delorean101 View Post
If you support her so regularly and yet she blows hot and cold it's the clearest of signs she is not worth your time. Why waste your money to even try one more time when the answer is so obvious already. Not all ML are appreciative of regular support, save your money on those whom are more worth your time and money. She has divided opinions since day 1. People can sing praises all they want but you patronize her so frequent you are in the best position to conclude what kind of ML she is.
I now accept the fact that she will be the way she is moving forward
She says she thought she can be herself in front of me and slack a little
To be fair she still does everything on the menu and one of the best service providers around

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Hardcore sia you..

How many times you visit her per week? More than twice?

Always eat chix rice will confirm sian one..
It depends on her availability, on average 1-2 times a week

Last edited by Angellover; 29-10-2019 at 07:30 AM.
Old 29-10-2019, 08:43 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by BenZQ View Post
Finished a session with Wen Wen, bbbj very good but her looks really too mature for my taste lol.

Anyone knows who is her current room mate? My friend tell me is Ba Mei but really look very different from the photos
Yes bro, she currently staying with ba mei.
Old 29-10-2019, 10:50 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Angellover View Post
I now accept the fact that she will be the way she is moving forward
She says she thought she can be herself in front of me and slack a little
To be fair she still does everything on the menu and one of the best service providers around
Like that sound like new customer will better gfe n also hv everything on the menu.

Maybe u shld go MIA for a while, before u find her again. See got better svc or not. Lol
Old 29-10-2019, 11:00 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by tska13 View Post

Maybe u shld go MIA for a while, before u find her again. See got better svc or not. Lol
True that.

She might think she's losing you (especially so in this competitive market where we have so many options) and tries to entice you to come back to her more regularly again through better/more services
Old 29-10-2019, 11:18 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Angellover View Post
I now accept the fact that she will be the way she is moving forward
She says she thought she can be herself in front of me and slack a little
To be fair she still does everything on the menu and one of the best service providers around

It depends on her availability, on average 1-2 times a week
At least she is frank about it.
I already drop her as I find she is a tad too commercial nowadays. Not so much talking like last time. Just wham bam and expect me to fark off asap.
Not say she no good but more of like what you say, still does everything on the menu....but like robot perhaps. lol.

I agree w other Bros suggestion you should refrain from seeing her for 1 or 2 weeks.
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Old 29-10-2019, 11:23 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Angellover View Post
I now accept the fact that she will be the way she is moving forward
She says she thought she can be herself in front of me and slack a little
To be fair she still does everything on the menu and one of the best service providers around
If she says that she thought she could be herself in front of you, but merely render you the services on the menu, and no off-menu items, then she's not into you, and is taking you for granted.

On the other hand, if she allows herself to be herself in front of you, and engages you in off-menu intimacies, then she's treating you as someone special, and not just a customer.
Old 29-10-2019, 11:23 AM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
True that.

She might think she's losing you (especially so in this competitive market where we have so many options) and tries to entice you to come back to her more regularly again through better/more services
Originally Posted by Cerberus View Post
At least she is frank about it.

I agree w other Bros suggestion you should refrain from seeing her for 1 or 2 weeks.
To add, if the bro is seeing her 2-3 times a week, try cutting down to once a week first. During that one session, appear on the somewhat disinterested side and gauge her reaction. The following week, disappear totally and see whether she contacts you to find her.
Old 29-10-2019, 11:33 AM
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Whether or not you are "someone special", you'll only be "special" because you spend more money on her.

These bitches are here to make money.
Whether or not she gives you the impression that you are someone "special", it's still about money.

Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
If she says that she thought she could be herself in front of you, but merely render you the services on the menu, and no off-menu items, then she's not into you, and is taking you for granted.

On the other hand, if she allows herself to be herself in front of you, and engages you in off-menu intimacies, then she's treating you as someone special, and not just a customer.
Old 29-10-2019, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
To add, if the bro is seeing her 2-3 times a week, try cutting down to once a week first. During that one session, appear on the somewhat disinterested side and gauge her reaction. The following week, disappear totally and see whether she contacts you to find her.
Frankly, IMHO, don't bother with such games la.
1. She is not a love interest, just move on. It's just an hour/90 mins of companionship each session, don't invest such level of emotion to "check" if she bothers. Even if she does "repent", it could be due to $$$, there's nothing rewarding about this exercise.

2. Most ML, unless is really business damn jialat, won't feel a difference even if a weekly or even twice a week customer stopped patronising. We don't go, there will be others taking our slots. Unless is big timer who tip heavily or book a few hours a session or bring them out party kind, else normal patrons like us, they won't feel a pinch. She is obviously not short of customers, all the more this kind of game is useless.

My 2 cents of opinion.
Old 29-10-2019, 11:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
To add, if the bro is seeing her 2-3 times a week, try cutting down to once a week first. During that one session, appear on the somewhat disinterested side and gauge her reaction. The following week, disappear totally and see whether she contacts you to find her.
The fishing game... 😂
if fish still no reaction, then u also know the next course of action.
Old 29-10-2019, 11:48 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post

2. Most ML, unless is really business damn jialat, won't feel a difference even if a weekly or even twice a week customer stopped patronising. We don't go, there will be others taking our slots. Unless is big timer who tip heavily or book a few hours a session or bring them out party kind, else normal patrons like us, they won't feel a pinch. She is obviously not short of customers, all the more this kind of game is useless.

My 2 cents of opinion.
Yes, I had wanted to add this caveat to my original point. It won't work on ladies like Angel coz she'll likely still be fully booked.
Old 29-10-2019, 11:54 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Yes, I had wanted to add this caveat to my original point. It won't work on ladies like Angel coz she'll likely still be fully booked.
And maybe she also want new dishes ...

Regardless, you are the one spending the moola... do what you deem that make you happy 😃
Old 29-10-2019, 12:14 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Frankly, IMHO, don't bother with such games la.
1. She is not a love interest, just move on. It's just an hour/90 mins of companionship each session, don't invest such level of emotion to "check" if she bothers. Even if she does "repent", it could be due to $$$, there's nothing rewarding about this exercise.

2. Most ML, unless is really business damn jialat, won't feel a difference even if a weekly or even twice a week customer stopped patronising. We don't go, there will be others taking our slots. Unless is big timer who tip heavily or book a few hours a session or bring them out party kind, else normal patrons like us, they won't feel a pinch. She is obviously not short of customers, all the more this kind of game is useless.

My 2 cents of opinion.
Great thoughts!

Yes, I also hardly doubt she will really send message asking certain customers how are they doing....blah blah blah.
I used to visit her 2-3 times a week.....then I stop....stop as in give up....not play games....n she also never message me asking me why I never look for her.
In fact she block me from her wechat.....whatever...only recently she unblock me....for what reason only she herself know....

I do agree unless customer is VIP big fish type....small prawns like us, these APs dont give a hoot whether we look for them regularly or not.
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