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Old 21-12-2019, 01:39 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ulysses84 View Post
find her friend mango, she hardly use phone during the session. fully focus on delivering.
She did use her phone during my last visit when I was already on the bed. Maybe too familiar with me Liao. Her jiemei asked her if regular customer can let them lick nipples or not?? She listen to the audio message. I protested by saying off course can! Haha! But I decided that no lick nipple shit is no go for me and I stopped rtm her. But to be fair, she doesn’t use phone during massage.

Originally Posted by 22ginger View Post

I'm actually digging the pics with specs. Reminds me of a certain Annette Lee from sgag
Oh, I only dig the profile pic.

Originally Posted by Angellover View Post
Hmm how should I put it?
She’s a FL turned ML.
Photo of her with specs are genuine.
Look quite hot without specs and is those rare Shanghai babe with taller shapely body.
Thanks for confirming!
Old 21-12-2019, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Kan pua annoying.. I don't pay $100+ to listen to other people talk lol..

If use phone then my hands will auto roam and caress their erogenous zones, whether they like it or not..
I do the same and tease them about it if it goes overboard (or not)
They usually get the hint and stop using the phone.
Usually usage involves booking matters and not chit chat in my case.

If they don’t stop usage, and touchy feely starts their engines too, it sometimes isn’t a bad thing. :x
Rare occurrence though.
Old 21-12-2019, 02:10 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Song Song really airport?

Her mug is what really interests me. Youthful yet looking womanly-sultry.
Pretty much airport. But has little mounds.
She’s getting pretty hard to book despite location. Guess a lot of bros dig her looks.

Just note that her complexion isn’t as smooth as in photos, but definitely SYT
Old 21-12-2019, 03:41 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by yalpnez View Post
Pretty much airport. But has little mounds.
She’s getting pretty hard to book despite location. Guess a lot of bros dig her looks.

Just note that her complexion isn’t as smooth as in photos, but definitely SYT
She ticks only one of my three boxes, so easy choice then.
Old 21-12-2019, 05:01 PM
Roulette5 Roulette5 is offline
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Originally Posted by Marq View Post
Sorry I cannot condone phone usage during sessions. ...snip ...
You all have to remember. They are earning an income much much higher than an above average person, so I don’t feel its wrong to expect focus
Agree. I usually will tell them off nicely.

Those popular ones, they tell me one day 8-10 customers. Assuming each one pay $110. Assuming work 25 days, code red 5 days. Total they earn between $22k - $27.5k per month.

Minus off condo rental about $5k for central ones, they still have $17k-$22.5k income for the month.

How many cheongsters here earn between $17k-$22.5k per month? Not many i suppose. Yet many can tolerate many of these sub-standard popular girls. No wonder many of these call sinkapoo men carrot heads.

I agree since money belongs to the "buyer", how they want to spend, how they want to tip, up to them, non of other ppl's business.

Having seen all these things for decades, i drink with kakis, we always bring these examples up and laugh. Heard of gingna kia earn $3-$5k per month, go around tipping MLs who are earning five or six times more then them.

Some locals also doing quite well. One drinking khaki last week booked a local fl who declined him picking her up, instead offered to pick him up. She came by in a new mercedes E series and incall at 5 stars hotel. Darn high standard.

Anyway, point is, people buy goods and services, must have the courage to make sure you get what you paid for lah. And remember that chicken also got many different grades. Diamond grade, jade grade, gold grade, kampung grade. Unless earning big money, just rmbr that most of them earning much much more than the average sinkapoo carrot head.

Ok ranting over. 干杯!
Old 21-12-2019, 05:24 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Thanks to the reliable MRs here, I went to visit Tang Tang.

Location is easy by car or public transport, indeed NX location for those in the know.

Greeted me in an oversized Tshirt with no make up so I was a bit underwhelmed but won’t reject for sure. Looks pretty close to video and pics but w/o make up discount a bit.

She asked if I would like her to shower for me, I said yes of course! So as I watched her strip off that big tshirt the melons fell out and I was like OMG, no regrets for sure! Couldn’t keep my eyes n hands off those boobs in the shower, they are really natural Ds, not those over-declared ones so commonly found in adverts.

Massage was really short and sensual was slow and steady, nice tickles n cat bath and boobs rubbing all over. Let me play with her boobs all I want , lick n suck until I happy. Opted for CBJ since she got CD, took her time and moved around different positions n gave me access to roaming down south. Very accommodating lass.

After finishing me off, cleaned me up and sat next to me on bed n chit chat as she pressed my thigh. I find that her looks grows on me as I spend more time with her. Nice n real personality, not the bullshit kind. She asked if I’m tired, just rest awhile as she continued chatting with me. After what felt like a long time, I asked what time was it and she told me it was 20mins pass my hour mark. I so paiseh, but she said next customer coming 1 hr after my hour. Not the kind to rush u off, I give extra points there.

Only used phone after my hour while chatting with me, I was totally ok with that as she didn’t touch the phone at all while servicing me.

Overall, I would say it was good experience. The service offering is similar to the likes of YY/Shu Qi whom I enjoyed a bit more for less money, so the RTM question becomes a tricky one. I would think Tang Tang would be better priced at 100 as she lacks a bit in looks n overall figure. But that being said, she is still RTM material for me cos of those natural Ds and she is a nice person to be with.
Old 21-12-2019, 05:35 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$ View Post
lol maybe she's mean what she said ? how do you know she's working? you can go to a ML that you're close with and see if they help you check your num is blacklisted a not. if not just move on ~ 不要强迫, 没有幸福de
turns out it's because im new so she said she cant accept me and all the other MLs probably wont as well... i guess this is the end to the start of my cheonging
Old 21-12-2019, 05:39 PM
ulysses84 ulysses84 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cryingoutloud View Post
turns out it's because im new so she said she cant accept me and all the other MLs probably wont as well... i guess this is the end to the start of my cheonging
imagine the amount of $ you can save by not starting, take it as a blessing in disguise.
Old 21-12-2019, 05:43 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Roulette5 View Post
Agree. I usually will tell them off nicely.

Those popular ones, they tell me one day 8-10 customers. Assuming each one pay $110. Assuming work 25 days, code red 5 days. Total they earn between $22k - $27.5k per month.

Minus off condo rental about $5k for central ones, they still have $17k-$22.5k income for the month.

How many cheongsters here earn between $17k-$22.5k per month? Not many i suppose. Yet many can tolerate many of these sub-standard popular girls. No wonder many of these call sinkapoo men carrot heads.

I agree since money belongs to the "buyer", how they want to spend, how they want to tip, up to them, non of other ppl's business.

Having seen all these things for decades, i drink with kakis, we always bring these examples up and laugh. Heard of gingna kia earn $3-$5k per month, go around tipping MLs who are earning five or six times more then them.

Some locals also doing quite well. One drinking khaki last week booked a local fl who declined him picking her up, instead offered to pick him up. She came by in a new mercedes E series and incall at 5 stars hotel. Darn high standard.

Anyway, point is, people buy goods and services, must have the courage to make sure you get what you paid for lah. And remember that chicken also got many different grades. Diamond grade, jade grade, gold grade, kampung grade. Unless earning big money, just rmbr that most of them earning much much more than the average sinkapoo carrot head.

Ok ranting over. 干杯!
Japan - Land of The Rising Sun, Thailand - Land of Smiles, $ingapore - Land of Carrots
Old 21-12-2019, 05:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cryingoutloud View Post
turns out it's because im new so she said she cant accept me and all the other MLs probably wont as well... i guess this is the end to the start of my cheonging
Save up and venture overseas. Satisfaction level are much higher. Given the current crop, you will feel like $ being thrown away after you have tried
Old 21-12-2019, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by zeefee71 View Post
Japan - Land of The Rising Sun, Thailand - Land of Smiles, $ingapore - Land of Carrots
The last time I make that comment ganna zap. Lol.
Old 21-12-2019, 09:33 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by actprunet View Post
Yu Er looks like the pics with the specs.
Massage is not her forte but I was there for the looks
Who cares about massage! Only care about looks, which she has, and just as importantly, how her body? Slim? Fleshy boobs? Ample ass? And perhaps most importantly, how's sensual skills? Catbath thorough? Can she suck a good dick? Does she like to be licked to orgasm??
Old 21-12-2019, 09:34 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Blu3 View Post
The last time I make that comment ganna zap. Lol.
Aiyo since when you care about that?
Old 21-12-2019, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Aiyo since when you care about that?
Haha. I don't actually. Getting less and less bother with all the nonsense around actually.
Old 21-12-2019, 10:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Who cares about massage! Only care about looks, which she has, and just as importantly, how her body? Slim? Fleshy boobs? Ample ass? And perhaps most importantly, how's sensual skills? Catbath thorough? Can she suck a good dick? Does she like to be licked to orgasm??
Slightly fleshy but her looks made up for it(at least to me)
Boobs and ass are ample enuf for me
Sensual wise, I'll just say that I enjoyed my time with her
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