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Old 11-01-2020, 12:52 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by yalpnez View Post
As for bringing food and being extra caring. Let's be honest. We all do it because we want to get into their pussies.
You might be right.. In hindsight got 1 ml, first visit tao huay zui, last visit mala tang.. Wah move 1 decimal place sia.. I think I fell into the kc trap.. Lucky gone back for good liao..

Jkjk, later all the rich wallys laugh at me..
Old 11-01-2020, 12:57 AM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by yalpnez View Post
But for girls we want to date...some of us really do wanna settle down with them ma. World of difference from MLs. But well. We all know for a fact many bros do date the pretty MLs out.
The initial stages are still the same.
Old 11-01-2020, 12:59 AM
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Originally Posted by 22ginger View Post
You might be right.. In hindsight got 1 ml, first visit tao huay zui, last visit mala tang.. Wah move 1 decimal place sia.. I think I fell into the kc trap.. Lucky gone back for good liao..
Wah biang, you say until like give luxury LV bag like that. Food lah, just food. We got to eat, they got to eat, nothing much. The ones that don't ask for food, I don't mind on the way get a packet.
Old 11-01-2020, 01:07 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Blu3 View Post
Wah biang, you say until like give luxury LV bag like that. Food lah, just food. We got to eat, they got to eat, nothing much. The ones that don't ask for food, I don't mind on the way get a packet.
Exactly bro.. Was trying to make a point that it's not branded we're buying. So no, not really, not exactly buying food to get pussies..
Old 11-01-2020, 01:11 AM
Stenzer Stenzer is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone tried this?

Recently like a lot more fake photos on SLG.
Old 11-01-2020, 01:20 AM
yalpnez yalpnez is offline
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Well I found these more recent posts about her..

WASTED MAN never got to try her at least once..
They were reminiscing about the past la.
When I had Soda's ctc, she was on ORD mood and didn't have a chance to book and visit.

Then before I knew it she RTC liao. I usually take the hype with a pinch of salt.
Vera has so much hype too. But minusing any (subpar) bodily specials, her JG alone is very normal only.
Old 11-01-2020, 01:50 AM
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
夏天 gave me the most fits and anxiety.. Led me on a wild goose chase for weeks before finally securing a booking with her.. Glad I persisted till the end..

AL took me a few days.. SS not so bad first time reply liao..

You just try lor once or twice a day to book TB.. Beats doing nothing and waiting for the hype to die down..
I wish to book TB but not now, I support other regulars first. SS is leaving soon, hopefully she will be back soon but can't take anything for granted. Amei promised to be back soon but no news. So just support and enjoy the full hour with her before she leaves.

As for the food issue, I've come to realized most likely if you ask they will reject, as they are quite well stocked with food. I don't remember any ML playing victim card at least for me, because I feel it can be a great turn off. There were MLs who would pretend to talk aBout branded goods, but I pretend I don't know any (which honestly I don't know much) )to cut off the conversation.
Old 11-01-2020, 03:01 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$ View Post
i wonder how you guys, can be so motivated and protect yourself so well from all this trap, i guess it still up to experience
Sorry to hear your predicament but I agree with Bro Kopiosteve, just dun get into this mess. I myself started this ML game late....mid career, mid marriage....mid-life (crisis?). I rationalise that what I'm doing is simply a transaction. And I'm playing catch up.

The hard truth is that any relationship with an ML -if you call it that - is built on that $$ transaction. It won't be the same without the $$ and the MLs accept all sorts of clients simply because they have a need for $$.

My regular MLs know my likes and foibles well enough. I make no bones about what I want and need and expect they will acquiesce. Where I feel comfortable and feted the ML will enjoy the benefits of patronage and a decent tip fro the added effort.Where there is no "gum" - well no hard feelings - 1 man's meat is another's poison.

But that does not mean I treat them wrong. On the contrary kindness and civility begets its own reward. MLs like to be treated well - but there are bros who will spend $$ unnecessarily to impress them and inflate their egos. Then the claim their adverts are wron they dun do BJ, they are tired and their entire service level suffers. But all that happens also because we stoke their egos through great FRs with the resultant demands.

But what keeps me sane is I know that I mean little to them and that is the reality check we all need to keep our heads screwed on straight.

Anyway been busy and have hit the bucket list I put up last weekend and have visited 3 lasses so far this week with 2 more this weekend. Most of the FRs contributed by the bros on them are largely accurate so no reason to chew the fat unnecessarily. So far 1 meets the mark so she'll join the rotation list . Hopefully there will be one more to the list this weekend and I'd have replaced my 2 leavers ZZ and MM.
Old 11-01-2020, 04:34 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
I always follow Hebe golden advice, if booking a ML makes you feel unhappy then she is not the one for you..We spend $$ to buy happy ending!
Originally Posted by JLamb View Post
Indeed. Hebe respects her clients, and I felt happy with her.
I wonder how's Hebe doing. Hope she's fine.
Yeah Hebe brought up this point with me as well. She follows through with her own advice and always tries her best to give me the best experience within her limits. Every time I try someone else when she's not free, I always find it hard to get an experience close to what I got with her. Been missing her for weeks now, hope things are OK and she can return here after CNY.
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Old 11-01-2020, 06:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Joined2005 View Post
Asked nicely and nicely declined. I won’t coax them any further one. No point spoiling it for both parties. Only may not rtm, that’s about it.
AndRui rui shorts not the attractive type somemore. Not those short short de.
I was surprised when she do cat bath on my back, she was still wearing her shirt.
She took off her shirt after I flipped over.
But anyway, after she was done with her routine, I did ask her to remove her shorts and she didn’t decline. Also asked her to lie down n I roamed her body. She is quite afraid of itchiness though, esp her underarms which I can’t venture close with my lips.
Old 11-01-2020, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Any info on Soda?

Been wanting to get her contact for quite some time but to no avail..
I always ask myself with so many thais here.. golden mile etc.. sure got some authentic thai jg providers somewhere besides soda... but never seem to find. 😖
Old 11-01-2020, 08:17 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Rtm Bei Bei again for her good massage and innocent attitude

Looks: 8/10 in actual person she don't have such high forehead as ps pic. Those pic are just distorted.
Figure 8/10 good more than a handful soft and smooth. Those are big so you can't expect some gravity there. Slim and you still her a rib cage. She maintaining her figure not to over eat
Massage 9/10 this is where she Excel. Never disappointed to look for any time of day. She maintain that consistent strength and rub down.
Sensual 7/10 she is a good conversationer and still very shy even when taking her top off. She does perform some form of jg to trigger the flow. If you are looking for innocent school girl behaviour, she is the one.
Location 9/10 close to her old place but on the other direction walkable from public transport. For those who drive might need to park nearby car park or ask her. Shared room with another ML but toilet is attached to her room.
Hygiene 10/10 she is very particular about this and clean her place in the morning as usual. The last time I was her first customer, she was cleaning up. Even though she share the place with another lady, she does the cleaning. poor thing.
Old 11-01-2020, 08:52 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Not going for shop-based services anymore.

Book a 45-minute session, and you can expect barely 30 minutes with the lady by your side. The counter starts ticking when you're ushered into the cubicle and asked to wait for her to come in. The ticking continues when you and her leave for the bathroom to wash up. Not to mention that she can sometimes leave the cubicle for whatever reason and returns several minutes later.

Like what bro Johndick mentioned earlier, quoting the ML Hebe, if you feel unsatisfied, underwhelmed or something similar after the session, don't go again.
I tried one in Jurong last week, booked 1hr ,no short changed unlike what you'd sexperienced. No butterfly at all.
Only felt something missing when roaming under uniform, less of the intimacy.
home based still better for the same amount paid

Think it all depends on the MO of the girls ba.
Old 11-01-2020, 09:07 AM
Kopiosteve Kopiosteve is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Stenzer View Post
Anyone tried this?

Recently like a lot more fake photos on SLG.
At SLG is $80 for bbbj/hi.
At momo is $80 for full FJ.

Old 11-01-2020, 09:07 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by 22ginger View Post
Exactly bro.. Was trying to make a point that it's not branded we're buying. So no, not really, not exactly buying food to get pussies..
Alamak! No meh!!!?? You mean I've been using the wrong "gifts" to get their pussies moist all this while!? Aiyo... Lol

But last time got ML I buy fruits then lemme rubba downstairs. Then next round I buy bah kut teh then got lick her dripping wet tender bits. Then next round I forget to buy anything but sekali got everything! Hahahaha
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