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Old 28-08-2020, 12:20 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by taxman View Post
I see both advs, those service are almost the same as other girls who did nuru. Perhaps what you guys trying to say is that others girls using the same name cannot do nuru?

I think is this girl trying to copy Nat, think someone should inform sgbeautycastle to change her name so not to confuse bros out here.
Don't put words into my mouth and act smart, nobody said anything about others cannot do nuru. You clearly did not read my initial post about this where I flagged her intro

"I hereby intro this famous Natalie who is an expert in giving Nuru B2B Massage & Manhood treatment..."
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Old 28-08-2020, 01:25 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Got some queries on this, so perhaps share something here.

Firstly, know your operating environment. If you're going to a new place, check it out on Google Map beforehand. Familiarise yourself with the ingress and egress routes. Look out for alternative ingress and egress points too. Identify possible spots nearby where you can surveill the environment without looking conspicious. So best if there are sit-down places nearby like coffee shops. Reach the locality well before the appointment time as far as possible. Be cool and blend into the environment. If it's daytime, wear light-coloured clothes. Of course avoid glaring colours like bright yellow so that you won't stand out. If it's a night mission, the same logic applies. When walking, always do so as close as possible to a building or within its shelter so that your profile won't be as conspicious.

Once you're within like 100 metres of the objective, do a quick scan of what's around you. Parked vehicles with two persons (of differing characteristics) sitting in front are of profound interest. If you see what I describe here, raise your "antenna". Ask yourself this: "Do they seem to fit that kind of profile?"
They also seem to dress in a certain manner when partaking in covert operations. You should know what that is. Do your own threat assessment and be prepared to abort before every single mission.

I said this before, and I won't belabour it: have something in your hands to make it seem as if you're visiting a friend.

Use the lift only when you're alone. If she is on, say, the fifth floor, press the fourth-, sixth-, and seventh-floor buttons (if the building is that high) as well to obfuscate things.
Good sharing Bro. That's what I always do whenever I visit a new location. Chiong safe! Cheers!
Old 28-08-2020, 01:49 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Hi fellow bros, any malaysian syt ml to intro? Thanks in advance.
Old 28-08-2020, 02:56 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by hornboi View Post
Hi fellow bros, any malaysian syt ml to intro? Thanks in advance.
Mandy obviously... but vanilla service only... and she works in an MP. Unless you reserve a slot in the morning or night... then you get to go to her apartment... She's listed in SLG Local section.
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Old 28-08-2020, 06:30 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by CTOA3954 View Post
Yes.... she's back.
Yes.... she's not on any site.
At the moment she is only contacting those bros on her little black book..... not taking new customers yet.
Her booking is unique..... she only takes bookings for next day. Downside is she choose the time and will broadcast the slots available for next then fast hand fast leg reply to grab the slot that you want.
Huh? Good for those who like preplanning, but bad for those who have urge on the very day.
Old 28-08-2020, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by JLamb View Post
Huh? Good for those who like preplanning, but bad for those who have urge on the very day.
Should she decide to be listed on sites then Annie is exactly what this scene needs at the moment. Imo one whom totally deserves the SYT princess moniker back when she is arrived and created all the buzz. Prettiest pair of anime ish eyes 👀 that I still remember till now. If she didn't age much since 2 years back, bulk of the hyped vanilla ML can stand one side lah. She may not have killer body /boobs, but suckers for looks will surely rejoice, especially her GFE off the charts. Let's hope she list herself SOON!!
Old 28-08-2020, 08:32 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anybody has the contact of the new babe 38F DoDo?
Love body massage by girls with Big Boobs.
Old 28-08-2020, 08:44 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Samsung Cheong View Post
Anybody has the contact of the new babe 38F DoDo?
Originally Posted by Annoymous View Post
Is Annie back on our shores? Saw her recently being very active on WeChat. Wonder what's up... Haha I recall she was the super wild type. In fact a bit too wild for me..

Saw another sweet vanilla ml posting 'start work liao' in Chinese...

Can't find both on the site.
Prince Devitt upped.
Old 28-08-2020, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by loderunner View Post
You tried adding her WeChat alrdy?
I added her, pinged her on two seperate days for a booking, and both the days she didn't have any slot available. Then she removed me all of a sudden. No idea.

As per previous posts, she's the old ML Alice, so maybe she takes only her old regulars, not sure.
Old 28-08-2020, 10:19 AM
Diudiu Diudiu is offline
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Fr for Tarma Cheryl and Miu Miu from hc tread
Given their high playability, tarma would be very exciting. Without disappointment, the whole session is full of actions. Ps: Both of them are best friend in China

Massage: 0.1 almost none
Sensual: 9 lots of licking and teasing
Tarma experience: 9
Gfe: 9
Bbbj: 9
Ar: 9
Both FN and no restrictions to almost anything (maybe base on chemistry too) except fj
Old 28-08-2020, 11:08 AM
Pochinki Pochinki is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Diudiu View Post
Fr for Tarma Cheryl and Miu Miu from hc tread
Given their high playability, tarma would be very exciting. Without disappointment, the whole session is full of actions. Ps: Both of them are best friend in China

Massage: 0.1 almost none
Sensual: 9 lots of licking and teasing
Tarma experience: 9
Gfe: 9
Bbbj: 9
Ar: 9
Both FN and no restrictions to almost anything (maybe base on chemistry too) except fj
Whats the damage for this bro?
Old 28-08-2020, 11:19 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sgjoey View Post
Mandy obviously... but vanilla service only... and she works in an MP. Unless you reserve a slot in the morning or night... then you get to go to her apartment... She's listed in SLG Local section.
Anybody tried Mandy's services in her apartment? Looked for her once in the MP and i'm wondering whether she offers more services in her apartment.
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Old 28-08-2020, 02:59 PM
Chidorigan Chidorigan is offline
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Originally Posted by Diudiu View Post
Fr for Tarma Cheryl and Miu Miu from hc tread
Given their high playability, tarma would be very exciting. Without disappointment, the whole session is full of actions. Ps: Both of them are best friend in China

Massage: 0.1 almost none
Sensual: 9 lots of licking and teasing
Tarma experience: 9
Gfe: 9
Bbbj: 9
Ar: 9
Both FN and no restrictions to almost anything (maybe base on chemistry too) except fj
Any link to either of them? Thanks
Old 28-08-2020, 03:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Chidorigan View Post
Any link to either of them? Thanks


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Old 28-08-2020, 03:32 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Is her name Lin in Sgbeautycastle? So far i see quite good review
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