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Old 14-09-2020, 01:11 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by qwerty2009 View Post
Just tried her :

Reach her place. Picture too photoshop. Looks older, at least <5 years. She requested me to pay first. I accepted as I saw good reviews of her in sglonelyboy website and did not saw any negative reviews about her in this thread. In the end, karma strike! Bad attitude. Always nag and keep rushing to early release. Time is not up yet and told me to leave early because next customers arrived already. She tried to squeeze 2 customers within 1 hour timeframe and urge you to leave early within 30 minutes mark.

RTM : definitely no. Tried at your own risk. Typical PRC trying to cheat sg man.
this one is a semi land mine. but still got ppl say her good :/
Queue for return:
Old 14-09-2020, 01:16 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by charles19 View Post
Tried her before...location wise abit troublesome unless you drive..look much older than photo...but overall the service still not bad...can 2 shots and never rush also, maybe after me there is no booking...
Karen= Joyce at Sgl web

The height profile and red chair very obvious
Old 14-09-2020, 01:23 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Stenzer View Post
this one is a semi land mine. but still got ppl say her good :/
bro , can share who say she is good? the FR at all fake one and require admin moderation to approve for the reviews. If she is good , then she should be consistent. Why she have to conduct double booking and not so hostile and complain so much during the whole session ... I just feel sad how easy she made money from us and how our hard earned money is easily gone like that given the current covid. Rather pcc than letting her earn the easy cash. Anyway , just sharing my experience. Those who still want to give a bet and take a risk , by all means go ahead. Just sharing as I feel to help brothers here avoid such negative experience that i had.
Old 14-09-2020, 01:33 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone know apple previously using what name? Trying to search for her review seems like couldn't found.. her new photo seems like very attractive
Old 14-09-2020, 05:56 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Michkazuki View Post
Anyone know apple previously using what name? Trying to search for her review seems like couldn't found.. her new photo seems like very attractive
If i rmb correctly, it was coco. Her original pic was the one above the video.
Just sharing the truth. Do up me if it benefits you Cheers
Old 14-09-2020, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by johnsmithzz1996 View Post
If i rmb correctly, it was coco. Her original pic was the one above the video.
Ya! That's the name! Thanks bro!
Old 14-09-2020, 09:18 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Share some contacts to bros with good massage and teasing. In the end still kena zap for saying she gives you free HJ? Interesting logic you got there zapper. Maybe giving to some bros might pissed them off.. After trying do write a FR about her! However interested bros with reputable points and posts I shall give.

Till then...
Old 14-09-2020, 10:16 AM
helium_diokside helium_diokside is offline
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Talking Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by helium_diokside View Post
Tried to book a ML from beauty castle, timing all arrange swee Swee
When I reached the shop, turn up to be timing cock up because of double booking.
But the shop rearrange me another ML that turn up to be rare gem.

Look: 9 Chio (big eyes)
Age: late 20’s (very attractive Chio secretary type)
Body : 9 curvy with out extra fats.
Weight: 50kg
Boobs : 36D natural. (Boobs lover would not forget it)
Massage : 8 (like her juagen very much)
Gfe: very strong gfe feel.
Location : southern area.

She not a time watcher and during massage, she doesn’t even carry phone with her. For me that like to have good massage with Comfortable HJ, I am preparing to revisit again soon.
After the whole session happily ended, I am just like a lucky man that able to enjoy my day and also discovered this rare gem.
Share my second humble FR after RTM on a Sunday evening.

For the past few days, singapore temperatures drop to very cool and and breezy.
On a raining Sunday, lucky that I able to visit the “office secretary “again.

Look : this visit make me have a stronger GFE feel on her. 10/10 Chio
Body : hour glass body that have all the necessary assets. (有前有后)
Weigh : 50kg
Height : 165cm( tiny and petite type)
Massage : very sensual and comfortable massage, her hot skill set that I like very much, 海底捞月 HDLY。。that will make sure you second IC Chiong like a metal rod.
Boobs : 36D natural.. (boobs lover like me would say “no horse run”)
Body : hour glass body that have all the necessary assets. (有前有后)
RTM : 2nd visit Liao ...

As my first encounter, she is not a time watcher or even use her phone during the session. After the whole session ended, she pour a warm water for me, that pour warm ness to my soul and body. Left the place as another happy man again.
Old 14-09-2020, 10:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by papakecik View Post
wa bro that was nasty man.. agreed with the doesn't know how to please customer part. i rmb her ranting to me back then about why customers keep asking what's her age and which part of china she from.

Basically, she was annoyed why we need to ask so many question when we are just going to her for a massage. Then i was thinking to myself, this one ice breaker question ma why need to kpkb so much
I tried her twice before. Very painful Jurgen.. like very sadistic type. The damage was $100 for 2 shots.
But she is working with her sister..i think real sister...SuFei.....was very much better. Became my regular......i do not know if she is still around now? Any bro knows ?
Old 14-09-2020, 10:50 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Hi all bro, i never visit spa last time, and would like to ask for some guidance, what's the standard rates for different service?

Would appreciate if bros can shed some light and i dont spoil market too.

Thank you!
Old 14-09-2020, 11:27 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ohyeayea123 View Post
Posting an MR of Jia Jia -

Had issues at the start - thinking back, these were alarm signs and I should have cancelled the session instead. First tried to book her in advance on Wed for Friday noon session, she told me to try again on Thurs night as too early and she might forget. Fair, so I tried again on Thurs night. She replied to confirm and gave me her address and said to let her know when reaching. Next day (Friday), some 2hrs before the session, she texted me and asked if I was confirmed. And as I was working, I didnt manage to see my phone till 10-15min later, by which she sent me another text to say if I didnt reply then will proceed to cancel. I quickly replied confirmed, and she asked if I could reach 15min earlier. I said I would try, and agreed to go early if i could. On hindsight, this was a warning sign and I should just have cancelled immed. I ended up only reaching on the dot as originally booked due to some bad traffic on the way.

During the session, after my own shower, she started with main course first, saying that in case no time later. Already a turn off. There was no prelude, just go straight to business, nips then bbbj. Used hand most of the time so gave a very rushed feeling, and sorry, definitely not 10/10 or anywhere close to 20/10 as someone mentioned recently - definitely had much better, Tang Tang would be a good example. After that, asked me turn around to give massage, whole time using phone and one hand massage (except for maybe 5minutes). Ended in 35minutes, asked me go shower then I left.

Caveat that ratings are specific to my session, experiences may differ. But personally, definitely wouldnt RTM.

My two-cents ratings:
Looks: 6.5/10 - some blemishes, GND
Body: 9/10 - very slim, not for boob lovers but I quite like her pair though as they fit just nice, smooth skin, nice ass
Bbbj: 5/10 - too rushed, used alot of hands, not much feel
Sensual: 0/10 - N/A
Massage: 3/10 - super short, used her arm to knead abit of my back that’s all
Sad to hear this. I was the one who wrote a FR on her recently. Anyway the 20/10 is not I write one ah's from online. As per my review..she's definitely not the best as I have had better ones as well for BBBJ and CIM.

However I didn't face the rush or start with main course first which u kena..must say ..can imagine it being a turned off. Hope u will find better ones that suit u
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Old 14-09-2020, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by helium_diokside View Post
Share my second humble FR after RTM on a Sunday evening.

For the past few days, singapore temperatures drop to very cool and and breezy.
On a raining Sunday, lucky that I able to visit the “office secretary “again.

Look : this visit make me have a stronger GFE feel on her. 10/10 Chio
Body : hour glass body that have all the necessary assets. (有前有后)
Weigh : 50kg
Height : 165cm( tiny and petite type)
Massage : very sensual and comfortable massage, her hot skill set that I like very much, 海底捞月 HDLY。。that will make sure you second IC Chiong like a metal rod.
Boobs : 36D natural.. (boobs lover like me would say “no horse run”)
Body : hour glass body that have all the necessary assets. (有前有后)
RTM : 2nd visit Liao ...

As my first encounter, she is not a time watcher or even use her phone during the session. After the whole session ended, she pour a warm water for me, that pour warm ness to my soul and body. Left the place as another happy man again.
Bro can share contact?
Old 14-09-2020, 12:41 PM
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Talking Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by goodgame View Post
Is it normal if the ML that you frequent regularly suddenly offer fj as an option with top up?

For the past 1.5years of visiting her, she never offer this then suddenly she offer. Of course it came as a shock and i said I'll consider next time.

Her cited reason is that she thinks I'm clean and hence with chemistry, she dun mind.
Yes, the quickest way of making a buck. One ML which i frequent last year near Central area offered the option during the sensual HJ. She knew I was at 90% launch sequence. So i said ya la of course. Cannot tahan already of course say yes. Like you, she also said we known each otber long enough, I very handsome bla blabla... LOL.. Initially I thought, how lucky am I.

But few days later saw her WeChat moments, she posted something new hobby about going to casino and said that she loved singapore. So your guess is as good as mine.. Hahaha.. And here I thought I was really handsome..
Old 14-09-2020, 01:07 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by goodgame View Post
Is it normal if the ML that you frequent regularly suddenly offer fj as an option with top up?

For the past 1.5years of visiting her, she never offer this then suddenly she offer. Of course it came as a shock and i said I'll consider next time.

Her cited reason is that she thinks I'm clean and hence with chemistry, she dun mind.
I would say don't read too much into it. We guys like to kid ourselves that we are special and after visiting the same ML so many times, we get excited if rewarded with that eventual "unlock". Most of the time is always about the money.

Like I said, don't read too much into it and just enjoy what you have!
Old 14-09-2020, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
Same experience a few years ago. A meaty ML and her pics were taken 4-5 years back.. Her massage is good but she does not know how to please her customer. Told me she did not clean her nipples and don't know why her customers all like to zhu zhu her nipples. I almost puke and went to rinse my mouth a few times while showering.
Oh this June (SLG) / Chivas (SGBeautycastle).

Tried once long ago as I have a stiff neck/shoulder so took a chance on her coz photos looks not too bad and she seems quite well reviewed for massage. Turns out the only accurate thing is she indeed massage hard..everything else is not very pleasant. Already managed my expectations on looks and body yet she still manage to "surprise" me. She talks a lot and not that she is rude but is the self boosting type and has a domineering personality in terms of behaviour and speech. Sensual.. i don't even know how I managed to cum. Only for people who really want to get hard massage by a matured ML. I wouldn't even use the term MILF on her, coz her attributes and demeanor doesn't turn me on at all. The fact that she is getting FR here these days is a telltale sigh of how stale our scene has become 😔
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