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Old 01-05-2015, 08:40 PM
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Re: Fang Fang 90537205

Originally Posted by Ahboii200 View Post
any recommendations on BF? went to a few that stated BF but in the end don't provide

feel so cheated..
u can try bao er from LTD
Old 01-05-2015, 09:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
I think the ladies that was caught were unlucky. They came very recently and has not really get the hang of things and now they are being sent home.
Usually they won't get send home so fast, if they were needed as witness. Could be around for months to half a year or more. A have a regular ML who is exactly like this. Been here almost half a year and still waiting to go court. I am not complaining though
Old 01-05-2015, 09:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by massagelover669 View Post
recently went to mona
this is a rtm as i had a decent experience when she was previously here

i already knew she not a looker since the last time. but this time she opened the door (late noon) with no make up and a oversized tshirt and berms that make her looks like an auntie.
her massage is still good but her hj stuff seems to have became worse and very robotic.

sigh current stock of MLs not vgood. luckily FL2 got quite a number of gems recently.
Bro agree. Went to visit her a few days back, as her place no curtain, practically move around the house in the dark. She was wearing a t-shirt with short black tights.

She is kind of cute, asked me if she can eat dinner first, so I let her. She took a few quick bites and start the massage. She was giggling all the way, teasing, cold jokes, but ok la..effort. She has this tendency to repeat what you say, act cute...but she is cute. She has this very oriental look, like a chinese dancer. But she is a little too short to be dancer I think.

Anyway, I thought her massage is good. Targeting my aches. Effort on her part was great. No short change on this part. Once in a while she will try to be funny and lay on top of me while massaging, resting. I thought hoseiliao, since got chemistry. After the massage, she asked me to flip over. Act cute again. I auto took off her t-shirt., and she has a really nice rack!! All covered under that t-shirt. She got me hard, but when I tasted her rack...hmmm..a little salty.. She was telling me not to as she admit she is salty..anyway, the turn off part starts from here...she was really trying to jerk me off hard so I can get it over.

Sometimes I think when they get too busy, they start to get lazy or tired. Basic hygiene also thrown out of window. I do not blame them because I believe you will also get turn off if you see dick for 12hours
Old 02-05-2015, 01:25 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I hardly post on this forum at all but I am posting a MR for this chio girl as she asked me to help her post one.

I have high standards for looks and will not hesitate to reject CMI or below average looking MLs on the spot.
However, this girl is easily one of the prettiest MRs out there.
I feel she will rank at least 8/10 to anyone who has met her.
Personally, I will give her 9/10. And she is of model height (she might be even taller than some of her visitors).

Apartment-wise, its quite easy to locate (in an atas area in the East by the way) and the place is very tidy and clean.
Massage-wise, she is not the strongest out there and maybe not super skilful but it is just about good enough for me. Definitely can improve of course.

Had a nice chat with her and cant help notice that she doesn't have a strong PRC accent but her voice is a bit weird in a cute way.

PS: She has some understanding of English by the way.

Last edited by tanglintan; 02-05-2015 at 01:26 AM. Reason: Typo
Old 02-05-2015, 01:40 AM
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Mina 米娜

MR for Mina

Apartment: Stay alone in a small unit. The room is clean and tidy. As told by her, she will move again very soon to a bigger unit and with bigger bed.
Look: 7/10. Pleasant SYT look
Figure: 7/10. Petite. Not for boob lover. Did not see any tummy. I think her effort on getting off the tummy has paid off. I consider her slim.
Shower: Alone - before and after
Massage: 9/10. I like her massage. Put in lots of efforts and strength for me this probably last customer of the day. Kept asking if her strength is ok and whether you are comfortable. Covered most area of the body. She massaged with oil as well.
Back Stepping: yes
HJ: 6/10. Started off with short foreplay. No HDLY, BM nor catbath. Mechanical HJ.
Autoroaming: Upper body and outside panties.
GFE: 5/10. Not very chatty. 60% of the time is silent. Teasing is seldom. Did not have much chemistry between her and me. She did not answer any calls although the phones rang a few times. But will answer those text messages. Session disrupted a couple of times.

Summary: She is pretty good in massage (based on ML standard). Good looking. Average on sensual areas.

And also I kena short change of 15 mins. Maybe I am the last customer of the day.

RTM: Yes

Last edited by Javabeans; 02-05-2015 at 10:39 AM. Reason: Decided to give chance and RTM :)
Old 02-05-2015, 01:43 AM
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Re: Fang Fang 90537205

Originally Posted by xiaodeedee View Post
I don't usually post on this forum, and for me to post something here, it either has to be a mindblowing or bloody awful experience. For this lady unfortunately it was the latter. When she appeared in front of me, I wondered if this was the lady in the picture. There were similarities when viewed from the side but when I looked at her from the front it was such a turn off. So her face is more like a 2/10 with thick makeup in real life. I wanted to walk off but since I was already here I thought I would just give it a try, but little did I know that decision turned into a stupidly big waste of time and money which will be described as follows:

It started off with me going for a shower. After shower I asked for towel then she said the towel in the toilet was clean, but when I gave it a smell it reeked of sweat. Clean my foot. Then she start to HJ me for about 5 mins, before I autoroam. Then when I started roaming her I felt like my hands kept sticking on to her body??? WTF. It felt like she went for 2.4km run then did not bathe! OMFG. That was the breaking point and I said I can't continue and wanted to leave. She said I still have to pay, and as a reasonable person myself (for taking up her time), I asked her how much, to which she said 110. CB, I was there to shower for ~5min, and then HJ for ~5min which I did not shoot at all and I need to pay the full amount? WTF is this daylight robbery shit sia. I said I will only pay her half (60) which I did, but she still buay song and say she will call her "BF" over. She then chased me out of her place and then ask me to wait for her "BF" downstairs. I sibei pissed off and wait for her "BF" outside so we can talk things out. I waited for the "BF" for about 10min but he did not come, so I zao first and wait for his call. But afterwards the "BF" never called, so this FR is up here to warn everyone. I don't usually post one, but this has to go out to everyone.

The lady is this:
The towels not clean meh?
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Old 02-05-2015, 02:02 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Thought I'll share a syt ml gem which I went this week.

Went to get a massage from this really cute and demure young gal as stated. Not to forget, she's really shy as well...shy as in she didn't dare to face her body to me while giving me a hj....Somehow, that coyness made me have evil thoughts but I do respect her.

Her room is neat, with a large bed to have a massage on. I like the soreness feeling that comes after the massage which shows that she really works into the muscles. Normally, I am rather reserved against going for young masseurs as they lack the skill/strength/knowhow to execute a proper massage. Especially important to me is the back massage as that is where the greatest satisfaction comes, followed by the neck, head, arms and finally legs. Given enough time and practice, she will soon have the skills rivalling that of seasoned masseurs at her young age.

Another speciality I enjoyed is her backstepping. Given her petite figure, the backstepping is not scary at all but she can pinpoint her strength to give the desired pressure to disperse all the knots in the back area.

Now to the more juicy part, yes she is shy. There are many times during the massage where she will 'accidentally' brush her fingers between the cracks or massage the balls. She is not afraid to admit it in a rather naive body gesture too. She's nice to talk to. I enjoyed her company alot. Her skin is so smooth and her fingers so tender that just the mere sight of it holding onto my lovepole is heavenly. I then asked her if she is so shy and smelled her abit. She reacted by turning around to face me and allowing me to roam her top. While she allowed me to touch her boobs, I asked if she is shy with that too. She gently nod her head. In the end, I held her waist and she led my hands to her boons again. With that and all the thoughts in my mind, it didn't take long for me to unload onto her tender loving hands.

This was followed by a head massage which with practice, she'll perfect it. I will definitely return again. This is really a massage girl with a seemingly naive mind which I had come to like.
Old 02-05-2015, 02:30 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by goodgame View Post
Thought I'll share a syt ml gem which I went this week.

Went to get a massage from this really cute and demure young gal as stated. Not to forget, she's really shy as well...shy as in she didn't dare to face her body to me while giving me a hj....Somehow, that coyness made me have evil thoughts but I do respect her.

I will definitely return again. This is really a massage girl with a seemingly naive mind which I had come to like.
Thanks for the MR, bro.
Would like to check with you on the following
Does she stay alone?
How do u rate her look?
Is the damage really $100 for 90 mins?

Thanks again
Old 02-05-2015, 02:44 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Javabeans View Post
Thanks for the MR, bro.
Would like to check with you on the following
Does she stay alone?
How do u rate her look?
Is the damage really $100 for 90 mins?

Thanks again
yep alone. Looks wise, one man's meat is another man's poison. She's abit tan but syt.
Yep, that's the damage. but take note if u r above a certain age, she may not accept yr appointment. she only accept younger guys... hehe i'm lucky.
Old 02-05-2015, 02:52 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by goodgame View Post
yep alone. Looks wise, one man's meat is another man's poison. She's abit tan but syt.
Yep, that's the damage. but take note if u r above a certain age, she may not accept yr appointment. she only accept younger guys... hehe i'm lucky.
Haha thanks for the heads up. BTW, how does she verify the age? Ask you when you make appointment with her? What is the cut off age??
Old 02-05-2015, 03:05 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Javabeans View Post
Haha thanks for the heads up. BTW, how does she verify the age? Ask you when you make appointment with her? What is the cut off age??
yep, when make appt....
Old 02-05-2015, 04:29 AM
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Re: Fang Fang 90537205

Originally Posted by Ahboii200 View Post
any recommendations on BF? went to a few that stated BF but in the end don't provide

feel so cheated..
Can try Venus from Dangelsz also.
Old 02-05-2015, 04:43 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by generic View Post
As I've said before, I really hate this place even though it is pretty quiet. I'm not surprised that this place kana raided even though it used to house our famous princess and yori. I even manage to bump into the landlord during the wee hours doing several errants. and I'm not surprised that he owned a few units there.

For bros who can read chinese.

Do not pm me about who got caught. (though it is pretty obvious)
woah woah...close shave for me..i think i was one of the last customers of one of the girls there. I hope i won't get into any sort of trouble. Anyway, the session was awesome to be honest and she would've been definitely on my RTM list for a long time to come. Too bad now no more le we did manage to exchange wechat thou but no reply since that day
Old 02-05-2015, 06:27 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"


Any feedback on the above ML? Also known as Shi Shi in LTD.

Was hunting for her FR but found none.

Looks seductive and nice body. TY.
Old 02-05-2015, 08:53 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by epiphany01 View Post
woah woah...close shave for me..i think i was one of the last customers of one of the girls there. I hope i won't get into any sort of trouble. Anyway, the session was awesome to be honest and she would've been definitely on my RTM list for a long time to come. Too bad now no more le we did manage to exchange wechat thou but no reply since that day
Can share share who is this gal?

Originally Posted by goodgame View Post
yep alone. Looks wise, one man's meat is another man's poison. She's abit tan but syt.
Yep, that's the damage. but take note if u r above a certain age, she may not accept yr appointment. she only accept younger guys... hehe i'm lucky.
Originally Posted by Javabeans View Post
Haha thanks for the heads up. BTW, how does she verify the age? Ask you when you make appointment with her? What is the cut off age??
Wa lao eh, this is age discrimination !!!! Unfair practice. Not fair to DOM like me. Must call CASE.
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