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Old 16-06-2021, 10:15 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Really dude? You're saying you're going to let them and the MLs dictate what you write and how you behave here? Seriously?

Then might as well dont write anything if so worried.

Never did we have to censor ourselves before, be it a good or bad report. Just don't make it so obvious it's you. Never write FR on the same day you visit. Never put time and date of the visit. Never give such granular details like, I bought her bee cheng hiang this afternoon. And never write about off menu services you got. Just stick to the report of her listed services, and give your general impression, good or bad. So this will help other bros make better decisions.

If MLs show me FRs about them, I just say I don't know and get back to the session and my pleasure. Why even bother having discussions about what is written here?
if show u the bad, just ask them is it true? rectify it then

i once gave a good MR long ago and the ML business boomed. Clients showed her the MR which enticed them to visit.

Thanked me and declined payment at end of session as appreciation. Insisted on paying as that is not my intention from the start. Good service should be promoted and rewarded, shit service bashed, regardless of white knights or dark knights. If i have to write good reviews to get free joy, i might as well don't go. clearly cannot afford it don't waste such $$$

agree on refraining from the minor details.
don't pm me to exchange points. if you like what i post, up me and pm. if i like what you post too, i will return the favor. thanks
Old 16-06-2021, 10:54 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Really dude? You're saying you're going to let them and the MLs dictate what you write and how you behave here? Seriously?

Then might as well dont write anything if so worried.

If MLs show me FRs about them, I just say I don't know and get back to the session and my pleasure. Why even bother having discussions about what is written here?
Bro, wait till u encounter a ML/FL flaring up suddenly when checking her HP for SMS appointment during the session but received an SMS from her white knight instead abt negative MR from SBF. Really spoilt the mood after that as she will keep on lamenting and explaining throughout the session and maybe throughout the day.

If want to write negative MR is ok but just be tactful a bit will do and not too straightforward (e.g plastic face, granny looks, badly done boobs, massage sucks). Some MLs just can't accept the truth as truth hurts.

I'm ok to follow the majority to be more truthful or mean in my MR but dun blame me if ur session became a nightmare session like mine suddenly.
PM me for faster return of rep pts. ; )
Old 16-06-2021, 11:26 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
I'm ok to follow the majority to be more truthful or mean in my MR but dun blame me if ur session became a nightmare session like mine suddenly.
Test your skills and see if can sweet talk sayang her enough to de-escalate the mood, and maybe even escalate it in other ways
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Old 16-06-2021, 11:28 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Or even better, just act blur and claim you don’t know and surf sbf at all if the ML asks you anything related to said topic lol..

Too many jokers nowadays trying to “capitalize” on this thread to score brownie points lmao..
Thats what I do, haha. Just go huh? Act blur is an essential skill all guys must have
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Old 16-06-2021, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
3 report for the past week

Ai Ni 爱你

New location. Regular of this legend a few years back, still as good top notch services. Mature abit but still SYT category. Very firm and tight body. Good to see her back in our local scene. Likely her last tour, must try at least once in your cheonging career.

Strawberry 草莓

Impress by her playable level. Strip naked the moment the door close, the last ML like this is An Ni, haha. Very fun session with this cutie. Big firm boobs on her skinny body, can be real can be artificial, but doesn't really matter as very nice to play with. Good for bro not looking for message, but a fun session with a cute syt. 青春无敌 feel. KC warning.

An Xin 安心

Familiar location. Looking for another SYT, but instead kana a 大姐姐. Next door big sister type of girl, her look slowly grow on you. Look like a ex-colleague. Smooth massage and light chatting thru out the session. She was wearing a big white shirt semi see thru, during sensation she slowing unbutton, like a colleague seducing you, very kinky. Big boobs, should at least have C? Over all a very happy session, if you like service gem she is your gal. long term fail safe option.
Bro, for An Xin,what does 大姐姐 means?
Old 16-06-2021, 11:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

There's definitely "risk" involved when we write a detailed FR on ML. Which is why some bros just keep it very brief. I have my fair share of bad experiences with ML due to them find out FRs I wrote. Some due to own carelessness, some due to their CSI skills damn good.

What are the harm of writing a detailed FR, some might ask. Well, white Knights zappers, can really derail any newbie who wish to share honest FRs. It will take any newbie a long time to accumulate enough points to tahan some zapping, and not all will go to those points exchange thread. End up most will just get demoralised and become silent reader. Genuine cheongsters here loses out on more differing take on MLs.

IMHO, zappers are not the main discouraging factor. The worst thing is ML find out and blacklist you. Happened to me. This will be the real bummer coz it will affect you book ML to some degree. Most ML savvy enough to know one black record is not a biggie if you have many other good records, but the extremely picky ones will not consider you, unless they very desperate for business.

Bottomline is, all the advice provided by bros here are good pointers to avoid being identified. But just be prepared that luck sometimes may not be on your side. This risk really should NOT discourage us from sharing FRs that have more details, or lean us towards just saying the "good" things. Else end up all we have will be loads of very brief FRs or those with nothing negative. Have benefited greatly from bros past n present whom are not afraid to share the good and the bad. Our $$ is limited, let's help each other to spend it wisely by sharing GENUINE experiences but minus the details which will compromise our identity. And ya, keep off menu items to PM please n no location details!
Old 16-06-2021, 11:49 AM
birdlovely birdlovely is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
There's definitely "risk" involved when we write a detailed FR on ML. Which is why some bros just keep it very brief. I have my fair share of bad experiences with ML due to them find out FRs I wrote. Some due to own carelessness, some due to their CSI skills damn good.

What are the harm of writing a detailed FR, some might ask. Well, white Knights zappers, can really derail any newbie who wish to share honest FRs. It will take any newbie a long time to accumulate enough points to tahan some zapping, and not all will go to those points exchange thread. End up most will just get demoralised and become silent reader. Genuine cheongsters here loses out on more differing take on MLs.

IMHO, zappers are not the main discouraging factor. The worst thing is ML find out and blacklist you. Happened to me. This will be the real bummer coz it will affect you book ML to some degree. Most ML savvy enough to know one black record is not a biggie if you have many other good records, but the extremely picky ones will not consider you, unless they very desperate for business.

Bottomline is, all the advice provided by bros here are good pointers to avoid being identified. But just be prepared that luck sometimes may not be on your side. This risk really should NOT discourage us from sharing FRs that have more details, or lean us towards just saying the "good" things. Else end up all we have will be loads of very brief FRs or those with nothing negative. Have benefited greatly from bros past n present whom are not afraid to share the good and the bad. Our $$ is limited, let's help each other to spend it wisely by sharing GENUINE experiences but minus the details which will compromise our identity. And ya, keep off menu items to PM please n no location details!
Well said bro. Anyway MLs reviewed us in their database too and I don't see any standing up for us and telling us whenever they see a bad review unless we ask. perhaps one day we should have a database similar to them for honest review without fear of getting zap or blacklist
Old 16-06-2021, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by birdlovely View Post
Well said bro. Anyway MLs reviewed us in their database too and I don't see any standing up for us and telling us whenever they see a bad review unless we ask. perhaps one day we should have a database similar to them for honest review without fear of getting zap or blacklist
Well the fact that they accepted our booking means they disregard the black record log. Actually most ML are willing to input a 客 for us if we request, unless the session really something unpleasant happen lah. Experienced ML won't be daunted by 1 or 2 black records if we have a good track record in the database. When I got blacklisted, I actually requested some MLs i visited or visiting to help me input, so that the "latest" comment will be positive in the database. Most ML are very willing, which is nice of them. 7p was one of them, when I requested her to input for me I hadn't visited her for more than a year, yet she wrote nice stuff for me without a 2nd thought. There are some nice MLs out there that are worth supporting lah.
Old 16-06-2021, 12:46 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

nice sharing bro!

Originally Posted by ddae44 View Post
A round of overview for some MLs
Pretty, Nice Boob and Nipples, Offer CBJ, great to talk with and the GND look is a winner. Now Stay Alone
Complete slut when you enter the room, so far the best service I have gotten in terms of BBBJ, AR. Nice to talk to also, like a 傻大姐. Stay Alone
Service wise have BBBJ and AR, she was dressed when servicing me but I still go ahead and play with her B cups. Stay Alone
Have not been visiting her. Offer CBJ and massage. She talks a lot also. Dont like the dog though
Another MILF, got good massage skills. Offer a mistress experience. Stay alone. Love her boobs, Au Natural 34D
Another CZ gem or used to be. Good Service and she know her stuff. More of a Curvey figure and nice boobs to play with. Dont stay alone but very safe.
Hidden Gem. Boobwise is Small B. Offers BBBJ and AR. Stays Alone. Servicewise is friendly and comfortable.
Old 16-06-2021, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Johndick View Post

Bottomline is, all the advice provided by bros here are good pointers to avoid being identified. But just be prepared that luck sometimes may not be on your side. This risk really should NOT discourage us from sharing FRs that have more details, or lean us towards just saying the "good" things. Else end up all we have will be loads of very brief FRs or those with nothing negative. Have benefited greatly from bros past n present whom are not afraid to share the good and the bad. Our $$ is limited, let's help each other to spend it wisely by sharing GENUINE experiences but minus the details which will compromise our identity. And ya, keep off menu items to PM please n no location details!
Must thank you because I am also a beneficiary of your sharing, so I hope other folks will not be afraid of pointing out the pros and cons of each lady so we know which ones to pick to suit our preferences. It's all the more important to also point out the landmines to save fellow guys some precious time and money.

Can't up your points again but I hope you keep the reports coming
Old 16-06-2021, 01:21 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

FR for Jessica.

Looks : 6.5 MILF
Massage : 8.5 For bros who love massage. She is trained.
Service : 8 served water & help to dry after my shower. Not time watcher. Never tpuch phone eventhough can hear ppl messaging her.
Hygiene : 8 clean toilet and place is nice. Offer mouth wash after our deed.
Location : 8.5 next to MRT and bus stop. For bros who drive can park next to HDB.
But take note, her blk is next to the shopping centre not the main one. I went round and round..haha.

RTM : for $100 it is a steal. Same price as spa. Not to mentioned FN & allows painting too. Only problem is that she is too tall for me.

Last edited by fatuncle; 16-06-2021 at 08:31 PM.
Old 16-06-2021, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Ember View Post
Must thank you because I am also a beneficiary of your sharing, so I hope other folks will not be afraid of pointing out the pros and cons of each lady so we know which ones to pick to suit our preferences. It's all the more important to also point out the landmines to save fellow guys some precious time and money.

Can't up your points again but I hope you keep the reports coming
Sure thing bro and thanks for the upzz before. Been rtm same few ML so no inputs recently lol. Intend to try some other dishes when covid measures relaxed further..stay tuned 😉
Old 16-06-2021, 01:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by fatuncle View Post

FR for Jessica.

Looks : 6.5 MILF
Massage : 8.5 For bros who love massage. She is trained.
Service : 8 served water & help to dry after my shower. Not time watcher. Never tpuch phone eventhough can hear ppl messaging her.
Hygiene : 8 clean toilet and place is nice. Offer mouth wash after our deed.
Location : 8.5 next to MRT and bus stop. For bros who drive can park next to HDB.
But take note, her blk is next to the shopping centre not the main one. I went round and round..haha.

RTM : for $100 it is a steal. Same price as spa. Not to mentioned FN & allows painting too. Only problem is that she is too for me.
too what lol

visited her before heightened alert

good service but nothing wow. not much of a talker too. quite SOP

agree nice place and clean. can hardly find the spot too.

unlikely to RTM though but very popular with many. to each his own
don't pm me to exchange points. if you like what i post, up me and pm. if i like what you post too, i will return the favor. thanks
Old 16-06-2021, 02:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
An Xin 安心

Familiar location. Looking for another SYT, but instead kana a 大姐姐. Next door big sister type of girl, her look slowly grow on you. Look like a ex-colleague. Smooth massage and light chatting thru out the session. She was wearing a big white shirt semi see thru, during sensation she slowing unbutton, like a colleague seducing you, very kinky. Big boobs, should at least have C? Over all a very happy session, if you like service gem she is your gal. long term fail safe option.
Originally Posted by Otega View Post
Bro, for An Xin,what does 大姐姐 means?
Yah man i also very curious. Looks pretty good in the ad but I think so far only got 1 FR
Old 16-06-2021, 03:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Whalau wei...

Nowadays, more and more MLs use names of popular MLs.

This Dan Ni's ad gave me a shock of my life.
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