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Old 13-03-2022, 12:44 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Visited Shuang Shuang.

Location: End of G land. Foot soldiers need walk a bit.

Looks: As always, please apply discount code when you see her in person. But very pretty imo.

Age: Looks like 27-28

Body: Not as slim as in the photos, but neither is she fat. Height wise should be around 1.66m as stated in the ad.

Massage: So-so, use oil to massage. Kept asking if strength was ok and made sure I was comfortable. Use phone a fair bit, but acceptable.

Sensual: Ehh quite mehh.. She pulled down her top to reveal her small boobs with shorts still on. No kissing, no zhut. Licked my nipples while jerking me off.. Nothing special really.

GFE: Won't say her gfe is strong, but I do like her overall attitude. She never cut short time, and she's a very sweet girl. It was a bit awkward at the start, but we slowly clicked and later on there was quite a bit of back and forth teasing and sweet-talking until almost overshot time.

RTM: Maybe. Good option if I'm just looking for a simple massage and push oil.

Overall: Maybe I'm tired of recent encounters where the heavier-flavoured ones can be quite disrespectful and actual fiesty little bitches, that I feel Shuang Shuang's attitude alone is worth RTMing despite her vanillaness.
Old 13-03-2022, 02:14 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Years!!! Dude, I think you had a fantastic run with them. And you should be happy to have found MLs you could clicked with so well. But as all things go, good things will come to an end. And it could be for a variety of reasons - she found a boyfriend, personal issues, exterior influences, or maybe the arrangement just ran its full course. But whatever it is, look back at those wonderful years, smile and move forward excited by finding potential new replacements!!.

My average interest in a worthy ML is usually just a few months. And then I will switch her out of my regular rotation roster.

The longest ever ML I was seeing was for 2 years. We did everything. It was always wet, wild and wonderful. But we both somehow knew the day would come when we will run our course. One day, after another glorious sweaty session, for some reason, I didn't pre-book my next appointment, which I usually do. She also didn't ask. And we just left it as that. No more texting. Perhaps one day we'll pick up where we left off. But for now, we're both moving in separate directions.

The only other MLs presently that will see a very extended period of time in my regular rotation roster is OG Angel, Cheryl (but she's leaving soon sob) and MM (hope she doesn't leave soon lol). I think by next month, except for these 3 fabulous MLs, my entire rotation list will change again. Hahahaha.
Yah. Wish I can turn back time. Haha
Old 13-03-2022, 02:18 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by rahl View Post
This makes sense, a few years considered very good liao given that it's just a sexual transaction. We also need fresh meat from time to time
I’m the type to like to find someone with good chemistry, then I’ll stick with them. Almost like having a mistress, without the issues with keeping a mistress! Anyway, the search continues…
Old 13-03-2022, 04:32 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Dev8838 View Post
Hey bro. Can know what package u took up and whats the damage? Her number doesn't seem to be in whatsapp. Can pm thanks!!!
Use normal sms not WhatsApp bro
Old 13-03-2022, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by fatuncle View Post
Wa, didn't know that my comment invited so many PMs.
The video which I saw was :
1)She put on the Dido and doggie the guy
2) she finger ass of another guy
3) she pee on a guy which he open his mouth to accept it.
4) the last video, I totally cannot accept and dare not watch further. She actually poo into the guy's mouth.
All these guys looks so normal one of them is like those nerdy nerdy good boy type.
Lol, this 1 i know who..confirm is ou mei mei..i also saw many of her videos before..even saw video of ang moh cleaning toilet for her (strange fetish&#129315 . Was also told got some ppl always ask to dabao her poo regularly..its like make appointment to collect her poo to go home eat..🤣🤣🤣
Old 13-03-2022, 07:06 AM
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Name - Xiao La Jiao
Been a regular since recommended by the review here. For those who are really into clean, private and secure place, her new apt is amazing. Private gated parking so no one will see your car. Her new apt is kept sparkling clean and very cosy. Feels like visting gf, so keep me going back again and again. Im busy so only once or twice a week. Anyone go 4,5 times per week? Haha
Old 13-03-2022, 08:32 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
Good luck to her..... market trend past week is many MLs have seen a dip in business. Especially bad for those FLs convert to MLs as they are asking for 200-220 for full service. I believe their business affected by the influx of tomyams in FL Dome 1.
More than 20+ SYTs listed in one week and at cheaper rate than these PRCs.

My understanding from the stable operators is that more tomyams are lined up to arrive and we may see more than 50+ by the end of this month.

The monoploy currently enjoyed by the PRCs are gonna end and if they wanna keep increasing prices..... good luck to them.
Was really waiting for this day to come. Hopefully it'll quickly turn things around girl in terms of price and quality of girls. Because the PRCs and Viets have really exploited and capitalised on the situation. Especially the Viets.. their asking price at "that" stable is beyond reasonable - sorry hor fans of that stable

Thaibus should give them a run for their money, because they are usually young and always eager to please with their active bodies and mouths - like thais always do. Woohoo!

I've had some pretty awesome sessions at 141 (until recently only 120 for full), but alamak, they too raised their rates to match the other new tomyum stables... but still better than PRCs and crazy Viet rates .

Sawadi kup suay phuying

Last edited by Kopiosteve; 13-03-2022 at 08:53 AM.
Old 13-03-2022, 10:11 AM
DiablosWX DiablosWX is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Hi Guys,

FR for Xing Xing

I would say she is SYT but slightly on the meaty side, not fat just more bah bah
GFE is good and standard HJ, if looking for syt to release can consider

Location is convenient for drivers

hope you can give me some points if you like my fr

thanks guy and have a great weekend, chiong safe
Old 13-03-2022, 10:28 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Text her many times. Finally got reply on friday.

Looks: Confirm wont reject. In between syt and premilf. Sure will turn head and look at her kind when outside.
Body: Normal B ba. Confirm less than 47kg. Should be 43-45kg only. Abit of bush there but im ok with bush
Massage: soso la. Lasted awhile. Not piano lo.
Nuru: she nuru for 30min i think. The nuru is like she use her body and nuru gel to give u a massage rub plus sensual rub on her bed.
Autoroam: 5g
Overall: pleasant experience with no shortchange of time. Took the $200 package, all service done.
RTM: yes but i like to explore new ones.

Last edited by baboon; 13-03-2022 at 11:48 AM.
Old 13-03-2022, 10:42 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

She was here 2 years back.
She is staying in her own studio apartment n although is not near to any mrt station, the privacy is good.
Service is good as before and will RTM.
Old 13-03-2022, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by wanfulou View Post
I was weird too how she wan to make sure. Anyway she know this forum, its either she translate the FR herself, or some bro translate for her.

But I can tell you how I know, her FR on me is with date, and my spare phone for chiong never delete text, she was the only ML I visited on that period of time.

But most probably is because I wrote the FR on the second day after I visited her, and maybe her business is that bad I was her only customer that day.
Apparently I went to her once and she kept mentioning about your post after tipped off by some bros here. She know who is the one who mentioned she look like his mother as he is not a regular. I think she could have read based on the date of post and somehow identify you. Just my guess
Old 13-03-2022, 12:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by negrogato View Post

Name - Xiao La Jiao
Been a regular since recommended by the review here. For those who are really into clean, private and secure place, her new apt is amazing. Private gated parking so no one will see your car. Her new apt is kept sparkling clean and very cosy. Feels like visting gf, so keep me going back again and again. Im busy so only once or twice a week. Anyone go 4,5 times per week? Haha
Mind sharing what is her highlight? Sensual? Is she FN?
Old 13-03-2022, 12:39 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by negrogato View Post

Name - Xiao La Jiao
Been a regular since recommended by the review here. For those who are really into clean, private and secure place, her new apt is amazing. Private gated parking so no one will see your car. Her new apt is kept sparkling clean and very cosy. Feels like visting gf, so keep me going back again and again. Im busy so only once or twice a week. Anyone go 4,5 times per week? Haha
Yes, she is a very "Clean" gal. Upkeep her apartment very clean n tidy. She also hand wash the towel after her customer left. Hmm, feel like buying a small washing machine for her.


Old 13-03-2022, 12:41 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

First time I was being told by a ml to meet her at the mrt station for a massage appt. Claimed she is working at a spa beside the station, when there is cheeky customer like me, she will bring to her apartment (also beside the station) to earn some extra cash.

When my phone rang, I saw a "Poly gal" a few meter away from me talking to me. What a fresh looking gal - She is not beautiful but pretty - Due to her young age, she has quite a lot of baby fat makes her look slightly plump - Hmm, few years later when she trim down her baby fat, she should be a chio bu. Good, uncle like 小妹妹。

Soon I am in her apartment - Wow, what a cosy place, a very tidy and clean condo with one hall, one room and a big balcony. While I was bathing she asked "you want hot or cold drink?" Ha, very rare to have this sort of service, so just say "Anything lah". After taking bath, when I sat on the bed, I saw a bottle of mineral water, but to my surprise I saw there is a plate of fruits (strawberry n cherry) being served together too. OMG, what a service, I am contented.

Her massage is not bad, strong n hard - of course lah, working in a clean spa mah, must have some standard lah. Later she lift up both of my legs with me facing the bed - she place my both legs on her thigh and started her HDLY, woooo, so shiok. Stripped off her t shirt n short leaving only her panty, she started her body rub on my back and butt with sexy moan while kissing my neck and ears, Great. Her young boobs are smooth n bouncy, very good to squeeze - cun stop squeezing and sucking it while she jerk me off with her small hand.

Over all experience is shiok shiok. Very rare to find gal with such good attitude and also a syt.

Told me she is dealing with her regulars most of the time. Sometime will meet up customers with good track record. I am one of the lucky one.


Old 13-03-2022, 01:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ladyassasinato View Post

First time I was being told by a ml to meet her at the mrt station for a massage appt. Claimed she is working at a spa beside the station, when there is cheeky customer like me, she will bring to her apartment (also beside the station) to earn some extra cash.

When my phone rang, I saw a "Poly gal" a few meter away from me talking to me. What a fresh looking gal - She is not beautiful but pretty - Due to her young age, she has quite a lot of baby fat makes her look slightly plump - Hmm, few years later when she trim down her baby fat, she should be a chio bu. Good, uncle like 小妹妹。

Soon I am in her apartment - Wow, what a cosy place, a very tidy and clean condo with one hall, one room and a big balcony. While I was bathing she asked "you want hot or cold drink?" Ha, very rare to have this sort of service, so just say "Anything lah". After taking bath, when I sat on the bed, I saw a bottle of mineral water, but to my surprise I saw there is a plate of fruits (strawberry n cherry) being served together too. OMG, what a service, I am contented.

Her massage is not bad, strong n hard - of course lah, working in a clean spa mah, must have some standard lah. Later she lift up both of my legs with me facing the bed - she place my both legs on her thigh and started her HDLY, woooo, so shiok. Stripped off her t shirt n short leaving only her panty, she started her body rub on my back and butt with sexy moan while kissing my neck and ears, Great. Her young boobs are smooth n bouncy, very good to squeeze - cun stop squeezing and sucking it while she jerk me off with her small hand.

Over all experience is shiok shiok. Very rare to find gal with such good attitude and also a syt.

Told me she is dealing with her regulars most of the time. Sometime will meet up customers with good track record. I am one of the lucky one.
Her place is like a resort hotel.

Yes. She keeps her own records of customers with bad records like cancel appt last min or fly aeroplane.
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