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Old 07-08-2022, 11:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by helpmefast View Post
In that case you know any ML that does a good bbbj/cim?

Xiao Mi also not bad but not for boobs lover. Her nuru B2B massage is worth a visit.
Giving out 16 cans of beer to worthy recipients. Cheers 🍻
Old 07-08-2022, 11:03 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

MR for Joy/Xixi

Most of the old timers would know this gem already but just sharing for the new guys who haven't tried. Visited her recently after she took a break for a while from working. Was pleasantly surprised I could get a slot even though it was quite last min. (she was quite popular and still is)

location - 9.5/10
Discreet yet quite accessible. I drive, parking nearby is not a really a problem. Foot solider quite lucky cuz it's a 5-10 min way from a very accessible MRT. Stays alone, apartment is really big for a ML and very well decorated. Good hygiene, clean environment. The shower is really clean and it makes you want to spend more time in it. (i've been to showers where i just want to GTFO as soon as I enter) Her warm personality together with the nice ambience makes you feel like you are visiting a lover.

Looks - 8/10
Photos are definitely her. Sweet looking, nice pair to grab, a bit more mature compared to her first stint a few years ago. No more a SYT but not pre-MILF yet.

Service - 9/10
Her warm and fun loving personality coupled with her excellent service really makes you feel at ease when visiting her. She's dedicated and didn't even reply her messages even though i saw messages coming in on her phone. Told her I didn't mind but she still focus on massaging me. Good solid massage coupled with good service.

Overall- 9/10
Nice body, sweet looking with a decent pair to grab. There may be prettier SYT available now, or others that offer more in terms of services. But in terms of overall package and the nice feeling she gives you when you visit, I would say she's still one of the best I've encountered.
Old 07-08-2022, 11:15 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by MLTR View Post

Xiao Mi also not bad but not for boobs lover. Her nuru B2B massage is worth a visit.
Your post reminded me that I never got to try her after not getting replies to my booking requests when I first started. I should try again now to experience her nuru B2B massage .
Old 07-08-2022, 11:25 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Booked her ( just now. Totally different person from pic. If it’s just age/meitu is okay but this was downright fake pics. Rejected and left the place. Massive landmine, avoid at all costs!
Old 08-08-2022, 12:07 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by helpmefast View Post
In that case you know any ML that does a good bbbj/cim?

Try her.
She is highly recommended!
Old 08-08-2022, 12:41 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by lorong8 View Post
wow, didn't know that can see who zap you instead.
Only paid up account.
Old 08-08-2022, 12:43 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Isn't this Mun Siong Yoong the guy who had to resign from KPMG in shame due to sexual harassment allegations? I've worked in KPMG before and heard stories of him.

Originally Posted by MunSiongYoong View Post
Hi all, I need your advice. Is there any way for me to stop the mainland chinese massage ladies from slapping my balls?

About a few months ago, I visited a massage lady and during the session, she playfully slapped my balls and said, "你喜欢这种,对吧?" I said no and that it was very painful. However, I assumed that it was a one off thing and thought nothing of it.

A few weeks after with a different massage lady, I connected with the different massage lady on WeChat. After she looked through her WeChat groups, her face lit up and said, "哦!你是哪个被别的女生拍睾丸的,对吧?哈哈哈!" I was thinking WHAT THE FUCK! Why was the incident of getting my balls slapped without my consent being spread online between the massage ladies? I then reiterated that I did not like it and that no one should be slapping my balls. She simply giggled, typed something in her WeChat, and resumed the massage session.

From then onwards, every mainland chinese massage lady I visited sought to slap my balls during my session! It is very painful and I am so not paying SGD100 plus dollars to get my balls slapped.

What should I do to stop this? Changing number is not an option as I use my number for work. Also, any new number would not be in the massage ladys' database, preventing me from making appointments with them easily. Only genuine helpful replies please, no derogatory comments will be tolerated.
Old 08-08-2022, 12:46 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by yoloman987 View Post

Went back to Bi Er last week and quite wasted cos she leaving early next month. Bros who havent try her and go and try her cos limited time left! Big boobs plus can zhut, friendly character who will talk to you as well!
Have she been told to buy her air ticket?
Until she has been told then is bye bye confirmed.
Else it is norm these days to extend white card monthly until their case is officially closed.
Old 08-08-2022, 01:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by IlirOstovich View Post
Isn't this Mun Siong Yoong the guy who had to resign from KPMG in shame due to sexual harassment allegations? I've worked in KPMG before and heard stories of him.
dont think anyone will really use their real name out here, but no much news about him, isit an internal affair?
Old 08-08-2022, 03:06 AM
actprunet actprunet is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

anyone know if anyi has been taken off market or going to re-list soon?
Old 08-08-2022, 04:44 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by millenium20 View Post
Wah... Really tempted to try Yue Yue now. Thanks for the recommendation bro.
shes quite good. I was wondering why her biz so so nia, then I saw that got ppl sabo her with bad review. no wonder lar.
Queue for return:
Old 08-08-2022, 07:57 AM
Kopiosteve Kopiosteve is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Tom666 View Post
Have she been told to buy her air ticket?
Until she has been told then is bye bye confirmed.
Else it is norm these days to extend white card monthly until their case is officially closed.

Yes, she's been informed to get her tickets already...sob sob. So soon its bye bye Bi Er, bye bye big beautiful breasts, bye bye nice happy girl.

Can't remember the exact date but she flies off in 4 weeks time.
Old 08-08-2022, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Mushroom12345 View Post
Long overdue FR. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Only for sharing.

Face: look alike the photo. Pre-milf with curvy body. Make up and meeting me. So it is a plus point.
Language: mandarin.
Height: about 1.6m.
Massage done on a bed.

When the door is open, she worn a long T shirt covering her full body without pant. Long hair with good smell, attractive lady, I said it is not bad.

Shower and lied down on the bed. The room is a little messy unlike other ML, so I would say bro with OCD.. just take it easy.

Attitude: talkative, make sure you get bored. Topic is variety flavour. Although I really want to rest and get a good massage, but I think it is okay to TCSS. She mostly okay with your needs and when I try to roam more, she remind me please be gentle. Mutual respect work well and I check for her permission before I proceed further.

Strength: considerably okay. Could be harder but I think she can relax my back and neck with elbow and grip, still okay.

HDLY: mostly groin, balls and penil head. She knows sensual point, I can’t hold it, moaning. I told her I might have premature eja, slow down a bit, she is okay.

HJ: I think the good 15 mins edging is really driving me crazy. I keep begging her not to torture me, but she keep insist doing it. Like holding your penil head like opening up water bottle, keep holding the root of your bro, tighting up your bro skin ensure you get maximum tease. I moan like crazy. After that, she allow me shot out, while I roaming her soft tits. She gently clean up my bro and I lie down to recover my breath.

Paid and left. I would say’s she very hardworking and willing to served.

RTM: likely will and when I save enough vitamin M
Nice accurate MR. Upped you. Same as what I encountered. But would say more MILF than pre-milf. 😬
Old 08-08-2022, 08:18 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Stenzer View Post
shes quite good. I was wondering why her biz so so nia, then I saw that got ppl sabo her with bad review. no wonder lar.
Hate those crude rats always crawling out of the woodwork casting aspersions on bros and MLs alike.

Anyway, I absolutely love a good bbbj-cim. And oftentimes, I prefer it over an intercourse orgasm. In fact, almost always, after bonking the girl silly to her complete sastisfaction, I would ask her to finish me off with her mouth. Nothing like just laying back, focusing only on my own escalating pleasure, then exploding my hot sticky jizz into her moist, warm mouth. Yowzah!

However I haven't visited this ML yet. Maybe I'm just stingy. Hahaha. Or maybe I always look for the best way to spend my money. Because for me, $150 is FJ (with bbbj-cim) territory, not just bbbj. Furthermore, there are still some amazing bbbj-cim practitioners for 120.

Main reasons why I haven't visited this Yue Yue or Xiao Mi.
Old 08-08-2022, 09:36 AM
helpmefast helpmefast is offline
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Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Hate those crude rats always crawling out of the woodwork casting aspersions on bros and MLs alike.

Anyway, I absolutely love a good bbbj-cim. And oftentimes, I prefer it over an intercourse orgasm. In fact, almost always, after bonking the girl silly to her complete sastisfaction, I would ask her to finish me off with her mouth. Nothing like just laying back, focusing only on my own escalating pleasure, then exploding my hot sticky jizz into her moist, warm mouth. Yowzah!

However I haven't visited this ML yet. Maybe I'm just stingy. Hahaha. Or maybe I always look for the best way to spend my money. Because for me, $150 is FJ (with bbbj-cim) territory, not just bbbj. Furthermore, there are still some amazing bbbj-cim practitioners for 120.

Main reasons why I haven't visited this Yue Yue or Xiao Mi.
Wa in that case, just wondering if you could share some of the 120 ML that does a good cim?
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