The 4 heavenly boobs
Been away for a long long while, so when I finally decided to step back into the ML scene , it was really difficult in the beginning. Previously I was mainly booking my regulars thru WeChat so I don’t have much entry in their database.
I send out 5-6 texts each time and the only response I got was from XXB, which unfortunately can never align the time. Till Rayna accepted my first booking due to mistaken identity to one of her regular that opens up the door for me.
I skipped all the known shared unit and just go for the stays alone type, which happens to be the 4 most talk about boobs. I visited all 4 on foot, so should be no problem for fellow foot bros, u just need to do some homework.
Furthest away from mrt, but there is a bus stop nearby where u can wait, there’s even a temple nearby where u can walk in and make an offering or grab a drink or a simple meal, remember to wash.
The smallest boobs among the 4, but it’s still a good size B/C.
The only one that can dish out a decent press, the other 3 can massage shit.
Hardworking and will gives a nice head massage till the time is up.
BBBJ with CIM or HJ, you choose!
Quite green on the sensual part.
Unfortunately she don’t gum me.
Nearest to mrt
No doubt the best looking boobs!!! Such nice shaped is really rare.
Again very green on the sensual part, so she willingly offer her body/boobs for all your roaming/ zhut zhut pleasure.
I hope she find a better place in her next tour.
LL 童颜巨乳
Can wait at bus stop or grab a prata.
The smallest body size among the 4, but her boobs did not disappoint. 2nd best to JJ.
Very very engaging, no silent moment.
Very experienced on sensual, She made you think you got chance to go all the way, she knew her strength, thus the most difficult to get a slot.
Rayna (this is biased)
She got the complete package for me.
Best kept place among the 4, once I step in, already got mood.
Visually, her body might be the worst looking among the 4, due to her chubby built, but this is the body I wanna roam/ feast upon. Baby soft skin.
Highlight of the sensual is the boobs rub. She spend quite a good amount of time going over your body, front/back/top/down. Usually I will erupt just after a few strokes, the built up is good. God dam good.
A big Thank You to all fellow bros that has been contributing.
Without these contributions, I don’t think I wanna cum back to this scene, simply too many land mines.
... the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable.
非淡泊无以明志, 非宁静无以致远