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Old 13-04-2023, 09:07 PM
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Thumbs up Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Venti0000 View Post

Anyone knows if an an provide 2 shots ? Also same price of 2 shots ?
Wow, within 1 hr can do 2 shots 👍
Old 13-04-2023, 09:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Sians, decided to visit a new comer for a change.

+ Look is close to online pictures, with some discounts in real life.
+ Decent looking with not much make up on. Fair and smooth skin
+ For slim and tight body lovers
+ Friendly and tries to make small talk with uncle
+ Very familiar location to regulars of Baby/LL, not too bad for foot soldiers

- Massage is short and meh
- Knockers size not as advertised, not for boob lovers
- Green in sensual, standard vanilla fare

RTM: No, just an okish experience, nothing spectacular for a return visit.

Last edited by Lucian777; 13-04-2023 at 09:39 PM.
Old 13-04-2023, 09:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by emuLord View Post
Wow, within 1 hr can do 2 shots 👍
Thanks for the info. Will try her soon. Not sure if can request to do capped BJ ?
Old 13-04-2023, 09:49 PM
steelaeroplane steelaeroplane is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I know which previous occupant you are referring too. Bring back memories right.

Yes Xiao Xi is probably one of the better looking ones in the current batch.
Wha seh - 溫碧霞 - 80s Beauty queen. Classic siah.

the last time I mentioned Vivian Chow kenna suan until gao gao.. lol

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post

No one provided intel that she shifted to my favourite Eastside, discovered myself do I had to try since kept seeing her in someone's rtm list. Not difficult to see why. Initially by her pics I was reminded of a ML Feel... seeing her features she reminded me of 溫碧霞.

Location wise made me miss the previous occupant so much. Why didn't I treasure her more when she was around, there is no one like her atm.

Anyway back to xiao xi, nice figure - proportion boobs and butt so coupled with her face, aesthetically she is up there.

However just as with Anyi, I do not see myself visiting her long term. Probably one more I will stop rtm, unless the second visit got more wow factor.

So I probably visit XLN next to see if she can dethrone TT.
Old 13-04-2023, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Venti0000 View Post
Thanks for the info. Will try her soon. Not sure if can request to do capped BJ ?
Should be can. But bring your own cap. That's what I usually do when requesting for CBJ.
Old 13-04-2023, 09:58 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

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Originally Posted by Vardy View Post
Sounds Malaysian but she confirms she’s Chinese
Pretty and somehow reminds me of Paige Chua. Could be the hair style and dim lights

Nice room, nice scent

Looks 7 or 8 /10
Massage 6/10
Sensual 7/10
Low playability but perhaps will be better with other bros
She used her phone a lot
The massage was paused no less than 10 times
Perhaps she had things to attend to so I’ll give her benefit of doubt
RTM: not till other bros confirm the phone use was a 1-off

Originally Posted by Vardy View Post

My visit last time when she was known as Saya
I was a noob then and still a noob now

Relative to current crop; I would say the closest benchmark is Ah Sa both in terms of looks and overall service (indicated on my MR of Ah Sa)

To be fair, the visit was quite some time ago
I have since RTM Ah Sa but not Saya/EK so a return visit will provide better context

my curiosity was piqued by Bro Kopi comment on the enhancements
so went back to dig up my old post from a bygone era and had a good chuckle

let's just say the enhancements are too big for her frame even if fairly well done

back to hibernation...
partially retired, mostly sticking to 1 reliable shop.
occasionally trying new comers
be wary of fake MRs; if you surf here long enough you will probably know
Old 13-04-2023, 10:03 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"
Thank you to the bros who wrote the mr-s for her. I have a love for girls with glasses and she definitely is one I was looking out for.
Looks- With glasses, she reminds of my first crush in secondary school. When she takes off her glasses, from cute it becomes pretty. Once again, that is my perspective. You get two looks for the price of one
Environment- location is discreet enough. Got place to sit and drink kopi if you reach too early. Need bus if you are taking public transport. Her place is nest and tidy.
Body- enough to grope. I didn't have energy to access everything but with my limited vision(I am both long and short sighted), her figure is well maintained.
Massage- good enough to let me relax after a long day at work
Sensuality- s/n, simple and relaxing hj(at least not the hj which can be painful at time). She is good in sensing when you are going to shoot.
Gfe- good conversationalist, was helping with some database stuff. I could understand her chinese really well. Doesn't have a strong accent.
Rtm- yes, once again must be able to find time in my heavy schedule
On a side note, it took me 3-4 months to connect with her. Will write another post as this post is the mr for her
Old 13-04-2023, 10:04 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kombust View Post
Looks like she got new arm tattoo.

No never tried but I remember she was quite popular in her previous stint
she has always had it no? at least it was already present in the last stint
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Old 13-04-2023, 10:19 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

For the bros who have trouble contacting mls, I hope this little post can help a bit. Other bros can help to chip in.
Context- I have been exploring around for 3 to 4 months, getting ghosted by majority of the mls. But finally I managed to get contacted by the mls I was targeting (nx was one of them)
1) this has been said many times but if you are new, if you cannot contact one ml after 2 to 3 times, move on and contact others. There will be someone who will entertain you.
2) remember during the session, especially if you are new, ask about the database and ask them to add you in. I believe there are 4 to 5 groups. So you may need to check
3) once you book, try your best to at least show up.whether you can want to reject them because of whatever reason(different person, etc), at least make the effort to show up and not fly kite last minute
4) for those who change number, keep a record of your previous number. They may ask you for it if you are a returnee.
5) while mr-s are informative, at the end, it boils down personal preference and your tolerance for risk(whether to totally believe what is written in the advertisement, mr-s). Know you are looking for so look for those that offer those.
6) most importantly, have fun while keeping an eye on your bank account. Don't lose sleep if no mls reply you today.
Old 13-04-2023, 10:19 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Venti0000 View Post
Thanks for the info. Will try her soon. Not sure if can request to do capped BJ ?
Got, i requested b4 but must bring your own since she don't have, best is those flavored ones she told me.
Old 13-04-2023, 10:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Vardy View Post
she has always had it no? at least it was already present in the last stint
not sure man. some pics have some pics don't have. just speculating.
Old 13-04-2023, 10:40 PM
emuLord emuLord is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Venti0000 View Post
Thanks for the info. Will try her soon. Not sure if can request to do capped BJ ?
Sorry, maybe you mistaken, I did not mean she accept/can do 2 shots in 1hr, I dun know if she does.
I meant to commend you on being able to do 2 shots in an hour 🤪
Sorry if I misled you 😇
Old 13-04-2023, 10:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by rythuno View Post
For the bros who have trouble contacting mls, I hope this little post can help a bit. Other bros can help to chip in.
Context- I have been exploring around for 3 to 4 months, getting ghosted by majority of the mls. But finally I managed to get contacted by the mls I was targeting (nx was one of them)
1) this has been said many times but if you are new, if you cannot contact one ml after 2 to 3 times, move on and contact others. There will be someone who will entertain you.
2) remember during the session, especially if you are new, ask about the database and ask them to add you in. I believe there are 4 to 5 groups. So you may need to check
3) once you book, try your best to at least show up.whether you can want to reject them because of whatever reason(different person, etc), at least make the effort to show up and not fly kite last minute
4) for those who change number, keep a record of your previous number. They may ask you for it if you are a returnee.
5) while mr-s are informative, at the end, it boils down personal preference and your tolerance for risk(whether to totally believe what is written in the advertisement, mr-s). Know you are looking for so look for those that offer those.
6) most importantly, have fun while keeping an eye on your bank account. Don't lose sleep if no mls reply you today.
At least what I know from some is that negative feedback on their databases usually results from 1) bad behaviour during the session, either being disrespectful, trying to use force on the girl, not willing to pay after the deed; 2) last minute cancellation or not showing up; 3) difficult to get the guy to cum.
Old 13-04-2023, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by emuLord View Post
Sorry, maybe you mistaken, I did not mean she accept/can do 2 shots in 1hr, I dun know if she does.
I meant to commend you on being able to do 2 shots in an hour 🤪
Sorry if I misled you 😇
No worries, thanks for clarifying!
Old 14-04-2023, 12:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Saw many positive posts and decided to give her a try.

Central area, located up a hill, iykyk. Whole apartment to herself, no security.

Look like in her 30s, OL look. Those who like syt xmm can skip. Body is slim, probably b cup only.

Massage was average at best, nothing exciting.

Sensual is where she shine. Started off with her caressing your body with her fingers, followed by catbath from head to toe, then round two with warm water. She did a bit of AR before starting her bbbj. Then she position herself in 69, cleaning shaven, damn shiok. Couldnt finish with bbbj so she tried the knee job thing, heavenly feel. Sadly she didnt offer the sumata and i didnt ask for it.

Will RTM, at 120, her service is one of the most comprehensive package out there. But of course YMMV.
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