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Old 07-05-2023, 01:26 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Catching up on 2 weeks+ worth of contents, didn't miss much i guess, seems like is all about Xiao Han and a lot of shots firing between bros here lol. I kinda feel lately people are taking the FRs a tad too seriously and is like holding people seriously accountable for what was written.. think we all need to take a step back and chill man. FRs are just personal opinion la, if whoever want to rate a gal 11/10 or whoever want to call an age 30s gal SYT or whoever is fully sextified with a looker with low sensual skillset, to each their own, end of the day we are all using our own $$ to cheong isn't it? Why get overly agitated if your own experience differs greatly from what someone shared? To put it bluntly, no one forced anyone to visit any ML, if we took a chance to pick an ML due to placing faith in any bros FR, that's either because (i) we oredi has some interest in the first place, the FR is just the catalyst and (ii) FOMO..usually the main reason lol. If the end result underwhelming, then just tell ourselves to think twice before trusting the particular bro FR lo. No 2 person has the same taste and no 2 person will have the exact same experience, why so serious?

Just agree to disagree guys. So long as people don't resort to personal attacks, let's just write whatever we want for our FR, no need to post something that is targeted to please the mass public, you can't please EVERYONE in the cyber world man and why should that be the goal. Don't believe, don't trust, don't like what was written? Use your own voice to share your own views. As said before, it's better to have FRs to reference than NO FRs at all, read and form our own decision but don't resort to blame game if the experience is underwhelming. No one owes anyone a living la.
Old 07-05-2023, 02:06 PM
i1c2z3y4l5 i1c2z3y4l5 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

when its newbie saying the wrong thing, wa kao every lao jiao come tell you their wisdom, tips, advice on what is the unspoken rule, dont ruin the playground, manage expectation, blah blah blah bullshit. Everyone seems on the same page on what the newbie say wrong.

When laojiao with high rep say the wrong thing, please dont take things seriously, TTCS, everyone can say what you want, no one owe you anything, if reply means agitated.

Old 07-05-2023, 02:08 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Catching up on 2 weeks+ worth of contents, didn't miss much i guess, seems like is all about Xiao Han and a lot of shots firing between bros here lol. I kinda feel lately people are taking the FRs a tad too seriously and is like holding people seriously accountable for what was written.. think we all need to take a step back and chill man. FRs are just personal opinion la, if whoever want to rate a gal 11/10 or whoever want to call an age 30s gal SYT or whoever is fully sextified with a looker with low sensual skillset, to each their own, end of the day we are all using our own $$ to cheong isn't it? Why get overly agitated if your own experience differs greatly from what someone shared? To put it bluntly, no one forced anyone to visit any ML, if we took a chance to pick an ML due to placing faith in any bros FR, that's either because (i) we oredi has some interest in the first place, the FR is just the catalyst and (ii) FOMO..usually the main reason lol. If the end result underwhelming, then just tell ourselves to think twice before trusting the particular bro FR lo. No 2 person has the same taste and no 2 person will have the exact same experience, why so serious?

Just agree to disagree guys. So long as people don't resort to personal attacks, let's just write whatever we want for our FR, no need to post something that is targeted to please the mass public, you can't please EVERYONE in the cyber world man and why should that be the goal. Don't believe, don't trust, don't like what was written? Use your own voice to share your own views. As said before, it's better to have FRs to reference than NO FRs at all, read and form our own decision but don't resort to blame game if the experience is underwhelming. No one owes anyone a living la.
Well said bro. What we want here is an Honest Feedback. No Fake News please. That already benefited most bros.



Last edited by ladyassasinato; 07-05-2023 at 02:25 PM.
Old 07-05-2023, 02:11 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Just agree to disagree guys. So long as people don't resort to personal attacks, let's just write whatever we want for our FR, no need to post something that is targeted to please the mass public, you can't please EVERYONE in the cyber world man and why should that be the goal.
A lot of traps and landmines around here before posting MR.

If post too good, ppl think you trying to hype the gal up.

If post not good (especially on some popular gal), ppl (those WKs) think you try to bully the gal but cannot get what you want, so post bad things to smear her.

Anyway, in both cases, there are still big zappers trying wield their power.
Old 07-05-2023, 02:17 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kangkongkeng View Post
Haha indeed Vit M is also another consideration
Upped u back Thxs bro
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Old 07-05-2023, 02:21 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

As much as the MLs post about us in their database, I felt it is fine for us to be frank with our assessment of them and even to the extent of sharing details about the session too. Do you really think they don’t share such things among themselves?
Remember that the MLs do give explicit details of us in their database, eg steel aeroplane, ugly, old, stingy, drive big car, generous, give tips, want full 60mins, etc. Then, why can’t the bros here give similar explicit sharing about the MLs too? It puzzles me. Why are some bros so protective of the MLs? I don’t have high points like many of you guys but it will and should not stop me from sharing especially for the benefit of the new bros joining in.
Old 07-05-2023, 02:43 PM
Johndick Johndick is offline
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Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
A lot of traps and landmines around here before posting MR.

If post too good, ppl think you trying to hype the gal up.

If post not good (especially on some popular gal), ppl (those WKs) think you try to bully the gal but cannot get what you want, so post bad things to smear her.

Anyway, in both cases, there are still big zappers trying wield their power.
Yes, hence imho, why bother about what any reader will think or react. So long we don't reveal sensitive information such as addresses, just pen our honest experience. No one can verify to what degree any FR is legit, be it standard menu or off menu. Just read and decide ourselves lor. To get overly triggered is the pointless reaction, then all the name calling starts etc, you liar, I WK, you OKT, I sourgrapes.. over MLs? Lol.

Treat ML visiting as a hobby, treat FRs as a story, treat this thread as a pastime and most importantly, treat points/powers/rep as gimmicks. Be it 100 or 0, EVERYONE can post here. It's when we are too fixated on our nick's credibility then zapping will bother us adversely. If zapped to oblivion, just be a silent lurker or respawn as a newbie lor, zapping don't reduce our bank account balance or make it harder for us to book ML, so don't take powers/rep kinda stuff too seriously.. my 2 cents.
Old 07-05-2023, 02:44 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Two scenario for SLG Xiao Han.

1) LA sweet talk + top-up money Xiao Han to get French , Zhut Zhut and Fingering means she is money driven and selective towards who she offer her customers.

2)Xiao Han didn’t offer any of those, LA come up with “imagination” to create “hype” for Xiao Han at the same time let her regular customers butt hurt if didn’t get.

Good Luck.

Oh yah post got deleted
"I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret."
Old 07-05-2023, 02:51 PM
steelaeroplane steelaeroplane is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I agree that this forum is about giving genuine FRs. Of coz with that said, it's still a subjective experience per say.

However overly-bashing or overly-hyping a ML will just show that particular bro or group of bros are having some personal agenda. Think most of our bros here are discern enough to tell which is which.

Originally Posted by Aircond View Post
As much as the MLs post about us in their database, I felt it is fine for us to be frank with our assessment of them and even to the extent of sharing details about the session too. Do you really think they don’t share such things among themselves?
Remember that the MLs do give explicit details of us in their database, eg steel aeroplane, ugly, old, stingy, drive big car, generous, give tips, want full 60mins, etc. Then, why can’t the bros here give similar explicit sharing about the MLs too? It puzzles me. Why are some bros so protective of the MLs? I don’t have high points like many of you guys but it will and should not stop me from sharing especially for the benefit of the new bros joining in.
Old 07-05-2023, 02:53 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by iTea View Post
Two scenario for SLG Xiao Han.

1) LA sweet talk + top-up money Xiao Han to get French , Zhut Zhut and Fingering means she is money driven and selective towards who she offer her customers.

2)Xiao Han didn’t offer any of those, LA come up with “imagination” to create “hype” for Xiao Han at the same time let her regular customers butt hurt if didn’t get.

Good Luck.

Oh yah post got deleted
Ha ha, you guess lor.


Old 07-05-2023, 02:56 PM
i1c2z3y4l5 i1c2z3y4l5 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

paging [MENTION=842888]mickeymouse1710[/MENTION] . PLEASE COME BACK WE NEED YOUR EXTRA INTELS, unlocks, price for fk on MLs. THE NEWBIE BROS NEED YOU! come TCSS.
Old 07-05-2023, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Yes, hence imho, why bother about what any reader will think or react. So long we don't reveal sensitive information such as addresses, just pen our honest experience. No one can verify to what degree any FR is legit, be it standard menu or off menu. Just read and decide ourselves lor. To get overly triggered is the pointless reaction, then all the name calling starts etc, you liar, I WK, you OKT, I sourgrapes.. over MLs? Lol.

Treat ML visiting as a hobby, treat FRs as a story, treat this thread as a pastime and most importantly, treat points/powers/rep as gimmicks. Be it 100 or 0, EVERYONE can post here. It's when we are too fixated on our nick's credibility then zapping will bother us adversely. If zapped to oblivion, just be a silent lurker or respawn as a newbie lor, zapping don't reduce our bank account balance or make it harder for us to book ML, so don't take powers/rep kinda stuff too seriously.. my 2 cents.
I totally agree to this. As I mention a few times, I have benefited from the many mr-s in this group. We use the mr-s just as a rough guide, and as one ml wisely put it, a new customer comes in with a new perspective. Different bros will have different chemistry and experiences. We will write based on what we experience and hope it will benefit other bros who may similar interests as us. Personally when I visit a ml, I normally go in as a blank sheet. Anything that comes will be added to my experience so I can have a guide on guaging the next ml. Like mentioned, it is for fun. Having a high point system here does not guarantee a reply from the ml or special treatment from them. Chill. Yolo
Old 07-05-2023, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Yes, hence imho, why bother about what any reader will think or react. So long we don't reveal sensitive information such as addresses, just pen our honest experience. No one can verify to what degree any FR is legit, be it standard menu or off menu. Just read and decide ourselves lor. To get overly triggered is the pointless reaction, then all the name calling starts etc, you liar, I WK, you OKT, I sourgrapes.. over MLs? Lol.

Treat ML visiting as a hobby, treat FRs as a story, treat this thread as a pastime and most importantly, treat points/powers/rep as gimmicks. Be it 100 or 0, EVERYONE can post here. It's when we are too fixated on our nick's credibility then zapping will bother us adversely. If zapped to oblivion, just be a silent lurker or respawn as a newbie lor, zapping don't reduce our bank account balance or make it harder for us to book ML, so don't take powers/rep kinda stuff too seriously.. my 2 cents.
We should just treat reviewing MLs as any other product. Just give the facts, without influence of feelings.

On the other hand, when we read reviews of products, we don't look at the "reputation points" of the reviewer for credibility.
Old 07-05-2023, 03:22 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SaintDante View Post

One of the first MLs I visited when I started. Recently returned.

Central location easy to access but not where I usually associate with ML.

Milf look with fair skin.

Massage is the soft kind but is trained.

Ear digging tried during her last stint and was enjoyable.
Upped u back bro Thxs
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Old 07-05-2023, 03:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by DonaldloveDuck View Post

Visited her today, looks young and pretty not milf type,her service was excellent with good looks slender body and big boobs,I like her way frenching like long lost bf.
Zui bo can french ?
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