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Old 18-08-2015, 09:00 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Feeling very weak lately. Very busy with a lot of things and buey tahan with not getting my regular massage for a while. Decided I need to maintain my tool before it became disused. Decided to go for an hour jg with Tracy from the exYF

Location inconvenient not near mrt but cos so ulu quite secluded so Considered a good thing
Unit. Shared with others but at least room is clean
Looks 7.5 very syt. Looks gd won reject
Jg. 10. Have tried quite a few before but have to say her skills is really gd. It was so good that I decided to ask for release. But tmd la, she enhance it until so power that she held it upright but when I shoot the stream was so strong and high it frigging hit me on the forehead. Tmd. Abit the too power liaoz la. I actually saw it Machiam like a fountain jet Lidat. Kns. And she din even angle it at me. It was upright position. -_-

Spent the whole session chattin about jg skills life and other stuff. she definitely put me at ease without feeling awkward. She is gd. And she has Sibei big balls tmd was so into the chatting I forgot to ask to play with them. Definitely worth a visit to maintain ur didi
Old 18-08-2015, 09:46 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Remember someone mentioned the photo is fake. Can anyone confirm. thanks.
Old 18-08-2015, 10:55 PM
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Unhappy Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Madhrar View Post
Been awhile since i tried MLs. Was looking through bro javabean's thread and yoyo caught my attention. There are not many MRs but they were all favourable and i decided to try her myself. Her replies can be sporadic and slow but that i'm not too fussy about that.

Location couldn't be better, it was discreet and clean. Clear instructions given and was at the door on time. Door opened and there stood a really sweet and young looking chick. Loved what i'm seeing and entered. Shower is by myself and was told to lie down when i am done.

She does her massages topless and it was a nice sight to watch her undress and show her smooth, tight body. Wanted to appear more decent but i couldn't keep my hands of her milky smooth legs while she was massaging me! As mentioned in pervious MRs of yoyo, her massage is nothing to shout about but she does put in effort.

After a good half an hour of massage, she began her HDLY (not a fan so asked her to stop) and i turned around so some frontal massage. She's really big on hygiene and made sure to wipe down my 2IC before putting it in her sweet little mouth. Nice technique and i was throbbing hard in no time. Then came the baby oil and the HJ. This girl knows her stuff and she has many tricks up her sleeve, literally exploded after a short while while she was simultaneously licking my nipples (cum nearly hit her face )

All in all, a very good experience and i would be back. She is just adorable and chirpy and i am arranging for my next session already. Bros please treat her well!

I think other bros who tried her would like to know that her room mate is very pretty and hot too! I am horribly thick skinned and i would love to try a back-to-back with both of them just for fun haha!
Bro, jealous of you. I don't get the same level of experience compare to you. Booked in the noon, but 1.5 hours before my slot, got a message asked to come immediately. Rushed there maciam marathon race. Service is decent, look is there, but she give cbj to me only leh. Maybe because I'm still recovering from my marathon and sweat still continue to come out so she view as not hygienic. The biggest turn off is she kept asking for me to upsize to fj for additional 50 sgd and attitude change when rejected. And kept answering phone calls and SMS in between session. She told me she will be rtc in mid sep and not coming back so plan ur back to back trip while still have chance.
Old 18-08-2015, 11:04 PM
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Talking Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Both are decent if you are not expecting much. Yoyo has a better package (body)overall which i think most bro will prefer. Yiyi. on the other hand is more GND which suit more matured bro.

I didn't get to released in the morning with Yoyo so yiyi won in this aspect. The funny part is she said "i thought i saw you this morning" but it helps to break the ice...
Hmm, I saw Yiyi on the way out coz her door is left open. Very gnd look but I like. How's her gfe? I have limited chemistry with Yoyo so might try yiyi if she can score in this section. Very cute still try to use blanket to cover her body when see me peeping into the room.
Old 18-08-2015, 11:37 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Here's my MR for Bobo (dreamzangel)

I am a boobs lover and thought this ML would suit my taste but upon seeing her in real life I am disappointed. The size of the boobs in photo and real life is a mismatch. Next I noticed is her face, not good looking at all and this is the reason why some ML do not show their face. I learnt my lesson after this experience.

Showered on my own and when I came out, told to lie down and she began the massage. Things started to be better because she uses some strength in her massage and I really enjoyed it, next comes the knee pressing which managed to ease the knots on my back. Felt so shiok after that. Then she started the HDLY. It was okie and I released. Nothing special to shout about.

She cleaned up and then continued to massage my back. I'm like WTF? AGAIN? I do like her massage so I obliged and I kept touching her body. Then she asked me to turn around and started to massage my tummy and ONLY my tummy. After awhile she started to give me a HJ since I oped for 1.5 hours. It felt commercial and I couldn't really enjoy it when I saw her face and meaty body so after awhile, I told her to stop and just finish off with massage.

By the way, throughout the entire session, her phone got swamped with texts and she had to answer her call twice.

Looks: 3 (there is a reason why the photo is taken from the top without showing the face)
Body: 3 (too meaty for my liking. Turnoff!)
Massage: 6 strong massage on the back for bros who like. Feels like she only knows how to massage the back and my tummy.
HDLY: 4 (I don't really enjoy the position)
HJ: DNF (I lost all feel when I saw her face so I told her to stop and just give me more massage)

Will definitely NOT RTM.
Old 18-08-2015, 11:47 PM
kwokfucheng kwokfucheng is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

tried her a few days ago when i saw some positive mr, seems she has only one mr here.

she belongs to the petite type, with small b boobs, figure not exceptional. but she looks demure,cute and bubbly. suitable for those looking for gnd. if u like wild type like A-ta , then she wun suits u.

massage wise, i think not bad, she does put in effort. hj wise, not much variation but she will try to do some teasing on your neck. overall sensual part is still not bad.

her attitude and service is definitely one of the better ones. she knows the customers are spending money and she feels it is her duty to make us feel worthwhile.

bad: armpits not shaven clean. this can be a turn off to some bros. so weigh it.

saw one review on her web that her handphone stolen by some prick. thought i will write a mr for her to help her business.
Old 19-08-2015, 12:21 AM
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Thumbs up Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

An Er 安儿 (MGZW) / Naomi 纳米 (LTD) / An Jing 安晴 (SBC)

I went to try out this ML with little to no expectations , shes listed as $70/hr and I was thinking confirm its either she looks very different from the pictures or her massage must be super piano type.

Oh boy was I wrong! Her face was pretty close to her advertised pics when i was there she had little to no makeup on but I would still give her an 7/10. Age wise i estimate from mid to late twenties.

She has a super toned and tight body, almost no an ounce of fat can be seen on her tummy, lean and slight muscular arms. Boobs are a B i estimate. 8.5/10 for her superb taut body.

Her massage was damn solid , not piano ! definitely trained. She claims to have done 3 years massage back in her homeland. Those that like hard massage should try her, shes damn strong for her petite frame. Her strong massage kinda reminds me of Clearly's 9/10

Apartment is 2 room and shared with another person, her room comes with an attached bathroom. Environment is ok 7/10

She didn't shortchange my timing, she kept on massaging till her next customer called and was about to come up. Excellent service and attitude 9/10.

Btw she has 3 different pricings , so you gotta know what to say to get the $70 option, PM me if you need help on this. lol

Probably the best value for money massage i found on SBF! we might just have a new contender for Clearly !

up me if you found my MR helpful
Old 19-08-2015, 12:30 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Quick MR for Lemon.

been a while since i've gone to a ML, decided to visit lemon.

Looks: 7.5/10. Very close to a 8. Very pleasant looking. sweet and likeable face
Body: 8.5/10. Slim enough for me. those boobs. wow
Massage: 8/10. Effort is made. She has the technique and knows some of the spots. honestly a surprise for me because i don't usually ask for much in this aspect
HJ: 7/10. Pretty standard.
GFE: 8.5/10. There was quite a long awkward silence at first but she took the initiative to break it. then it got going after that. so give that a lot of plus points for that.

RTM: for sure. just want to repeat... those booobbss....
Old 19-08-2015, 12:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

After a long day of staring at my com and replying clients my body is in need for a good rub rub down. There I was towards the end of my day checking out my fav tread in Sbf. Yiyi fr were well received and photos reminded my of my sec sch crush so fast hand fast leg made a booking to end my tiring day.

Location was b area and condo was new so location wise it's good. She shared the apartment with yoyo and with a shared bathroom. Went in to the room and started to talk cock and I was teased by her like how sec sch kids would tease each other... Chemistry was quite good. She looks 90% like the dp, gnd syt my type.

Massage wise nothing to shout about honestly, fully clothed... Cat bathe none... Bj was ok... Have to instruct her to have some tongue action on my raisins though. I have to strip her myself she kept backing off cheekily... Body was so so nothing to shout about also... Boobs were pretty soft nice to grab with pointy raisins. Finished off with a Hj after the bbbj

Overall it was an ok message by a pretty face with a happy ending. No much sensual feel to it... The overall feeling was like a tryst with your sec sch gf

Looks 9/10 (my cuppa tea, gnd syt)
Body 7/10 (soft supple boob prob a 33b)
Location: clean and discreet
Massage: 5/10
Bbbj: 6.5/10 (effort is there)
Hj: 6.5/10 (pretty mechanical with no boobs rub down cat bathe)

Rtm maybe not... Daw yoyo walked pass which she claimed was her younger sis, yoyo looks taller kinda reminded me of zhang po zi wife of Nic tse.

Happy massaging bros.
Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight? We will love a long long time~
Old 19-08-2015, 12:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

has anyone tried sufei/olive? any MR?

Old 19-08-2015, 01:11 AM
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Re: Tcss

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
I guess she is busy and didn't reply to my sms. Still waiting for my chance
You haven't visited her before? Anyway something screwed up and she can start only today... she was busy trying to get it solved... now shd be okay liao.

Originally Posted by epiphany01 View Post
Trying to book XX but damn hard KNN D:
One day advance is the key Bro... why I no need to spell it out lah

Mango, Tomato
Old 19-08-2015, 01:21 AM
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Talking Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by snakeking87 View Post

Remember someone mentioned the photo is fake. Can anyone confirm. thanks.
your answer can be found here >>>>


sammyboyfourm is a fun place to be ..................................... when can we trust the okt ...............

another fake photo by scammer okt ..............

Old 19-08-2015, 08:19 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Like to share a simple Mr on dina

Went thru tier 1 list from our helpful bro and decided on dina as her reviews was all good. Thanks for the Recce work bro!

Location is at g area.
Massage was decent not piano
Looks 6 I guess.. but Def not reject material
Gfe 8 her main points are the bath b4 massage which is unique compare w other ml
Hj 8 and I req for 2x which I came on both occasions.
Rtm? Maybe but spoiled for choice from the influx of ml recently.
Old 19-08-2015, 09:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by 16092014 View Post
Hmm, I saw Yiyi on the way out coz her door is left open. Very gnd look but I like. How's her gfe? I have limited chemistry with Yoyo so might try yiyi if she can score in this section. Very cute still try to use blanket to cover her body when see me peeping into the room.
For GFE, you better experience it yourself....boil down to chemistry
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Old 19-08-2015, 09:40 AM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: Tcss

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
You haven't visited her before? Anyway something screwed up and she can start only today... she was busy trying to get it solved... now shd be okay liao.

One day advance is the key Bro... why I no need to spell it out lah
i was quite a regular before....but i have a new number now so she may not know its me. I 'll try again.
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