Originally Posted by Ray06
Why pay $30 extra for JG for 60 min? 
Would be more justify if $150 for 90 min JG+Massage.
As for "hard/soft 3x before release", isn't this is part of any JG? 
I have never counted the cycles and never visited Zara before.
For JG, although I have visited only a few, is quite exhausting for the ML. It is no diff from the real massage and masseur are sure to get some form of bodily fatigue and harm over time. The ones I visited is about 45mins of just JG, pulling on the veins, pulling on the balls, then on the tip to get it hard, slap around, then hard twists, massage also around the groin area to tummy area to remove knots etc. Repetitive process.
If her skill is authentic, I may actually visit her to compare.
Originally Posted by benhowiz
Hello all, I’ve never visited the FL Dome 1 thread but taking a look there isn’t it too good to be true? They’re promoting SYTs at cheaper rate than the FLs over here, how does it work?
I think all the pricing is a guide. It is hard to say if it is good or bad, as FL just provides the full service, but it could be a quick in and out and you are done once you are done. Some FLs take their time, shower you, good cat bath, tease you with slow BBBJ etc so they may ask for more. Some high pricing is because of age, or maybe some influencer or model, but without review or commando it is hard to verify.
MLs for me is different because time is spent on the massage, although nowadays it is quite short and sometimes non existent, before proceeding to the sensual. There is time for conversation, some chemistry buildup minimally through the massage. Could be seen as foreplay.
Mls who stick to this model will get my vote because that is what I am looking for in this forum, else I will visit the other stables if I wanted a more straightforward service. That is why Nat, OMM and Chen Ying even though they have been around for a long time still get my RTM because they never shortchange on the massage part.
For Chen Ying, I know there were some comments she shortchange on the timings part, and I do not disagree on that. This has perpetually been her complaint since early days. However I have visited her so often that I do not look at the time already, and as long I am satisfied it is fine by me. Of course this cannot be so short till it don't make sense. There were also times where I exceeded the time because there were no customers after me, so we just sat and chat. So far she has never shortchange on the massage part nor the sensual part. I love her back stepping. There were times I came really fast and there were times I took much longer so I guess sometimes the session is shorter because I came faster.

At times she will lay beside me in my arms and just talk after I came. I like that she is always giggling even though I took longer than normal sometimes. No black face, no pressure and very comfortable environment. After I am done, honestly I do not feel the reason to stay so I will automatically wash up, chit chat a little and leave. I belong to the play along the line type of customer, I do not feel responsible, but at least there is some basic level of friendship.