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Old 21-04-2024, 05:28 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by greeniebeanie4 View Post
$150-90mins package with strong sensual is really tempting me right now. her posted pics and irl same?

tall with some fats and slightly milfy look just the way i like it purple line should be area pp same as where my fav li rou used to be
Area FP.
Video looks more like her, add some years to it.
Not ugly, else I will reject.

I seem to have seen these photos somewhere before, but can’t recall.

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Old 21-04-2024, 09:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

MR for Huan Le Dou 欢乐豆

Went to look for her because other bros here said she's XiaoXi, who I visited several months ago. Wanted to look for her again because Xiao Xi gave a great massage, as in same or better than natureland. Came back unsure if its her. Happy to be corrected and learn from more experienced Samsters...

Massage - Average for a ML, not piano, but also not a great massage. Very unlike the XiaoXi I remember. Frankly speaking, reminded me how I should just go for old uncles for massage and MLs for other stuff.

GFE - Good, chatted a fair bit

Roaming - limited signal, even more limited than Xiaoxi.

Location - central, if you're a foot soldier need to walk a bit. Solo room, very clean and well kept, not like the pigsty most MLs have, which is appreciated!

Looks - I think 7/10 for ML standards is fair. Has a tattoo roughly where I remember XiaoXi had it, but looks different that what I remember

Definitely not a landmine, will return if I'm in the area!
Old 21-04-2024, 09:11 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

FR for another Tong Tong in SLG:
Looks: Very closely resembling her video. Saw her in full make up and pink dress. Cannot wait to try her on first impression.
Location: Carpark is near. MRT and bus stop walking distance. But heavy construction nearby so may need to walk longer distance.
Massage: Quite okay. But we all know that’s not what we are there for.
Sensual: Opt for HJ to test water. Turn out quite okay. Pace was to my liking and able to control momentum. Roaming signal is good. She positions herself for full access but YMMV.
GFE: Very chatty. Easy to break the ice.
RTM: Yes to try other services.
Old 21-04-2024, 09:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Special Spawner View Post
In the group, only you commando or everyone rotates? If only you, it just means everyone in the group is paying for you to get serviced wor. And if the girl is not a landmine, you return the money to the group ah?

Maybe do not taint the name commando please.

Commandoing new girls is not exactly bad. You may hit a landmine, but you also get a fair chance of discovering a gem。
definitely if anybody wants to rotate, if it is not a landmine, of course i won't ask for the rest to pay, always payment after deed, so whoever want to test water have to risk and forkout first and not forgetting there will always be free loader

i myself not rich, the max only chiong twice a week, unless got popular demand, estimate dmg will be minimally 60 about there on my part
Old 21-04-2024, 09:16 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by iwasanoobonce View Post
thinking of creating a tg/tele group with about 20 bros or more for the purpose of commando new girls and me giving my fr, whether the girl is worth or landmine, for the purpose of being cost effective for everyone else, we will take a vote before i proceed to commando

i am willing to fork out 20-30, and the remaining amount shared with all the rest, if any bro interested can pm me here
forget to add my tg: iwasanoobonce
Old 21-04-2024, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by iwasanoobonce View Post
definitely if anybody wants to rotate, if it is not a landmine, of course i won't ask for the rest to pay, always payment after deed, so whoever want to test water have to risk and forkout first and not forgetting there will always be free loader

i myself not rich, the max only chiong twice a week, unless got popular demand, estimate dmg will be minimally 60 about there on my part
Bro, it’s not difficult to spot the potential landmines from the ad.

Moreover, you can always reject at the door if the MLs looks very different from the photos
Old 21-04-2024, 10:23 PM
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Originally Posted by iwasanoobonce View Post
thinking of creating a tg/tele group with about 20 bros or more for the purpose of commando new girls and me giving my fr, whether the girl is worth or landmine, for the purpose of being cost effective for everyone else, we will take a vote before i proceed to commando

i am willing to fork out 20-30, and the remaining amount shared with all the rest, if any bro interested can pm me here
Not to pour cold water. But won't think it will work out. Because looks and service is very judgement among ppl. If one bro went commando with other bro money, and as long as 1 bro disagree with his FR. This group will have issue to continue liao.
Old 21-04-2024, 11:37 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

aka GranDMasteR

Location: very discreet. Unit is right next to entrance
Body: she is a MILF. But very well maintained MILF with big boobs and flat stomach and perky butt.
Service: after shower, straight start the heavy flavoured stuffs and lots of teasing. Definitely will make you more horny. After that then massage, which is a bit different from the othe MLs where they do massage first then sensual
RTM: depends whether i am in a ‘vanilla’ mood or horny mood that day, if horny, sure go to her

Hope this FR is useful.
Enjoy Bros!
Old 22-04-2024, 12:04 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Tldr: Among the 3, lucky is definitely my first choice for RTM, clean and tidy place, no rushing, smooth skin on a very grab-able body and she really focus on the sensual part which I prefer to make me enjoy the sensual alot.

P.S. I'm not very particular with looks, as long looks presentable and not too old/ugly, so I won't rate their looks as I can still look at their face during sensual and enjoy it, instead of some bad experience in the past where I need to "look elsewhere" during sensual to stay hard.

Past 1 month, was pretty free from work so feeling the need for massage, went for home based ML(relatively long stayer already). Total of 3 MLs, sad to say, can't get the ones more mentioned in this thread in recent times.
Wanting to try home base massage, tried contacting a few at night after work that were reviewed not so badly here. An an replied and was free so went for it. Location was quite a distance from nearby mrt, but multiple lines nearby if u don't mind walking. Can miss the entrance to the lift easily if u are watching for people nearby the entrance.

Room is clean, although got drying rack with towels in the common room which may make the place look a little messy
Massage was done for quite long, good strength too, to the point bed was squeaking. She hit the spots for my shoulder, worth RTM for the massage.
Sensual was pretty good too. Catbath over from top to bottom with boob rubs on my body. HJ didn't feel rushing; she slow down about 2 times, which lengthen the enjoyment. Some ML just went full mode when HJ starts and want u to cum fast. So this is a plus for me here. Overall it was pretty good experience. Worth RTM but it was missing something for me so I want to look around more.
Decided to try this next after a bro mentioned about her some time back. Her location is quite far from mrt station, the nearest bus stop is near the old mall with a few pubs in it. The apartment is not new, although the internal looks clean and neat. Lina massage was softer given her petite size, however certain way of kneading is pretty strong.
Sensual was pretty standard, catbath from top to bot, rub boobs etc. As I asked for longer massage, she didn't slow down once started. Not complaining as time was nearing end. Even so, she still give me a head massage after she went to wash her hands, as I mention I have migraine. I had to take a short shower as I notice the time(she didnt say a thing BTW), This is definitely a plus, not a clock watcher. Granted, she didn't have next customer, but she chat with me even after I finish dressing, in the end I initiated to pay her and want to go myself as it was getting late.
Overall, massage is slightly weaker, but certain massage technique is on point. She is also petite, don't have any visible fats after she stripped to just panty. Of course boobs wise is smaller, but I'm OK with the grabbing still.
Finally managed to get her on a lucky night with 1 hour notice too. Immediately agreed and go over. Place is near construction site, so be careful after exiting the nearest exit at purple line station for foot soldier.
The place is very cozy, almost like a big size hotel room. I like the design of the place. Place is also clean and neat. After I stepped out of the shower partition onto the toilet part(foot was wet so there's water mark), she wiped it immediately when she saw it, so can tell she like cleanliness.
Massage was decently strong. However as our conversation was trigger her laughter, she laughed herself off during massage so massage was interrupted during some key part. This is not her fault as I was also laughing myself. But can tell her massage is worth RTM.
Sensual wise, she's quite thorough. Maybe it's me, but she like to prone on me and attack my ears from behind. I like this alot HJ was not rushed at all. Her boobs is nicely sized on her short but appropriate meat body(not fat, just good for moving ur hands over her smooth skin) boobs also a good grabbing. Enjoyed the sensual part alot.
Thank you for your time.
Old 22-04-2024, 12:37 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Lorrymark View Post
The one that can’t stand is too “power” and high pointer in this forum, you mention his name your account gg alr 🤣 wink wink 😉
the premium account arh ??
Old 22-04-2024, 01:47 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
Area FP.
Video looks more like her, add some years to it.
Not ugly, else I will reject.

I seem to have seen these photos somewhere before, but can’t recall.
weird, i texted her and she quoted me a difference price range, it was 60 minutes instead of 90 minutes. top up 30 from 150 for 90 minutes 2hj

Last edited by greeniebeanie4; 22-04-2024 at 01:59 AM.
Old 22-04-2024, 07:44 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

What a wonderful start to the day - outside taking in the crisp clean smell of fresh morning air.... mmmmmmm.

After a weekend of hard-core action, I think I'll bring it down a few notches. Time to re-visit some generously endowed MLs whom I can lay down on big, natural, pillowy breasts, and just while away the time breathing in the sweet scent and warm touches of their beautiful bosoms.

So this week, I plan to rtm Bao Zi, Ruan Ruan and perhaps Kiki, and.....hmmmm. Isn't there anyone new with beautiful breasts as these now? Besides Nina, is there anyone new in SLG with big natural cahoonas now? Perhaps Chen Chen, who else?

Last edited by Kopiosteve; 22-04-2024 at 11:16 AM. Reason: Wrong spelling of name. Now corrected. Thanks bro Chidorigan for the spot :)
Old 22-04-2024, 09:14 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Can check if GDMR boobs are natural?
Old 22-04-2024, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
What a wonderful start to the day - outside taking in the crisp clean smell of fresh morning air.... mmmmmmm.

After a weekend of hard-core action, I think I'll bring it down a few notches. Time to re-visit some generously endowed MLs whom I can lay down on big, natural, pillowy breasts, and just while away the time breathing in the sweet scent and warm touches of their beautiful bosoms.

So this week, I plan to rtm Bao Zi, Xuan Xuan and perhaps Kiki, and.....hmmmm. Isn't there anyone new with beautiful breasts as these now? Besides Nina, is there anyone new in SLG with big natural cahoonas now? Perhaps Chen Chen, who else?
Which xuan Xuan is this bro?
Old 22-04-2024, 09:41 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by iwasanoobonce View Post
definitely if anybody wants to rotate, if it is not a landmine, of course i won't ask for the rest to pay, always payment after deed, so whoever want to test water have to risk and forkout first and not forgetting there will always be free loader

i myself not rich, the max only chiong twice a week, unless got popular demand, estimate dmg will be minimally 60 about there on my part

chiong twice a week also around 1k a month. not exactly poor also.

anyway can foresee pay 30 bucks, the rest pays 100

come back whine how bad it is i wasted time and cum. please paynow me $10 each hor for my sacrifice.

so frankly i have no idea how this plan works for anyone else but u alone. beauty is in eyes of beholder some just love baby elephants how to use your gauge as the standard to adhere to.

pretty dont need pay u if landmine the rest pays. guess the probability is already skewed to one end. casting no doubts on integrity because i dont know you but leaves plenty of room of imagination for the rest who are paying.

all in all, better off playing own guessing game and lucky draw saves the trouble of disputes over what defines good because afterall, many pays a pittance and expect VIP service. later ask u write field reports

not the point summary type. from enter to exit minute by minute report.

in any case if this thing can go through...

i propose to pay 50 bucks each time to be the commando....
don't pm me to exchange points. if you like what i post, up me and pm. if i like what you post too, i will return the favor. thanks
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