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Old 16-06-2024, 03:51 PM
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Re: SYT xiao jie

Originally Posted by juniper View Post
some zappy-happy bro left this comment: "Code red n u believe ????"

she wore sanitary pad in see thru panties. in any case i believe in giving others the benefit of doubt and its distasteful to check, no?

next time you have diarrhoea and see a doc, i hope your asshole gets poked to make sure u really having diarrhoea
Lol out of topic but I remember last time in NS the MOs really will do that for people they suspect is fake diarrhea real chao keng.
Old 16-06-2024, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by smlee View Post
In today's digital age, the internet allows anyone, including braggarts, to freely express their opinions, leading to a wide range of perspectives and the rapid spread of both valuable ideas and misinformation.
I waiting for someone to tip 500 and come brag how much he can do to the ml.
Maybe go eat MacDonald also tip 200, the staffs probably dip the fries and feed you, and serve free ice cream, free top up drinks. Then can go home tell everyone MacDonald service soooo good, better than HDL.
Old 16-06-2024, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by LBJForever View Post
Dan Dan should be back Sunday in a new location.
Dan Dan is just back in the same location (new place didn't work out), with a few nice sets of costumes 😍.
Old 16-06-2024, 05:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Si Mu is easily one of the best who can really massage , she is a masseur back in China … she give at least 2/3 time for massage . For 90 mins she cover top and the thighs/ legs area …

Very professional and friendly , her body is very slim as well .

I would rtm her weekly … her location has plenty of parking .
Old 16-06-2024, 05:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ladyassasinato View Post
ML pee on my head? I kenna many times liao lah. But it's ok, just move on and get a better one. Come out to cheong, I always believe in 缘分。If can find a ml that can click well with you, just enjoy as much as you can. Don't think too much, just have a good time with her. Money spent never mind lah, money come money go, stimulate the economy mah. Spent already, earn back more lor. 这样才是上等人。

I always believe money spent than consider mine, or else it's just a number in my bank account.
Agree with the above. Bro above has shared here often his picks and all those i tried have been true to claim. What more we want?

No need to care too much about who tipping extra or etc. Just like in other business, depending on money or other stuff like looks, we can get extras. If someone say he/she got something at x price, just means you can try your luck too. If you want to. Dun wan also no harm right?
Free unlock also dun mean really free, repeat customer right? Other business also same what, some will offer you extra sweets if repeat business.

Got see before JAV, ML after you shot already, blow you right away to clean your cock to hard for second shot right? If we wan this extra, dun pay extra fair or not? If ML never ask, good lor. If need extra, really wrong meh?

Chill la, our money hard earn, others also working hard. Just because they make more than me, dun mean I must be upset at them. My neighborhood cai peng owner stay landed hor, I buy his cai peng also just wan fair price only. He dun owe my anything, I also dun owe him anything
Old 16-06-2024, 06:54 PM
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Question Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone tried Royce? Care to share?
Old 16-06-2024, 07:19 PM
kaixin82 kaixin82 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by thickhead View Post
Anyone tried Royce? Care to share?
search using royce.
Old 16-06-2024, 07:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
When I don’t tip a ML
ML: 亲爱的,下次见哦!

When I tip a ML $10 (2B3R)
ML: 这么小气,才$10!

When I tip a ML $20 (2B4R)
ML: 垃圾,凑个整数会死吗!

When I tip a ML $30 (3B)
ML: 动手动脚,又摸又舔,才给$30小费!

When I tip a ML $70 (4B)
ML: 这色鬼肯定不怀好意,这么点小费就想上我!

When I tip $500
ML: 这萝卜头,哦不是,是小帅哥还不错,人还可以,得试试钓一钓他!

So either don’t tip, else go big!

I poor boy might as well keep the $ for my Cai png.
That's true , consider the amount they earn.. I know from one non-angpai have 7k saving after rental , ads, levy.
I guess those popular one could easily save up 10k per momth

Those 10$ 20$ tips won't make much different. Go big is the way. But as a poor guy , I go with the stated price
Old 16-06-2024, 08:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by smlee View Post
cockles of the heart is even harder to get . Kudos to you
No lah. I didn't actually thought of that. Paiseh.

I'm a real cockles fan thou.
If the laksa store say no cockles I will skipped.
Is getting harder to get good cockles these days thou.
Maybe is due to the environment.

Maybe I should try and eat more fried oysters since it is more readily available.

But thanks again for seeing me so up!
Old 16-06-2024, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by LBJForever View Post
Dan Dan is just back in the same location (new place didn't work out), with a few nice sets of costumes 😍.
She started working alr? Don't see her listing yet.
Old 16-06-2024, 08:14 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by jackylee View Post
It is in our men's nature to brag about our sexual exploitation and penis size

In chionging... my mindset is i am just paying money to get a transaction. Nothing more nothing less.

Just like i go to mamashop to buy a bottle of drink, if the drink suits me i might come back to buy a few more times. But if the drink doesn't suit me, taste weird i will just chuck it and never return. As simple as that.

I also have my fair share of meeting attitude ML... but i will never even bother to voice out. Why? Because for what? We all know in life people don't change. Even if it's for their improvement. I will just finish the session asap and move on to the next girl. One have to understand these girls are all transitional. They come just for awhile... many doesn't or couldn't even return if they want to even if they are ang pai. So just have fun if you are able to book them. Cannot book? Also no problem just move on to the next one.

When we think we are the special one even by spending alot on them... remember any of them... even the non ang pai earn much more than most of us.

If you think the ML FL likes you and offer you special cause you handsome or cute... think again... there's always a younger, cuter, more handsome customer than you.

When you think she likes you cause you are able to spend alot on them... remember there's always a richer customer that got more than you.

These girls have no lack of people buying them good food, bringing them out to play, expensive bags, iphones, branded watches etc etc

And one more thing is you think what you did... big or little things for them they will remember you? The amount of men they meet is so much that they probably won't even recognize you if bump on the streets. I have girl asking me if i am the one who did certain things for her previously. In my heart was like... "aww... the guy so sweet to you and you didn't even recognize him".

I usually don't tip too... i just pay what was agreed on. But when i do tip, is because they have given me a good memory and it's purely from my side to give them more. I'm sure they didn't even give a wink to the 2 red notes i gave as tips from their reaction.

So, just take it as a customer buying service. Think rationally bros.
Great post bro! Some of the MLs I frequent do give me the good appreciation looks even when I tip 1 or 2 red notes when they give a good memory and I think they are keepers to rtm. I do believe that there are MLs who value a human touch beyond all the red blue green notes that they are seeing everyday.
Old 16-06-2024, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Chidorigan View Post
She started working alr? Don't see her listing yet.
Yes just started today. Today a bit haphazard for her due to settling in, listing shd be up soon 🙏.
Old 16-06-2024, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by rix6669 View Post
I waiting for someone to tip 500 and come brag how much he can do to the ml.
Maybe go eat MacDonald also tip 200, the staffs probably dip the fries and feed you, and serve free ice cream, free top up drinks. Then can go home tell everyone MacDonald service soooo good, better than HDL.
For 500, I rather book the ML i like for 4 hours to build more chemistry.

Last edited by Dieheart; 16-06-2024 at 11:01 PM.
Old 16-06-2024, 10:49 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by CravenSg View Post
Got see before JAV, ML after you shot already, blow you right away to clean your cock to hard for second shot right? If we wan this extra, dun pay extra fair or not? If ML never ask, good lor. If need extra, really wrong meh?
Ha, talk about JAV, you can always go to my "Shiok Shiok Videos" thread to view some of those Jap av videos to warm up first before you visit the ml. Normally, I share 20 over videos daily.


Old 16-06-2024, 11:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by rix6669 View Post
I waiting for someone to tip 500 and come brag how much he can do to the ml.
Maybe go eat MacDonald also tip 200, the staffs probably dip the fries and feed you, and serve free ice cream, free top up drinks. Then can go home tell everyone MacDonald service soooo good, better than HDL.
Over here just read for fun, self don't believe and just contribute where possible good enough.

Outside hear one more plausible and interesting that prob shouldn't mention here.

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