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Old 10-12-2014, 06:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Commando MR for Tiffany - ***EDITED, LINK REMOVED. The original Tiffany i wrote the MR for is no longer around.***

Let me take one for the brotherhood! haha.

To address the burning question first, no Tiffany is not from Taiwan, she is a PRC from 四川 but use to work in Taiwan as performance artist before. Those familiar with Southern Taiwan night scene will understand that trade. She look slightly older then the stated 21y/o but still a very sweet face SYT, slim build with a very hot body, totally gum me. What's shine about Tiffany is her chatty character, can hold conversation and GFE she provide, basically like a session with a KTV girls kinda feeling.

- SYT!! She will massage awhile then lie down beside you to chitchat abit then continue etc. Love the sight when her sweet face lie beside you then speak softly in her teh voice.
- Pretty face even without much makeup
- Nice figure, big firm B cup, or is it C?
- Ultimate GFE, very chatty, very teh voice. I think she master the teh speaking skill of Taiwanese during her stint there.
- Love the tongue fight with her, but she mention she doesn't do it with everybody, just treat her nice then high chance can get la i think.
- Nice spacious clean room with attached shower
- Without phone for the whole session

- Inexperience and piano massage.
- No cat bath, no bm, no HDLY, no teasing, no nothing. Just massage and wank, but can auto roam. Actually come to think of it, the description on her page is quite accurate; only 2 items, GFE massage & GFE HJ, both is delivered. Over pamper by other ML already so a little disappointed.

In summary i feel that Tiffany is in the wrong trade. With her looks, experience and skill set; she will easily shine in those HFJ or KTV etc, don't know why end up as a ML. For those bros who like to chit chat with a pretty face SYT, enjoy the gao gao GFE and doesn't mind a piano session, Tiffany is your girl.

RTM: 70% - i still prefer a decent massage if possible.

Catch a glimpse of another chio lady in the living room while leaving, i think should be Jessica? Maybe will try her next. Or someone go commando her please?

Last edited by mariosuper; 23-12-2014 at 09:29 PM.
Old 10-12-2014, 07:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Revelations View Post
Thanks dude. She sounds like i should visit.

Im also looking for a good and proper boob job. Because so far i tried, only Bei Er can do a proper Av style boob job... that means I lie down, she sits between my legs and clamps my dick in her boobs and uses only her boobs to jiggle and slide till i unload.

Most girls only boob slide for a while, then use hands to finish off cos they dont have the right technique and stamina. Hopefully, joey has both.

Bro, try already let us know your MR.
Old 10-12-2014, 07:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by gheun View Post
LOL. i not middle-man leh... how long was your wait? maybe she busy?

hmm.. tell you what, PM me your number and I contact her for you but no guaranteed response.
she reply me after I asked again
Old 10-12-2014, 08:35 PM
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Re: commando MR for COLA

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Bros, you all can don't so zhun or not?
Anyway, I commando-ed cola cos her pics reminded me of 王俐人; in fact in person she does not look far off.
Appreciate the quick MR, I cancel XXue and try to go for cola but couldn't made her timing. Clarity response was weird, think she got the sms mixed up, will give her a week to learn the trade.

XXue called me back asking did I book another girl, this girl very smart and can sweet talk and very teh on the phone, so eventually I went to her.

Looks like picture, very street smart type, ex-ktv, try to sound out my financial status. Overall not bad lah, as one bro mentioned service is not fantastic but I do enjoy the witty chat with her. Playing very hard to get. Asked her anything happen to her place last week but she was out of town to renew her visa, just returned a few days ago. I realised she tends to reply to newer sms first, so if you send too early, you might not get a response.
Old 10-12-2014, 08:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Linkup thread is updated.

So many commando efforts today. I went on a beaten path and looked for Blue 小蓝

Managed to make a booking with only 2 hour advance. I thought i was quite lucky as i tot this pretty little SYT would be swamped with SMSes.

Area B. Cardio test before getting to the apartment is as per earlier reports. Those who have been there would know what i mean. I was say the climb is worth it. Apartment is shared. Room is quite dim and comes with attached bathroom. The room is pretty bare, you can tell she is not staying here for long as little is done to personalize her room.

Her looks is very close to picture although a little darker complexion. I think that was mentioned before as well. Her eyes could really talk to you.! I was mesmerized by her eyes lor!

Okay, went to shower by myself and laid face down for massage. Pretty SOP. Massage is decent. "Not piano type" is used to death in this forum, hence i shall coin the term, NPT - Not Piano Type. When she straddled herself on my back to massage me, it felt pretty sexy and i enjoyed it very much.

She was clothed during the massage which suit me fine. Can't see whats going on lying face down anyway. Then i hear clothes coming off... BM coming up!. Her B+ cups with protruding nipples was damn nice sia. Not missing a spot on my back and legs, alternating between catbath and BM. I guess because she is not really busty so she put extra effort in the BM.

Then i turned over and finally was able to see her cute face again. What a nice sight. BM and catbath continued and she really know how to use her breast to arouse me sia. Keep rubbing her breast on my cock until I was damn hard. Buay tahan wanted to roam south but she not chemistry with me i guess, signal kena blocked. Asked to kiss her breast also denied.

only 10 mins left, so opted for oil and her HJ was damn nice also. KNN why i cannot emulate that when I PCC sia?? Her soft moans also very arousing and that was what finished me off lah. Her little moans really added to the atmosphere.

Only about 1 more month for this GEM before she returns. Will consider RTM if I'm in the area...but so many more to try la. To bros who havent try, worth to go at least once if you into SYT.

Location: 6/10. Area B. Fairly discreet with roadside parking. I guess cuz she not staying for long so her room not like Eva or Princess room that makes you comfortable and wanna stay long.
Looks: 8/10. Although room was dim, can tell she is damn sweet looking lah.
Body: 8/10 Nice small frame type with B+ breasts. Ample for grabbing, Tits lovers should not be disappointed but not big like Lele, or princess lah.
Massage: 6/10, NPT
BM: 8/10 Sensual!
HJ: 8/10 Good technique with the moanings...wah, cum in no time!
GFE: 6/10 couldnt roam so lower the score abit. I read other bros managed to roam south so probably i no chemistry with her. she can hold a conversation but not those chatty type that will engage you. I needed to engage her instead.
RTM: Yes if i'm in the area and joon joon she free lo. The lower GFE score doesn't kill her off in my RTM list cuz the service and looks is pretty good. Otherwise, still got so many in my to try list!

Last edited by Javabeans; 04-08-2017 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Deleted photos
Old 10-12-2014, 10:08 PM
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Thumbs down Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Ahboii200 View Post
she no reply me bro
Bro Ahboii200

Clarity no reply you better. She replied me. Made me drive down all the way then tell me she cannot make it.

So you are very lucky. Can buy 4D.
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Old 10-12-2014, 10:13 PM
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Thumbs down Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by gheun View Post
Yea she told me about that. she said she made a lot of mistakes yesterday cos it was her first time and first day in Sg. i told her to keep a notebook and write down, which was what I saw Cass and Rainie/Candy did.
Bro gheun

She made a lot of mistakes? I wonder how many often bros were played out by her. Maybe we should give all new MLs a "dummy guide to making appointments - so that SBF bros don't make wasted trips".

And this Manuel will only have one sentence. Use your brain and if it's not big enough, have a notebook. Sorry ah. I am a bit bitter because really wasted a lot of my time today only to be brushed off and a slammed down phone call.

Anyway after your MR of Clarity's mechanical HJ I think we have better options for someone who charged $110.
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Old 10-12-2014, 10:19 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by 1447 View Post
Sometimes maybe she adv with a few TS & then cockup the bookings.
I feel sorry for you... Happened to me quite a few times.
Bro 1447

Feel bad for you to be played out a few times. But perhaps I must be quite lucky all these while so this is my first time being played out big time. But with lousy excuses, crappy attitude and a slammed down phone. I hope Clarity from Tiger Den better learn her lesson and be nicer to all other Bros after me.

Up you 10 points!
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Old 10-12-2014, 11:11 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Visited 小蓝 tdy...

Good pts:
SYT like pic just darker in complexion
Massage is good not piano type
Able to kiss her tits did not get stop on the 2nd hj...

Bad pts:
Feels a bit shortchange as the whole session is done in 45 mins
No GFE try to chat with her, I wld say she's quite a icy beauty

Overall not a bad session, seems like I do not have luck with ladies from this "island" whereby the session is always shorter than usual 1 hr...
Old 10-12-2014, 11:18 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cheongster_11 View Post
Bro gheun

She made a lot of mistakes? I wonder how many often bros were played out by her. Maybe we should give all new MLs a "dummy guide to making appointments - so that SBF bros don't make wasted trips".

And this Manuel will only have one sentence. Use your brain and if it's not big enough, have a notebook. Sorry ah. I am a bit bitter because really wasted a lot of my time today only to be brushed off and a slammed down phone call.

Anyway after your MR of Clarity's mechanical HJ I think we have better options for someone who charged $110.
Oo ytd about to go but in the end cannot, tdy she told me fully booked so i guess need to hold 1st with her my the other session with xiao lan also average nia in the same area
Old 10-12-2014, 11:25 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cheongster_11 View Post
Bro gheun

She made a lot of mistakes? I wonder how many often bros were played out by her. Maybe we should give all new MLs a "dummy guide to making appointments - so that SBF bros don't make wasted trips".


Anyway after your MR of Clarity's mechanical HJ I think we have better options for someone who charged $110.
Yea I'm sorry to hear what you experienced. I think I'm very lucky too cos I went for the 11am slot which I think has a super low probability of getting double booked. Anyway bro it's okay to express all the anger you need to since you have legitimate grounds and I have no vested interests in protecting her.

Have a good night's rest hope that you'll have a pleasant week ahead.
Old 11-12-2014, 12:12 AM
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Re: commando MR for COLA

Originally Posted by Scombridae View Post
Appreciate the quick MR, I cancel XXue and try to go for cola but couldn't made her timing. Clarity response was weird, think she got the sms mixed up, will give her a week to learn the trade.
Looks like picture, very street smart type
I realised she tends to reply to newer sms first, so if you send too early, you might not get a response.
I am in fact aware of the golden timing for texting, perhaps I wasn't that keen to book her (maybe due to the last time) so didn’t follow it. Really jinxed, both times I didn't manage to book her kena not too good ML... she seems to be interestingly fun based on your description and dun mind trying to book her again (will go home if still fail). Clarity based on the numerous feedbacks today, think she got overwhelmed by the smses/calls.

Originally Posted by gheun View Post
Cheers bro but sorry to hear that! would up you if i could!
Originally Posted by Revelations View Post
Sorry to hear about your awful experience. And Thanks for the info. That just reaffirms my decision to always look for MLs who provide 2 hjs.

For those MLs who only offer one hj, they control the time. When they finish you off, thats it, you‘re out of the door. No matter how short the time is.

With 2 shots MLs, at least it first shows they are willing to work more for the same money. And secondly it assures it cannot be a quick job. Of course i always confirm its 2 shots before going down.
No need to be sorry bros, commando mah... must at least be mentally prepared to "liao lui"...

Actually I don't mind having just 1xhj... the MLs that I rtm mostly is 1xhj - princess, peace, promise, innocence etc.(almost all listed as 2x)... only a couple ML I get 2 or more times... I understand that sometimes it is difficult to have 2x in one hour... but if so much spare time left after the deed... can use it for massage? She is a ML afterall... nacy/shiok shiok/peace/xiao bai would normally give a head massage during the spare time, promise would continue with the body massage... if not just chit chat until times up also shiok...

Originally Posted by cheongster_11 View Post

... but crappy attitude with no regards to the concept of time. We all blame bros who fly Aeroplanes. Disappear when they book the slot. What about MLs who waste our precious time to go to their places and only to brush us away!
I'm with you... I have never A380 any ML b4, even if they don't resemble their pics (remember elephant?)... I make it a point to reach earlier and if time permits, buy some snacks for them... so I do get irritated and kan jeong if have to wait too long... some of the waiting places quite jialat one...

Still remember one of the quite notorious ML from the same stable, told her I need to leave on time... 15 mins after appointment time tell me she eating and ask me to wait... I didn't... freaking wasted my time, petrol and parking coupons...

also a recent encounter with another ML from the same stable yet again... postponed appt time, late for the revised appt time... and finish the session early...

Mango, Tomato
Old 11-12-2014, 12:41 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Wah suddenly so much MRs on Xiao Lan. See liao buay tahan wanna rtm again soonish
Her catbath and BM quite interesting at least to me as I put it, not really pro at them but somehow I quite like it....

Yup she is not really a chatty type and as per bro newbieintn icy beauty indeed. And needed to engage her in conversation more but she still will hold a pretty nice conversation with you~
Told her abt it before and she told me she warm up slower and quite shy. (Dunno really shy or not)
She said she will be more chatty if more familiar with that person.

And yes she does get more chatty and higher gfe with rtms.

P.S. I dig her look and her voice so dun mind the icy beauty demeanour

Originally Posted by use141 View Post
Linkup thread is updated.

So many commando efforts today. I went on a beaten path and looked for Blue 小蓝

Managed to make a booking with only 2 hour advance. I thought i was quite lucky as i tot this pretty little SYT would be swamped with SMSes.

Area B. Cardio test before getting to the apartment is as per earlier reports. Those who have been there would know what i mean. I was say the climb is worth it. Apartment is shared. Room is quite dim and comes with attached bathroom. The room is pretty bare, you can tell she is not staying here for long as little is done to personalize her room.

Location: 6/10. Area B. Fairly discreet with roadside parking. I guess cuz she not staying for long so her room not like Eva or Princess room that makes you comfortable and wanna stay long.
Looks: 8/10. Although room was dim, can tell she is damn sweet looking lah.
Body: 8/10 Nice small frame type with B+ breasts. Ample for grabbing, Tits lovers should not be disappointed but not big like Lele, or princess lah.
Massage: 6/10, NPT
BM: 8/10 Sensual!
HJ: 8/10 Good technique with the moanings...wah, cum in no time!
GFE: 6/10 couldnt roam so lower the score abit. I read other bros managed to roam south so probably i no chemistry with her. she can hold a conversation but not those chatty type that will engage you. I needed to engage her instead.
RTM: Yes if i'm in the area and joon joon she free lo. The lower GFE score doesn't kill her off in my RTM list cuz the service and looks is pretty good. Otherwise, still got so many in my to try list!

Originally Posted by newbieintn View Post
Visited 小蓝 tdy...

Good pts:
SYT like pic just darker in complexion
Massage is good not piano type
Able to kiss her tits did not get stop on the 2nd hj...

Bad pts:
Feels a bit shortchange as the whole session is done in 45 mins
No GFE try to chat with her, I wld say she's quite a icy beauty

Overall not a bad session, seems like I do not have luck with ladies from this "island" whereby the session is always shorter than usual 1 hr...
Bro dun be sad. Tmr another good day to commando another or go try book XX loh since you and her like no fate~ Just sms at golden timing la.
Those MLs that dun short-change time, usually are worth rtm-ing them as this is quite impt to me.
I chk time whenever I enter the unit and leave the unit.
And if wan 2hj just voice out at the start of sessions and usually will oblige if it is in their advert.

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
I am in fact aware of the golden timing for texting, perhaps I wasn't that keen to book her (maybe due to the last time) so didn’t follow it. Really jinxed, both times I didn't manage to book her kena not too good ML... she seems to be interestingly fun based on your description and dun mind trying to book her again (will go home if still fail). Clarity based on the numerous feedbacks today, think she got overwhelmed by the smses/calls.

No need to be sorry bros, commando mah... must at least be mentally prepared to "liao lui"...

Actually I don't mind having just 1xhj... the MLs that I rtm mostly is 1xhj - princess, peace, promise, innocence etc.(almost all listed as 2x)... only a couple ML I get 2 or more times... I understand that sometimes it is difficult to have 2x in one hour... but if so much spare time left after the deed... can use it for massage? She is a ML afterall... nacy/shiok shiok/peace/xiao bai would normally give a head massage during the spare time, promise would continue with the body massage... if not just chit chat until times up also shiok...
In hibernation mode

Last edited by ssurfer987; 11-12-2014 at 12:57 AM.
Old 11-12-2014, 08:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Agree... almost wanted to book her, think maybe at same place as c&c so can reminisce... but cola replied super quick so I doing my own commando. Wish me luck!

She has been around for quite a while liao...
She is Kerry from another stable.
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Old 11-12-2014, 01:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I was searching for an MR for Keke from Shanghaifun and I found one by a 7 point bro in another thread saying that she doesn't match her photos online. Should I trust his post?

What does it mean when someone has points as little as that brother? Sorry I'm still unsure with how the zapping and upping really works.

Last edited by gheun; 11-12-2014 at 01:52 PM. Reason: Edited because I omitted the word "match"
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