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Old 22-01-2015, 11:54 PM
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Wink Facts...Opinions...Agendas...

1)...Genuine No Agenda Sharing frs r always welcum in SBF...good, bad or otherwise it does not matter....this has been my consistent position all along in SBF...

Fact : I hv disclosed all current frs on this Ling Ling, good, bad or fact i am also going to add on the latest comment on Ling Ling by another samster in my next post...

Query: Once again who r these "bona fide samsters" n who decides who r "bona fide samsters" as raised by Max_Priest?...also why does Max_Priest need to raise the issue of "bona fide samsters" in the first place?

2)...Max_Priest confuses fact wif opinion on this is clearly only his opinion n not a fact...moreover, since when must a samster's nick be mentioned as a prerequisite for making a post in SBF?...Max_Priest now appears to be creating his own set of rules for SBF?!...this is a Public Forum n last i checked only Sammyboy calls the shots...furthermore, it is noteworthy that Max_Priest has resorted to bold highlights, which appears to indicate that it is actually he who is defensive, uptight and feeling guilty conscience(sic)!...

3)...Max_Priest is misconceived on this one...pot calling the kettle black relates to his general behaviour n attitude taken in this thread where he tries(but miserably fails) to put me in a negative light whereas he himself has performed in such a negative manner...see my abv posts for more details...

Fact: I repeat what i said in 1) abv...

4)...Max_Priest confuses fact wif opinion on this is clearly only his opinion n not a fact...since when is creating a thread for a GL House(in this case 1807) that does not hv a previous thread created, necessarily a promotion agenda?...same applies to frs for GL mms per se...i stand corrected but i thought SBF was a place to share info/frs and not a place for promotion agendas?...

I also note wif amusement that my consistent position re Genuine No Agenda Sharing has to quote Max_Priest's apparent good buddy" tingled[" Max_Priest's nerve!!...

Fact:...Max_Priestrepeatedly n aggressively promotes his apparent fav GL mms in SBF...i stand corrected but I dont think there is any other samster who conducts himself in such a shameless n disingenuous manner...

Max_Priest is also being disingenuous when he says "Honestly I myself also have this intent to help the WLs "!...i wonder is Max_Priest actually "helping" himself to attain his own benefits to the detriment of the GL mms instead?...It is perhaps noteworthy that Max_Priest has thus far declined to answer whether the GL mms he writes about, know about his SBF persona n how, when n why they got to know about this in the first place?.....

Fact:...I never set up a thread specifically to promote Ling Ling[....does a Ling Ling thread purportedly created by me as alleged by Max_Priest exist? thread that i created is for 1807(there was no previous thread on 1807) Ling Ling fm 1807? naturally all frs on Ling Ling sld be placed in this thread, right!...ironically i note Max_Priest himself requesting for other/more frs on Ling Ling in this v same thread!!...moreover i did the samething for 2033(creating a thread n compiling all the relevant frs), curiously enuff i did not hear any complaints in tat thread?!...

Fact:...Nato17 stated thatLing Ling is his kind of gal in response to Nat28's fr on Ling Ling... i did was highlight this apparent rare endorsement by Nato17, tongue in cheek style... it appears that only a cunning sly person like Max_Priest wif his own sinister promotion agenda wld translate this, wrongly n falsely i sld add, into i" [/I]tried to capitalize on Nato's unqiue preference for certain type of women to indirectly sell Ling Ling[/I]"?!...

5)...i repeat 1) - 4) abv...

6)...i repeat 4) abv...u r merely just showing to all in SBF what a cunning, sly, sinister person u r Max_Priest, by taking such a position...this is yr personality not mine...

Fact:...Man Man(16W06) does indeed hv fake enhanced boobs...

Fact:...Max_Priest has repeatedly n aggressively promoted Man Man(16W06) in SBF...i stand corrected but i dont think any other samster has done likewise...

Oh n Max_Priest now appears to be totally contradicting himself!...First he says"unlike Omnia, I embrace criticism and/or comments be it bad or good one. The issues on Man Man's tits (@another thread) and Ling Ling (in this thread) are pertinent examples"...if that is the case, why is it that now you "cannot accept negative remarks against the WL(Man Man) or query the WL(Man Man) whom you promote and/or promoted"?....

Yes indeed there is definitely more to this than meets the eye...
Query: Whose eyes?!
Old 23-01-2015, 12:02 AM
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Wink Another comment on Ling Ling

This is the latest comment on Ling Ling fm another thread that i hv taken the liberty to repaste in here...

Said it before n i shall say it again...i fully support Genuine No Agenda Sharing...good, bad or otherwise comments/views does not matter...

Originally Posted by Kobayashi99 View Post
GL no more chio girls? all uptight around this ling ling? she looks fine and sex is fine, but she is too 村姑 IMO, i still remember last month she didnt shave her armpit hair thoroughly
Old 23-01-2015, 08:43 AM
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Re: Facts...Opinions...Agendas...

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
1)...Genuine No Agenda Sharing frs r always welcum in SBF...good, bad or otherwise it does not matter....this has been my consistent position all along in SBF...

Fact : I hv disclosed all current frs on this Ling Ling, good, bad or fact i am also going to add on the latest comment on Ling Ling by another samster in my next post...

Query: Once again who r these "bona fide samsters" n who decides who r "bona fide samsters" as raised by Max_Priest?...also why does Max_Priest need to raise the issue of "bona fide samsters" in the first place?

2)...Max_Priest confuses fact wif opinion on this is clearly only his opinion n not a fact...moreover, since when must a samster's nick be mentioned as a prerequisite for making a post in SBF?...Max_Priest now appears to be creating his own set of rules for SBF?!...this is a Public Forum n last i checked only Sammyboy calls the shots...furthermore, it is noteworthy that Max_Priest has resorted to bold highlights, which appears to indicate that it is actually he who is defensive, uptight and feeling guilty conscience(sic)!...

3)...Max_Priest is misconceived on this one...pot calling the kettle black relates to his general behaviour n attitude taken in this thread where he tries(but miserably fails) to put me in a negative light whereas he himself has performed in such a negative manner...see my abv posts for more details...

Fact: I repeat what i said in 1) abv...

4)...Max_Priest confuses fact wif opinion on this is clearly only his opinion n not a fact...since when is creating a thread for a GL House(in this case 1807) that does not hv a previous thread created, necessarily a promotion agenda?...same applies to frs for GL mms per se...i stand corrected but i thought SBF was a place to share info/frs and not a place for promotion agendas?...

I also note wif amusement that my consistent position re Genuine No Agenda Sharing has to quote Max_Priest's apparent good buddy" tingled[" Max_Priest's nerve!!...

Fact:...Max_Priestrepeatedly n aggressively promotes his apparent fav GL mms in SBF...i stand corrected but I dont think there is any other samster who conducts himself in such a shameless n disingenuous manner...

Max_Priest is also being disingenuous when he says "Honestly I myself also have this intent to help the WLs "!...i wonder is Max_Priest actually "helping" himself to attain his own benefits to the detriment of the GL mms instead?...It is perhaps noteworthy that Max_Priest has thus far declined to answer whether the GL mms he writes about, know about his SBF persona n how, when n why they got to know about this in the first place?.....

Fact:...I never set up a thread specifically to promote Ling Ling[....does a Ling Ling thread purportedly created by me as alleged by Max_Priest exist? thread that i created is for 1807(there was no previous thread on 1807) Ling Ling fm 1807? naturally all frs on Ling Ling sld be placed in this thread, right!...ironically i note Max_Priest himself requesting for other/more frs on Ling Ling in this v same thread!!...moreover i did the samething for 2033(creating a thread n compiling all the relevant frs), curiously enuff i did not hear any complaints in tat thread?!...

Fact:...Nato17 stated thatLing Ling is his kind of gal in response to Nat28's fr on Ling Ling... i did was highlight this apparent rare endorsement by Nato17, tongue in cheek style... it appears that only a cunning sly person like Max_Priest wif his own sinister promotion agenda wld translate this, wrongly n falsely i sld add, into i" [/I]tried to capitalize on Nato's unqiue preference for certain type of women to indirectly sell Ling Ling[/I]"?!...

5)...i repeat 1) - 4) abv...

6)...i repeat 4) abv...u r merely just showing to all in SBF what a cunning, sly, sinister person u r Max_Priest, by taking such a position...this is yr personality not mine...

Fact:...Man Man(16W06) does indeed hv fake enhanced boobs...

Fact:...Max_Priest has repeatedly n aggressively promoted Man Man(16W06) in SBF...i stand corrected but i dont think any other samster has done likewise...

Oh n Max_Priest now appears to be totally contradicting himself!...First he says"unlike Omnia, I embrace criticism and/or comments be it bad or good one. The issues on Man Man's tits (@another thread) and Ling Ling (in this thread) are pertinent examples"...if that is the case, why is it that now you "cannot accept negative remarks against the WL(Man Man) or query the WL(Man Man) whom you promote and/or promoted"?....

Yes indeed there is definitely more to this than meets the eye...
Query: Whose eyes?!
Fully support you, i think not only me but many others would do so too as I find ur frs and comment are more accurate and neutral, no French you will say no French unlike the GEYLANG KING WANNABE all wl French him and rub their pussies raw to his tiny gugujiao. Oh yes and he likes to always claim ppl who post negative comment towards him are all Clones In fact he's the one who using tones of clones... Please la get a life out of geeylang and sbf la what priest ah..?
Old 23-01-2015, 03:58 PM
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Re: Am curious ...

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
You can call me names but make sure you substantiate your statement with sufficient grounds before I label you as another troll ...
I do not need to explain anything to u. How must I do? I just want to speak freely as I want to. U said u embrace criticism. Are u kidding with yourself? U are too full of yourself. I have never seen anyone like u in the forum. I do not need to suck up like some ppl to be in your favour. I just can't stand the way u handle yourself in the forum. U really like to interfere in everything in this forum. To me, the more u explain, tell me something about u. U are no simple person and have some agenda when u share your frs.
Last time u accuse me of being clone. Now u have nothing to say right cos u come to realise I am not. Where is your apology? U can accuse people but u cannot let ppl accuse u. I just can't stand the way u reply to Omnia thread.
One last thing is that who care u label me as troll???? I do not give a shit to your opinion. Samsters here have eyes to see whether I am troll or not.
The fact I used to hold u in high regards make me want to puke now. I suggest u to get a life outside this forum. I will not go down to your level again to reply to u. U do not worth my time ever again.
Old 23-01-2015, 08:21 PM
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He is in a state of denial ... But the facts don't lie ...

Well ... In fact I need not say more as the facts are all stacked up here and they don't lie ...

If Omnia is not uptight, defensive and feeling guilty (for whatever reason(s) he knows better), he would not have "recklessly" come on to make a post to counter me after I made a general and very valid query ...

To retierate, what Omnia advocates - "..... No Agenda Sharing" contradicts his actions immensely ... Omnia in fact have an agenda, that is to promote Ling Ling (at least from the surface) ... Don't get me wrong, he has every right to do so and it may be a good samaritan act to try to help her in her business and at the sametime to create an awareness that she exists in GL ... However, I laughed my ass off when he on one hand tries to sound like an angelic figure here and proclaimed to everyone here that he is The No Agenda Sharer ... and on the other hand he has conveniently forgotten that he has an agenda to promote her aggressively to drive her business ... Unlike Omnia, I admit that when I post FR, I am supporting the WL as she deserves my support ... Hopefully she can sustain long enough till her contract expires ...

If Omnia embraces comments and FRs be it positive or negative, he would not have tried to discourage me from asking a question which I believe most would find it reasonable & valid considering the significant deviations in ratings ... Unlike Omnia, the issue on Man Man's tits (which he conveniently brought it up) proves that I embrace comment and criticism as I did not bombard or stop him from making a comment ... As I mentioned above, we all are entitled to our own opinion ...

What I wanna say and uncovered have been said and clearly unravelled before everyone ... I don't think I wanna waste my time debating with him anymore since he will deny it to cover his ass anyhow ...

There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 23-01-2015, 08:37 PM
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Re: Am curious ...

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
I do not need to explain anything to u. How must I do? I just want to speak freely as I want to. U said u embrace criticism. Are u kidding with yourself? U are too full of yourself. I have never seen anyone like u in the forum. I do not need to suck up like some ppl to be in your favour. I just can't stand the way u handle yourself in the forum. U really like to interfere in everything in this forum. To me, the more u explain, tell me something about u. U are no simple person and have some agenda when u share your frs.
Last time u accuse me of being clone. Now u have nothing to say right cos u come to realise I am not. Where is your apology? U can accuse people but u cannot let ppl accuse u. I just can't stand the way u reply to Omnia thread.
One last thing is that who care u label me as troll???? I do not give a shit to your opinion. Samsters here have eyes to see whether I am troll or not.
The fact I used to hold u in high regards make me want to puke now. I suggest u to get a life outside this forum. I will not go down to your level again to reply to u. U do not worth my time ever again.
You are cartainly free to come in here to lend your support to the samster whom you love to worship ... I would not have despise you if you could stop uttering nonsensical and baseless allegations/comments ... From day one when you started to foray to GL150 thread, I have been observing you and find your sarcasm absolutely unacceptable. Moreover, I am skeptical about your persona here ... Prolly I was not the only one who felt that way ... That is the main reason as to why I did not apologise to you as you don't deserve my respect ...

I am aware you dislike BG and chided him as the most stupid samster at one time openly ... Don't ever think you are alot better than him as a samster here ... In fact he deserves my apology more than you when I accused you as his clone ... At least he does not make baseless allegation and conduct himself well, at least for the last 3 months ...

Are you aware that your idol whom you worship dearly also thought that you are a clone of someone initially when you came on board in this GL thread? But he did not say which master you belong to ... He might again deny it but fortunately I was not the only one he said this to ... He mentioned that to several samsters in the PM as well ... Not sure if this group of samsters still remember ...

I thought I don't worth your while to respond to but why you keep coming back?

Likewise, I don't think I wanna engage you anymore as I do not wish to goto your level ... You are nothing more than a troll ...

Do enjoy your ride here whilst you could ... Adieu!
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:
Old 23-01-2015, 11:26 PM
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Wink What is Max_Priest's Real Agenda?

Oh my...looks like Max_Priest has totally run out of gas in his post all he has done is basically repeat his previous post #14 ...which i hv totally rebutted and demolished in my last post #16. ..this then demonstrates that in substance, Max_Priest has no legs to stand on...!

Anyway let me now cut to the chase...

It is noteworthy that Max_Priest has stated "I admit that when I post FR, I am supporting the WL as she deserves my support"...

Now if this is truly his only agenda i.e. to purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive benefits in return fm the WLs...than I wld not hv taken up the cudgels against him in the first place...

So let me settle this issue once n for all n ask Max_Priest this Q(which i hv asked him before but he previously declined to answer, for reasons best known to him)...

Originally Posted by omnia View Post

To me FRs sld be objective and unbiased as best/practically as possible to hv any real value...n to facilitate this criteria...the FR writer's identity has to be kept strictly confidential/kept sceret fm the GL mms that he is writing about at all times....inclusive of keeping secret the fact that he writes FRs in SBF...

The rationale is obvious...if the GL mms know who the FR writer is, then they may try to influence him or alternatively the FR writer may try to influence the GL mms...its all about the benefits game...which wld consequently tarnish/corrupt the credibility/integrity of the FR or at the very least make the FR questionable due to conflict of issue. ..

So do the GL mms know the FR writers SBF nicks i.e. link that particular customer to that particular SBF nick and/or knows that particular customer writes FRs in SBF?...that to me is the critical question...
In short the WLs u write abt in SBF know abt yr SBF persona i.e. yr SBF nick and/or that u frequently post frs on the WLs in SBF...?

PS...tsk tsk is noteworthy tat u r now also a proven squealer ratMax_Priest re yr despicable squealing in post#21 ...dont u realise tat this just helps to reinforce my case tat u r nothing but a sly cunning sinister chap without any integrity?!...btw dont forget u hv also squealed alot in yr pms to me amongst others, wrt other samsters n even wrt to yr professional matters...u really sld go do something abt that deluded huge inflated ego of yrs
Old 23-01-2015, 11:49 PM
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Exclamation My Apologies

Hiya Bro,

i hv seen yr pm to me...under the circumstances l wld like to reply in the open...

u asked if i once thought u were a clone?...yes i did...but i am man enuff to admit i am wrong when i hv made a mistake...n in yr case i think i made a mistake and for this i apologise to you now...real sorry mate...

oh n while i am making apologies...i wld also like to take this opportunity to apologise to maxSTD...long over due were absolutely spot on first time round

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
I do not need to explain anything to u. How must I do? I just want to speak freely as I want to. U said u embrace criticism. Are u kidding with yourself? U are too full of yourself. I have never seen anyone like u in the forum. I do not need to suck up like some ppl to be in your favour. I just can't stand the way u handle yourself in the forum. U really like to interfere in everything in this forum. To me, the more u explain, tell me something about u. U are no simple person and have some agenda when u share your frs.
Last time u accuse me of being clone. Now u have nothing to say right cos u come to realise I am not. Where is your apology? U can accuse people but u cannot let ppl accuse u.I just can't stand the way u reply to Omnia thread.
One last thing is that who care u label me as troll???? I do not give a shit to your opinion. Samsters here have eyes to see whether I am troll or not.
The fact I used to hold u in high regards make me want to puke now. I suggest u to get a life outside this forum. I will not go down to your level again to reply to u. U do not worth my time ever again.
Old 24-01-2015, 08:05 AM
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Smile Re: My Apologies

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Hiya Bro,

i hv seen yr pm to me...under the circumstances l wld like to reply in the open...

u asked if i once thought u were a clone?...yes i did...but i am man enuff to admit i am wrong when i hv made a mistake...n in yr case i think i made a mistake and for this i apologise to you now...real sorry mate...

oh n while i am making apologies...i wld also like to take this opportunity to apologise to maxSTD...long over due were absolutely spot on first time round
As mentioned in my PM to you, u are forgiven bro. Dun waste time reply to this Max Priest anymore. Let focus on finding good quality wls together.
When I join this forum, Samster NATO is one of the few samsters who believe i am not a clone at the start. Thank you.
Old 24-01-2015, 01:09 PM
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Re: My Apologies + When I start something I need to see that it is finished

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
As mentioned in my PM to you, u are forgiven bro. Dun waste time reply to this Max Priest anymore. Let focus on finding good quality wls together.
When I join this forum, Samster NATO is one of the few samsters who believe i am not a clone at the start. Thank you.
no worries bro...n tku as well...

on the Max_Priest issue...oh no but I hv to continue...becuz once I start something I need to see that it is finished...

btw u r actually right to label Max_Priest as follows...

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
Wolf in sheep's clothing....
more on this later...but first, Max_Priest I await yr reply...oh n if u don't wish to does not matter becuz I may already hv yr own reply...more on that later as well(if necessary)
Old 25-01-2015, 02:39 AM
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defunct has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: 1807

My, my, oh dear, I seem to have sparked off quite a bit of noise in here.

I don't really understand MaxPriest's reaction towards omnia. Now, I don't worship anyone here, nor do I quite understand the intricacies of the etiquette involved in discussing our sordid pastime. What I assume is that the general conventions of a forum applies here.

omnia, I thought, very nicely, set up a thread on a house that was previously non-existent as far as this forum is concerned. This is extra information for everyone. He then proceeded to post all reviews about the only lady there, both good and average. Somehow that became a 'fact' that he was aggressively promoting a secret agenda when he had yet to actually post an FR on the lady.

I may be wrong here, but I think I may have been the first person to have posted about Ling Ling, a lady that suited me just fine. Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like arse rimming, others like giving the same in turn and maybe with some suction applied to extract the nitty gritty bits but let's not get there now. My point is, Ling Ling was great for me. You see, I don't need someone going down on me in the shower, and then running the tongue all over my body because I hate the smell of saliva, nor do I like arse rimming because I feel my bowels loosening when on the receiving end. GFE from a demure, sincere lady is my holy grail, as opposed to, say, straight out slurping and humping. Putting it in common lingo, different strokes for different folks, mate.

Generally, any review is a form of guideline for other onlookers and the best practice is to make the trip down to wherever and see for yourself. As far as I'm concerned, if it's good enough for seasoned posters like omnia, it's worth me taking a look.

I rate Ling Ling highly and I will RTF for a long time to come. She's not Federer's game and fair enough and we have Nat who's somewhat in between. These are called reference points, functioning the way public opinion works.

Childish, isn't it, quibbling about hidden agenda. We all play with the toys god gives us and I'll leave boys who like to chase shadows with conspiracy theories to themselves but I'll rather check with omnia, whom I reckon has similar tastes, whom I should be gunning for next, thank you very much.

Last edited by defunct; 25-01-2015 at 03:07 AM.
Old 26-01-2015, 09:36 PM
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Re: 1807

Chill & cool down everybody. Let's make love in gl & not war
Let's focus on the wls in 1807 & not digress from the thread
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 27-01-2015, 04:57 PM
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Thumbs up Thank You

Kudos to u bro, well said n tks again for the Genuine No Agenda Sharing...

i look fwd to more of yr contributions in SBF...oh n btw u got mail buddy

Originally Posted by defunct View Post
My, my, oh dear, I seem to have sparked off quite a bit of noise in here.

I don't really understand MaxPriest's reaction towards omnia. Now, I don't worship anyone here, nor do I quite understand the intricacies of the etiquette involved in discussing our sordid pastime. What I assume is that the general conventions of a forum applies here.

omnia, I thought, very nicely, set up a thread on a house that was previously non-existent as far as this forum is concerned. This is extra information for everyone. He then proceeded to post all reviews about the only lady there, both good and average. Somehow that became a 'fact' that he was aggressively promoting a secret agenda when he had yet to actually post an FR on the lady.

I may be wrong here, but I think I may have been the first person to have posted about Ling Ling, a lady that suited me just fine. Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like arse rimming, others like giving the same in turn and maybe with some suction applied to extract the nitty gritty bits but let's not get there now. My point is, Ling Ling was great for me. You see, I don't need someone going down on me in the shower, and then running the tongue all over my body because I hate the smell of saliva, nor do I like arse rimming because I feel my bowels loosening when on the receiving end. GFE from a demure, sincere lady is my holy grail, as opposed to, say, straight out slurping and humping. Putting it in common lingo, different strokes for different folks, mate.

Generally, any review is a form of guideline for other onlookers and the best practice is to make the trip down to wherever and see for yourself. As far as I'm concerned, if it's good enough for seasoned posters like omnia, it's worth me taking a look.

I rate Ling Ling highly and I will RTF for a long time to come. She's not Federer's game and fair enough and we have Nat who's somewhat in between. These are called reference points, functioning the way public opinion works.

Childish, isn't it, quibbling about hidden agenda. We all play with the toys god gives us and I'll leave boys who like to chase shadows with conspiracy theories to themselves but I'll rather check with omnia, whom I reckon has similar tastes, whom I should be gunning for next, thank you very much.
Old 27-01-2015, 05:04 PM
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Cool I Salute You!

Thank you for yr support bro, it is much appreciated, particularly since u hv taken the effort to cum out in the open forum to do this, which is kinda rare...

I can understand n appreciate why "others" r reluctant to come out in this open forum to speak out as well...but for me the time is right...especially since previously, I was one of the few( if any ) of the samsters to cum out in the open to support Max_Priest when he was seriously attacked by maxSTD viz the credibility n intention of his frs on the GL mms in SBF...i now recall his other open supporter at tat time being none other than Max_Priest's apparent good buddy...

Well more fool me but not anymore...once again my apologies to maxSTD...and like I said above u were right first time mate...

Actually wat a seasoned GL chiongster recently told me viz this Max_Priest issue is insightful...  "Most of these are no news to me actually....Not a freshman in GL" true mate

Originally Posted by nomisfires View Post
Fully support you, i think not only me but many others would do so too as I find ur frs and comment are more accurate and neutral, no French you will say no French unlike the GEYLANG KING WANNABE all wl French him and rub their pussies raw to his tiny gugujiao. Oh yes and he likes to always claim ppl who post negative comment towards him are all Clones In fact he's the one who using tones of clones... Please la get a life out of geeylang and sbf la what priest ah..?
Old 27-01-2015, 05:12 PM
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Wink Time To Move This Max_Priest Issue To A More Appropriate Thread

With due respect, this has nothing to do with "Let's make love in gl & not war"...

On the contrary it has everything to do wif whether
Max_Priest's only true agenda behind posting his frs on the GL mms/WLs in SBF is to purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive benefits in return fm the GL mms/WLs

In short, do the GL mms/WLs Max_Priest writes abt in SBF know abt his SBF persona i.e. his SBF nick and/or that he frequently post frs on the GL mms/ WLs in SBF...?

Saying that...i totally agree wif u that the "focus" of this thread sld be on 1807 n its mms...

That being the case, I am now moving this Max_Priest issue to a more relevant thread...HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & Gossips thread appears quite appropriate I sld think...

So Max_Priest, I still await yr reply, albeit now in the HOTTEST NEWS thread instead...oh n let me repeat, if u don't wish to does not matter becuz I may already hv yr own reply...more on that later as well(if necessary)

Originally Posted by slyer View Post
Chill & cool down everybody. Let's make love in gl & not war ;
Let's focus on the wls in 1807 & not digress from the thread
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