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Old 28-05-2015, 12:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I understand if you live in Batam and want to change taste, but since most people on this forum comes from the other side of the sea, I say:
You are in the right place for that... Enjoy local and wait to be back to S'pore to eat Korean.
Not applicable to all, some people don't come batam for Indon food but rather cheap seafood and many other cheap food.

Just like if I travel to Philippines, I don't really fancy their filipino dishes as well. I would be looking for their western/fast food.

And also just as what bro John said, for me this month I will be spending 18 days in batam, I wouldn't eat Indon food for every meal :X
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.

Last edited by KohOnly21; 28-05-2015 at 12:52 PM.
Old 28-05-2015, 12:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Update : Made a phone call to a local friend - a korean-food fan.

She recommends : DAE JANG GEM Resto. It's situated in the Rosedale residential estate (Batam Center), which is directly opposite the Palm Springs residential estate.

Go through the main gate, at the first junction turn left. It's a corner (hook) house. Link provided by her.

If you do try it - please let me (us) know how it works out.
Thanks for the recommendation, micmac... I'll probably go check it out this weekend.. Not difficult to get there, it's near Palm Spring KFC...

I'll post my FR (food report) for Dae Jang Gem and u do so for Marine Live Seafood... Hehe..

My recommendation for best dishes there:

- Ikan Kerapu Stim Hongkong (or other fish if u so desire)
- Udang Mabuk (drunken prawns, the soup is superb)
- Sambal Kijing (mussels in spicy sauce)
- Hepor Mentega (butter crayfish)

Crabs are nice too, sometimes can see larger ones there (800gm each).. I hate small crabs, spend so much effort to peel but yield so little meat... Hahah...

Lobster pricing also very reasonable...
Old 28-05-2015, 01:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Update : Made a phone call to a local friend - a korean-food fan. ....

She recommends : DAE JANG GEM Resto. .
Good recommendation. There is a significant Korean community in Batam because of the industries and construction. Mostly managers and supervisory level personnel. Many come without families, so no home cooked Korean meals, The Indon prepped Korean Cuisine just CMI for them. So wherever there is a Korean community, there will be good Korean food, mostly prepared by imported Korean chefs.
So it more than just Silliporeans going to Btm to look for cheap Indo-Korean food, Just my 2 Rupiahs worth of input. Hope that makes sense.
Upp your recommendation 10.
Old 28-05-2015, 01:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nescafeGold View Post
Is this the one next to la costa seafood restaurant? (opposite sederhana nasi padang).. so fast finished construction already. ...
Yup. Thats the one. Soft Launch Promo. 450k per nite. I took 3 nites, Excellent deal !!
Old 28-05-2015, 02:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Intltuk View Post
.......never mind...tat is history. Anyway, is it individual girl issue or establishment? Only fellow bros who had patronize can comment.
We all learn from history. I believe that is what forum information is all about. In this thread of this forum ,we can even locate information 7+ years ago. Outdated,yes...but not all of them, most senior's experience are knowledge-worthy for juniors like me.

Happy Massage 8,i have only booked 2 different girls in 2 different occasion,one of which is during a group trip and another on a solo. And another bro from my 1st group trip,bro W in my one of my summaries booked once. A few of my frens booked from there at least once too. There is a mix of good and bad over a period of the last 5 to 6 months. Remember,i did say before i only have one dick,it is humanly impossible for me to bonk ALL of the girls in Batam in ALL the booking joints or massage center all the time,hehehe...but what i am good at is i show the way (one of the way is by using my guide/s) and these frens/bros provide their FRs to me,hence i am able to gather information on most (if not all) of the Batam's overnight booking establishment today.

When one grab a girl from any overnight booking establishment,i realise it is more of 50/50 chance. These booking girls are not trained (or descipline) like those that are from Thailand/Vietnam and if they are young (SYT),their tendency to be naughty,cheeky,wilful,playful will always be there,just like any young girls one see in the street today. This is pretty basic.

That is also the reason i am continuing my personal task in experimenting "how to tame" these girls, to increase my chance of "getting good girls" in Batam and how to prevent or minimise those "unforeseen circumstances" from happening (eg.runaway girls/attitude problems/sick girls/chu pattern girls etc) etc etc...Honestly,as this is an ongoing experiment,i have no conclusion as yet...but if i ever book an overnight booking girl (hehehe...which i always did in every trip),i took all possible cautious to try to make sure :

1. The girl i pick shows interest.

2. The attitude of the OKT when i want him to promise no runaway girl.

3. Getting the joint's name card at the presence of the girl i book directly from OKT.(mind game)

4. Lowering my expectation as if i am a 1st time cheongster in Batam

5. Try to pick girls in between the SYT and MILF range.

6. Tell OKT my requirement (or if any.

7. Be humble (i think this is MOST important,but i just couldnt describe it in details as it goes with experience)

Honestly,i am not a believer of the 3 bonk rule,i stick to my own protocol above when picking my girls,i am a known stingy man who dont look like Auntie Lau (or Andy Lau),my average tipping is between 100k to 150k at most time for booking girls. I dont bring girl go shopping or buy them gifts like HP,clothings etc and very often keep them in-room or just within hotel premises. I bargained all the time in Batam for the slightest things including the need to pay 2k to use the public toilet at Barelang Bridge.

But there is one thing i NEVER stinge on,tipping those i think is the right,hotel receptionists,security guards,room service staffs,IT personnel,plumber,technicians etc but not supir/papi/mami.

My results? They are all in my past 16 trip summaries on my signature link (there are actually only 14 written ones).And I report both hits and misses when it come to booking overnight girls,hehehe...notably,i dont speak Malay or Bahasa Indo language.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 28-05-2015, 02:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Try KTM, the stand alone facing out the seas rooms.
Had stayed in KTM cottage before.

I just realise something,so i tht i would share it here...

During Low Tide time :

...and during High Tide :

Strangely,i find that KTM resort land appears to be on the high side where the tides never really hit those cottage house unless it is towards end of the year,hehehe...may be it is due to its concave shape of its beach (and landscape).

From the shape of their beaches and how its tide moves on to shore,it also tells me beaches and sea bed are closer where one can walk further off shore towards the open sea during low tide time. And it also means water sport cannot come close to the resort area as engine of motor boat will hit the sea bed and become grounded before it touches shores that are near the cottages.

I just notice Batam View Resort (cottage version) doesnt have a sandy beach,sea bed is therefore deeper and has water sport around its cottage house area. Which also means Batam View Resort wont be good for a romantic beach walk,hehehe...will be much noisier day and night due to the nearby sea sport or fishing as motor boats can be driven closer to cottage area. Motor boats do create waves too. A little more dangerous in the sense that its at rocky area. Motor boats dont get grounded if it speed too close to shore area,it simply capsize from bottoms up,hehehe...and passenger/driver likely gets thrown off the boat before boat gets over-turned,hehehe...

Batam View Resort would be a good area for water sports but not a good place for a romantic beach walk,hehehe...i just found


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Old 28-05-2015, 03:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

want to go this weekend.but hotel all full.looking at not more than $100 per night type....dont mind even those 30-50 type.....any1 can help.......
Old 28-05-2015, 03:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
We all learn from history. most senior's experience are knowledge-worthy for juniors like me.
Well, if u want to hear old man's story......I brought a group of kakis to TP and 1/2 the grp book girls from village for overnight. I inform them the price is SGD20(note price is 28yrs ago) and make sure the girls agree. As we were sharing 2 to a room, those of us hve did not have girls gave our rooms up to those who have. Next morning, frantic knocking on the door, I opened the door and the bros hve had their bonks standing outside. They wanted me to help settle their problem with the girls, who were demanding SGD50 vs agreed SGD20. After trying to negotiate/threaten the girls...the bros decided they do not want to drag the matter further and they paid up. As I brought the bros there.....I decided to investigate how this happen and this is wat I found out:
1. Some of the bros did not nego with the girls...they assume all same price.
2. One bro was being Santa Claus to his girl behind our backs.....thus, the girl was the leader who convince the rest of the girls to demand for SGD 50.
Were there lessons learnt? Well, those bros, I'm sure hve learnt...the hard way

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
..but if i ever book an overnight booking girl (hehehe...which i always did in every trip),i took all possible cautious to try to make sure :
1. The girl i pick shows interest.
7. Be humble (i think this is MOST important,but i just couldnt describe it in details as it goes with experience)
Agree on two points. For me, reputation of OKT is important as he decides the behaviour/misbehaviour of the girls/mami. Picking of girls...well, that is something ea bro will have to pick up as there is no hard and fast rules as like u say, one man's meat another poison....but the nbr one rule as u've mentioned.......Pick the girl that show sincere interest as a hot looking babe can give u a bad time and a av girl can bring u to heaven...with the right attitude .

In summary, other than reputation of joints, picking up of girls are a hit/miss affair. Every chiongster would have at least one incident of picking the 'wrong' one.
Old 28-05-2015, 03:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by pay99 View Post
want to go this weekend.but hotel all full.looking at not more than $100 per night type....dont mind even those 30-50 type.....any1 can help.......
if i kaka chiong there.will i end up no hotel room......i dont think so right.......batam so many hotel....hope i am right.........
Old 28-05-2015, 03:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by pay99 View Post
if i kaka chiong there.will i end up no hotel room......i dont think so right.......batam so many hotel....hope i am right.........
I usually dont jump que to reply to post in this thread,but yours appears to be like an emergency situation,so i am replying yours 1st.

1st i need to emphasis,if online dont have room/s,Kaha Travel likely wont have it either,hence i didnt reply your PM when you ask for its name card/ tel number. Kaha's number is on my signature link where you need to search if you still need it. My apologize.

I just check,Lai Lai Hotel and Batam star hotel still has room on for both this coming Fri and Sat,dated 29th May and 30th May 2015. You prompt a question asking for help w/o details,like dates you are heading to Batam,so i need to guess your going to Batam dates. Hope you can provide basic details when you ask a question in future.

Wish you have a good time in Batam.


+ by the way,Formosa hotel still available on 29th May 2015,Fri.

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Old 28-05-2015, 04:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I usually dont jump que to reply to post in this thread,but yours appears to be like an emergency situation,so i am replying yours 1st.

1st i need to emphasis,if online dont have room/s,Kaha Travel likely wont have it either,hence i didnt reply your PM when you ask for its name card/ tel number. Kaha's number is on my signature link where you need to search if you still need it. My apologize.

I just check,Lai Lai Hotel and Batam star hotel still has room on for both this coming Fri and Sat,dated 29th May and 30th May 2015. You prompt a question asking for help w/o details,like dates you are heading to Batam,so i need to guess your going to Batam dates. Hope you can provide basic details when you ask a question in future.

Wish you have a good time in Batam.


+ by the way,Formosa hotel still available on 29th May 2015,Fri.
thank for the info....
Old 28-05-2015, 09:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Nono, I remember reading that u looking for a vegetarian resto. Try Nature Vegetarian. Use Tripadvisor to know where it is situated if u dunno the place. But be informed that it is not in the touristy areas. It is my go-to resto on days I do not take meat. Absolutely true vegetarian resto (they dun serve eggs ).
Wow! Wow!! Cool!!!

Thank you for sharing this info. The only vegetarian food i get to try in Batam was opposite Tua Pek Kong small store and the free vegetarian meal from the Buddhist Temple at Batam center,hehehe....

Here's what i found out about Nature Vegetarian Restaurant and the type of vegetarian food i am likely to try from this restaurant if i happen to be there....

Komplek Ruko Baloi Kusuma Indah,

Blok A No.1-2, Batam

Tel : +62 <censored>

10:00 am - 09:00 pm

Average per dish is about 30k,hehehe...its the kind of price i

Seriously thank you for sharing this place,bro.

Thank you,thank you.


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Old 28-05-2015, 10:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

would like to check how much alcohol can u bring from singapore to batam? will there be any tax? thinking of bringing a bottle of martell over
Old 28-05-2015, 10:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Anyone wana go Batam tgt 30 May - 01 Jun? Pls drop me a note asap, am a newbie here.

Old 28-05-2015, 11:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lanceage View Post
would like to check how much alcohol can u bring from singapore to batam? will there be any tax? thinking of bringing a bottle of martell over
buy it there
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