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Old 07-06-2022, 10:18 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

LILY from RollyPolly:

OKT: Bro quite responsive. Replies prompt and instructions clear

Looks: 8/10 - Hot milf

Personality 9/10 - Cheerful and friendly, good GFE. Basic english, said she wanted ti teach me thai so we can talk better

Body: 9/10 - Short with really nice natural D pairs. She sees herself fat, but I find her perfect. Prefer her busty milf bod to skinny ones. To each their own I guess

BBBJ - 9/10 - Really took her time here, very hard working. Quite skillful as well in my opinion. Really enjoyed it

Fj - 10/10 - OMG... first time to take all 90 mins. She's quite game for anything it seems. She gets wet quite easily. Did a couple of positions on the bed, infront of the mirror, and around the room. She's small enough to carry and fuck as well, so that was an experience. Overall, one of the best experience so far (Hence, my first FR ever)
Old 07-06-2022, 10:59 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

FR for Hibiki
Location: Central
Looks: 8/10 gnd feel and very sweet looking and definitely won’t reject for sure
Body: 10/10 sorry to me I prefer all natural
BBBJ: 6/10 she tried her best can see she very new to this but effort is there
FJ: 8/10 took it like a champ
GFE: 9/10 she is shy but open up easily
RTF: yes why not? For the naturals
Old 07-06-2022, 11:00 PM
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Originally Posted by GirthyPickle View Post
Thanks to a few bro that up my points.

let me continu...

Occasionally, i will try out a never try before stable, but unlikely to return because the either stable operator, FL or pricing issues.

Up till now, I got my own usual go to couple of stables. And i like to see that my usual stable operators doing well also, can see from how difficult to arrange a slot.

I got couple of weeks never visit, i text one of my usual stable. Stable operator will "remember" me too and have a good chit chat.

It 2 different stables under the same operator just different numbers but sometimes i try to act blur to have a fun chit chat with him also.

A bit of customer service goes a long way in business.

The customer pool of D1 is only this size and is limited. Those that visit D1 are not the same type of income group and style of D2/D3/DL. Average joe can spend $1000 for 5 session per month or $1080 for 6 sessions. And remember this is spread across girls from same or different stables. But, if you hike it to $250-$300, the bros here will expect more and will be really reluctant to try out new girls. Even if they write or dont write FRs words will spread. This will make the stable operator work harder. Everytime a girl start, need to think of new title headline for the girl.... "laos mixed thai", "SYT with EEE cup", "Your long lost neighbour's uncle's sister's niece" not sian ah? write a bad FR, zap the person still expect people to help you write FR to help you do your work.

D2 guys won't come over to D1. Look at them, so many complains and bros warning still want to try those problematic tiong-bus or tiong-mas. They have their special tiong pussies kinks like Yi Tiao Long they need to fill which D1 cannot provide.

D3 is more of a "higher" income group. I put quotation is because it is hard to believe that this market is sustainable $330 per shot for a plastic vietnam pussy. During covid times, no choice take damage. But now? How many average joe here can afford $1400 per month on this kind of shit. You can see how many FR bumpers the stable employ to cook up the stable. There will be a few of those chiongsters who are loaded , who will splash money on new iphones on those plastic viets. But, do you believe got so many rich guy in singapore? they got pig testicles implants? can shoot so many times per month? Even if bao want to bao, at most bao one girl. Sustainable?

DL is catered to old bald headed ang mohs with one leg in coffin. Not alot local want to bonk local girls. Or i might be wrong? You grew up your entire life here, you still want to fuck the same type of species? for $1000 or $2000? per pop?! and can't do BBBJ, AR, AJ and can't do that pussy pain, can't take big dick, can't french, ... what the actual come out sell body.. hang up like a piece of roast pork still can't do this and that.. Would rather spend $1000 on a piece of roast pork at least i can do whatever i want with it. Should just head over to sugar book at least those is what you see is what you get.

Who knows those local girls might just be some other nationality studying here and then the stable operator put as "local" girls. Old bald headed Ang moh cannot tell locals from foreigner cause all look like asian. But, those younger ang moh would prefer thai girls cause better service like MMF or AJ.

So for bros that chiong D1, just a food for thought. Do you guys seriously want D1 price to hike to the level of $330 per pop? Don't believe? Vietnamese price started at $260 two years ago. Now, its $330. Your last dome here is going to price out of your range soon if this continues..good luck
Very informative
Old 07-06-2022, 11:06 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

FR for Rion from Thaismile

Location: Central area

Looks: 8/10 very kind looking girl

Body: 8/10 sexy with a big butt

Boobs: 8/10 D cup boobs, natural

Painting: 9/10 responsive to painting

BBBJ: 9/10

FJ: 10/10 enjoy her AJ

GFE: Very good GFE, talkative . Natural conversation flow and wont feel awkward

RTF: Definitely will!
Old 07-06-2022, 11:31 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by GirthyPickle View Post
Thanks to a few bro that up my points.

let me continu...

Occasionally, i will try out a never try before stable, but unlikely to return because the either stable operator, FL or pricing issues.

Up till now, I got my own usual go to couple of stables. And i like to see that my usual stable operators doing well also, can see from how difficult to arrange a slot.

I got couple of weeks never visit, i text one of my usual stable. Stable operator will "remember" me too and have a good chit chat.

It 2 different stables under the same operator just different numbers but sometimes i try to act blur to have a fun chit chat with him also.

A bit of customer service goes a long way in business.

The customer pool of D1 is only this size and is limited. Those that visit D1 are not the same type of income group and style of D2/D3/DL. Average joe can spend $1000 for 5 session per month or $1080 for 6 sessions. And remember this is spread across girls from same or different stables. But, if you hike it to $250-$300, the bros here will expect more and will be really reluctant to try out new girls. Even if they write or dont write FRs words will spread. This will make the stable operator work harder. Everytime a girl start, need to think of new title headline for the girl.... "laos mixed thai", "SYT with EEE cup", "Your long lost neighbour's uncle's sister's niece" not sian ah? write a bad FR, zap the person still expect people to help you write FR to help you do your work.

D2 guys won't come over to D1. Look at them, so many complains and bros warning still want to try those problematic tiong-bus or tiong-mas. They have their special tiong pussies kinks like Yi Tiao Long they need to fill which D1 cannot provide.

D3 is more of a "higher" income group. I put quotation is because it is hard to believe that this market is sustainable $330 per shot for a plastic vietnam pussy. During covid times, no choice take damage. But now? How many average joe here can afford $1400 per month on this kind of shit. You can see how many FR bumpers the stable employ to cook up the stable. There will be a few of those chiongsters who are loaded , who will splash money on new iphones on those plastic viets. But, do you believe got so many rich guy in singapore? they got pig testicles implants? can shoot so many times per month? Even if bao want to bao, at most bao one girl. Sustainable?

DL is catered to old bald headed ang mohs with one leg in coffin. Not alot local want to bonk local girls. Or i might be wrong? You grew up your entire life here, you still want to fuck the same type of species? for $1000 or $2000? per pop?! and can't do BBBJ, AR, AJ and can't do that pussy pain, can't take big dick, can't french, ... what the actual come out sell body.. hang up like a piece of roast pork still can't do this and that.. Would rather spend $1000 on a piece of roast pork at least i can do whatever i want with it. Should just head over to sugar book at least those is what you see is what you get.

Who knows those local girls might just be some other nationality studying here and then the stable operator put as "local" girls. Old bald headed Ang moh cannot tell locals from foreigner cause all look like asian. But, those younger ang moh would prefer thai girls cause better service like MMF or AJ.

So for bros that chiong D1, just a food for thought. Do you guys seriously want D1 price to hike to the level of $330 per pop? Don't believe? Vietnamese price started at $260 two years ago. Now, its $330. Your last dome here is going to price out of your range soon if this continues..good luck
Well written. I also think within D1 demographics $200+ for 2s pricing eventually won’t be sustainable. Already many bros have raised the question and some have reduced frequency of visiting FLs. At $150 ish per 2s average bros won’t hesitate much and easily make 5 visits a month, that is, $750 per month. Will that same bro make 3 trips a month at $250 ? May be initially ‘yes’, but later ‘no’ because it’ll be considered as a ‘high risk’ adventure and one bad experience with a high priced FL will make it even worse. $150 is ‘low risk’, but $250 is ‘high risk’ - not just for us but also for business of okts and girls. Cannot believe some are now priced at $270 or $280!!! Now the travel has opened, there are alternate options elsewhere.
Old 07-06-2022, 11:36 PM
Eliaahehe Eliaahehe is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Deuter View Post
Ava Sweet Thai

Some comment
-hardcord service and has a nice smile that will brighten up your day
-auto type, shower me and keep my clothe properly for me, once we started frenching and stuff, she did warm up to me and i really enjoyed the session alot.
-experience and know hot to initiate
-accommodating, friendly and chatty

Looks: 8/10, sweet lady same as in pic
BBBJ: 8/10, slurping sound and play with the cock when inside mouth
Body: 8/10 slim with some tattoo
FJ: 9/10, willing to try different position
Frenching: 9/10, really enjoyed it, like kissing your GF
Pussy: 9/10 wet and tight and clean with no smell and shaven
Attitude: 9/10 willing to please and hardworking, no complaints
Overall: 8/10 satisfy and happy man
Rtf: yes, confirm...haha as i already did it.

Will recommend her if u want a high gfe but not for boobs lover.
Haha bro. Like dua liap leh. Why not for boobs lover
Old 07-06-2022, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by GirthyPickle View Post
Its not a lot of stables.. its actually the same stable owners splitting up to avoid bad rep accumulation. Cause now they know samsters follow stable with good rep. Another thing is they are still trying to find out how to price the post covid market. They want to maximize their profit but they know they can't push too far because it only damage their reputation.

So now they try to open up different tier group and can cater to different range customer. So call "premium" crap at 200 above and budget bonking below 200.

At least got a few stables trying very hard to push the market towards the $300 vietnamese "vpremium" direction. Don't forget, GL also have vietnam whorehouse. Once GL reopen, because tiong WL can't come in. Those Tiong houses very likely will be converted to Thai or Vietnam houses. It will indirectly force the market rate to go down.

They can try to force the market upwards but whether the market can bite and sustain is different. If they push the samsters away with this kind of price. Is their own doing.

In the end, men just need a "hole". Doesn't need to be from vietnam , thailand or uranus.
Give a horny guy trapped in an island a donkey, they won't even think whether is a He or a She.

Those bros who play long enough will know what is going on. Good rep stables will likely still retain bros here even after GL reopens.

As for your what happen to your case, best advice is talk to the stable operator and ask if can switch to another girl. At most tip off a small amount the girl can use the time to go for lunch or dinner break. After that avoid the stable all together.

Nowadays, all the faceapp work on video also. There is no way to base on photo or video to know what the FL actually looks like.

FRs also lost it purposes. Samsters here also need to understand, the stable operator is using your FR to advertise the FLs. Sit there everyday, bump forum earn money. Got people help you write FR, do work for you. This kind of kangtao , i also want. Any stable operator need a partner feel free to pm me.

If you write a well written FR, they can just leech and enjoy your free advertisement. Only write FR when the stable operator or FL is worth the effort.

Goes back to the saying.. if you find a good stable. Stick to it.
Respect to you for saying it like it is. I used to be a dome 1 regular. One particular experience pre-covid still affects me.

FR cannot trust. Okt promises lagi worse. Now I'd rather endure blue ball.
Old 08-06-2022, 12:06 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by SGBJ2016 View Post
Well written. I also think within D1 demographics $200+ for 2s pricing eventually won’t be sustainable. Already many bros have raised the question and some have reduced frequency of visiting FLs. At $150 ish per 2s average bros won’t hesitate much and easily make 5 visits a month, that is, $750 per month. Will that same bro make 3 trips a month at $250 ? May be initially ‘yes’, but later ‘no’ because it’ll be considered as a ‘high risk’ adventure and one bad experience with a high priced FL will make it even worse. $150 is ‘low risk’, but $250 is ‘high risk’ - not just for us but also for business of okts and girls. Cannot believe some are now priced at $270 or $280!!! Now the travel has opened, there are alternate options elsewhere.

Those $250-$280 that want to go vpremium or spremium way.... why not just add "mixed blood" to D3 or just pass off as "local" to DL and set up there. Got stable do that before during covid. Can just do the same right?

Last edited by GirthyPickle; 08-06-2022 at 07:46 AM. Reason: main point
Old 08-06-2022, 12:21 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Quick FR for Gigi SS

Central area. Apartment. No need for check ins. Plenty of parking nearby.

Clean and well kept room with neon lights, quite cool. Shared toilet. Got another FL also not sure which one.

First Impression
Face must give discount abit, resemblance is there. Petite with nice curves. Not fat, late 20s/30s. Huge knockers, enhanced but quite seasoned.

What I like most about her is her service. Will treat and talk to you nice2 de, no black face or closed body language. Easy to converse with, English so-so but still can communicate bah

BBBJ for quite abit then switched to 69. Her Y quite sensitive, she cant focus when you rub her clit, im turned on. FJ is awesome seeing those huge tits bouncing, no complain as we switched multiple positions.

RTF? Yes but as always there are other fishes
Old 08-06-2022, 12:37 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Club Friday Siri 06/06/2022

Okt: 10/10 very responsive. The instructions is easy to follow.

Location: Discreet but need to walk quite abit from mrt.

Looks: 9/10 : def a syt and xmm.look just like the picture.

Body: 9/10 slim and petite.natural c cup

Bbbj: 9/10 slow and good

Fj: 9/10 did missionary with her and is just like bonking xmm

Overall: She's a gem. She only know very very basic English so have to use google translate to chat with her.
Old 08-06-2022, 12:42 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

🔥🔥🔥 Lai lai don't say no jio 🔥🔥🔥
Recently always many fake FR, so decided to give FR since I went for mission today!

Chosen TRL stable for today mission! Used to patronise this stable in the past before covid. And today Pami was selected.

Advertise 21yo and indeed 21yo. I have done the verification for you guys. Month of May 2001. Not 21yo tell trl okt FOC 😂😂

Anyway time for review! FIRSTLY, when you entered, first look you feel like rejecting but guys! Don't kan chiong. Dont leave don't reject. Confirm you won't regret. She's 21 but not those xmm childish type. Height 1.6-1.64, smooth smooth skin. Not very tanned also. Issan girls usually fairer and she from issan. Skin also smooth smooth nice nice. Smile alr chio chio sweet sweet.

Below tight tight and a small cute Bush. Easy wet also, no ky needed. Her ass, those who tried her will understand. Her ass 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 try you know already, indescribable 😂 power!
Her boobs natural, so decent Bs.

Anyway don't have the habit of describing details of process like some bros, long essay until you can visualise and maybe pcc and cum at home 😂 but guys, this one value for money. Decent girl, and young, not auntie. Make up light. Braces girl.

Hope to explore more here and hopefully any bros that step onto landmine can give their FR here as well. Help us save money 😂
Old 08-06-2022, 12:52 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

FR for Poison - Sara on 7th June 2022

Looks: 8/10 Looks more like Korean SYT rather than Thai. Big plus point here.

Body: 8/10 Slim/Nubile body type with fair skin. No fats too.

Boobs: 8/10 Natural B cup with pinkish nipples. Can't get enough of fondling them throughout the whole session.

Painting: 8/10 She loves to be painted.

BBBJ: 8/10 Good BBBJ with balls action.

FJ: 8/10 Willing to try multiple position. She performs best when she is on top controlling the momentum.

GFE: 10/10 No rushing at all. Treats you like her own BF.

RTF: Yes!!
Old 08-06-2022, 01:13 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

8th June 2022, 11pm slot

Silk Stocking Jessy

Looks: 9/10 grows on you like gnd confirm won’t reject
Body: 10/10 boobs to kill for, super soft, my style of girl
BBBJ: 8/10 good suction
FJ: 8/10, Willing to please and awesome view when she’s on top
GFE: 9/10 we chatted a lot after she massaged me, very demure first time in SG. I urge bros to look after her. Confirm a gem.

RTF: already planning in my mind…

Thx bro for the last min fix!!
Old 08-06-2022, 01:32 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Sex Amazon: Nami

Reserved gentle lady, with a model figure, and a keen eye for service

My work schedule has somehow mysteriously cleared up this month. With a lot less jobs to do, it means that I will be potentially earning a lot less this month. To stave off the negative thoughts, I thought about getting one last good bonk for this month.

Totally regret missing the chance to book Rolex or Omega a couple of weeks earlier. I have been eyeing Sex Amazon girls for a while now, especially when some bros also mentioned they would like to see more from them. Scrolling through the Great Bonks thread, I chanced upon @Thialover FR for Nami and Namo. It almost felt like fate…

I was instantly attracted to Nami’s sharp features and knew she would look great in a photoshoot. I picked up my phone and messaged Bro KK as fast as my fingers would let me. He responded quickly and managed to squeeze a slot for me. Lucky me. I hurriedly packed my equipment and headed to the location with a lot of excitement.

When it was time, Bro KK notified me that she was ready and waiting. He then gave out clear directions to the spot. Love the central location, and especially the high quality accommodations as well. Clean and professional looking. This was a breath of fresh air (literally) from most of the dinghy or run down hotels I have visited in the past. Kudos to the operations team.

Knocked on the door and was greeted by a gorgeous model wearing an alluring black baby doll. It was Nami, and the pictures of her beauty are spot on. My cock got hard just from looking at her. Sharp features, slim frame, nice round and supple melons, and smooth curvy hips. A stunning beauty indeed. Looks are one thing, but can she pose like a model?

Chatted a little to break the Ice. It appears that she had heard about me and seen my pictures and already knew what was up. That means less explaining for me to do. Without time to waste, I quickly set up the lights and camera for the sexy shoot.

Though she was not as spontaneous as Velvet from Queens, she knows how to pose rather well and does it without much input from me. Could not stop photographing her beautiful face from all sorts of angles. When she looked at the camera and smiled, it felt as if an arrow struck through my heart.

Could not stand it any longer with a volley of arrows through my heart. I want her. I want to be with her. And in her. I approached for a kiss and she lightly reciprocated and suggested we clean up a little first. Hygiene is important. We entered the shower and cleaned ourselves a little and caressed her amazing body while she took care of my little brother down there.

Spanking clean and dry, we continued where we left off without a hitch. Continued kissing, and the tongues started to come out. They intertwined and rolled about in each other’s mouths. Fluids exchanged from one to the other. It was a steaming hot romance-movie deep french kissing. Loved every minute of it, especially when I got to kiss someone with such a beautiful face.

While exploring each others’ oral cavities, her hands reached out for my cock and started stroking it automatically. Getting pleasured all over, I let out a satisfying moan as she went down on me and started licking and sucking on my cock.

Almost instantly, I was about to climax. Saw the great melons told her of my intentions to unload on them. She raised the pace, and without any interruptions, transitioned to jerking me off with her gentle hands. Ouugh, Ughhh! I let out my load that I saved for nearly a week. It was a sight to behold. A cupful of cum slowly contouring around her round breasts and dripping onto her body. A sight forever seared in my memory.

With the first shot done and plenty of time left, we washed up and continued with the photoshoot. I then got her to wear one of the sexy dresses I bought online. Usually, the clothes would be too small for their oversized bodies, or too short, or the vibes did not match. But this case was different. It was almost a perfect fit.

An alluring dress with an equally alluring body. A match made in heaven. I took as many pictures as I could, almost like a machine gun. I was so excited. And soon, even the flash units and their backup units soon ran out of power mid-shoot. Something that had never really happened to me before. I swear I thought I charged the batteries before the shoot.

Usually, I am more of a one-and-done type of guy, thus my name: Single Action Army. But from that moment, I knew without a doubt I would be able to let out two, or even three loads for her.

In a matter of minutes, my cock got hard again. And proceeded to kiss, caress, and then get my dick in her. Took the dress off and got started with doggy. No crazy tattoos like the previous girls I had. But an equally amazing view with that slim frame of hers.

Raised the pace and her moans are a treat to the ears. Did not care if it was faked or not, it seemed like she was enjoying herself and I got a lot of excitement just from that. Nearing my limit, I had to slow down the pace so I could try and explore other positions.

Flipped her over and the simple missionary was the best in my opinion. A great view of her face. I brought my head towards it and kissed as our bodies rocked back and forth. Backed off, and I was treated to the sight of her great melons and gripped it hard as I thrust her slowly, but firmly.

Now it was not a question of whether I could ejaculate a second time, but when? And after a couple of minutes of alternating between kissing her and gripping her breasts, I could no longer bear it. I raised the pace and reciprocated with the increased frequency of moans. “I’m cumming!” I said in my bad Thai, as she gave a slight nod and climaxed in the condom in her. The condom was nearly filled with my huge load. That’s how much I enjoyed it.

Photos: Glamour and more
Massage: No time, but had a 1-2 minutes sample of her great massage skills.
Kissing: DFK (deep french kissing).

Handjob: Yes
Bare blowjob: Yes, standard techniques
Painting: Did not try
Fingering: Did not try
Pubic Hair: Trimmed.
FJ: Accommodative with great auralgasms.
GFE: Reserved service-oriented lady with great model looks and figure.

Fuck me. I think that was one of the best bonks I ever had in my life. Though the sex is quite vanilla, her friendliness and aptitude for service is the limelight here. I would really love to see her again, but as I mentioned my finances might be a bit tough this month.


Like with any FR, your mileage may vary.

If you decide to make a booking based off my FR, do mention my name so I may get to do more of these in the future.

If any of you have a recommendation for a model* from any stable, just send me a message and I'll try to look into it!

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