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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 06-11-2012, 04:25 PM
AlbertGoh AlbertGoh is offline
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Bro care to share. Thanks inadvanced
Old 06-11-2012, 04:48 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Hmmm…. Didn’t expect so much traffic on this thread wor. Got a lot of PMs seeking contact for Penang Pussy. Some bros also asked me to verify the joint over PMs. Let me say that all the guesses have been rather off the mark. To my knowledge, this joint hasn’t been written on leh. Donch mind just bear with me please….Kena stuck with work yesterday night and today. Posting FR later and dishing out contacts after that, paiseh ah.

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
I hope both of you, bros GR888 and ball make peace with each other pls.

Dont sabo our beloved playground just because of feud.

The playgrounds belong to every bros which had some friendship with MLs.

Do you want Government to tighten the regulations which make it very difficult for new joints to be set up?
and where can we go for fun within our convenience?

You know bro ang076, all this served only to convince me that I had taken the right decision not to share anything with samster ball. Ever since I join the forum last December, I was under no illusion that I will have to constantly deal with unreasonable samsters like ball who will call me names and spew profanity at me when they can’t get contacts from me. But that has and never detracted me from efforts to share with the right people.

Ball will never point the finger back at himself and reflect on why, at the very outset, he resorted to abusing my nick, then lying to try to con senior bros into giving him my contacts. If he is capable of thinking, he will know that there is no way he can pull off a stunt like that right under my nose… and that once he kena pichar lobang, he will definitely be censured by senior bros. Instead he is blaming me and the whole world after his pathetic cheating attempts boomeranged right into his face. Put it simply, he was just asking for it and everything was his own undoing.

So it is impossible to talk peace and reason to a person who employs underhand means and nefarious measures without provocation to pursue his own evil agenda…. what more now with his reputation in tatters, his account zapped into oblivion and his nick dragged in mud. His post smacks of a person consumed by excessive hate and resentment. He is marginalised and powerless, nothing short of extreme measures will satisfy his warped sense of justice. I’ve come across a lot of people like him… and they always display the same traits: an overwhelming sense of being victimized, easily agitated, overly vindictive, mindset dominated by a siege mentality, a deep-seated sense of insecurity and above all, an unreasonable sense of self-entitlement…. In other words, a loser.

Incidentally, similar if not identical behaviourial traits are also manifested in terrorists and suicide bombers. People like ball should really seek professional help before their own self-destructive tendencies get the better of them. He is unable to let go and is only interested in one thing…that is to get back at me… regardless of the collateral damage he will cause…. even if it means bringing down this thread, the whole forum and the entire world with him. By his own admission, he already said he doesn’t care if joints get clamped down.

He does not respect you as TS because it is already his intention to destroy this thread and dismantle your hard work. Neither does he care about the commendable efforts of other bros who have helped flesh out and develop this thread. Nor is he concerned about heightened risks that our cheongster bros will be subjected to once the joints are exposed. All these considerations are of no concern to a loose cannon and misguided missile like ball.

But little does he know that I really couldn’t care less what he plans to do. The joints are really no secret. I’m sure avid readers of this thread can make intelligent guesses from the few hints that have been given in the many FRs. It is the identities of the gems, and not the names of the joints that is crucial. Heading off to the joints without knowledge of the gems in each of them is as good as going in blind. With the gems so well spread out and mixed in with the far larger majority of CMI MLs across all the joints, the chances of mis-hitting are just as high even if one knows the places.

Moreover, the twenty or so FRs I’ve shared so far represent less than half my haul of gems. There’s still plenty more to come and I’ve divided the whole lot into fark lists containing 10 to 12 MLs each. Furthermore, since I enjoy writing, it doesn’t take me more than an hour to churn out an FR (maybe an hour and a half for longer ones)… and I can always take my sharing elsewhere, either over PMs or via another on-line platform, if he is so hell bent on destroying this thread. I’m already working on websites and blogs for my other hobbies so I can easily graft something out for my commercial sexploits to continue sharing with my band of bruddahs… as simple as that, no fuss at all. (Of course, TS bro ang076 will be part of all my sharing as always)…. and if he has read my recent posts, he will know the cavalier approach I take regarding forum points.

A cornered rat like ball may take perverted pleasure thinking he can get even with me and demolish my hard work with his threats. On the contrary, it will be very ironic that his impending action(s) are only going to hit everyone else and himself except his intended target. If he has his finger on the nuclear button, I am sure he will not hesitate to press it now.

Originally Posted by shiokpleasure View Post
Somehow, i wish all you bros can join me in JB. In fact, most of my fun takes place there. Go where we can really have fun, don't need to worry about joint being raided. Plus it's relatively cheap compared to sg.
Getting there bro shiokpleasure, getting there. Since I've been back for only a year, I've got quite a bit of local backlog that I need to clear first. Hahaha!

Last edited by GR888; 06-11-2012 at 04:53 PM. Reason: correcting typos...
Old 06-11-2012, 11:38 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Bro GR888, kindly share contacta please. Honestly, what does it takes to take share contacts. I truly hope you can share some especilly mystique please.
Old 06-11-2012, 11:48 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Originally Posted by Lelo View Post
Bro GR888, kindly share contacta please. Honestly, what does it takes to take share contacts. I truly hope you can share some especilly mystique please.
Bruddah, I just got back home from work... can at least let me have my dinner first OK? This is Singapore my friend. If we don't work hard hard, no moola for bonk bonk piak piak.

Rather than sit there and shout "contact please, contact please!" you can do your cause a whole lot of good by first convincing me over PM you are a genuine, sincere and serious cheongster, deserving of me sharing contacts with.

The more effort you put in, the more I am willing to share because I do not run a charity here... and I've lived in western countries long enough to despise giving handouts.

Last edited by GR888; 06-11-2012 at 11:49 PM. Reason: correcting typos...
Old 07-11-2012, 11:16 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

my gawd you are even more whiney that i tot. tho i must give you top honours for well written stories. with all your vivid imaginations and flowery exaggerations. it might incite the un-informed and simple minded but i think many readers can see for themselves who's the one that is not able to let go in the end. haha

let me set the record straight as you have been fabricating too many stories abt me. i actually have ignored all your false accusations but you seemed to have gone further and further, like a mad man bent on character assasination. to begin, my beef with you was never abt you not sharing. many other senior bros have also refused to share with me, probably due to my low points credentials, namely bro ang076 even. but i have never criticised anyone . it was a privilege which i hoped to have and not a right. it would be crazy of me to be upset at anyone. in fact if anyone has read my earlier posts, there are instances when i have mentioned that too. to be continued
Old 07-11-2012, 11:41 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

It was your constant hounding of newbies to no end that irked me . whenever they are a little too lax in their posts , you hound them like a dog that you are. clearly incessant bullying tactics which i cant stand aside and watch. this was clearly so in bro lanjiaobin's post of a joint in ecp. you criticised him to no end and when i asked that everyone move on , you got offended and reminded me of that comment when i asked you for contacts. that was clear how petty a person you are
even in my response to teddybear's post on using chim english, i was merely adding a comment in general under that Pomo /parklane thread. but again you took it personally that it was an attack on you. reminds me of the lyrics in a song " you're so vain, you probably think this song is abt you
Old 07-11-2012, 11:44 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

are you able to even see why there are other bros who have issues with you?? whereas i have no other altercations with anyone else. in fact even after all these, my points have been zapped to only -4. probably all from you or any of ur cronies . like i have said earlier, i really dun give 2 hoots abt the points. in fact when i stand up for other newbies against bullies like you, i am fully aware of how they will be zapped. as those newbies who appreciate my stance cant up me anyway. so i am only at risk of losing points, never gaining
But still i choose to speak out, cos you are really unbearable in every sense of the word. just so that evryone can see you for the conceited self serving person that you are. after all didnt you also tell me that you are also sharing the contacts with the others solely cos there was something in it for you? more reputation points and other contacts perhaps?
Old 07-11-2012, 11:44 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

if it wasnt me now , there would surely be someone else to put you in ur place later. yes my purpose of these all is to teach you a lesson on humility. and to raise awareness that a person like you is really a more a bane than a boon to any community.

you started the fight and with every further squeak from you, i will " press the button" one at a time, to use ur same words. so enjoy.
Old 08-11-2012, 12:49 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Sorry for the delay in my FR on Penang Pussy guys… unexpectedly held up by work in the last couple of days. This has been a terrible week for me in the office… endured a frustrating morning on Monday, so I sneaked out when one of my Hokkien peng buddies messaged me in the afternoon to head to this “liar liar” joint that I have not heard of before.

Blardy place is situated off the cheongsters’ beaten track… off the main road, along a narrow lane of newly built atas-looking shop houses. Got a couple of new residential developments springing up nearby and some school further down. Parking was a short walk away near an industrial estate and I thanked my lucky stars it wasn’t raining. But the onerous journey left me cursing under my breath as I got out of my car.

Upon seeing my kancheong buddy pacing up and down the corridor at the entrance from a distance, I knew I had hit the right place. The joint occupied a ground floor corner unit along the shop house row. Anyone could be forgiven for mistaking it for a squeaky clean joint. The shop’s glass frontage was adorned with posters on body wellness, healthy living and beauty care.

Scanned the small recep area as I walked in with my buddy… tons of certificates and service quality awards proudly displayed on the wall - quite literally “in your face” - to further reinforce the clean image camouflage. Up to this point, this masterly masquerade by the management completely fooled even my recce trooper’s instincts for uncovering sex and sleaze.

The moment I walked into the ‘restricted area’ after the requisite registration, I realised I had walked into the “Disneyland of Debauchery”. A chio & curvy ML in a short body hugging nurse-like uniform walked past and greeted me with a smile so sweet my knees almost gave way. Saw a couple more chiobus strutting & chatting away along the corridors as we were ushered to the lounge. I was busy berating my buddy for yet another blardy belated recommendation when I was called to my assigned room.

Fast forward… my heart literally missed a beat the moment Penang Pussy walked in…. OMG! This young chick is a farking stunner! ... macam like those sexy and stylo SYTs one would find in Taipei’s 西门町 (Ximending) or Hong Kong’s 铜锣湾 (Causeway Bay)! She is petite and very slim with sexy legs…. Her luminous eyes and flawless complexion radiated irresistible sex appeal… her daintily attractive features on her near perfect visage enough to send the hardest of all hard core gays seriously questioning their sexual orientation. But it is that killer smile, complete with that cutesy dimple, that tore into my emotional defences like a hot knife through butter…. I was completely ensnared when she serenaded gracefully towards me.

While my eyes were busy trying to take in her beauty, I was also asking myself just what the hell is a girl like her doing in a place like this. Then came the defining moment… After putting down her stuff, pussy girl edged towards the massage bed, sexily swept her hair one side and letting it cascade on her shoulders… like those models in hair shampoo advertisements… her short skirt hitching up almost to her pussy as she sat down and crossed her legs seductively… then threw a notti smile in my direction. At the point, I was too stunned to even pinch myself… little did she know that she already had me eating out of her hand less than a minute after she walked in.

There was a mysterious air of sleaze in the manner she flirted with me… Pussy girl looked every bit a guy’s dream bonk. Her beauty was unquestioned… she wore the appearance of a physically attractive, demure and innocent chick yet her posture, grace and movements were captivating and bewitching. She may be a whore after all, but it is how she packaged her approach and presented herself that set her apart from all the sluts I’ve been screwing. Her approach was subtle and seductive…. Every movement from her resembled a mating call, damn!

After exchanging usual pleasantries, pussy girl got up, chuckled as she unhitched the towel around my waist and then continued giggling away as she motioned me to lie prone on bed… she lay the towel over my butt, jumped onto bed and started the massage… her pussy grinding my lower back at the same time. In the course of our chit-chat, this chick came across to me as a free spirited and cheerful girl, exuding the type of bubbly feminine company that we yearn after a hard day’s work.

Her massage was the usual substandard variety dished out to customers at places of liars, but her touch was heavenly… Somehow, every bit of physical contact from her felt different…. her pretty looks and sexy body merely stoked up all sorts of wild and perverted images in my mind as she pressed and poked away, and the thought of me farking her very shortly tested my capacity for self control to the very limit.

From our conversation, it was quite apparent to her that I was there for a good fark. So she lost no time getting me in the mood. However, the teasing was patient and incremental… her hands roamed lightly all over me before she removed the towel and focussed her attentions on my thighs and lower butt… her roaming hands delivering soft yet expertly administered touches, every touch from her aimed at stimulating my hormones to the next level…. Pussy girl took extra care in running her finger tips over my balls, then taking her time to fondle and caress my fast hardening number.

The silence in the room belied the pleasure that I was immersed in, and was only broken by the sound of her uniform zip being pulled…. Instinctively, I turned my head and caught sight her opening her uniform top to reveal a delicious set of smooth and perky titties… straightaway licked my lips like a tiko and smiled cheekily at her. Sensing that I was getting ready to turn around and attack her boobs, pussy girl patted me lightly on the shoulder in restraint and beckoned me to continue lying on my stomach. Then she bent over and started licking me all over my neck, ears and back… soon, I felt her boobies rubbing on me and the wonderful sensation caused by her dragging her nipples on my back .

Shortly after, her soft hands slowly eased my legs apart… then I felt the wetness of her tongue on my balls… a few light teasing flicks at first, hungry slurps after that… my hands and legs fell dangling off the massage bed when she brought her tongue action onto my dickie head, and then up onto my ass crack… I was completely sedated as she worked her tongue up and down, in and out of my asshole. The AR was short, but it was enough to leave me intoxicated.

The moment pussy girl gave me the green light to turn around, I sat up and pulled her uniform down to her waist… she closed her eyes, threw her head back and pushed her titties forward invitingly. My mouth literally went on overdrive… sucking, slurping and licking away at her perky spotlights… with one hand squeezing and kneading her soft but tight butt cheeks, the other reaching in between her legs to rubba her pussy and finger her. Soon, our lips locked and frenched until we almost went out of breath… as I fell back onto bed, she continued with her awesome catbath, covering almost every square millimetre of my chest, abs and groin.

Pussy girl gently parted my legs again, got in between as she sexily brushed her hair one side… caressed my family jewels, then started licking my erect li’l bro while her hands fondled my ding dongs. She gave it to me nice and slow, taking my li’l bro into her mouth bit by bit, her tongue constantly flicking and licking my sensitive little head. The sight of a pretty SYT blowing my cock with complete abandon and consummate skill was simply electrifying…. the mind-numbing experience augmented by pussy girl locking her seductive eyes on me throughout her oral deed.

Much as I liked her to continue sucking away, I had to stop her halfway to avoid a premature explosion of my load. My attentions returned to her boobies and pussy as she whipped out the cap. She jokingly told me to stop defiling her rack and to give her pussy a break because it was distracting her from applying the cap on my li'l bro. Hahaha! Once set, she straddled me and rode me in roller coaster cowgirl, thrusting and twisting away as she moaned and threw her head back and forth… then pushed her chest forward as I reached up and sucked her boobs (yet again).

Last edited by GR888; 08-11-2012 at 01:03 AM. Reason: correcting typos...
Old 08-11-2012, 12:54 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

By the time Penang Pussy and I got full swing into the FJ, I was so drunk with lust I really had to control the bonking pace… just so that I can prolong the pleasure and bang pussy girl in different positions. I sat up, moved her into a half squatting bonking position… her shrieks got louder as I drove my cock deeper into her pussy… my mouth slurping away on her juicy neh nehs illuminated by the room spotlight immediately above us. By now, the room temperature hit fever pitch, we were exchanging dirty talk in between her moans and shrieks.

Quickly got down from the bed and switched over to standing doggie. Slowly felt her up from behind as I furiously slapped and rubbed my manhood on her tight butt cheeks… once my hot rod got into her love hole from behind, I crossed my hands over her boobies, held her hard and rammed her in my favourite bonking position.

She fell forward onto the bed a couple of minutes later, my dickie still inside her… she was heaving and panting in between her soft moans, eyes half closed and her hands spread out… her naked back right before me, her hair partially covering her face… she lay there, naked and vulnerable but undeniably yummy. As I pulled her up gently, she turned her face towards me for more frenching, her hands guiding mine towards her boobies, pumped her a bit more from behind… then she moved into missionary and spread her legs out wide.

I jumped onto bed, rammed into her hard and fast… my hands grabbing hard at her boobies…. but she pulled me towards her to hug and french me… I sustained the pussy pounding for long as long as I could before li’l bro lost control and fired into her. Partook more pleasure on her naked body before the furious clean up began. As expected, time was almost up by the time we finished… the two of us leaning on each other for support as we made our way out, laughing and giggling away.

OK, ratings and specs for Penang Pussy are as follows….

Origin: Make a guess?

Age: early to mid twenties… looks very young!

Looks: 8.5/10… prettiest ML I’ve seen this year! Yes, I admit I have said that of other MLs on my fark list, but she has the highest rating I’ve given to any MLs I’ve bonked so far…. come to think of it, she bears a strong resemblance to this JAV actress Arisa Aizawa… her eyes, nose, facial features, right down to her hairstyle… think that should spare me giving a detailed account of her appearance… Say first hor, this is only my opinion ah, dun flame me if you think otherwise. Basically her image is also similar to her JAV lookalike: girlie kind of pretty face but one a heck of a horny vixen in bed…

Body: 8.0/10… slim, sexy and tight young body!…. no tummy, curves at the right places, nice long legs and an even nicer butt!... petite frame, very easy to manoeuvre during FJ… no more than 1.6m tall… some bros may find her too thin, but I like girls like her… her awesome body is a real turn on!

Boobs: 7.5/10… B cups but very balanced, nicely shaped and soft, with deliciously perky nips made for sucking… her boobs are just the right size for her small body frame… I would find a larger rack a bit odd on her.

Massage: 2.0/10… She was only in it for the teasing… can’t blame her, don’t think she’s trained to give a good massage.

BBBJ: 7.0/10… She’s well trained in the BBBJ fundamentals, no question about that… good cock suction and tongue teasing of the little head… kudos to her for also focussing diligently on balls licking... good coordination of the fondling and eye contact with oral action throughout the entire BBBJ repertoire.

AR: 7.25/10… I was rather taken by surprise, didn’t expect a hot chick like her throw in an AR… and a pretty good one at it, if a little short… almost went crazy when she slowly drove her tongue into my arse hole.

FJ: 8.5/10… Screwed her in cowgirl, sitting, standing doggie and missionary… tight pussy that gets wet easily… plenty of surround sound and body lingo of a whore desperately craving to be farked… very obliging, horny and accommodating in getting laid, the whole FJ was made all the more mind-blowing because she is such a looker with a stunning body…. really one of the best bonks I’ve had this year.

GFE: 8.5/10… no part of her body is out of bounds… happily allowed me to suck her nipples and finger her, flashing gleeful and lusty looks at me in the process… plenty of frenching thrown in… all these just made the FJ more sextifying than I had originally anticipated… at times during the FJ, I felt as though I was screwing a girlfriend than engaging in a commercial bonk…we were still hugging and necking away as we made our way out… real wonderful feeling compared to my last commercial fark.

Saw my buddy waiting for me with that smirky look on his face when I staggered out… forgave him for not telling me about the girls at this joint earlier. Hahaha! That was one heck of an sexxion… just the right antidote I need to cure my Monday blues! I am really stuck at the crossroads now… whether to RTF my Penang Pussy or have a go at the other chiobus I saw when I arrived at the joint… Damn! Real tough decision, this! But as of now, this Penang chick ranks as my top bonk for the year.

Sorry to bros who have not heard from me after sending me PMs. It has been a busy work week for me and I’ll try to clear as many PMs as possible tonight. Apologies also for the long “squeak” of an FR… to borrow the words of this samster who is still ranting and whining away (to borrow his words again) like a fugly and loony cheap whore demanding payment after willingly allowing herself to be gang-banged and ass-farked! Hahaha!

Last edited by GR888; 08-11-2012 at 01:10 AM. Reason: correcting typos...
Old 08-11-2012, 10:38 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Quote "So it is impossible to talk peace and reason to a person who employs underhand means and nefarious measures without provocation to pursue his own evil agenda…. what more now with his reputation in tatters, his account zapped into oblivion and his nick dragged in mud. His post smacks of a person consumed by excessive hate and resentment. He is marginalised and powerless, nothing short of extreme measures will satisfy his warped sense of justice. I’ve come across a lot of people like him… and they always display the same traits: an overwhelming sense of being victimized, easily agitated, overly vindictive, mindset dominated by a siege mentality, a deep-seated sense of insecurity and above all, an unreasonable sense of self-entitlement…. In other words, a loser.

This GS888 is Donkey Hole! behaving as he is the moderator of this forum. Boy you are immature for a 30+ gay, wasting your parent money to send you to Boston for your education. Your style of writing is the same every time, it getting boring reading your FRs. The worst part is that you are writing these FRs without the ladies consent just to gain points and subjecting them for been caught by AV or sacked by their employer.
I have PM you many time to meet up but you are too chicken to reply me. What are afraid of? You act big time in this forum, nobody is going to hurt you, I am no hooligan, much more to lose than you in this society. You can alway pick a safe place to meet up, I just wants to see for myself how "big" you project youself? How about meeting in " QUEEN'S HOTEL " , we can have our beauty treatment at the same time.

The only thing this Donkey Hole (GR888) could do is zapped your point with the support of his cronies and criticized your grammatical mistake. Only fool like him will let his writing trace back to him, if he wish I could post his identity,workplace,etc in this forum!
Boy, you alway wanted to challenge me in open forum but I believe to settle dispute in low key way and you take it as we are coward.
Now I have posted, please continue from where we left off. The grove is off this round, I will not hold back on you if dare to have a go with me

Last edited by JJSS; 08-11-2012 at 10:42 AM. Reason: Add
Old 08-11-2012, 11:20 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Originally Posted by ball View Post
are you able to even see why there are other bros who have issues with you???
Bro ball,
Please don't ask him(GR888) to see, he can't even see his own prick? He is known to the FLs as easy money or "wham bang thank you ma'am" type but in his FRs he claimed to swim ocean and climb mountain.
Go asked the ladies the next time you visited those joints, just mentioned the gay who wears long sleeve shirt with " cuff links "
Old 08-11-2012, 01:02 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

He does not respect you as TS because it is already his intention to destroy this thread and dismantle you hard works.

Judge for yourself, this is an immature guy with a diarrhoea mouth. He is using the TS thread to get at other and he got the cheek to talk about respect. This low down scumbag will go as afar as giving you a BBBJ if you have higher Rep.Points than him. Go check his posting, when he kena zapped by senior bros, he lan lan put his tail between his leg.
Boy, go start you own thread, so we could fakhed the shit out of you.

Old 08-11-2012, 05:06 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Originally Posted by ball View Post
it was your constant hounding of newbies to no end that irked me . Whenever they are a little too lax in their posts , you hound them like a dog that you are. Clearly incessant bullying tactics which i cant stand aside and watch. This was clearly so in bro lanjiaobin's post of a joint in ecp. You criticised him to no end and when i asked that everyone move on , you got offended and reminded me of that comment when i asked you for contacts. That was clear how petty a person you are
even in my response to teddybear's post on using chim english, i was merely adding a comment in general under that pomo /parklane thread. But again you took it personally that it was an attack on you. Reminds me of the lyrics in a song " you're so vain, you probably think this song is abt you
PEOPLE , please take note of above quote.
This gr888 is a trouble maker but got no "ball" he will alway try his luck but when challenge, he run like a dog!!!!!

Suggest TS should ask him to leave this thread before it turn into a nasty battle ground.

Last edited by JJSS; 08-11-2012 at 05:08 PM. Reason: Add
Old 08-11-2012, 05:30 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

A quick fr. had very good massage session at one of the "place of liar" recommended here, it was a malaysia chinese. have a good day at office and i sneak out early and give my secretary the afternoon off as she worked very hard for the past weeks for a project we had. i decided to visit this liar place to release my 1 week plus of pented up frustration before meeting my fb (dont want to cum too fast with her.. hehehe)

had a quick shower and this milf entered the room, she recognise me and help me wipe with towel and pull me to the massage table by the cock and started to hj me. she knows i only do hj then massage with her. i told her to take it slow as i want to relax and enjoy longer before releasing my load. she took her time to hj in varies positions while i play with her boobies before i shoot into her hands, the orgasm is so big that some landed on her cheek before she direct it on to my chest. we then clean up then she gave a a very smoothing massage for the next 40 min.

how i wish things is back to the 90s and early 2000s, like when sammyboy is still hosted on Delphi, less fighting here and there.
gone were the days of dragon hc and that old hc at kallang leisure dome.
now i cheong also dont dare to write too much fr because gotten threatened by OKT before for negative but true fr.

Last edited by bigangry; 08-11-2012 at 05:41 PM.
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