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Old 13-01-2022, 10:05 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

welcome back ts
Old 13-01-2022, 11:46 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Next ep soon ya.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 13-01-2022, 01:43 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

R: You know ah.. that day I go Kovan buy durian, you know who I saw or not?

S: Kovan has a durian shop?

R: Next to hotel 81. You won't know one la.

S: Ya I won't know. How you know?

R: Cos I go there mah.

Me: Durians or Hotel 81?

R: Both la! You never go 81 before meh? Need me to bring you?

Me: Don't need.

S: So who did you see?

R: Cheryl la!

Me: The finance girl?

R: Then who? But you know who she was with?

S: Just say la.

R: You won't believe me one la. Lucky I got secretly take picture!

Me: Wah lau. That's invasion of privacy.

I made a mental note to probably not go to hotel 81 Kovan.

R: Wait. I find the pic.

She opened her gallery and was scrolling through it while showing us.

I caught sight of some very interesting pictures but kept quiet. I think Rebecca saw me looking.

R: Want to see ah? Later I show you.

Shirlyn didn't look pleased. The pictures were of her in various poses and states of undress. Probably what she sent to guys to get them interested.

R: Ah! See!

She showed us a rather grainy photo of the backs of a guy and a girl entering the hotel. I honestly could not tell if it was really Cheryl or not.

Me: Can't see la.

R: Scroll next photo.

S: Don't anyhow scroll ah.

R: Aiyah. I also not naked. He want to see let him see la. He want to see fully naked also can!

Me: Right.

I scrolled to the right and saw that she had managed to capture a relatively clear picture of both their faces as the turned around, as if they were checking their surroundings.

Me: Is that Ken?

Ken was the finance guy, Cheryl's direct supervisor.

S: Looks like it.

R: I know right! So scandalous.

S: Ahem.

R: Ya la ya la. I also very scandalous.

Me: He's married right. And…

R: She was a virgin who got her cherry popped.

Me: So… what's the issue?

R: You will go to a budget hotel with your married colleague ah?

Me: I don't.

R: Really meh. You sure you never go with Jasmine. That tomboy slut.

Me: Nothing happened between us.

R: Ah. Good. Means you're available.

Me: Available for?

R: Fun la.

Me: But I'm not.

Shirlyn was rolling her eyes.

R: Why not? Got girlfriend ah?

Me: No.

R: You gay?

Me: Don't think so.

R: Ah ha! Means you not sure. Got boyfriend ah?

Me: No.

S: Don't disturb him la. You're married.

R: Aiyah. My husband keeps fucking around. If he can do it, so can I.

Me: He does but doesn't mean you should.

R: You got so innocent one meh. Don't tell me you're a virgin too. Come! Let Jie Jie teach you.

S: Rebecca. That's enough. We're here for a team gathering. Not a gangbang.

R: Wah. You know what a gangbang is? I thought you were a virgin too.

I could see Shirlyn blushing somehow.

R: Not enough people for a gangbang also.

Me: Have you had one before?

R: Not considered gangbang la. Got 2 girls and 3 guys. But wah. The double penetration damn shiok.

Shirlyn took a big gulp of the warm Moscato.

S: Can we not talk about this…

R: You shy ah?

S: No… but… it's inappropriate.

Rebecca ignored her.

R: Why Mark? You got gangbang before ah?

Me: No.

R: Got two of us here. Want to try a threesome?


I think Rebecca was slightly drunk or really high.

She reached over and fondled Shirlyn's breast, causing her to moan unexpectedly.

S: Hey!!!

I laughed.

Rebecca leaned over and tried to kiss Shirlyn but was pushed away.

I decided to let them be and went to cook a second batch of food. I noticed Rebecca heading into the house, probably to use the bathroom.

Shirlyn came up to me.

S: You see. How can anyone resist her? So flirty and open-minded.

Me: I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

S: You know I can't stop you if you want to.

Me: Want to what?

S: Sleep with her.

Me: But I don't.

S: And a threesome?

Me: With you and her?

S: She's high enough to suggest it, soon she'll be drunk enough to want to do it.

Me: I'd rather just do it with you.

S: You don't have to say things just to make me happy you know.

Me: You want to have a threesome?

S: I actually did have one before. With my ex and his best friend. And she's right. Double penetration was amazing.

I felt my cock stirring.

Me: Ok. I didn't know you were so… open-minded as well.

S: I told you I'm the same as them. I probably just hide it better.

Me: Well I don't want to have a threesome with you or Rebecca. No matter how drunk I am.

S: You know we could always rape you.

Me: I don't think you will. You care too much about your reputation in the office. And with Rebecca's big mouth…

S: You're right. Anyway I can't even handle you at the moment. You're too intense.

Me: Am I?

S: I'm a little disappointed that you didn't get to cum. Is it me? Am I not doing it correctly?

Me: It's not always about the cumming.

S: But you made me cum so many times.

Me: Glad you liked it.

S: I'm addicted.

Me: Well… can't do much about that.

S: You wanna stay over tonight?

Me: I don't mind.

Rebecca suddenly appeared.

R: Wah wah. What's this I hear about staying over?

S: Shit.

Me: It's not what you think. I was just saying I drank a bit too much, don't think I can drive back. So I asked if I can crash on the sofa.

Rebecca looked at me incredulously.

R: Ya right. You two must have something scandalous going on. I want to stay over too.

I looked at Shirlyn who looked back at me and shrugged.

Me: Look. I can drive back, but I might get arrested. I don't feel like getting arrested.

R: Why can't you take a Grab back?

Me: Because I will need to take a Grab back here tomorrow to retrieve my car? I'm not causing any trouble by sleeping on the sofa right?

R: I don't believe you. I bet she wants to have you all to herself.

Me: Erm. Not everyone is as easy as you ok.

R: What do you mean???!!!

Me: You keep throwing yourself at me like you want to sleep with me. Who knows what you did with the other guys in the company.

R: Wah wah. Somebody's wings hardened already ah. I like.

She came up beside me and stroked my arm and I flinched a little. I hope she didn't notice the slight tent when Shirlyn revealed that she had a threesome before.

I shrugged her hand off.

Me: I'm cooking. It's hot. Don't play around.

Rebecca stomped off towards the table and started complaining to Shirlyn who had already gone to sit down. However she was so loud that I could hear everything.

R: This guy is like a block of wood. I bet he is a virgin or has a small dick. So boring. You better be careful if he stays over. Wait he rape you.

Shirlyn merely laughed and smiled at my direction.

Me: You know I can hear you right?

R: So what? Small dick boy.

Then she began chomping on the remaining hot dogs that were on the table while I cooked up the next batch of food.
Old 13-01-2022, 01:51 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Sounds like something exciting is coming up
Old 13-01-2022, 03:29 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Thanks for the updates TS! Hope everything is going well in the new year.
Old 13-01-2022, 04:13 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Thanks for your update bro.
You restart my checking this thread a few times a day!
Don't Save-up Sex for Old Age!!! (Warren Buffet)
Old 13-01-2022, 06:40 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Welcome back, Mark is going to have an enjoyable night.

Camping here for more juicy updates please.
Old 13-01-2022, 06:58 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

The max the three of us managed to finish was 3 rounds of food and there was more than half the food remaining.

The Moscato was also long gone, and Shirlyn had brought out more alcohol. I wisely steered clear of consuming more, in case I really needed to drive home to avoid suspicion.

I was somewhat surprised that Shirlyn could hold her liquor so well, given the amount she had consumed, yet Rebecca was already pretty drunk, talking and laughing loudly, mostly incoherently. I wondered when the neighbours would call the police to file a noise complaint.

Nearing 11pm it seemed like Rebecca was almost out of it. She had toned down considerably and was just staring into space.

S: How are you going home?

R: Huh?

S: Home. Sleep. Bye.

R: I'm horny.

S: What?

She passed Shirlyn her phone.

R: Help me Whatsapp this guy named Mike.

S: That's not your husband.

R: How did you know- Oh wait. You're the HR Manager! Of course you know! Hahahahahaha.

Yup she was definitely drunk.

S: Message him and say what?

R: I want his cock. Now. Ask him to pick me.

S: Err…

R: Aiyah. Just read the previous texts la. You'll know what to say.

Shirlyn's eyes widened as she read through the texts.

R: You never had fuck buddies before meh?

S: No.

R: You want or not. I intro you.

S: No thanks.

Rebecca turned to me.

R: One time offer. I teach you how to pleasure a woman. Yes or no?

Me: No.

R: Your loss. Help me text my ride. Thanks.

Shirlyn shrugged and sent the text. Rebecca went back to stoning.

Half an hour later her phone rang and we helped her out to the road where a sports car was waiting.

We loaded Rebecca with great difficulty into the car, and her fantastic fuck buddy didn't even bother to come out to help. He didn't even say thanks or bye so we just went back to the house.

I started to pack up the leftover food.

S: My fridge doesn't have enough space.

Me: You want to throw it away?

S: Seems like a waste.

Me: Should I continue BBQing?

S: I can't eat anymore.

Me: Invite some others to come and eat?

S: Aren't you tired? And going to sleep on the "sofa"?

Me: I can cook all night.

S: Ya right.

Me: So do I keep the food or…

S: I'll try to squeeze it in somehow. Maybe can have another BBQ tomorrow.

Me: Ok.

After clearing and cleaning up, I half-considered heading back home. I went to a corner of the garden and lit a stick. Shirlyn came up to me.

S: You already smell so smokey.

Me: I'll shower and brush my teeth. But I don't have a toothbrush.

S: There's probably spares in the storeroom somewhere.

Me: Ok.

I finished up my stick and we headed back into the house, Shirlyn locked the door and went to the storeroom to try to find a toothbrush for me.

I went straight to her room and stripped, before stepping into the shower. She joined me soon after. We seemed to be moving pretty fast from colleagues to whatever we were right now.

I started soaping her body, paying special attention to her breasts. She seemed to like being touched there as she squirmed as I massaged them.

She started kissing me under the shower and stroking my cock. I slid it between her legs and thrusted, rubbing my rod against her clit.

S: Please… put it in…

I turned her around and slid it in. I wasn't sure if it was the soap, or if she was really wet but I entered without issues. As usual, I went as deep as possible.

After an eternity of thrusting, and feeling her contract and tremble. She stopped me.

S: Why aren't you cumming? Am I loose?

Me: No. You're pretty tight.

S: Then why won't you cum?

I rubbed her clit.

Me: Because I want to torture you.

S: Why?

Me: I don't know. Just feel like it.

S: Do you really get pleasure from this?

Me: Yes.

S: You get pleasure from pleasuring me?

Me: Something like that.

S: Can you fuck me the same way as you did this afternoon? That funny position.

Me: You sure you can take it?

S: No… but I really like it…

Me: Ok then.

We washed off the soap and dried ourselves, she wrapped a towel around her head as her hair was still wet.

She lay down on the bed and I started to work on her with my mouth and fingers but she pulled me up.

S: Your cock please.

Me: What? No foreplay?

She practically got into the position and guided me in. A soft moan escaped her lips as I slid in all the way.

S: Fuck me until you cum.

Me: You mean until you cum?

S: No. I want you to cum.

Me: I'll have to go harder and faster.

She nodded.

S: Just do it.

I started off slowly, then increased the pace gradually. I don't know what was so special about this position, but it was driving her crazy. I had used it before with all my other partners, but somehow Shirlyn was the most responsive. She had to bury her face in the pillow to muffle her screams. As usual, I felt her contractions. This time they were really intense that it was affecting me too.

S: Don't stop.

I didn't, and I felt the familiar feeling.

Me: I'm cumming.

Shirlyn threw the pillow aside and pulled me towards her, kissing me. She somehow managed to wrap her legs around my back as I thrust deep into her.

Me: Erm. I'm cumming.

She was already nearly out of breath but I heard her whisper.

S: Inside.

I didn't think it was such a good idea, but she had me trapped in her leg-lock like she was some MMA fighter.

I unloaded inside. With each shot, she trembled and moaned. I didn't realise I had so much in me but as I deflated and pulled out, a copious amount of semen flowed out and she had to catch it with her hand to prevent staining the bed. I looked around for tissues and found them on the study table.

S: That's a lot.

Me: I thought you didn't want me to cum inside?

S: Changed my mind. I can feel each time you ejaculate and it hits me. It's… amazing.

Me: Erm. Ok…

S: I'll get the morning after pill.

We showered again and then fell asleep together. Shirlyn was curled up against my chest.

I wasn't sure what this meant to her, but I was sure what it meant to me. I was just a fuck buddy. And it was probably better if it stayed that way.

Guess I probably should clarify things with her.
Old 13-01-2022, 07:43 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Nice story brother. Keep it up
Old 13-01-2022, 09:04 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Feels like a great week and especially today a great day. Bro shrouded came back to continue his story and bro 1231231233 decided to continues his also. Both superb writer sharing their sexciting life of theirs. Life feels good! Hahaha
Old 13-01-2022, 11:14 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

I survived reading from page 1 to 100. It was really from sexual to something what all men wished to experience and come bittersweet part. Do hope TS found own happiness.

P.s. Consider publishing it.your love life was more drama then mine.
Old 14-01-2022, 08:14 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

I awoke the next morning to Shirlyn's lips around my dickhead. I gotta admit it was a little weird getting morning head from your manager.

I wasn't really feeling up for it for it pulled her up and hugged her instead.

S: My blowjobs suck right?

Me: No…

S: Then why did you stop me?

Me: I don't want it?

S: Because it sucks?

Me: I didn't expect your self esteem to be this low.

S: I've always been like this. Just that I hide it better. I'm not like Rebecca, she's got the body, the looks, and she knows how to flirt with guys.

Me: Why do you feel the need to pleasure me?

S: I don't know. I've been starved for so long. Maybe I just want to pleasure someone who wants to fuck me?

Me: You can just ask, you know. Don't need to give me a blowjob just to get me to fuck you.

S: You're a really weird guy.

Me: I guess I am.

S: It was so hard getting my ex to have sex.

Me: I thought you had a threesome.

S: That was a rare, once-off thing. And I think his friend was more into it then he was.

Me: Let me guess, you broke up shortly after?

S: Yeah. He said he couldn't be with me any more after someone else had slept with me. Even if it was his best friend.

Me: Who initiated the threesome?

S: He did.

Me: That's so sus. Seems like an excuse to break up.

S: I'm sure he enjoyed sex with me, but maybe he was getting bored. All I have are boobs. And even you don't really seem to like them much.

I cupped one and squeezed gently, my thumb and index finger tuning her nipple, getting it hard. She gasped.

Me: Like you said, I'm not really a boobs guy.

S: Why not? Isn't it the first thing a guy notices?

I slid down and took her breast into my mouth, twirling my tongue around her hardened nipple, feeding like a baby. My hand snaked down her body and between her legs, nearly getting caught in the hairy bush, but finding its way to her lower lips. I slid a finger in, she was already wet. My thumb probed around her clit, rubbing it from side to side.

S: Argh. I want you to fuck me.

I stopped suckling.

Me: Can you just enjoy what I'm doing?

S: I was so horny before, I thought sleeping with you would make me less horny, but you're making me even more horny.

Me: Does this mean you want to continue sleeping with me?

S: It's not a good thing. I'm your manager.

Me: So you cannot separate work from personal life?

S: It's not that. What if I get so horny in the office and I want to fuck you?

Me: I guess that's why you have an office?

S: You're crazy.

Me: Well, you started this yesterday.

S: Maybe we should end it today for now and see how things go?

Me: Ok.

S: After you fuck me.

Me: I don't want to.

S: Why…

Me: I don't need to use my dick to pleasure you.

I slid down between her legs, spreading them and went to work. She grabbed my head and ruffled my hair.

S: You're the first guy I met who didn't mind a jungle.

Me: Most guys have lived in the jungle for at least 7 days at one point of time in their lives.

It was lame. I know.

S: What?

Me: When we go outfield in the Army.

S: Huh? That's lame. There's no link- OH MY GOD!

I took her clit into my mouth and sucked, running my tongue along it, while one finger, then two, slowly stroked her insides.

One good thing about Shirlyn was that she came really easily, and it wasn't long before I felt her contracting on my fingers, her lower half trembling.

S: You're faster than my fingers.

Me: I've had a lot of practice.

S: Are you seeing anyone right now?

Me: You mean dating or for sex?

S: Both?

Me: I'm not dating anyone. But I've got an occasional fuck buddy I guess.

S: Oh. Well yeah. I guess that makes sense.

Me: What does?

S: I didn't expect you to be some good monogamous, Catholic boy.

Me: Can you not read so much into my P-File?

S: I wish I could write "Great for orgasms" in your P-File.

Me: Haha. You know everyone reacts differently right? Maybe I just know how to identify what you like.

S: Maybe.

I went back up to kiss her, but she stopped me.

S: Maybe we shouldn't kiss. I don't want to fall for you.

Me: Oh.

S: I can't explain it, but kissing to me is very… emotional?

Me: I'm cool with that. So I'm guessing sex for your is more about satisfying a physical need?

S: Yes.

She flipped me over and got on top of me.

S: Now lie down and let me practice my blowjobs.

I complied obediently.
Old 14-01-2022, 09:10 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

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Old 14-01-2022, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by NottyMonkey View Post
High price to pay for fantasy..
Old 14-01-2022, 01:16 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

New found power FB, cheers!
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