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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-10-2006, 07:50 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by rolly
cannot anyhow say here la... later kena zap

and i only guessing
perhaps i know who is she as well?
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Old 04-10-2006, 07:51 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by rolly
a persisitent pest... just ignore him
bro,u mean persistent?
Next Target : 2888
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Old 04-10-2006, 07:54 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
perhaps i know who is she as well?
Of cus u noe... didn't she force u to SMOKE...heheh
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 04-10-2006, 07:54 PM
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Question Re: Bs Ktv

sorry broz...
me just got back from overseas..

me forgot BS sat got HH anot..

any broz can enlighten me?

about the early tiu for BS?

or any other early tiu for this sat?

Night got dinner.. thanks..
Make me cuM~
Old 04-10-2006, 08:11 PM
rolly rolly is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

so confirm is that one huh???...
Old 04-10-2006, 08:12 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by highkia
sorry broz...
me just got back from overseas..

me forgot BS sat got HH anot..

any broz can enlighten me?

about the early tiu for BS?

or any other early tiu for this sat?

Night got dinner.. thanks..
sat got HH... and u can takeover me for mon's bs outing
Old 04-10-2006, 08:12 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Of cus u noe... didn't she force u to SMOKE...heheh
damn!!!it's her!!&*^%$%^&**##@!!
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Old 04-10-2006, 08:14 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by rolly
sat got HH... and u can takeover me for mon's bs outing
who wan to take over my place for this month BS's outing?
Next Target : 2888
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Thank you all for your kind understanding.
Old 04-10-2006, 08:18 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
who wan to take over my place for this month BS's outing?
u are mr stand-at-commandpost. no one can take over la
Old 04-10-2006, 08:28 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by rolly
u are mr stand-at-commandpost. no one can take over la
but i won't be there for this month,need to find stand-in,any volunteers?
Next Target : 2888
Do leave your nick if you upzz me so that I can return favor.
I sincerely seek your kind patience as there is a list of favors I need to return.
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Thank you all for your kind understanding.
Old 05-10-2006, 03:01 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by plman2002
Thats the spirit bro.
Grab the most chio she will oso butterfly n land in other rooms.
unless you bao her the whole HH session.
Like I said before, they're basically just whores under different packaging.
Not really worth the effort of chasing after them. They want my hard-earned dollars, then they need to impress me, not the other way round.

Sometimes the key to coming out ahead in a transaction is to be secure in the knowledge that they need you more than you need them.

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Old 05-10-2006, 10:55 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by newbadass
Like I said before, they're basically just whores under different packaging.
Not really worth the effort of chasing after them. They want my hard-earned dollars, then they need to impress me, not the other way round.

Sometimes the key to coming out ahead in a transaction is to be secure in the knowledge that they need you more than you need them.
I 100% agree with newbadass! Why must we try to sweet talk those PRCs, make them happy so that they will stay longer and end up you still have to pay them. They should be the one to pamper us, make us happy and make our spending there worth it. Cannot play? Just chase them out of the room. Simple! But ofcourse there are alot of carrotheads around to spoil the market.
Old 05-10-2006, 11:36 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Shiokday
uncle u leem guni no jio me..
You go leem GT also no jio me mah keke you want guni? get from her loh
18 mths 签证 for GF 二奶 三奶
Old 05-10-2006, 08:39 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Off Topics: I suspect Lajeebye and Iluvbaboo are the same person..

This person post fake FR about his visit to DHC.. (His FR is fake... He mentioned Joey is C cups and how Joey bring tea to massage room.. and how Joey wait for taxi after work..

DHC dont allow tea to massage room... and Joey is not C-cupper and there is no taxi stand near DHC.. (If there is a C-cupper, we will all know )

He just copied FR from Lexon thread and repharsed as his own..

Look at this Lexon thread...(quite similar)

Iluvbaboo, if you like to preach Christianity, why must you post disgusting pictures and post fake FR, do you think your religion allow that???
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 06-10-2006, 12:47 AM
dream-wtf dream-wtf is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

well dun have to bother abt this idot lah,.. he is just 2 free n wants some attention..
Link to Gals I've Bonk FR
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