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Old 22-08-2013, 09:56 AM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by FuckingHi View Post
This is really "nonsen5es", totally make no "sen5e". Didn't cum is your problem which don't pay Fl? Go bonk did not bring money such lame excuses. Just post theit ctc and SBF nick here for OKT to warn the FL.
What a sinful thing to do
Old 22-08-2013, 11:52 AM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by sinful View Post
What a sinful thing to do
Totally agree wif u bro. It is not v appropriate n logical to do such thing s posting ppl numbers arnd. It may turn out to b FL nt happy wif certain bros posting genuine bad FR abt them n decide to sabo them. Or watever reasons. If may scare off potential chiongsters.

If 1 fine day yr hp no is posted in tis forum, hw do u feel??? Esp if u feel u r a victim.
Old 22-08-2013, 12:30 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Partly is also due to TS greed of having many girls on one hand. If you realise as one TS number of girls went up. The more likely chances of bad fl you get is higher.

Is not possible to have good communication for one person and monitor 50 overs girls. Usually those TS who are selective has better chances of success.

I frequent FLs widely from different places. Those who i have posted FRs are of quality standard. As compared with last year there is hardly any QC by TS widely across board girls start to let loose and jump to numerous stable getting off hand. This is one of the main reason why girls are so comfortable jumping around unlike before. But last time customers sees TS who QC is badass and just wanted sex. But after so long as TS Bonking hobby has turned to a job. The feeling is different. A number of girls whom I QC I will actually feedback on their services and also to educate them. One of a few girls whom successfully listen to my advice was ava, and last year le er where in terms of looks they aren't angelic like others but their service and attitude are of tip top condition as possible. Is tough to find the right balance to who you should put into consideration first.

DarkLord may have upset many sbf chiongster from the way he works. But the girls are pleased with him in making their business good. A very simple tactic, accept all sorts of girls be it good or bad, more income, more funds for advertising. More nicks more thread.

Or a daring action like AlanLee who post video. While video may look good at times there is likely chances some customers will bound to get f up outcome. Video is for show. Not hidden cam where is a real customer who is having sex with fl.

There are a number of FLs who have requested me to take video and advertise for them. And I've yet to consider how to go about it the other way round.
If any of you guys remembered there was a sex vocal clip from Vivian.

Whichever advertising method you use there are always flaw and it's side effect. Is either minor or major.

Last edited by chewyfruit; 22-08-2013 at 12:55 PM.
Old 22-08-2013, 01:12 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by sporeknight76 View Post
Totally agree wif u bro. It is not v appropriate n logical to do such thing s posting ppl numbers arnd. It may turn out to b FL nt happy wif certain bros posting genuine bad FR abt them n decide to sabo them. Or watever reasons. If may scare off potential chiongsters.

If 1 fine day yr hp no is posted in tis forum, hw do u feel??? Esp if u feel u r a victim.
As long as yr hp no is from another person identity or well kept from your oc doesn't matter as long it don't affect your personal life. I don't care how okt do their business not my concern as long as don't affect bros' safety.

There are certain fls who had and yes their china bf / toyboy lurking around and threaten customers and geniune case, i already swore with bros that hell and total destruction will be upon anyone that disrupt the fine balance of a safe and happy bonking which the rules for chiongsters since many years ago.
One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

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Old 22-08-2013, 01:40 PM
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Cool Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by FuckingHi View Post
This is really "nonsen5es", totally make no "sen5e". Didn't cum is your problem which don't pay Fl? Go bonk did not bring money such lame excuses. Just post theit ctc and SBF nick here for OKT to warn the FL.
Confirm is this guy? If really is, then this cheebye kooniang go fuck and bang wall, no money dun come out and play. Knn , you nvr cum is ur blardy business and nvr bring enough money is on purpose or u bo lui? Lol
Old 22-08-2013, 01:55 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by steroidfreak View Post
Confirm is this guy? If really is, then this cheebye kooniang go fuck and bang wall, no money dun come out and play. Knn , you nvr cum is ur blardy business and nvr bring enough money is on purpose or u bo lui? Lol
Means what pay on credit sibo.

As long you fixed appointment you pay as long you didn't reject on the spot you need to pay, cum no cum still need to pay.. tips very subjective unless you wanna KC her
One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

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Old 23-08-2013, 01:57 AM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by FuckingHi View Post
This is really "nonsen5es", totally make no "sen5e". Didn't cum is your problem which don't pay Fl? Go bonk did not bring money such lame excuses. Just post theit ctc and SBF nick here for OKT to warn the FL.
Hi bro, you also know it him who do such shameful thing
Old 23-08-2013, 09:27 AM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by chewyfruit View Post

Or a daring action like AlanLee who post video. While video may look good at times there is likely chances some customers will bound to get f up outcome. Video is for show.

Whichever advertising method you use there are always flaw and it's side effect. Is either minor or major.
Yes and no. With video it stimulates potential chiongsters and chances of making a booking increase. However, I tried several AlanLeeSG gals and the conclusion is mix. Some are 20 minute job (strip, shower, bonk and go) and absolutely unlike the videos. But some are full of GFE that I went back for a few times.
Old 23-08-2013, 09:37 AM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

The back fire is their calls and sms will be too much to handle. Causing them to miss appointment or got confused with other booking.

Originally Posted by Dixon View Post
Yes and no. With video it stimulates potential chiongsters and chances of making a booking increase. However, I tried several AlanLeeSG gals and the conclusion is mix. Some are 20 minute job (strip, shower, bonk and go) and absolutely unlike the videos. But some are full of GFE that I went back for a few times.
Old 23-08-2013, 09:50 AM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by chewyfruit View Post
The back fire is their calls and sms will be too much to handle. Causing them to miss appointment or got confused with other booking.
Bro the gal should know i customer their time eithrt $90 or $100 1 hour this the giide for them to manage the call or sms dun becos too many sms or call
Old 23-08-2013, 03:24 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by chewyfruit View Post
The back fire is their calls and sms will be too much to handle. Causing them to miss appointment or got confused with other booking.
True, true. Another experience to highlight is that many FLs today don't bother to reply if they are fully book. Unlike the good old days where most FLs would respond if they are booked for the time slot requested. The situation becomes difficult as when after chiongster books a FL after the first enquiry goes un-responded for a period of time, the first FL suddenly replies and say OK. Either way, one FL will say we chiongter fly her aeroplane...

PS. bro chewyfruit, did try your goods. So far so good.
Old 23-08-2013, 04:05 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by davidwee View Post
Anyone try the gals at lor 28? Tempted to bonk 2 gals there but last thread mentioned the gals service not good.
Honestly bros. Those standing FLs along G-land, their svc v chop chop. They hav mentality tat these guys all one-time customers, so u wont get too much gfe. They also wan to go bk there n stand n find new customers. Those giv gfe n gd svc r fr tis Dome2 forum, but tat was in the PAST. Nw i already sian liao. Cant find FLs tat r ok looking n prov gd svc anymore. <sign>...
Old 23-08-2013, 06:17 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

dont understand what u mean? you won't understand the hardship replying over 50-100 sms of different customer with just numbers shown... is tough to keep track and get annoyed by those people asking tons of question or request.

Originally Posted by fulp70 View Post
Bro the gal should know i customer their time eithrt $90 or $100 1 hour this the giide for them to manage the call or sms dun becos too many sms or call
there are too many bo liao ppl who sms and no show, or MIA. where people can easily list over 500 CMI numbers within a year. we may blame the girls for pushing our appointment ETC... but the cause maybe by those idiot who are late by 30-60mins, last min no show, session is 1 hour but still haven shot exceeding their time.

i have personally waited quite a number of FLs due to the cause of those black sheep. but personally there is one FL who actually fly my kite. for whole night, waited for 3 hours plus she end up telling me book her tmr? lol that is real joke.

Originally Posted by Dixon View Post
True, true. Another experience to highlight is that many FLs today don't bother to reply if they are fully book. Unlike the good old days where most FLs would respond if they are booked for the time slot requested. The situation becomes difficult as when after chiongster books a FL after the first enquiry goes un-responded for a period of time, the first FL suddenly replies and say OK. Either way, one FL will say we chiongter fly her aeroplane...

PS. bro chewyfruit, did try your goods. So far so good.
Old 24-08-2013, 03:21 AM
yoshii yoshii is offline
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by chewyfruit View Post
dont understand what u mean? you won't understand the hardship replying over 50-100 sms of different customer with just numbers shown... is tough to keep track and get annoyed by those people asking tons of question or request.
Then maybe they should try not to reply so many customers if they can't keep track. Bro, CF, perhaps you can use this as a test for your girls. If they can't handle the hardship of replying and keeping track then perhaps they should find another job.

Originally Posted by chewyfruit View Post
there are too many bo liao ppl who sms and no show, or MIA. where people can easily list over 500 CMI numbers within a year. we may blame the girls for pushing our appointment ETC... but the cause maybe by those idiot who are late by 30-60mins, last min no show, session is 1 hour but still haven shot exceeding their time.
it's a service industry la bro, it should be expected and they should learn to deal with it. At least if they are really unhappy they can push the job away and refuse to work. Where someone else working in customer service will still have to suck thumb, smile and continue with their jobs.
Old 24-08-2013, 09:40 AM
sporeknight76 sporeknight76 is offline
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by yoshii View Post
Then maybe they should try not to reply so many customers if they can't keep track. Bro, CF, perhaps you can use this as a test for your girls. If they can't handle the hardship of replying and keeping track then perhaps they should find another job.

it's a service industry la bro, it should be expected and they should learn to deal with it. At least if they are really unhappy they can push the job away and refuse to work. Where someone else working in customer service will still have to suck thumb, smile and continue with their jobs.
Totally agree wif u bro. They shld knw tat "They hav only 1 mouth, don overeat n choke". They r going by "who come 1st, svc him 1st". Wat apptment is bullshit. Do things fast n chop chop, svc next one available". I hav encounter too many esp those wif their own rm. Tats y those who only do rm, i hav rule them out totally. Hygiene is another reason. Estimate waiting time 20-45min.

I thin TS shld educate those FL to keep to their apptment wif bros who confirmed. Thoze fly aeroplane shld blacklist them. Those late 30min or watever, shld let them knw can only do 1 shot. There r some bros who waited too long, face black black, may write bad FR on them. These is too risky s most chiongsters read tis forum.

A FL for example can svc 6-8 customer per day. Easy easy 600-1200 per day. Imagine hw much they can earn per mth minus great aunt visit. U guys do the calculations. 1 mth can hit 8-10k aft all expenses deducted.

Y so greedy till make their customers fed up, complain here there. Wont do them any gd.
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