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Old 27-07-2007, 12:55 AM
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Thumbs down Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by raymond_ralim View Post
why waste our HARD earn $$ on them let them cheat us $$ n bring sillypore $$ back to china to become another millionair. Do sit back n think of this do we get TRUE love from them. Is very sad to see a family broken up by china mei mei. There is a saying from china women 'if we don't cheat sillypore men's $$ what are we here for' THE ABOVE IS JUST WHAT I HEARD N SEE IF I HAVE OFTEN ANYONE 'SORRY'
Hey what did i said wrongly i kena deduct point for nothing someone quote" i offence him "i here just to express my OWN though this form all abt..anyway i quit cause i believe this form belong to all the senior with points n use it to deduct people point once they heard something they don't like
Old 27-07-2007, 06:10 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by lacoruna69 View Post
Really admire you Bro. Down here is SGP, no matter how well we treat our own ladies, we are still treated like shit.
Yeah bro, that's why after years of being maltreated in home territory, i decided to venture into the unexplored depths of the wild wild east but now, even though i can speak shanghainese and communicate effectively in chinese, i still feel there's a cultural and communication barrier with the ladies .. many times i prefer a good conversation rather than sex (low sex drive due to age i guess), but at times it's like hitting a brick wall when u want them to understand what u are talking about. the fun comes from banging the wall down, i guess

Old 27-07-2007, 07:12 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by DiabloX View Post
...but at times it's like hitting a brick wall when u want them to understand what u are talking about. the fun comes from banging the wall down, i guess

Hmmmm... their religion is $$$ and your religion is
Old 27-07-2007, 07:28 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

looks like some bros here
are suffering from
brain damage ???

as long as you tell them
you got no $money$
they'll disappear lah ???

why bother to be nice to them ???

rite now a MM asking me to visit her in China,
I tell her I got no money
then after change hp ---- haha WTF !
Old 27-07-2007, 08:35 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by soberguy View Post
Hmmmm... their religion is $$$ and your religion is
hmm honestly, i used to enjoy the challenge of getting free f**ks from these ladies .. but nowadays the thrill is wearing thin. hehe religion? i follow the teachings of chairman mao
Old 27-07-2007, 08:40 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by jon2000sg View Post
looks like some bros here
are suffering from
brain damage ???

as long as you tell them
you got no $money$
they'll disappear lah ???

why bother to be nice to them ???

rite now a MM asking me to visit her in China,
I tell her I got no money
then after change hp ---- haha WTF !

yeah bro, i know exactly what u mean. usually my opening line is "i've no money", then the game begins. my opinion is that not all ladies are after money, and we guys can still treat them with "feng du" regardless of what they are like. haha it's so cheap and easy to get mobile lines in china, i know some girls who change numbers once a week, or hold different lines for different sugar daddies ...
Old 27-07-2007, 10:02 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by Grimwell View Post
Share with you guys a true story and is still happening...
I know a PRC student and she is seeing 4 men at one time.
Best of all the 4 men knew she is seeing the other 3.
Each of the 4 men has their role. One will pay her room rental, one for her hp etc etc... I ask her any of the 4 ever ask her to leave the 3. She replied yes provided he can alone pay all the expenses of the 3 and she will be 100% his. This PRC is only 19 years old and I believe there are more PRC doing the same thing. Anyway she will only let the one paid the most to bed her. The rest can only touch touch.
Walan eh, haven't seen any bugger more dumb than this. "can only touch touch". In GL, you can get a great FL, very young, very pretty for all of $100 and with superlative service if you tell her you give big fat tip.
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Old 27-07-2007, 10:14 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by phallusman View Post
Walan eh, haven't seen any bugger more dumb than this. "can only touch touch". In GL, you can get a great FL, very young, very pretty for all of $100 and with superlative service if you tell her you give big fat tip.
hahaha , this is so call an agreement .

but one things to be sure , sometimes guy will lost what they do.
because i got the same feeling too............
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Old 28-07-2007, 11:46 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by DiabloX View Post
yeah bro, i know exactly what u mean. usually my opening line is "i've no money", then the game begins. my opinion is that not all ladies are after money, and we guys can still treat them with "feng du" regardless of what they are like....
Same as my opening line too but then.. sometimes they like to stick around to probe deeper wor. I know one FL who said I so poor.. no car or anything etc.. but yet when she said her friend's sg guy drive a Nissan Cefiro & I said, hey.. that is not expensive! Then her $$$ antenna raise up. Told me that I made her so confused... claim that to be poor but said that car is cheap.. lol..

But then again, they don't understand how we think too. Cefiro is cheap compared to continental car of the same class & compare price now with few years ago, it is cheaper. To her, she probably think bigger car is better.
Old 29-07-2007, 01:01 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by OceanEleven View Post
Seen far too many cases of fellas panicking between bonks and cons. Perhaps we should rightfully ask ourselves what we expect from these girls. If simply for a FB or companionship, then what do we have to offer? If you are already married but happened to hook up with such a gal, then what do you want from such a relationship? Get the best bonk of your life till you get tired of her and you move on to next fresh meat or willing to get commit to her as a potential life partner. Well, she has what you want but what’s installed for her then?

Like your own OC, GF, CO etc, if you are unable to contribute to the relationship in terms of love, care and most importantly money, and then what good are you to her then. Continue for you to graze on her or perhaps time for her to move on to greener pastures. Survival is the issue here; sometimes even the best of pals will fall out at the slightest things, let alone relationship base on sex and money.

Not all are the same, rather than bitching about what happened, perhaps we should proceed with caution. Like most Sing men, we let feelings and emotions to rule rather than logic and common sense. We prefer to believe what we think is right rather than what is right. So move on then, continue to do as your wish but be prepare for the back draft as well.
Well said, Ocean11 - Well, I was with one gal for like 6months or so. Since the very beginning, I told her straight in the face that if she tries to get big bucks, please look elsewhere. She was 25 and I am 20yrs older. She said that she feels very comfortable to be with me. One thing is that I got to be taller than her and she is tall by any standard, from Dongbei. At first, I was sort of puzzled as to why she liked to stick to me. I am just an average looking guy and she could only get just a meal or other cheapo stuff from me. She explained to me that what she wanted was just to have someone to cling on to, just like a ship needs an anchor, a shoulder to cry on.

For a PRC gal to be far away from home, they have their hardships, their difficulties, stress, risk of getting arrested, etc. So, getting some moral support is sort of essential. I guess this is a win-win relationship.
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Old 30-07-2007, 08:04 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by phallusman View Post
Well said, Ocean11 - Well, I was with one gal for like 6months or so. Since the very beginning, I told her straight in the face that if she tries to get big bucks, please look elsewhere. She was 25 and I am 20yrs older. She said that she feels very comfortable to be with me. One thing is that I got to be taller than her and she is tall by any standard, from Dongbei. At first, I was sort of puzzled as to why she liked to stick to me. I am just an average looking guy and she could only get just a meal or other cheapo stuff from me. She explained to me that what she wanted was just to have someone to cling on to, just like a ship needs an anchor, a shoulder to cry on.

For a PRC gal to be far away from home, they have their hardships, their difficulties, stress, risk of getting arrested, etc. So, getting some moral support is sort of essential. I guess this is a win-win relationship.
Agreed, most times in such cases they are in it so there is at least one person whom she is close too and no material gains in consideration but spiritual and moral support. If this is the case, just do your best and enjoy
Old 30-07-2007, 01:40 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by phallusman View Post
She explained to me that what she wanted was just to have someone to cling on to, just like a ship needs an anchor, a shoulder to cry on. For a PRC gal to be far away from home, they have their hardships, their difficulties, stress, risk of getting arrested, etc. So, getting some moral support is sort of essential. I guess this is a win-win relationship.
These PRC gals are human too, they do have feeling too, beside some very "bad" sheeps. The key is to care and concern about not difficult......but one gotta to be sincere.....they are no dumb and dumbers...
Old 30-07-2007, 07:50 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by O2-XDA View Post
These PRC gals are human too, they do have feeling too, beside some very "bad" sheeps. The key is to care and concern about not difficult......but one gotta to be sincere.....they are no dumb and dumbers...
agreed , but in their mind ........u love them then u have to contribute more to them, in fact , now a day , money is a back up energy for care and concern
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Old 31-07-2007, 11:18 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by G+++ING View Post
money is a back up energy for care and concern
true.....i dont disagree with your statement.......
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