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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
谢绝抄袭,请认清楚飞利浦 最近,很多兄弟跟我们反应有同行抄袭模仿我们,我们推出什么他们就推出什么。在这边有必须要澄清的几样事情 。。 所有sn和高端模特都不需要给定金,而且如果是incall的话,我们都是有安排交通接送,你只需要负责开 心的去玩,其他的交给我们。见到美眉时候发觉货不对版时候,也可以第一时间跟我们确认,可以拒绝接受,我们 会第一时间帮你安排其他的。 不管是中文,英文,马来语,日语我们都可以帮你安排妥当。你也可以同时比较下我们的价格,绝对是同城内最优 惠的价格保证。 有个好消息是我们的sn90分钟两次除了安排深圳,广州,东莞,和珠海地区以外,马上也会开通成都,重庆, 海口,三亚,长沙等地,敬请期待。。 当然,我们中国全国各地★包括香港,澳门和台湾,也可以安排高端模特(1次/过夜),上门和包房都有。有注意我们微信朋友圈的话,你也可以发现我们2018年也花了时间,金钱和精力去 开拓日本夜生活市场,现在全日本都可以安排泡泡浴,日本av和日本伴游, 有需要的兄弟们都可以随时微信咨询我。 ktv全中国也能安排,好多地方都是自己亲自去考察探路,不是别的同行连去都没去过然后就告诉你说可以代订 ,里面装修是怎样的,消费是怎样的,美女素质是怎样的一窍不通,到头来问题多多不懂得帮你把关 消费。。 我们提供的服务,是精益求精,做到最完美地步,我不喜欢抄袭同行。飞利浦提供的服务,都是亲自亲为花时间精 神金钱地去开发,所以当你来中国寻找开心玩乐的时候, 请真正的认清楚我们的商标★飞利浦团队★,还有提醒一句,外面还有很多人还会冒充是我的团队或合作伙伴,所 以要谨慎的不要上当受骗。。 最后一句话还是强调的 我们的服务广告词很多同行会抄袭,不过只是抄袭表面而不知道里面的精髓所在,来中国或日本旅游或玩乐,你需 要是一个对你用心服务,多方面为你着想的兄弟帮你安排一切,让你玩得开心安心安全~~致懂得选 择的你.. Copyright of Team Phillip There were some feedback from the brothers that few competitors in the market has copied what we do when we launch our services in the market. I would like to clarify a few things here. Deposits for all SN services and high end model are not required. If it is an incall services we will make transportation arrangement, all you need to do is to relax and have fun, we will handle the rest. When you meet up with the girl and you think that she does not look like anything you have picked, you can confirm with us and reject the services. We can make alternative arrangement for you as well. If there are language barrier or preferences such as Chinese, English, Malay or even Japanese, we can organize it nicely for you. You can also compare our price, guarantee the most economical in the same city that you are visiting. Good news is that our SN services for 90/2 will open up Chengdu, Chongqing, Haikou, Sanya and Changsha cities on top of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Zhuhai. Of course our services cover the whole country including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. If you are keen on High-end Model services (1 time or overnight), we offer both in call and out call services too. If you are in our weChat group, you will notice that we have spent quite a lot of time exploring new options at Japan night life, so now we can make arrangements for the bubble bath in Japan, also for AV and escort services. Anyone interested can send your inquiry to us. As for the KTV services we can make arrangement for the whole of China, which we explore the options ourselves. Not like other competitors where they may not have visited the venue themselves, not sure about how it looks like and the spending structures. If you can’t even tell what kind of quality you can get, later you might hit into a problem where the expenditure does not meet the quality and your expectations. We always aim to service you better as the time passes, and being perfect is always our business motto. We don’t like and don’t want to copy anyone from anywhere. All services we offer is something we spent time and effort to create. When you come to China for fun, please recognize our branding, Team Phillip. A gentle reminder that some of the competitors will fake themselves as our business associates or counterparts, be mindful not to be deceived. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() Danshui is not available for fun at the moment and Zhuhai is somehow too far for some of brothers preference, so many of you have gathered back at CP. I heard that few KTVs here has secretly arrange costume viewing but the girl quality is quite questionable. I will provide some live updates within the next couple of days. Right now the CP KTV still primarily focus on photo album viewing with the price of 6.20.25/7.25.30. If you need the service I will recommend to select earlier to avoid last min disappointment. SN 90mins/2 still there with in and out call available, about few tens of them for selection, same reminder to start picking earlier. When you are out here for fun, the most important element must be the safety of your own self, please go for reliable party to make your entertainment choices, if you trusted the wrong person and got yourselves into trouble, all they will do is to disappear on you and not replying your messages. 现在淡水暂时不能玩乐 很多兄弟觉得珠海太远又不怎么想去,纷纷都回来CP聚一下,现在听说有几家KTV有偷偷安排美女穿dj衣服 给你选,不过质量以前是很差的,现在怎么样,过两天给你们live update.... 目前常平KTV还是以看照片模式为主6.20.25/7.25.30, 需要的请早点安排,不要最后一分钟才想到我,美女们都上班了。。另外sn90分钟两次还是照旧有incal l/outcall, 每天都有几十个给你选,还是一样温馨提示早点预约。。 出来玩乐放松,安全回家是重点,请找靠谱的安排,不要随便相信所谓妈咪.司机DJ等,真出事了他们删你微信 找不到人。。 Last edited by japantvb; 16-03-2019 at 11:50 AM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
Hi bro try adding you on wechat, but no respond from you yer.
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
phillip8864 Thanks, |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() Danshui is on high alert recently so a lot of brother come joined me at CP for the new 4 in 1 package. If you are keen to know more details please contact us and we will share the fun with you. 最近淡水没得玩了 很多兄弟找我安排在常平玩乐,我们推出了4in1 的新玩法,想知道怎样的配套和玩法,欢迎联系我们 |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() The SN services are highly value for money at CP compare to Shenzhen and Guangzhou. The real person is often 90% match of the photo album photos. They are also available for in and out calls. Those who come have fun in CP please contact us for more details, we have lowest price guarantee among all our competitors. Daily we have 40-50 of the service ladies available. 常平SN性价比非常高,相对深圳和广州比的话一点也不差,而且9成照片和真人都match,还可以inca ll 和outcall, 有来常平玩乐的朋友们,记得我们可以安排哦,全同行最优惠美价格,而且每天40-50位上班,请提前预约,谢谢 Last edited by japantvb; 18-03-2019 at 03:22 PM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() CP SN90 mins2Q, be it with or without your own hotel rooms, you can still enjoy the services. If you come over from GZ or SZ by CRH train, it will only take you 30 mins. We will arrange a transportation to pick you up and send you to the destination, it’s that simple. With a or of choices and good services, look for us for arrangement. CP sn90min2q 特别安排 没有安排酒店,无所谓照样可以玩 , 从广州或者深圳坐和谐号crh train过来, 只需要30分钟到常平站,我们有专车接送你到他们的地方,就是那么容易那么简单,而且选择多, 服务好,快快找我们预定吧。。 Last edited by japantvb; 18-03-2019 at 04:45 PM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() Huizhou situation is rather messy recently, while we are waiting for the full recovery, we saw signs at CP that it fills the gaps with stable grow in the entertainment arena. Now we can arrange the KTV viewing in DJ uniforms at FuHao and Huihua, this includes early photo selection starting at 12pm. The minimum spending of the KTV rooms are quite economical too. Those of you who plan to have fun at CP, give us a chance to try our services. You will find that the way we have fun is different from the others, with many discounts and surprises at every turn. 常平KTV 新玩法 惠州最近有点局势动乱,在等待开回之前,常平有点慢慢复苏了。。 现在有安排富豪和汇华KTV真人选(穿dj工衣)和 提前看照片先选(每天中午12点开始挑选),KTV包厢价格也很漂亮优惠,有来常平玩KTV的朋友们,请给 我们一次安排的机会,你会觉得我们的安排是跟你以前的玩法不一样,而且康头比谁都强。。 Last edited by japantvb; 19-03-2019 at 12:16 AM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() Someone asked me what is Changping 4-in-1 playing style 1. Beautiful masseurs at Pao Zu Lin As long as you plan to spend your money here, I will foot the bill for you with more discounts. In case you are interested to get someone out for KTV fun and singing, I can also help you with more discounts to buy off her working hour at PZL so it is cheaper for you to get her out. Take note this does not include any other spending outside of her work place. 2. Usually Changping KTV singing time starts around 7:30-8pm, if you book the room through us, you can pre select the ladies who are free, they will wait for you in the KTV room at appointed time. 3. There are two KTV at Changping where you can select the ladies in real person with DJ outfit. We will make the booking for your selection. 4. Of course, if you need to find a quick release before the KTV session, or even after, we can always arrange the in call / out call services for you. There are as many as 50 working personnel on daily basis, guarantee satisfaction. Changping, a small leisure town, we have everything for you here. 最近有人问我什么是常平4合1玩法 1.宝足林按摩美女技师 只要你来消费,找我买单有打折,如果你看中那个技师想带去KTV唱歌,找我买她的钟还有更多的 打折。。 2.一般常平KTV唱歌时间是7.30~8点晚上开始,找我们预定KTV, 你可以提前先跟我们预约当天有空的美女,预约成功后就会按照你指定的时间去你ktv房等你。。 3. 常平目前有两间ktv穿dj制服给你选择,你喜欢看真人选的话,可以帮你安排妥当。。 4.当然,在KTV唱歌之前你想找个快餐要服务的,或者ktv以后需要找个快餐服务的,都可以安排 , incall/outcall 都没问题,每天上班人数多达50位,保证让你满意。。 常平,一个悠闲的小镇,出喝玩乐都齐全 Last edited by japantvb; 19-03-2019 at 09:03 PM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
A short review of my recent 4D3N experience in CP led by Philip for our group of 12 pax.
Day 1 A fuse free experience of transiting from HKIA to CP by his well coordinated MPV transfer, followed by ease in checking in to the Hotel. Had a decent meal recommended by Philip before all of us choose to redeem the free foot massage at BZL that relaxes our tiring leg from all the traveling. We were given tons of photos to choose for our night from time to time in the afternoon. As it was our first night, i believed everyone would rather see a lady in their own eyes rather than depending on photos as many would agree that photos are deceiving. The KTV is decent and we were given the biggest room that occupy the entire floor, i would say it is damn huge... kinda like a size of 5 room flat. Theres nothing much to mention about the KTV as it is kinda similar to any other KTV. The ladies there were kinda just decent looking. Philip had mentioned that the ladies from the photos he sent are generally much more beautiful. At this juncture, 后悔也太晚了. The rest of the night are pretty SOP with nothing much to mentioned except that Philip is always there to ensure everything runs smoothly. Day 2 Most of us decided to go BZL in the afternoon for massage and the experience i had is seamless. Take the wrist tag, message Philip the tag number, enjoy the massage and pass the wrist tag to the cashier without the need to make payment. Philip will gather all the transaction we made for the day and make payment, hence all we had to do is to pass him the money thereafter with discount from the retailed price. Some chooses to buy time off for BZL massage lady to join us for our evening drinking session. Do note that there is also discount for this service as well. While some decided to use the choose the lady from photo service. I had experienced it first hand on the promptness and responsiveness of Philip in the process such as sending and updating photos, confirmation, etc. It is just as simple as ABC with his style of arrangement. We decided to go to a “normal” KTV which is somewhat like kbox. Again, nothing much on the KTV except that it look much newer that yesterday’s one. Most of the ladies that were chosen are already seated there waiting for us to arrived. I can say that you gotta expect slight difference of the actual person as compared to photo shown. But the difference are minute and in my opinion, they look way better than ladies from yesterday’s KTV. Yet again, Philip is around to ensure everything is well executed and all is good. Day 3 Kinda have the same thing that I did on Day 2 except that some of us decided to engage the SN service. Some chooses outcall while some chooses incall and it is just personal preference. Again, the simplicity of the process really make your mind at ease. Its kinda like see, order and collect with every steps well explained and coordinated. Well, you gotta give some “discount” to the photos you see but it is not as if you see a different person. However, the lady’s service is as stated and i would say it is top notch with every penny well spent. We decided to have a “Rest” night and drink at the same KTV on Day 2 with some fun drinking with the KJs in the room. Our group had basically explored the 4 in 1 CP experience that he had mentioned. With such a huge group, messages were flying around for various request and Philip deal with it expeditiously to ensure our needs are met. All in all, i felt that safety, ease of mind, seamless coordination, responsiveness and plenty of entertainment variety are important consideration factors for such trip. In my opinion, I felt that Philip definitely ace it based on the experience i had. A genuine guy that aim to served you well so that you are able to achieve an unforgettable experience. Thumbs up for the service rendered to us!
She Bang She Bang |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
Gentle Reminder Recently quite a bit of people asked me if it is worth the trip to play at Chaozhou or Qingyuan area, I run a quick check and found that quite a lot of Danshui Mummy and Associates actually had sales target over those areas, my personal opinion is that those places are not for catered for overseas guests from Singapore and Malaysia, safety is a well known issue over there and if anything happened who is going to help you? It is not wrong if you have old friends there who you wanted to render your support, but for me there is really no strong reason to bring groups of friends there to risk at KTV over the ulu-ness, the prices are not a lot cheaper where the transportation options are limited with risk of personal safety. Latest KTV status Shenzhen - Business as usual Huizhou - Photo Album viewing and selection, turning normal soon Danshui - Still No No ! Changping - Viewing in real person and choosing from Photo Album. Guangzhou - Business as usual Zhuhai - Business as usual Welcome to all brothers who come to Guangdong Province for fun, please look for us for your bookings, we will make sure you get good price with proper arrangements. 温馨提示 最近很多人问我值不值得去潮州或者清远地方玩,我查了一下,原来淡水很多妈咪和业务跑去那边,我只是温馨提 醒一下你们,那些地方不适合我们新马人去开心放松的,除了治安很差以外,如果是发生了什么事情,谁会来帮忙 到你? 有些时候特地跑去那么远地方支持老朋友的场是没错,但是带着一班朋友去冒险去那么ulu地方玩ktv,三思 而后行,毕竟价位不便宜而且交通不方便然后又不是很安全。。 最近更新各地KTV状况 深圳正常 惠州市看照片,马上可以好 淡水不可以 常平看真人和提前照片选 广州正常 珠海正常 *欢迎有来广东KTV开心的兄弟们联系找我们安排,价格实惠,安排妥当 Last edited by japantvb; 21-03-2019 at 11:08 PM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
Changping is a small town at Dongguan, if you prefer leisure life style then this is the place for you. During the day you can go for attractive masseurs’ massaging services, at night the KTV sessions can be arranged, both selections by real person and photo albums. In case you have high numbers of individuals, just get an extra large KTV room with 10 dozens of beers plus a couple of free dozens, it will only cost you 3000rmb, considered rather cheap by comparisons. Canton fair is just around the corner, if you haven’t figure out where to stay you can choose to stay at Changping, where it’s 90 mins to Canton fair without having to deal with the price hike of the hotel rooms. Look for team Phillip when it comes to organizing such trips for you, you will have a peace of mind.
常平一个小镇,你如果喜欢悠闲的话,这边非常适合你。 白天可以安排美女按摩技师帮你按摩,晚上可以安排KTV,有真人选也有照片提前选。。 就算你们人很多,来个特大的KTV房,10打啤酒再送你两打才消费3000,非常划算。。 广交会马上要到了,还没想到哪里住方便的话,可以过来常平,毕竟去广交会才90分钟,而且客房不涨价。。玩 乐找我安全靠谱开心。。 |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() 3月 MARCH CP PROMOTION 凡事有安排常平,惠州,深圳定KTV 至少2晚的,人数不限,我们可以赠送你美女脚底按摩1个钟,让你们回味以前美好的常平[愉快]March CP Promotion - anyone who booked KTV at CP, Huizhou or Shenzhen for a minimum of 2 nights, we will give you a free foot massage by pretty masseur. Remind you of the good old memories of CP. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() MIRATON new wing KTV, 880RMB onwards starting Recently due to some issues DANSHUI is not a very good choice of entertainment spot. Many brothers have come to Changping looking for alternative arrangements. There are still Changping KTV opened but more of the family type, there are no gal selections. If there are needs you can choose from the photo album, do take note don't do it last minute, the left over quality can be questionable. Our recommendation is to choose someone during the day and bring them along with you at night to the bar or KTV. Miraton Hotel KTV has been renovated too, minimum spending of RMB880 include 4 dozens of beers. The promotion starts from 8pm all the way to 2am, sounds really worth it isn't it? We can book all KTV rooms for you in Changping, just send us a message and we will get it done. On top of this, one of the unspecified KTV can provide gal choosing in real person, but the hardware and software are less than ideal, so do it at your own risks. We can also make arrangement for SN 90 mins/2 times, with relatively good pricing compare to Shenzhen and Guangzhou. If you are at Dongguan Changping, just say hello to us, our stories may just began... 最近淡水不能玩,很多兄弟都跑过来常平找我安排。。 常平的KTV还是有开的,不过属于family type,没有陪坐女孩给你选 ,如果需要可以提前看照片安排,注意的是不要最后一分钟,剩下的真不多,最好建议选修时间是下午选晚上的, 可以带去酒吧或者KTV。。 像以上最新装修的二期美怡登 ,880低消还包括4打啤酒,这么优惠从晚上8点玩到半夜2点,觉得值不值得?所有常平的KTV我们都可以 代订,欢迎咨询。。 另外,也有人说某KTV有真人选,这个也可以安排,不过质量有点欠差,硬件和软件都不理想。。 。 除了KTV和酒吧以外,我们也可以安排SN90分钟2次,价格也优惠,如果跟深圳和广州比的话 。。 来了东莞常平,不妨跟我们打个招呼,或许这惊喜的故事就这样开始了。。 |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
Phillip has never left Changping since the grand raid 2014, if you want to know what is available at Changping, you just need to ask me. We covers everything from day till night with all kind of discounts and fun, making sure you will be happy with our arrangement and satisfied with the results.
We will make sure you have your companion to spend happy time with you in this leisure little town. 2014年东莞扫黄到现在2019年,飞利浦从来没离开过cp, 只要你来cp了,找我们绝对是没错的。。 要优惠有优惠,要开心有开心,我们安排的节目没有不好玩的,只有玩到你开心又满意。。从白天可以开心到晚上 。。 找伴侣找情人找放松,常平悠闲小镇可以帮你安排妥妥的 Last edited by japantvb; 25-03-2019 at 08:43 PM. |
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