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Old 07-07-2016, 04:16 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Haiz... Cliff hanger again
Old 07-07-2016, 04:24 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Wah liew hanging
Dont up me cant return with my phone.....

Old 07-07-2016, 04:26 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

wah, left high & dry....
One can like many, but can only love One at a time..

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Pls be patient & will share 16 Green Apples every 24hrs

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Old 07-07-2016, 04:27 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Wah Liao. Every time like this. How can
Old 07-07-2016, 04:28 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Fantastic story bro!

I have a feeling TS have seen Jane before but do not know her..

Old 07-07-2016, 04:32 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Jane is evon ? Sonia? Rachel?
Old 07-07-2016, 04:34 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

She was Jane, She smiled at me and I slowly recalled who she is.

Remember Liang, the one I used to play games with? Jane is his sister or should I say elder sister, she is 4 year our senior. And she used to buy me and Liang thing when we were young. She patted on my head, just as she would in the past.

Let me describe Jane: Jane was not tall she was ard 165, she had a avg figure, if I were to say stats should be something like 32B 25 30. She had shorter legs and a longer body, actually nothing much to yell about.

We sat at the void deck and started chatting at the round table.

Jane: haha, big boy already hor.

Me: Wah, you disturb me ah? Cheat my feeling leh.

Jane: No lah, that day Liang met you and he told me, then at first I admit I page you to disturb you.

Me: haha, don't say now you like me hor. You older than me by 4 yrs leh. (Actually if she is Chio 5 yrs I also don't mind but too bad)

Jane: I very old meh? 小色鬼。

There is a reason why she called me that as it happened when I was in primary 4 moving onto primary 5.

*flash back*

Liang And I were playing "Golden Axe" on his New sega 16 bit, and it started to get boring. You know the times you always die in the game then cannot beat the boss? That was the kind of day that was. I fell on the sofa and I died again, dropping the control on the sofa.

Liang: why you so lousy one? Ask You use the girl already you use the ah Peh.

Me: I guy Mah.

Liang die too and placed the blame on me, and he told me to wait and he ran to his parent's room. It did not took him Long to come out and he was holding a tape in his hand. ( no need to Guess it was a blue tape)

He played the tape and I was shocked, it seem a little scary to me. (I really don't know is it me or is it all Ang mo adult film in the past have this gothic feel to it) and I start asking Liang question.

Me: Liang the guy beat her ah?

Liang: no lah.

Me: then why she scream until like so pain like that?

Liang: that one I also don't know.

I watched on and I did not know why I started having a hard on, it just grew instantly. Whe hear the keys turning and Liang rush towards the VCR and fell, I stood up as I was planning to go help him and the door swung opened. It was Liang's Sister whom I knew as Fen Jie, now Jane.

And she saw me standing with my hard on and the VCR was still playing.

*flash back ended*

And that was not the only time she caught me doing something funny.

That is when she started calling me 小色鬼 (horny boy)
Old 07-07-2016, 05:07 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

wah, "Golden Axe" that is a game I have not heard mentioned for a very long time.
Old 07-07-2016, 05:22 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

It has been a long time since I saw her but I could still recognize her.

Me: Then why you suddenly want to meet me?

Jane: I need your help.

I was thinking in my mind Liang and me same age, some more he is your brother, why don't you ask him to help you?

Me: what thing say lor, I can help I help lor.

Jane: Yang, you want to earn money?

Me: why leh?

Jane: very simple only, I go sell things then you look after the goods for me.

Me: so simple?

Jane: Everyday I give you $10 per hour.

Me: work at where?

Jane: I bring you there and send you back, anyway we stay very near mah. Then if I sell a lot that day I buy you supper.

$10 per hour was a lot for a part time job, and transport included and maybe even supper. It was indeed an tempting offer. But I need to know what time I needed to work?

Me: so work at what time?

Jane: I sell at disco of course is midnight.

I was not in need of the money and it was a good deal, that time I actually think Jane was really looking after me. But I think I have someone that needs the money more than me.

Me: I think first, Jane if I cannot do can I ask my friend go.

Jane: He can trust or not?

Me: Can that one my buddy.

Jane: like that ok lor, but don't let more ppl know ok

Me: Orh.

Jane told me she need to rest as she was working that night, I walked back home and I was thinking should I go work to earn some money?
Old 07-07-2016, 05:38 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

More please!!
Old 07-07-2016, 05:47 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Sell ecstasy arh? Still need look after the goods..
Old 07-07-2016, 06:02 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by Sushi505 View Post
More please!!
Yes pls cont
Old 07-07-2016, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Starter View Post
Haha, good morning.

For those Christina lovers this is her look alike but this is older

No wonder I keep asking you for Christina. Hahaha
Old 07-07-2016, 06:11 PM
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Bro! These past few days been reading silently only. The updates damn nice these past few days! This Jane seem like troublemaker... Your younger years full of problems one ah?
Old 07-07-2016, 06:19 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Moar moar moar
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