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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 19-09-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Last night went to DC again after 1 week..

Haiz.. I should say this is the worse i have seen at DC.. Last week was bad enough.. but last night HH was the worst!!!

50-60% of the gals was late 20s to 30s..
20-30% of the gals was mid 20s..
i only saw 2 young gals!!! ha ha.. seow liao!!!

Then here is the best!!!
The waiter last night was the worst i ever met! i dun even wants to tips him after the bill! This is the 1st time i dun tips the waiter.

Only 3 ppl in the room, 4 different drinks, he kbkb! knn! gumble say why so many request!!! knn!!!

Then my friend drinks chivas with coke, he go mix with water when refill. WTF! Then my friend tell him it's coke, u know what he do!!
He mix coke with 40% of chivas..

Haiz.. no gals.. waiter like f**k.. sianz..

Went upstair to take a look as well.. the 2 new ktv.. dun look appealing to me.. will give it a miss till got good review..
Old 19-09-2008, 10:46 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia's been a long time since I last step my foot to this place....

I think the last time there was because an "OLD" friend bday and since then tiio outcasted.....

can any kind soul tell me Mr Li is still playing organ there?
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Old 19-09-2008, 10:58 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by mamamia View Post's been a long time since I last step my foot to this place....

I think the last time there was because an "OLD" friend bday and since then tiio outcasted.....

can any kind soul tell me Mr Li is still playing organ there?
The musician is 简单老师 but I dunno his surname.

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Old 20-09-2008, 04:34 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by eugene_chan View Post
There's a campaign to kick this joint out of its location. This joint has no reasons to be in a civic district. Its in a school and residential zone. How can you have a sleeze joint in district 9, at Mt Sophia near Istana.

There will be raids...
Was there a campaign? Organised by who? If there was, then why are there 2 new joints at levels 3 and 4 opened this week?

You've made a sweeping statement that there will be raids at DC. Just tell me which KTV joint has a lower raiding record compared to DC? As far as I am aware, there was only 1 raid in the past 2 years and the raid was due to a tip off that a wanted man was seen there and not becoz of it's sleaziness or proximity to Istana.

Originally Posted by eugene_chan View Post
I already said many times, this place FINISHED. The good category gals dun want to work here because they get mistreated by the cashiers and waiters. and the boss only showman, where jacket walk around like actor.

Whoch want to work here? only the old and ugly gals.

Another reason why the young gals dun want to work here, Because the singers! all the singers given priveldges. they compete with the gals for customers and potong jalan the clients. The boss and waiters and cashiers treat the singers like QUEENS because of the big tipS!

Sell this bloody place and go to LV
Just how many times have you said DC is finished?

This is the first time I am hearing that the gals are being mistreated by cashiers and waiters. I've been there many times and I think most of the cashiers and waiters are rather civil to the gals. I have also seen the boss Johnny spending time counselling his gals whenever they approached him with a problem. If he is a showman, he would have worn branded suit jackets instead of those cheap ones. I also find him a rather humble man since the first time I met him. You have something against DC?

In my own context, there are 2 groups of customers going to DC. One group patronises the KTV gals while the other group patronises the singers. Only a couple of the singers cross over to compete for the first group of customers. I can even list out the names of these singers to rebut your statement. So how does these 2-3 singers affect the rest of the 100+ KTV gals?

Are you sure the singers are treated like queens? Have you ever seen the condition of their accommodation upstairs? Are you aware that they are required to work 7 days a week? Are you aware that they sometime have to be at DC at 4pm to practise their singing and dancing? Are you aware they have a "flower" quota to meet every month? They are money-spinners and employees of the company and naturally they do enjoy better treatment as compared to the KTV gals freelancing there. Similarly in the business world, are you aware that a company staff generally gets better treatment, privileges, and entitlements as compared to contractors and part-timers?

Hope you get your figures and facts right next time before commenting.

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Old 21-09-2008, 02:55 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by eugene_chan View Post
Think I stoopid or what
With the reputation points like yours, I DO REALLY think so. By the way, your recent deduction in points was not by me but by some other brother here who probably thinks that you may be more stupid than you sounded.

As for not trying to explain about the quality of the gals, I do agree that in general they are not as good as TAM, LV, or LP. But it does not mean the lack in quality has anything to do with the gals being ill treated by the boss or the staff. After all, DC has never tried to portray itself as one of the classier KTV for high spenders and thus, better quality gals would rather seek their fortunes elsewhere.

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Old 22-09-2008, 08:22 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by mansgp View Post
With the reputation points like yours, I DO REALLY think so.
bro.....dun bother ur breath and have more drinks......DC will not close down because of him......

if u go DC.....please jio me.....would like to have a drink with u.....
member of the kaypoh clan.......
Old 22-09-2008, 10:37 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Looksee View Post
bro.....dun bother ur breath and have more drinks......DC will not close down because of him......
if u go DC.....please jio me.....would like to have a drink with u.....
Beginning of the week niah jiu got fire liao..

If he jio you, will you jio me??
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Old 22-09-2008, 10:43 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by eugene_chan View Post
Clap Clap! BOO !!
After your Long Talk Cock...SS..still does not explain why no younger gals except grannies! Think I stoopid or what
See, if I am the one who zap you, it would be -4 points.

Since you say I zap you, I zap you loh..

No younger gals? You looking for underage youngs gals har? Or you a little boy so the jie jie's there too old for you? I have not been involved in flaming war for a long time, dont make me start k young man?

Go drink your milk, you too young for alcohol small didi.
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Old 22-09-2008, 01:59 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
See, if I am the one who zap you, it would be -4 points.

Since you say I zap you, I zap you loh..

No younger gals? You looking for underage youngs gals har? Or you a little boy so the jie jie's there too old for you? I have not been involved in flaming war for a long time, dont make me start k young man?

Go drink your milk, you too young for alcohol small didi.
who said no youngal....last 2 weeks just went there twice and sat with 2 youngals...bingbing20yo & LingLing 21yo...

unless u wanna something younger eg.<16yo...go to sec 1-3...alot for yr choicelah....
Old 22-09-2008, 03:16 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by mansgp View Post
Was there a campaign? Organised by who? If there was, then why are there 2 new joints at levels 3 and 4 opened this week?

You've made a sweeping statement that there will be raids at DC. Just tell me which KTV joint has a lower raiding record compared to DC? As far as I am aware, there was only 1 raid in the past 2 years and the raid was due to a tip off that a wanted man was seen there and not becoz of it's sleaziness or proximity to Istana.

Just how many times have you said DC is finished?

This is the first time I am hearing that the gals are being mistreated by cashiers and waiters. I've been there many times and I think most of the cashiers and waiters are rather civil to the gals. I have also seen the boss Johnny spending time counselling his gals whenever they approached him with a problem. If he is a showman, he would have worn branded suit jackets instead of those cheap ones. I also find him a rather humble man since the first time I met him. You have something against DC?

In my own context, there are 2 groups of customers going to DC. One group patronises the KTV gals while the other group patronises the singers. Only a couple of the singers cross over to compete for the first group of customers. I can even list out the names of these singers to rebut your statement. So how does these 2-3 singers affect the rest of the 100+ KTV gals?

Are you sure the singers are treated like queens? Have you ever seen the condition of their accommodation upstairs? Are you aware that they are required to work 7 days a week? Are you aware that they sometime have to be at DC at 4pm to practise their singing and dancing? Are you aware they have a "flower" quota to meet every month? They are money-spinners and employees of the company and naturally they do enjoy better treatment as compared to the KTV gals freelancing there. Similarly in the business world, are you aware that a company staff generally gets better treatment, privileges, and entitlements as compared to contractors and part-timers?

Hope you get your figures and facts right next time before commenting.

Well said bro.....i agreed with u....i have been going DC twice a's not like what other have claimed that all are old fact there are more and more young CMM working there.
I enjoy the service and gals there.......the boss Johnny i would said is very friendly.......
Sorry cannot comments too much.....left only 8 pts.......
Old 22-09-2008, 03:58 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
Beginning of the week niah jiu got fire liao..

If he jio you, will you jio me??
if JPK buys me drink, i'll jio u...........
member of the kaypoh clan.......
Old 22-09-2008, 04:27 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Looksee View Post
if JPK buys me drink, i'll jio u...........
CFFDC you believe also kar?
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Old 22-09-2008, 04:29 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Sammmysiao View Post
Sorry cannot comments too much.....left only 8 pts.......
Bro, if comments are genuine, people will know, if you get zap, others will put you back up. Just feel free to speak the truth..
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Old 22-09-2008, 04:51 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Looksee View Post
bro.....dun bother ur breath and have more drinks......DC will not close down because of him......

if u go DC.....please jio me.....would like to have a drink with u.....
Actually I am a teetotaller so unless you don't mind drinking tea or coke with a fat, poor and old man, we can catch up sometime this week coz I am there 3-4 nights a week. My usual spot is the bar counter in front of the stage.

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
Beginning of the week niah jiu got fire liao..

If he jio you, will you jio me??
Can I jio you directly? Is this a 7-pointer gathering or open invitation?

Originally Posted by Sammmysiao View Post
Well said bro.....i agreed with u....i have been going DC twice a's not like what other have claimed that all are old fact there are more and more young CMM working there.
I enjoy the service and gals there.......the boss Johnny i would said is very friendly.......
Sorry cannot comments too much.....left only 8 pts.......
That's right. There are quite a handful of young and pretty ones but I guess they are not up to the standard of our dear fren eugene_chan.

As long as your comments are sensible ones, I think you should not worry about your points heading down south.

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Old 22-09-2008, 05:14 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by mansgp View Post
Can I jio you directly? Is this a 7-pointer gathering or open invitation?
Waur, I will be scared you know?? 7 pointer gathering.. Of course can, but no need 7 pointer lah.. PM Looksee, let him be the orgwee..
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