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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-06-2015, 09:28 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

sorry for not posting for a long time.

Nope, I never retired..
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 21-06-2015, 10:17 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

wow Ang Bro, LOOOONG TIME!!
upped list : marlboroken kalv Sanuuk laoba
Old 21-06-2015, 12:41 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Hi Legendary Bro Ang
Old 27-06-2015, 02:43 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Hi bros

this semi-retired cheongster just met with some personal difficulties at work at home, after much frustration, decided to cheong a bit to relieve stress. problem is, a lot of the joints I am used to are closed and it was a pretty last minute decision to cheong so didnt research or ask bros for help.

Went to what I thought was a joint that I was familiar with, reached there almost dare not go in cause name changed. went in, asked if this was the joint and they said changed management liow, I told them well, still THE SAME service hor, they say yah. This place used to be ok even if I dont know anyone the gals were above average. Guess things have changed since I last cheonged, so change of management was very real. I tried my best to describe what I wanted, in the end as random encounters goes, I got a 30+ yr old prc milf. I will call her... hmm... GPM


Looks: 6
Bod: 4 (not fat just very average. milf bod not the tight young bod)

Well milfs shine in 1 area, conversation! Shared with me story of her kid, told me her husband is a singaporean but income isnt high and so she's doing this job. Well without getting too personal it's good material for my brain to think of Jap Porn type situations when doing the deed.


1) Well looks and bod were pretty average and though she was sharing life stories and was friendly, when action started it became commercial, cant muff dive cant finger cant do a lot.

2) Price!!!! After the deed she told me this joint charges $120 for full. Well it used to be $100. So all in all I paid $50 for entrance +$120 for a so so milf. If you haven't figured out, GPM stands for Golden Pussy Milf! Man this is so not worth it!

Wanted to relieve some stress ended up going off feeling ripped off. price of not researching before going down. Any good lobang please let me know yah bros. My situation isn't exactly changing anytime soon so I may need to relieve stress again soon hehe.

Been a long time bros. Wishing all bros a good weekend.
Been there done that, had plenty of good and not so good memories throughout the years... Now there isn't much excitement left and the places seem so mundane. Guess this is retirement for me for now...
Old 27-06-2015, 11:21 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Bro, mind sharing???
Old 07-07-2015, 11:22 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Seems like SG50 coming all of the joints and security are tight. Anyway, anyone got any good recommend to share. hope to explore some new places and exchange for contact. thanks

Old 07-08-2015, 02:21 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Now at the joint.
Recept look apprehensive about me as i look young with facial expression like spastic kid..
Was ushered to TV lounge .and lady staff watch me like a hawk.

I was playing games on phones, surf net
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 07-08-2015, 02:45 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
Now at the joint.
Recept look apprehensive about me as i look young with facial expression like spastic kid..
Was ushered to TV lounge .and lady staff watch me like a hawk.

I was playing games on phones, surf net
Its been a while, welcome back brother!
Been there done that, had plenty of good and not so good memories throughout the years... Now there isn't much excitement left and the places seem so mundane. Guess this is retirement for me for now...
Old 07-08-2015, 04:10 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Camping here for your new adventure
Old 07-08-2015, 04:12 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
Now at the joint.
Recept look apprehensive about me as i look young with facial expression like spastic kid..
Was ushered to TV lounge .and lady staff watch me like a hawk.

I was playing games on phones, surf net
WoW Bro, thought u retired
So which joint are you at now....
Prehaps I can guess also?
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Old 07-08-2015, 09:50 PM
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Red face Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Sorry, that place turned out to be clean joint .

probably a wrong intel ..
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 07-08-2015, 10:33 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Originally Posted by ang076 View Post
Sorry, that place turned out to be clean joint .

probably a wrong intel ..
Haha... Nvm lar... Hope u had a good rub then
There is no definite regret if u try. But if u don't try, u will definitely regret.

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Old 19-08-2015, 04:53 PM
iceiceice iceiceice is offline
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Long time no chong HC liao, since in town area decided to go relax a while. went into the HC and ask for my favourite girl but all not around and one has quit. haizzzz... sianz 1/2 nvm.. went to the second one again the same case...

seems like after our independence day celebration all the ladies went independent also. decided to go see through what lobang TC has send me and seems like there is another one near. took the lift and surprise surprise... in the mist of pubs and hot spots there is such a HC hanging around.

check the rates and the price is quite standard and decent. went to the counter and ask for youngest neighbour lady. assign to a room and took a shower. both big and small head disappointed when the lady came in... haizzzzzz

started off with decent massage and almost fell asleep.. i think the bed is nicer than the massage and lady.. cosy massage bed i ever had. tcss a bit and found out that a lot of ladies from our neighbour stop this line, i wonder why.

anyway, turn around and ask gq. told her straight she is not my Cai so just a HJ will do. fonder all over her body till exploded, don't seem like the age of young lady more like mid 20s. therefore my conclusion... save vitamin M and wait till end of the year then chong better... seems like nice lobang at HC not easy to find

Old 22-08-2015, 11:40 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Hi Bros

Am back to support this thread. This gem is recommended by Bro Natchang so credit goes to him, its a joint that I been to quite a few times but never tried this gal. In the spirit of this thread of giving them strange names, lets call her Sextress!! (Partially cause think bro natchang mentioned previously that shes like a prc actress. okok I am not the most creative so coming up with new names is normally the most difficult part of the FR haha)


From: PRC Sichuan

Age: When I asked her she gave me a few ages, she played around with me a little and told me 35, told me 27. She looks more late 20s to me.

Looks: 7.5 (bros, I dont usually dish out 8s and 9s for looks, so 7.5 is considered way above average)

Bod: 7 (she's slim, small waist but not very fit, she's definitely not fat but how can I describe this.. a gal with small slim waist that doesnt work out and due to that is starting to lose her shape when she lies down? Think boobs are enhanced, dark brown nips)

Massage: Typical HC massage lah. dont expect to much.

Service/attitude: 6(still acceptable but.... ah well... more on this later)

Dam:$50 +$100

Well bros, highlights of this gal is really her looks. Some bros say PRC actress, classy, yes all these could be used to describe her. No objections. She have a classy look that's a tat bit cold and distant, definitely a real beauty. Was sharing with my best buddy after the session that she looks vary like the stock exchange, a minute, I would rate her 7, the next minute 8, after that 7.8 then 7.3... really depends on her angle, whether she smiles.

The downside is that she's a little icy and takes a little while to break the ice, she's not rude or anything. guess it's just a defense mechanism thing. when I wanted to suck her nips she basically told me not to, I was disappointed and quite a few thoughts crossed my mind, thinking walau this one confirm bad service, walau another golden pussy, etc... But I realised later on that she's actually quite accommodating in other aspects. When I muff dived she enjoyed it, she's generally accommodating except for 2 things, she doesnt french and she doesnt like any nipple thing, sucking or grabbing. Got her real high as one stage and I quickly sucked her nip, she was struggling, think she's really sensitive haha. kept smiling saying I am naught.

All in all an enjoyable session, not the best cause of some restriction, definitely recommended if you are not into the whole boob sucking thing. (I am so its a bummer).

As with all my FRs the above is my true experience and honest opinion, no offence intended to any bros.

Cheers and happy weekend.
Been there done that, had plenty of good and not so good memories throughout the years... Now there isn't much excitement left and the places seem so mundane. Guess this is retirement for me for now...
Old 22-08-2015, 08:01 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Today went scouting an old playground which google search shows not in operation.

Surprised that it is still around with a different business.

Went to the room, read the papers. In she came with proper business, side dishes recommended and choose the main.

Left the ground happily.

Hints: between Victoria hotel and bugis village

Last edited by TKee; 23-08-2015 at 11:52 AM. Reason: Sharing
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