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Old 29-04-2011, 12:52 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by city slicker View Post
Thanks to Mr Chairman and bros for your kind advice. . .

"Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. "

For regular phone contacts with MM in PRC, are there any cheap pre-paid cards in the market that don't cost an arm and a leg like those prepaid from Singtel ?

City slicker
You mean you want to contact MM in PRC? Just use ICC card lah. A few cards have 900 mins talktime to PRC for $10 only...If use callback service then is ard 400 mins for $10

Otherwise use pfingo lor. S$0.02 per minute to PRC. Android phones and iPhone have the Pfingo app.
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts

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Old 29-04-2011, 03:46 PM
chenzong chenzong is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Guidelines are as follows:

1) Never tell her your real name only alias
2) Never tell her where you stay always lie!
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. Better still, if you have a chick who is goin back, ask her for her PP sim card since she cant use it in PRC, i have a few liao, damn useful haha
4) Never tell her where you work or stay
5) Never show her your IC or Business Card
6) Always bring her to places you hardly go, if you stay east, bring her to westmall jalan jalan, if you stay west, bring her to parkway parade or tampines mall walk walk
7) Meals are very important, always bring her to very quiet places where you and your family hardly ever go, my personal fav is millenia walk, very quiet and discreet place wif good restaurants and kopi joints
8) If need to screw, always bring her to ulu places, not the HOT ZONES
These should not be guidelines. They should be mandatory!
Old 29-04-2011, 06:20 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
These should not be guidelines. They should be mandatory!
Isnt it obvious that some dun even know these mandatory stuff existed?
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!!
The 4 Golden Rules in life:
1) 不要欺骗自己
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Old 30-04-2011, 12:39 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Isnt it obvious that some dun even know these mandatory stuff existed?
There will always be people like that. Nothing much we can do about them...
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts

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Old 09-05-2011, 10:24 AM
warbird warbird is offline
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
...They should be mandatory!
Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Isnt it obvious that some dun even know these mandatory stuff existed?
Originally Posted by teebs_darklord View Post
There will always be people like that. ....
Hi esteemed bros chenzong, DUBJ n TD,

There r many things in life which r obvious n should be mandatory...but many people r ignorant or perhaps can't control their emotions.

For example, why r there so many SUCKERS who bet against the casinos in games that they will surely lose in the long run?? This is a mathematical certainty. Personally, I'll not waste $1 in any casino, unless I'm playing poker against other visitors aka patsies. If everyone thinks like me, ALL the casinos in the world will be bankrupt within a few months, hahaha.


Bro WB

.................................................. .................................................. .....

Good morning!

China is now the land of opportunity for many things...

Where else in the world could a lao chi ko pek make love to 2 non-WL students n hv them vying for his attention n affection??

I hv never met a SYT like CL. No, I'm not referring to her natural 34i boobs. No other gals hv ever liked me more or r more obsessed w/ me. She has spent her entire waking hrs trying to ctc me n chat w/ me in the last 4 wks. When she was w/ me, she wanted to hug n kiss n make love non-stop even though I was very tired! She only has one BF in her life n he made love only 9 times to her. Her cunt is very, very tight n wet. When I inserted my didi, she let out a loud moan, a mixture of pain n pleasure. She had a bit of pain after our 1st session but still tried to fxk me again n again! Additionally, she really treated me like the emperor of China n would let me do ANYTHING to her. Her affection for me is genuine judging by her body language n responses, etc. When I told her this morning that she might hv difficulty coming to SG, she sobbed...

Cl wants to come to SG for schooling. I'm her 干爹 n she only wants school fees n very modest living expenses from me, nothing more. Her mom owns a successful beauty salon from whom she will get some money as well. She confesses her profound liking for me n vows that her cunt will be mine exclusively. Does she love me? She says a least a little, but she never loved anyone else before. My worry is that she may get too sticky n needy which would be repulsive...

Then there is the other SYT XB who also calls me 干爹...but she only wants to come to SG during summer vacation.

My brief experience in PRC merely hints at the vast potential...

The key is to be a poker player n never reveal our feelings to these gals, at least not initially.

More advice on the subject from my favourite Ang Moh guru:

Have you ever made the mistake of
telling a woman how you felt about her?

It's a common mistake, and I'm going to
reveal why in this newsletter.

If you'd like to jump straight to the
information that can help you avoid this
kind of fatal mistake with a woman you
want to get in your life, go here


I have a problem, quite a big one in my

Well where shall I start, a few months
ago I met this girl at college, she's
smart, funny and I feel we connected.
We gradually became better friends and
we spend a lot of time together and over
the past few weeks I suspected that she
may have some feelings for me (I did

Feeling quite confident about this
looking at the way she acted around me I
thought on New Years Eve I would try and
tell her how I felt and see if I was
right in thinking she felt the same way.

.................................................. ........

She's one of my best friends and I love
her, I'm so scared of losing her as a
friend, I just, for once in my life want
something more out of it.

Please... I really need some advice
from a expert like you.

Thanks a lot


West Yorkshire, Britain.

Well, my friend, you came to the right

First of all, you know where your
mistake was, don't you?

Let me replay your words:

"I took her into a quiet room and told
her how I felt..."

Guys everywhere are saying, "OOOH... Big
mistake" and shaking their heads.

Especially me.

The one sure-fire way to kill attraction
with a woman is to talk to her about
your feelings. It's the ultimate


Imagine that you're sitting there
watching a movie. It's a really good
mystery. You're keeping track of all the
clues, and you're getting close to the
end. Right then, your roommate walks in
and says, "Oh, the guy's wife killed
her." And he goes to the kitchen.

How would you feel?

Probably like stomping on his head.

We humans enjoy the build up of tension.
What ruins it for us is to have the
mystery destroyed.

That's why I hate this new show on cable
that shows you how all the magic tricks
are done. I don't want to know how
they're done... that's why I like
watching magic shows! I know they're
tricks, but I like not knowing.

This is exactly what your girl
experienced when you told her your
feelings. You probably thought she'd
just jump into your arms, relieved to
find out that she liked you, too. But
what telling her your feelings does is
remove all the mystery and uncertainty
from the situation...

And that's what creates attraction and
romantic interest in the first place, my

Second of all, I want you to promise me
that you never make a move on a woman
that you're "so scared" of losing.


Because you're setting yourself up in
what I lovingly call a "double bind."
This means that if you're scared of
losing her friendship, that fear will
taint any attempt you make to attract

You simply can't have it both ways. You
can't walk the fence.

Fear of loss is one of the most deadly
killers of a man's game, because he will
never act like a man who is living his

Instead, he acts like he's a wuss that's
scared of making people angry at him.

Think about it for a second... Think
about any guy you know who is attractive
and charismatic. Does this guy run
around with a "Oh please oh please - I
hope you like me!" attitude?

No. He doesn't care if you like him or
not - and THAT right there is why we're
attracted to those types of people. They
communicate strength of spirit and
confidence that is not shaken by other
people's opinion of them.

Really, take a second here and read that
over again. It's big and important that
you understand this essential
characteristic of men and how they
communicate their Alpha Strength.

Third, if you do make a move on a woman
that's your friend, be willing to risk

This is the other side of that fear I
just told you about. You have to be
willing to lose what you've got to get
something more.

Don't be lured into that false sense of
need where you try to play with "scared
money." That's when you're gambling, but
you change your winning strategy because
your emotions are jacking with your

You said that this "destroyed you..."
No, I don't think so. You just lack

From now on, no more emotional
discussions with her. Women don't need
to know that you are interested in her
or have feelings in her. All she cares
is if SHE has them for you.

You can talk about your feelings later
on, when you've got a relationship and
you two are having wild monkey-love
together. Until then, keep your mouth

Next, make damn sure you're out there
meeting new women and forgetting your
focus on this one woman. Obsession is
the number 2 killer of relationships,
and it's the unhealthy focus on ONE

It screams out: "I have no other options
but you, which means no other women want
me..." Which is a BIG red flag to women.
They want a man with social value and

But I want to warn you about a problem I
see coming up...

I think you might be falling into the
Nice Guy trap.

You know how I can tell? From the tone
of your email at the end. It sounds like
you're sobbing into a hankie, and you
might go out and rent a bunch of chick
flicks tonight while you sit home eating

You need the antidote to cure you and
rehabilitate you, and it's called Alpha

What is "Alpha Attitude?"

Well, think of it this way:

It's the inner confidence of a man who
knows he can create the kind of
relationship he wants with a woman.

Have you ever seen an at-tractive woman
on the street, and thought to yourself,
"Man, I wish I knew what to walk over
and say to her so that she'd stop right
there and really want to know more about

But then we usually disqualify ourselves
in our head, thinking "What do I have
that she'd want?"

The Alpha Attitude wipes all that
self-doubt and fear away.

I explain the inner game mindset of the
man who is confident and has women in
his life all the time. I call him the
Alpha Man.

You know this guy. Chances are, you wish
you WERE this guy.

Being the kind of man that pulls women
into his life - and keeps them - isn't
hard at all. It just involves learning a
few new skills.

I want to give you that deep
understanding and ability with women
that you've always wanted. I have a full
set of tools and techniques that will
improve your game with women MASSIVELY.

And I want to share them with you. This
is stuff you can't get anywhere else.

.................................................. ...

Talk to you soon,

Your friend,

Mr. Guru

Old 09-05-2011, 05:08 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

nice sharing bro WB.
Old 20-05-2011, 01:00 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by jnewwit View Post
nice sharing bro WB.
My pleasure.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Good afternoon!

I hv been searching for mistresses on Chinese websites n hv found many chio SYTs, most of them non-WLs, who r willing n ready. Unfortunately, many of them r unwilling to come to SG, even though they r quite eager to be kept by me in Beijing or anywhere else in China.

I hv some reflections on my experience in BY-ing which I started exactly 2 yrs ago. My 1st BAO-ee was XW who had resisted my advances for over 8 months. My mistake? Being an ah pek, I thought I wasn't good enuff for her, a 20 yo SYT then. She left me twice...but she is back w/ me again. Now the table has turned. The reason? My attitude, or shall I say my subconscious mind, has changed radically. Now no gal is good enuff for me, regardless of how young n how chio she is. She can take it or leave it. Thanks largely to my meditation, self affirmations, self hypnosis n chanting, etc.

Now I hv a 老婆(XW ), 情妇(TC ), 女朋友 ( BB ) n 干女儿 ( CL )...n there r many more gals who hv agreed to be my BAO-ees, most of them in PRC. It may be coincidental that my current four gals r 168 in height. Fortuitously, the number 168 sounds like being very prosperous all the way down the road in Mandarin n Cantonese n some other dialects, hehehe.

I hv had more soul-searching dialogue w/ CL than w/ anyone else in my life. She is so much fun. Could she be my soul mate? She also has the smallest n tightest cunt, haha. She wants to be my lover for the next 10 yrs! My best fren has seen her photos n thinks she is definitely worth my effort. No, she is far from perfect: She has medium-sized bony frame n I hv failed to give her COS.

At this time, I like to share an email from a guru on the importance of high social value.


Let's face it: women love guys with high status. They're suckers
for the alpha-male types that don't give a damn about what others
think of them. It's that "X-factor" that makes girls melt in their
seats and gets them all hot and bothered.

In PUA circles, players refer to this as social value, a commodity
worth GOLD in the field. It's this mysterious, seemingly
intangible quality that all AFCs strive to have, but end up
scratching their heads trying to chase after it.

But first, let's get a preliminary question out of the way...


Well first of all, not having this is like going on a long drive
without passing by the gas station to fill up. In the same way,
going into the scene without a trace of status is pure SUICIDE.

Not only will you be stuck in uncharted territory, you'll be making
an ass of yourself in short order. You have to appreciate the fact
that humans, even during these modern times are still compelled, no
- HARDWIRED - to follow behavioral patterns encoded into our DNA
thousands of years ago.

In the olden times, women learned to align themselves with men who
are able protect and take care of them. If you couldn't hunt for
your daily meals or build that bonfire, then you're pretty much

Now, while those same exact traits might not apply to today's
standards, the same spirit of those desirable qualities lives on.
In present society, survival value have modern equivalents, such as
leading other guys, keeping bullies from beating up your brothers,
or being able to loan money to your broke friend.

In short, people may have evolved in many ways, but our underlying
social dynamics are still deeply rooted in the same logic that goes
way back. That simply means that women as a whole are driven to
seek men who are strong in some way, even if they aren't
necessarily looking for a long-term commitment.

As such, you damn well better have the social value that they want.
If not, you won't have a chance in winning over any of those
gorgeous women you seek to be with. You're off to the sidelines,
watching those high-value males sweep your dream girl off her feet.

But don't despair. Social value can be cultivated to your
advantage, so rest easy as I give you a run-through of the two most
effective ways to jumpstart your dating life.

#1: Lay off the validation

That's why experienced guys swear by a basic principle when it
comes to attracting women: don't kiss her ass.

Let's face it - while women can be wonderful creatures to be
around with, they have the equal potential for ego-beating if you
let them. This is especially true for high-value women who are
aware of their status.

They reassure themselves of their feminine power by making short
work of guys that try getting on their good side. These suckers
will do everything short of rolling over and playing dead.

It can get even worse for some who "reward" these clueless guys
with crumbs of attention and then ditching them afterwards.

Chances are, you've seen this happen - or heaven forbid - tried it
yourself. Here's a classic example...

Guy says hi to hot girl, guy buys her a drink, and they make some
petty chit-chat. Girl finishes her drink, politely excuses herself
and re-joins her friends to dissect her latest victim.

Let's not BS ourselves here. OF COURSE you like her, that's why
you're approaching her in the first place. But are you initiating
the interaction in a NEEDY or CREEPY way?

Once she knows that you're sucking up, it tells her that you're
selling yourself, and that gives her all the power in the world
over you.

A guy with social value never tries to prove his worth. In fact,
he knows that it's suicide to ask for her approval through drinks,
compliments and so on.

Look, you're more than welcome to do all that once she's fallen for
you, but dealing your best cards early on in the game will leave
you NO leverage to seal the deal.

#2: Playful, not pitiful!

That's why high-value guys hold back on the attention and
validation by reversing the traditional script. The usual pattern
is to prove yourself, so the smart PUA reverses this order.

How does this happen? They replace groveling with playful
flirting. When you flirt, you're telling them, "I'm here to have
fun and don't really care if you respond positively or not."

And you really shouldn't care. When you build up the interaction
into something you really have to succeed at, then it's important
to you.

When she senses that it's important to you, then you've already
blown the approach because you've just lowered your social value.

In fact, you can care so less to the point of making fun of her in
a seemingly off-hand (but not belittling) way. If you're in a club
and approach the girl who appears to be the most popular in the
area, say something like "What else do you have going aside from
your looks?"

Not only will you have her full attention, she'll unknowingly give
chase. You've now created an opportunity for a back and forth
exchange of verbal wordplay without lowering your social value.

So now she'll have to justify her own value by proving you wrong.
After all, you just demonstrated backbone by not placing importance
on the one iota of power she has over other guys.

Of course, the smart PUA won't take the bait and casually dismiss
her answers with a comment like, "Hmmm, really?", and then
launching into a prepared routine.

That's pretty damn cocky, right? You've just leveled the playing
field by subtly (well not really) convincing her to prove herself
to you, and not the other way around. She'll be thinking "Who does
this guy think he is? I'll show him."

Women absolutely LOVE it when a man can take her crap and give it
right back. That sense of cockiness keeps your dignity intact by
not having to use it as a bargaining chip in the game.

Be playful, but not insulting. Be feisty, but never play around
with the possibility of violence. The whole point is to get a
woman to play with you, not to crush her dignity or smack her

Otherwise, mean-spirited insults or jokes about punching her will
raise that red flag and take you OUT of the game.

Get used to greeting everyone you run into throughout the day,
whether it's the guy who delivers your morning paper or the
striking receptionist at work. Work your way up by starting
conversations when the opportunity presents itself.

Try this for about a couple of weeks to numb you to the fear of
initiating a conversation. Once you're comfortable enough, you can
move to casually approaching women in particular.

One thing though - a good approach never seems premeditated nor
should it look like you're hovering about. Both of those things
are social value killers. The operative word here is "nonchalant",
and remember that when you're out on the field.

Don't think that you have to make her laugh or get her number right
then and there. All you need to do is to gradually learn how to
embed flirting in your conversations.

If you're thinking, "I HAVE to get this right!" you will have
already undermined your social worth and lead to failure.

Keep the play-by-play analysis on hold until AFTER the chit-chat is
done. Once the conversation is over, ask yourself:

"What should I have I said/done differently?"

"Did I convey enough social value?"

I know how paralyzing fear can be; however, the gradual process of
coming out of one's shell is a very effective strategy for shy guys
to meet women. Expect a lot of botched approaches so don't take it
personally as you learn from your mistakes.

Think of it as accumulating field experience which will
continuously refine and improve your game as you go along...............................

Let's chat again real soon.

All the best,

Mr. Guru

Old 20-05-2011, 01:19 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
My pleasure.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Good afternoon!

I hv been searching for mistresses on Chinese websites n hv found many chio SYTs, most of them non-WLs, who r willing n ready. Unfortunately, many of them r unwilling to come to SG, even though they r quite eager to be kept by me in Beijing or anywhere else in China.

I hv some reflections on my experience in BY-ing which I started exactly 2 yrs ago. My 1st BAO-ee was XW who had resisted my advances for over 8 months. My mistake? Being an ah pek, I thought I wasn't good enuff for her, a 20 yo SYT then. She left me twice...but she is back w/ me again. Now the table has turned. The reason? My attitude, or shall I say my subconscious mind, has changed radically. Now no gal is good enuff for me, regardless of how young n how chio she is. She can take it or leave it. Thanks largely to my meditation, self affirmations, self hypnosis n chanting, etc.

Now I hv a 老婆(XW ), 情妇(TC ), 女朋友 ( BB ) n 干女儿 ( CL )...n there r many more gals who hv agreed to be my BAO-ees, most of them in PRC. It may be coincidental that my current four gals r 168 in height. Fortuitously, the number 168 sounds like being very prosperous all the way down the road in Mandarin n Cantonese n some other dialects, hehehe.

I hv had more soul-searching dialogue w/ CL than w/ anyone else in my life. She is so much fun. Could she be my soul mate? She also has the smallest n tightest cunt, haha. She wants to be my lover for the next 10 yrs! My best fren has seen her photos n thinks she is definitely worth my effort. No, she is far from perfect: She has medium-sized bony frame n I hv failed to give her COS.

At this time, I like to share an email from a guru on the importance of high social value.


Let's face it: women love guys with high status. They're suckers
for the alpha-male types that don't give a damn about what others
think of them. It's that "X-factor" that makes girls melt in their
seats and gets them all hot and bothered.

In PUA circles, players refer to this as social value, a commodity
worth GOLD in the field. It's this mysterious, seemingly
intangible quality that all AFCs strive to have, but end up
scratching their heads trying to chase after it.

But first, let's get a preliminary question out of the way...


Well first of all, not having this is like going on a long drive
without passing by the gas station to fill up. In the same way,
going into the scene without a trace of status is pure SUICIDE.

Not only will you be stuck in uncharted territory, you'll be making
an ass of yourself in short order. You have to appreciate the fact
that humans, even during these modern times are still compelled, no
- HARDWIRED - to follow behavioral patterns encoded into our DNA
thousands of years ago.

In the olden times, women learned to align themselves with men who
are able protect and take care of them. If you couldn't hunt for
your daily meals or build that bonfire, then you're pretty much

Now, while those same exact traits might not apply to today's
standards, the same spirit of those desirable qualities lives on.
In present society, survival value have modern equivalents, such as
leading other guys, keeping bullies from beating up your brothers,
or being able to loan money to your broke friend.

In short, people may have evolved in many ways, but our underlying
social dynamics are still deeply rooted in the same logic that goes
way back. That simply means that women as a whole are driven to
seek men who are strong in some way, even if they aren't
necessarily looking for a long-term commitment.

As such, you damn well better have the social value that they want.
If not, you won't have a chance in winning over any of those
gorgeous women you seek to be with. You're off to the sidelines,
watching those high-value males sweep your dream girl off her feet.

But don't despair. Social value can be cultivated to your
advantage, so rest easy as I give you a run-through of the two most
effective ways to jumpstart your dating life.

#1: Lay off the validation

That's why experienced guys swear by a basic principle when it
comes to attracting women: don't kiss her ass.

Let's face it - while women can be wonderful creatures to be
around with, they have the equal potential for ego-beating if you
let them. This is especially true for high-value women who are
aware of their status.

They reassure themselves of their feminine power by making short
work of guys that try getting on their good side. These suckers
will do everything short of rolling over and playing dead.

It can get even worse for some who "reward" these clueless guys
with crumbs of attention and then ditching them afterwards.

Chances are, you've seen this happen - or heaven forbid - tried it
yourself. Here's a classic example...

Guy says hi to hot girl, guy buys her a drink, and they make some
petty chit-chat. Girl finishes her drink, politely excuses herself
and re-joins her friends to dissect her latest victim.

Let's not BS ourselves here. OF COURSE you like her, that's why
you're approaching her in the first place. But are you initiating
the interaction in a NEEDY or CREEPY way?

Once she knows that you're sucking up, it tells her that you're
selling yourself, and that gives her all the power in the world
over you.

A guy with social value never tries to prove his worth. In fact,
he knows that it's suicide to ask for her approval through drinks,
compliments and so on.

Look, you're more than welcome to do all that once she's fallen for
you, but dealing your best cards early on in the game will leave
you NO leverage to seal the deal.

#2: Playful, not pitiful!

That's why high-value guys hold back on the attention and
validation by reversing the traditional script. The usual pattern
is to prove yourself, so the smart PUA reverses this order.

How does this happen? They replace groveling with playful
flirting. When you flirt, you're telling them, "I'm here to have
fun and don't really care if you respond positively or not."

And you really shouldn't care. When you build up the interaction
into something you really have to succeed at, then it's important
to you.

When she senses that it's important to you, then you've already
blown the approach because you've just lowered your social value.

In fact, you can care so less to the point of making fun of her in
a seemingly off-hand (but not belittling) way. If you're in a club
and approach the girl who appears to be the most popular in the
area, say something like "What else do you have going aside from
your looks?"

Not only will you have her full attention, she'll unknowingly give
chase. You've now created an opportunity for a back and forth
exchange of verbal wordplay without lowering your social value.

So now she'll have to justify her own value by proving you wrong.
After all, you just demonstrated backbone by not placing importance
on the one iota of power she has over other guys.

Of course, the smart PUA won't take the bait and casually dismiss
her answers with a comment like, "Hmmm, really?", and then
launching into a prepared routine.

That's pretty damn cocky, right? You've just leveled the playing
field by subtly (well not really) convincing her to prove herself
to you, and not the other way around. She'll be thinking "Who does
this guy think he is? I'll show him."

Women absolutely LOVE it when a man can take her crap and give it
right back. That sense of cockiness keeps your dignity intact by
not having to use it as a bargaining chip in the game.

Be playful, but not insulting. Be feisty, but never play around
with the possibility of violence. The whole point is to get a
woman to play with you, not to crush her dignity or smack her

Otherwise, mean-spirited insults or jokes about punching her will
raise that red flag and take you OUT of the game.

Get used to greeting everyone you run into throughout the day,
whether it's the guy who delivers your morning paper or the
striking receptionist at work. Work your way up by starting
conversations when the opportunity presents itself.

Try this for about a couple of weeks to numb you to the fear of
initiating a conversation. Once you're comfortable enough, you can
move to casually approaching women in particular.

One thing though - a good approach never seems premeditated nor
should it look like you're hovering about. Both of those things
are social value killers. The operative word here is "nonchalant",
and remember that when you're out on the field.

Don't think that you have to make her laugh or get her number right
then and there. All you need to do is to gradually learn how to
embed flirting in your conversations.

If you're thinking, "I HAVE to get this right!" you will have
already undermined your social worth and lead to failure.

Keep the play-by-play analysis on hold until AFTER the chit-chat is
done. Once the conversation is over, ask yourself:

"What should I have I said/done differently?"

"Did I convey enough social value?"

I know how paralyzing fear can be; however, the gradual process of
coming out of one's shell is a very effective strategy for shy guys
to meet women. Expect a lot of botched approaches so don't take it
personally as you learn from your mistakes.

Think of it as accumulating field experience which will
continuously refine and improve your game as you go along...............................

Let's chat again real soon.

All the best,

Mr. Guru

well said again...

thanks for sharing bro...
Old 21-05-2011, 02:57 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Thanks for sharing bro Warbird. I should have paid more attention to your lessons earlier. Just blew $5k for one lousy f*** with this KTV gal.
Old 22-05-2011, 10:41 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

baoyang gal only for the rich, i almost baoyang one 22 student from Dy classic last time, she wanted me to baoyang her but i told her that i only earn 3K how to support her, after cpf only left $2400 not even enough to feed myself
I am Ah Pek dun pray pray I can still "fight" with the gals.
Old 23-05-2011, 02:13 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good stuff as usual from bro WB.
Gonna start practicing.

I see you changed your profile pict!
Old 23-05-2011, 03:37 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post

Guidelines are as follows:

1) Never tell her your real name only alias
2) Never tell her where you stay always lie!
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. Better still, if you have a chick who is goin back, ask her for her PP sim card since she cant use it in PRC, i have a few liao, damn useful haha
4) Never tell her where you work or stay
5) Never show her your IC or Business Card
6) Always bring her to places you hardly go, if you stay east, bring her to westmall jalan jalan, if you stay west, bring her to parkway parade or tampines mall walk walk
7) Meals are very important, always bring her to very quiet places where you and your family hardly ever go, my personal fav is millenia walk, very quiet and discreet place wif good restaurants and kopi joints
8) If need to screw, always bring her to ulu places, not the HOT ZONES
These are rules a player should remember by heart.

Absolute pearls of wisdom.
Old 23-05-2011, 09:01 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by mama88 View Post
Thanks for sharing bro Warbird. I should have paid more attention to your lessons earlier. Just blew $5k for one lousy f*** with this KTV gal.
You paid $5K for a f*** with a KTV gal? That's way off the market rates? Why were you wiling to pay so much?
Old 23-05-2011, 10:57 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
You paid $5K for a f*** with a KTV gal? That's way off the market rates? Why were you wiling to pay so much?
Just to clarify, it included a couple of dates and movies, makan etc etc. She just played hard to get and I was just too kind to her. In the end finally got it but took so much effort and overpaid I think. Not worth it and not gonna happen again.
Next time just pay per screw. All this KC is super tiring.
Old 23-05-2011, 04:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Still, $5K is a lot of money to blow, even for 2 dates, movies + makan, leading ultimately to one bonking session, but who am I to judge?

But that’s how it works, generally, I guess – you invest a little time and money in the beginning in the hope that eventually it can become a longer term, more frequent thing, but at a much lower cost of maintaining that f***ing relationship, or for BY-ing.

Bad sex happens. Just move on to the next target.

Recently, I bonked a celebrity for $2.5K a pop. I also wrote about it in the FL3 section.
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