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Old 27-11-2012, 06:08 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Thank you bro. Please continue!!
God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the body of those I killed today becos they pissed me off!
Old 27-11-2012, 11:28 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by sting691 View Post
support ts thanks for the wonderful story
yes bro, any latest posting let me know
Old 28-11-2012, 09:04 AM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Cheryl: Is it true Max, you came because you were worried of me?
Max: Well obviously duh.
Cheryl: That's so sweet of you. You would have gotten two kisses from me today if I could.
Max: Oh well, alright I am going to head back and finish the work so I don't have to come early tomorrow morning. Just take care of yourself alright.
Cheryl: Wait, why don't you stay put and accompany me here for a while Max, I can then drop you home after that.
Max: Nah Cher, I don't feel like socializing or drinking with them, besides I really want to get this done.
Cheryl: Please? Just a little while more.

She looked at me with her puppy eyes while she wrapped her arm to my arm. Well, that was another moment that I couldn't say no to her, so I looked around for table in the corner with a power socket for my laptop. I found one and I said to her:

Max: You know what, I will just work from that table. There is a power socket there, besides its just gonna take me another 20-30mins top to finish it up.
Cheryl: What do you want to drink Max? I will get you one.
Max: Hoegaarden or Kilkenny will be fine Cher.
Cheryl: Alright, gimme a second.

The moment Cheryl went to get me a drink, Wendy came back and said:

Wendy: Whoa, look who stay put and took out laptop to work, you two really have something on
Max: God Wendy, you are indeed annoying
Wendy: Hey, cant you see shes happier with you around? She was smiling when she walked of to the bar.
Max: Right right..

After few other small talks, Cheryl came by to pass me my beer. She then asked Wendy to move along so she can stop disturbing me. But before they left, she went back to me and said:

Cheryl: Max, since you are here watching me, will you promise to take care of me?

Max: Huh? Of course..
Cheryl: The guys have been asking me to drink shots with them, I wanted to but I didn't because I didn't eat anything for dinner
Max: Well you have Wendy Cher..
Cheryl: By the time I am high, Wendy would have been drunk flat on the ground
Max: Haha, alright go ahead, but remember you don't need to drink to prove anything to them
Cheryl: Of course Max, I know that. I just want to get a little high and tipsy *wink*


to be continued..
Old 28-11-2012, 06:12 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Your story getting very cute ha ha. Maybe wendy interested in you is it ask so much lol
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Old 28-11-2012, 10:44 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Nice one bro. Cher can really relax herself knowing that you will be there for her.
Old 29-11-2012, 01:02 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

I have to admit, even though I actually did some work in the bar, it was hard not take a glimpse of Cheryl every once in a while. The idea of many men around her and Cheryl drinking shots after shots of Patron Tequila got me a little uncomfortable back then. They were playing Beer pong for Christ sake. But instead of drinking beer, looser drink the Patron. And to add my misery it was 4 guys vs Jack, Wendy and Cheryl. Why 3 vs 4? Cause they argued since Cheryl just came, she can be considered as 2 person since she was still 90% sober. Guys can be cunning indeed, I told myself.

Jack was half sober since he was the star of the night, Wendy came earlier than Cheryl to the party so she also half sober, so those guys tried to make Cheryl to drink more to "save" Wendy and Jack. I counted how many cups they made to form the pyramid, and for fuck sake, it was 20 cups each side more than the usual 6 or 10! Which means, each side had 20 shots to take on.

Whats best? Of course the three person team lost. So as a punishment, they got to finish up the remaining Patron. By the time the bartender poured out the remaining Patron to the shot glass to my nightmare there were 8 shots that the losing team need to take on and half of it was for Cheryl.

By the time they were done playing and pretty much mess half of the bar area Cheryl couldn't even walk straight back to me.

Max: What happen with just "a little high and tipsy", it looks like you are way more than just high and tipsy Cher
Cheryl: n..noo no noo.. I am sooo berr Max..
Max: Right..
Cheryl: rea.. lyy.. I am.. just a little tipsy but not drunk oo kay..
Max: Gimme your car key, I will drive your car from office and pick you up here rather than us walking there together
Cheryl: Its on my bag baby
Max: ssssshhh... don't call me baby Cher..
Cheryl: oo..oopss..
Max: Where did you park your car again?
Cheryl: Level 5 I think, you can see the car once you're out from the lift
Max: Alright, stay here alright. I will call you once I am nearby.
Cheryl: ooo kay..
Max: Don't go anywhere alright, just stick with them.
Cheryl: mmhmmm..
Max: And keep your phone on your hand at all time
Cheryl: kay..

So I walked back to our office to pick Cheryl's car. I thought it will be better that way rather than walking together with half drunk Cheryl to office's carpark. I was again worried about leaving Cheryl behind with a group of non-sober people from office but that was the most efficient way for me. So I rushed to carpark, drove the car down and to the bar area. Once I reached there, I saw Cheryl already waiting for me with Wendy and Wendy's fiance. Yes, Wendy called her fiance over too since she couldn't walk straight too. Anyway, I went down the car to get Cheryl and brought her in to the car. Once I closed the door, Wendy and her fiance gave me a cheeky smile to me. What a bitch I told myself.


to be continued..
Old 29-11-2012, 05:20 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

For some of you who wonders
Old 29-11-2012, 11:59 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by 4am'rs View Post

For some of you who wonders
This game looks interesting.haha

Looking fwd to ur next update!
Old 30-11-2012, 02:42 AM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

thanks buddy for the great story am
here to support yahoooooooooooooooo
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Old 30-11-2012, 08:45 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by kittymae View Post
This game looks interesting.haha

Looking fwd to ur next update!
It is indeed fun if played by 6-8 people. If you replace the beer with shots, its like highway to tipsy land.
Old 30-11-2012, 10:35 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Pls Update soon =D~~
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Old 01-12-2012, 07:28 AM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Please support your favourite writers at the poll
Old 01-12-2012, 02:41 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Back inside the car..

Max: I'll drive slowly alright so you won't get motion sickness or puke
Cheryl: I won't Max.. I am ookay..
Max: Alright then Cher..

So I turned on the music and drove away slowly back to Cheryl's home.


After a period of silent moment Cheryl asked:

Cheryl: Waait.. why are we going this way Max?
Max: Huh? It doesn't matter right, as long we will reach home.
Cheryl: But.. this is the way to my home isnt it?
Max: Well of course this is on your way home Cher.. Where else are we going at this hour?
Cheryl: mmmhh.. mmm kay then..
Max: Why do you sound disappointed Cher?
Cheryl: nothing Max.. *she looked rather disappointed*


Cheryl: I wish we are in Hong Kong right now..
Max: Huh?
Cheryl: Or somewhere away from Singapore whereby we don't need to follow the rules and we can do whatever we like
Max: Baby you are not making any sense at all
Cheryl: Did you just call me baby Max?
Max: uuh.. yes it seemed like it.. *roll my eyes*
Cheryl: Aww..

She put her hands on my thigh and start rubbing around the area, I got a shocked of course.. So I held her hand instead so I won't let her fuck my brain up again knowingly that I may not get anything at the end. I let go her hand and brushed her hair from her face.

Max: We are reaching soon alright, better get ready.
Cheryl: Just drop me home and drive the car back to your place Max
Max: Are you sure?
Cheryl: Yeah, I will take a cab tomorrow morning to office
Max: Alright then.. thanks Cher
Cheryl: No Max.. I should be the one thanking you.

She looked at me and planted a kiss on my cheek.. She moved back getting ready to get out from the car, but before that I remember she looked back at me again and said:

Cheryl: Are you sure Max? Don't you regret it alright..
Max: Good night Cher, I will see you tomorrow
Cheryl: Bye baby.. See you tomorrow


That was weird I told myself. But anyway I went back to my place in a rush cause it was rather late. The moment I reached back my place, I took a shower and went to bed, but before that I reached out my phone and I saw few emails, bbm and whatsapp. I tried to clear them up before I went to sleep, was getting really tired back then but not until I saw messages that Cheryl left that I didn't read. It literally said:

00.14: "Max, can we go to your place first?"
00.14: "I am so so wet right now and I want you to fuck me in tonight"
00.15: "I really miss being fucked by you Max, I know its only been few days but I really miss you fucking me"
00.15: "Just promise me that you will fuck me really really hard tonight alright?"

FUCK! I told myself, now it all make sense all what she said in the car. Fuck fuck fuck I told myself repetitively, what a morron Max. I have the habit of putting my phone in silent all the time so I probably miss her messages. And I remember clearly the timing cause I had to call the office security to open up the carpark barrier since the automatic fuction usually turned off after midnight. So the message was sent exactly when I was picking up her car from office before I went to the bar to send Cheryl back home.


to be continued..
Old 01-12-2012, 09:34 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Wah interesting there but sadly you didn't strike while the iron is hot
Old 01-12-2012, 11:48 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by 4am'rs View Post
Back inside the car..

Max: I'll drive slowly alright so you won't get motion sickness or puke
Cheryl: I won't Max.. I am ookay..
Max: Alright then Cher..

So I turned on the music and drove away slowly back to Cheryl's home.


After a period of silent moment Cheryl asked:

Cheryl: Waait.. why are we going this way Max?
Max: Huh? It doesn't matter right, as long we will reach home.
Cheryl: But.. this is the way to my home isnt it?
Max: Well of course this is on your way home Cher.. Where else are we going at this hour?
Cheryl: mmmhh.. mmm kay then..
Max: Why do you sound disappointed Cher?
Cheryl: nothing Max.. *she looked rather disappointed*


Cheryl: I wish we are in Hong Kong right now..
Max: Huh?
Cheryl: Or somewhere away from Singapore whereby we don't need to follow the rules and we can do whatever we like
Max: Baby you are not making any sense at all
Cheryl: Did you just call me baby Max?
Max: uuh.. yes it seemed like it.. *roll my eyes*
Cheryl: Aww..

She put her hands on my thigh and start rubbing around the area, I got a shocked of course.. So I held her hand instead so I won't let her fuck my brain up again knowingly that I may not get anything at the end. I let go her hand and brushed her hair from her face.

Max: We are reaching soon alright, better get ready.
Cheryl: Just drop me home and drive the car back to your place Max
Max: Are you sure?
Cheryl: Yeah, I will take a cab tomorrow morning to office
Max: Alright then.. thanks Cher
Cheryl: No Max.. I should be the one thanking you.

She looked at me and planted a kiss on my cheek.. She moved back getting ready to get out from the car, but before that I remember she looked back at me again and said:

Cheryl: Are you sure Max? Don't you regret it alright..
Max: Good night Cher, I will see you tomorrow
Cheryl: Bye baby.. See you tomorrow


That was weird I told myself. But anyway I went back to my place in a rush cause it was rather late. The moment I reached back my place, I took a shower and went to bed, but before that I reached out my phone and I saw few emails, bbm and whatsapp. I tried to clear them up before I went to sleep, was getting really tired back then but not until I saw messages that Cheryl left that I didn't read. It literally said:

00.14: "Max, can we go to your place first?"
00.14: "I am so so wet right now and I want you to fuck me in tonight"
00.15: "I really miss being fucked by you Max, I know its only been few days but I really miss you fucking me"
00.15: "Just promise me that you will fuck me really really hard tonight alright?"

FUCK! I told myself, now it all make sense all what she said in the car. Fuck fuck fuck I told myself repetitively, what a morron Max. I have the habit of putting my phone in silent all the time so I probably miss her messages. And I remember clearly the timing cause I had to call the office security to open up the carpark barrier since the automatic fuction usually turned off after midnight. So the message was sent exactly when I was picking up her car from office before I went to the bar to send Cheryl back home.


to be continued..
Never repeat the same mistake.. No harm leaving phone in ringing mode..
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