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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-01-2008, 10:10 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by GZDesire View Post
Hi 2 all BS Cheongsters
One prob is xtremeli hard to get rooms, tried going there to book for nex day, was told to book on phone, can s/1 confirm?
the gals' target 10 tables - imagine the day's taking $400 n a mth 12k!wah xia, a GM's paycheck (tho that may the mo popolar gals la)

n if s/BS bro can enlighten on the mkt rate for "Zhuo Tai" ie for a gal for the entire session; heard got some loaded guy paid $200 for 1 rather demure looking gal??
....Keep the fun up and the gals comin....

If you are just there ONLY for raba-raba then nothing can beat BS. But it's not the place you bring friends to celebrate. It's more of the place you sneak off to go by yourself...

To be honest, don't bother calling. In the past 3 weeks went twice.... had to go get a room but showing up personally is the best. The more recent yime i went down, I asked for a small room (for myself) and they took a room that someone had booked only because i said i was opening bottle.... I said I didn't want it like that but they claimed the bro who called in was 30mins late.
Best is to go there and queue on day itself.

For the girls, it's really random.

Some times you get really chio ones who will do ANYTHING, sometimes you get the black face unhappy kind that just want to sit and drink your stuff.

The girl's target 10 tables? Bro, they can also target 100 tables a night if they want. Reality is that most girls sit on average 5 tables the entire day. 1-2 tables in afternoon, 3-4 tables in evening. And remember if they sit too many tables, the guys that get little time will be buey-song and only give $10.

Booking the girl is also subjective. If i like the girl but she has no tables that night, i'll offer her $60 to sit with me the whole time. If your girl has 5 or 6 tables because she chio, syt and busty, forget it. She'll want abt $200+ to cover her "costs".

No point talking about what goes on in the room, because nothing happens.

ST - $100, LT - $180~$250
Not all girls want to go overnight though, need to click with you first.
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Old 28-01-2008, 01:17 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

how is this place now? have not been there for a yr. hope to visit it again.
Old 28-01-2008, 02:13 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Pansexual View Post
how is this place now? have not been there for a yr. hope to visit it again.
why don ya just read the last two pages huh more than enough for "How is this place now?" Right??
Old 28-01-2008, 07:30 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by GZDesire View Post
the gals' target 10 tables - imagine the day's taking $400 n a mth 12k!wah xia, a GM's paycheck (tho that may the mo popolar gals la)

n if s/BS bro can enlighten on the mkt rate for "Zhuo Tai" ie for a gal for the entire session; heard got some loaded guy paid $200 for 1 rather demure looking gal??
Its very possible. Last time at BS, this girl (forgot name liao) who sat with me told me that she makes $300-500 average a day, at least 5 tables during afternoon shift and at least 10 tables at night. She also told me she needed the money for her hobby (more like addiction), which turned out to be gambling
Old 28-01-2008, 10:25 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

thanks Bro I<3Ivy for clarification

hey my pts dwindling... guez hav antagonise s/other fans s/where; my apologies duh...always remember its personal opinion, its not universal and one's man meat is another man's poison, no?

2 be fare, each pl have their theme probably and may cater to bros who wan it that way..; other pl oso hav their fair share of chio WL; probably my ass luck nvr get to meet them bah....

n 4 the matter, i agree nothin happen in the rm except rabba rabba;
some hug hug, some small talk which is why i prefer prc to viet but some of my cheong bro juz go 4 physical n not at all keen on tcss with the WL.. to each his own mah...
gd enugh or me tho ;p

q? thks 4 the advice; prob wil try nex time rd
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Old 28-01-2008, 10:43 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by <<<SUCHINDA>>> View Post
Bro Titu, SJG owe you how much? Need me to mobilize my Issan Cowboys help you? hehehe
Mai act as if you know bro spidermel well, your turn is up, real soon!!
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Old 29-01-2008, 11:58 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Roger Lim View Post
Mai act as if you know bro spidermel well, your turn is up, real soon!!
you also dun pretend to know who i am la.....titu & me friends until what level is between us, no need you come here kaypo
Old 29-01-2008, 12:09 PM
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Bs Ktv

Only you are allowed to create trouble in Threads that is not to your liking,
only you can create trouble in all threads that doesnt concern you.

Originally Posted by <<<SUCHINDA>>> View Post
you also dun pretend to know who i am la.....titu & me friends until what level is between us, no need you come here kaypo
sgmjplayer must Apologize to Red_Tirak1099
After CHEATED by HIM, He Must KEEP Quiet and
let him CHEAT others.
He deeply regret his actions that have CAUSE him great losses.

Red_Tirak1099's DBS acct no. 338-00009-0
Red_Tirak1099 = <<<suchinda>>> = (&**)(%%

Beware of 'free beers' Tactics
Old 29-01-2008, 03:22 PM
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Angry Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by <<<SUCHINDA>>> View Post
you also dun pretend to know who i am la.....titu & me friends until what level is between us, no need you come here kaypo
Spidermel and you are friends? Sure boh? Trying to spin tales again? Or looking up Spidermel as backup against nirvana?

Really hope nirvana will get hold of you, and rearrange your fucking face up.
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and RTplayer for exposing this dirty conman's tricks.
Old 29-01-2008, 03:46 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Went to bs last nite alone. Decide to go alone instead of asking others just in case someone said i din pay drink, din pay that, and things like that.

Anyway, was there about 7pm. not much people there so get a small room quite easily. Sat there till 12mn. Total sit with 4 gals. Ok lar, normal rubba rubba and chit chat.

Actually go alone also have its own fun. maybe will go again.
Old 29-01-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by seekfun View Post
Went to bs last nite alone. Decide to go alone instead of asking others just in case someone said i din pay drink, din pay that, and things like that.

Anyway, was there about 7pm. not much people there so get a small room quite easily. Sat there till 12mn. Total sit with 4 gals. Ok lar, normal rubba rubba and chit chat.

Actually go alone also have its own fun. maybe will go again.
You order one jug? What's the damage? < $90+?
Old 29-01-2008, 04:09 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by seekfun View Post
Went to bs last nite alone. Decide to go alone instead of asking others just in case someone said i din pay drink, din pay that, and things like that.

Anyway, was there about 7pm. not much people there so get a small room quite easily. Sat there till 12mn. Total sit with 4 gals. Ok lar, normal rubba rubba and chit chat.

Actually go alone also have its own fun. maybe will go again.
Who is the guy making false allegation against you?
Please report his nick if he is lying. We will outcast him.
Old 29-01-2008, 04:36 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by GL Hunter View Post
You order one jug? What's the damage? < $90+?
Bro, total damages for small room as a solo BS'er is about $106.

This includes Room + 2 plates of fruits + 1 Jug of beer.
If you take 1 jug of green tea is is about $100.50 .

Personally, unless you WANT/NEED to drink beer, just take the green tea.

The girls in BS generally don't like to drink alcohol, some do but most prefer to have green tea/water.

My favourite girl there used to work in a TAM/LV quality KTV until she couldn't take it because she doesn't like drinking.

Expect your expenditure for a night of Solo BS to hit about $200.

My most recent BS trip from 7pm - 12mn cost...

Room $106
Girl 1 - $20
Girl 2 - $20
Girl 3 - $60
Waitress tips $10
Taxi home - $16.80

Total Damage = $222.80 or $45.56/hr of fun.
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Old 29-01-2008, 06:37 PM
<<<SUCHINDA>>> <<<SUCHINDA>>> is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Roger Lim View Post
Spidermel and you are friends? Sure boh? Trying to spin tales again? Or looking up Spidermel as backup against nirvana?

Really hope nirvana will get hold of you, and rearrange your fucking face up.
Are you trying to say the both of them are the big gangsters of SBF? Nirvana we all know his background even know Titu's background then i can agar agar guess who you are......your cat tail is showing liao.......

Again you have confused me with TV, like you have confuse Midnightiger with TV......TV is retired liao. I am not related to any of them but i am related to the famous keep guessing
Old 29-01-2008, 06:39 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Disgrace View Post
Who is the guy making false allegation against you?
Please report his nick if he is lying. We will outcast him.
Clone coming in to support his master......$50 people already said no need you to return liao why you still must do show here digrace yourself har???
Better you go join SJG's club la...shoo!
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