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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 23-07-2008, 09:26 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

quality of MM is back.
may squeeze sometime later afternoon go recce.
anyone may be going can pm me.
Thanks to all the bros who have up me ,Please leave your Nick so I can return your favors
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Old 25-07-2008, 11:18 AM
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Talking Re: Bs Ktv

Dropped by on Mon n Wed.

Met one Ping Ping...not sure any bro seen her before. Quite sweet and also lazy bum to find other bros. Just wanna stick to me....and keep asking me to bao her the whole afternoon. Anyway she got to go back soon to Cina land.

Asked her about her rate Lion open the big Jaws man. Saying her bao rate is 200 flat for 4 hrs and on top 200 bucks for a bonk. Meaning 400 total for a "good time"

Any bros up her oredi...any FR ? Thanks
Old 28-07-2008, 08:42 AM
deli deli is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Old 29-07-2008, 03:04 AM
inflame inflame is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Been a while since I went to BS, so decided to drop by just now with a couple of friends. Must admit, e standard of the girls have indeed gotten better.

Reached ard 8pm, and the girls were plenty. Started the night off with Cindy - chatty girl from 湖北 who was very accommodating with the 'extras' provided. Also, she came back very frequently despite getting her fair share early.

Looks: 8/10 Figure: 8.5/10 (B); Chatty Personality

Then there was a SYT Li-zhi from 湖南 who came in. As everyone else was pre-occupied, and Cindy wasn't around, I had the pleasure to have her company. Small frame and cute outfit (white short-sleeved shirt & red tie with denim shorts). As much as she was cute, her service attitude was damn bad. Flower vase who disappears for long durations. Moment she was back for e last round she asked for her share w/o even sitting down.

Looks: 9.5/10 Figure 8/10 (A); Quiet but her eyes are nice.

Advice: Think both were good catches even for e latter cos SYTs are rare; but do get ur fair share of fun and don't hold back or u'll probably end up regretting!

my 2 cents worth~
Old 29-07-2008, 10:26 AM
FabJun FabJun is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Hi Bros,

Anyone got any info of a gal call Xiao Jun?

Old 30-07-2008, 10:33 AM
FabJun FabJun is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Went last Nite...
Discover there a new batch of MM there...

Dunno wat happen??? last few days like very easy to get room.
Everyday not full...but gal many many...

Do U bros got good parking area near BS?
Any good and near place which free parking aFt 5 ???

Old 30-07-2008, 01:11 PM
Fallen_evil Fallen_evil is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Hi all Senior,

Planning to go Bs this Sat for my friend Bachorlor-night... suppose plan to go Hard Rock... but friend recommand to go KTV

Hopefully, all senior can give some tips or guide for me. In term of price and recommand some girls for me. Prefer M'sia or PRC

If possible PM any girls contact to book for the room.

Thank you
Old 31-07-2008, 11:39 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Went again last nite ard 9...
not that full, still a few Rm emtpy left...

Got these 3 mm, playable...
Zhen Zhen - Cute N SWEET LOOK, NICE Boo n nice fig...
Xiao Que(ShenYang) - sweet look, long hair, hot and fun...sweet voice...
Zi Li -- Look--OK, but fun N very playable...

Have Fun---Going in Sat again...

Old 01-08-2008, 09:07 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

To all Bro who know ping ping is she back to her hometown? those who know her can i have her num or maybe u can help me to sms her tell her that 冰 are looking fgor her ask her to sms me can and 1jug will be on me today HH ok..if she not back maybe later go down and look for her heehee she lose her hp and i don't have her new num..... as for those who know liu en she back just sms me the day before.....
Old 03-08-2008, 01:47 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

BS Gals

01) Ann - the youngest looking among all ( SYT definitely), Lf=A devil
indeed..can hook your soul, Body= 9( slim and nice waist ) killer for me,
Boobs for the slim size...looks like a B or C but definitely nice nipples,
smooth and smell nice skin, Pf=6

02) An Na - new gal from Shenzhen, Cute looking gal, long hair with gd fig, 30

03) Bin bin - very small size girl, GFE, cute look, Lf=7, playful

04) Cheng Jin – pretty, young, Lf=8
-- “but becareful, she will ask for more tips at the end of the day”
-- “...insist give her wat you think is enough.”

05) Cindy – Lf= 8, Figure: 8.5, Chatty Personality

06) Dong dong - new gal, Lf=7, big build, very good in dance.

07) Hong- Vietnam, speak mandarin really well. Beautiful figure & can bring
outside, Service good and know how to chat u up.

08) Keke – SYT, going back soon

09) Lizhi – SYT, Small frame and cute outfit Lf: 9.5, Figure=8, Quiet but her
eyes are nice

10) Maggie - student- pretty face , Lf=8

11) Mei ling - nice and friendly from FuZhuo...

12) Na Na - ard late 20, Lf=7, Body:9 , pretty tall and good build for my size,
Big Boobs. C or D one hand full with some spill over effect. Fair n smooth
skin, PF=8

13) Ping Ping - Quite sweet

14) Qian Qian – pf=8, lf=5
-- “near 30, very passsionate( will kiss you and rubba) but i scare of
her saliva”

15) RuNa - Da Lian NEW...Lf=7, a bit old but nice to hug and kiss...

16) Ting Ting-Ji Lin - Lf=7, Big Boobs (wonder is it push-up?)

17) Tuo Zi - 7/10...nice and friendly.

18) Wen Wen - over 30s, Lf=MILF, Body=7, slim with nice waist, boobs: at
least a B cup with push up bra. Fair n smooth skin, Pf=8

19) Xiaxia –

20) Xiaobing - very hot, slim and pretty gal, Lf=7, nice and friendly

21) Xiao Jun -

22) Xiao Lin - A lucky star, from Sichuan. Very fair, used to be a pole dancer.
Can bring outside also.

23) Xiao Me - Lf=8 - M size boobs...

24) Xiao Qin - FuZhou - Lf=6 but very Bitchic...

25) Xiao Wei – Lf=8, friendly

26) Xiao Xue

27) Yang Yang - late 20s, Lf=4, Body: sweet..never wear bra walk around
BS, Boobs maybe a B or even a C, smooth skin and smell nice with
perfume, Pf=8, keep dragging me to toilet for some fun, leaving soon, very accommodating and respectful

28) Yanzi – ard late 20, Lf=7 ( with a look to bring home to see mum kind of
GF ), Body:6/10 slim and quite tall too, boobs: Wow lao...A Cup or even
AA man, Sometimes nice to feel a small neh, smooth skin, Pf=6

29) Zhen Zhen – SYT, pf=9

30) ZhiLi – SYT, pf=3

31) cunt remember the name – Lf=5, big size, keep jioing me to eat
abalone ;P

Pf = play factor
Lf = look factor
SYT = Sweet young thing
Max rating 10
GFE = Galfren experience
life ix full of surprise
u wont know until u try
Old 03-08-2008, 05:14 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

thanks for the girls update.
but i am able to comment on 3 gers from the list.

1.Lizi -> PF = Low , SYT though
2.Na Na -> High , Nice looking Face
3.Li Wei -> Medium , Nice Looking Face

Hopes it helps in bro making decision which to sit.
Thanks to all the bros who have up me ,Please leave your Nick so I can return your favors
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:38 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by cunt_search View Post
BS Gals

01) Ann - the youngest looking among all ( SYT definitely), Lf=A devil
indeed..can hook your soul, Body= 9( slim and nice waist ) killer for me,
Boobs for the slim size...looks like a B or C but definitely nice nipples,
smooth and smell nice skin, Pf=6
Bro you really a resident at BS
Old 04-08-2008, 10:47 AM
23th Warrior 23th Warrior is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

very good lists. Looks like it's time to visit this BS
Old 06-08-2008, 12:22 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

some problem with the thread ?? Izzit too long haha
Old 06-08-2008, 09:00 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

think the page number coding is having probs....

btw, how come the review didn't cover the hot babes there xiao qing & qing qing.... knn, everytime they go out to smoke, sure kenna grab by new customers...
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