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Old 16-06-2014, 10:01 PM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

I rushed to the basin immediately to spit all his urine out and despite lotsa mouth wash,i still felt a tinge of the after taste in my mouth. But George was unsympathetic. He reprimanded me for not swallowing his urine and he got pissed with me. He washed himself up and then walked out of the washroom without speaking a word to me. I took a long shower trying to cool myself down thinking of what had just happened. After i had done showering, George was already dressed up sitting at the sofa. He asked me to sit beside him and have a chat and i sat down.

George had descibed the whole night encounter and he was very proud of his achievements. However he felt i had not fulfilled my promises and said he would come back from more. I told him about my boss and I and he said he will speak to my boss. He wanted me to be his girlfriend and I accepted as I really like him. He got up and leave and we started as a couple like that.
Old 16-06-2014, 10:56 PM
LateHunter LateHunter is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

seriously? lady? someone just pee down your throat, u angry still have him to be ur bf?
Old 19-06-2014, 01:45 AM
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

Can pee when hard but the urine will shoot straight forward instead of down the toilet bowl. So must really push the dick downwards. Hahahaha.
Old 19-06-2014, 01:45 AM
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

Do continue Falicia
Old 20-06-2014, 12:14 AM
ProCheongster ProCheongster is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

I hope you will get a nice guy eventually.
Old 20-06-2014, 11:55 AM
AlphaChamp AlphaChamp is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

support ! plz continue
Old 21-06-2014, 09:59 AM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

After George and I got together, I had to juggle myself between him and boss. And I could have done sex 6 to 7 times in a day with both of them. Eventually, I grew sick of it and asked George to help me look for another job. He did but before I could leave boss's place, George caught me in the act with boss.
Old 24-06-2014, 02:38 PM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

As I have tendered my resignation from my boss place after George got me a job in the bank, my boss had been wanting to get me to bed again. After my constant rejections, he actually set me up in a trap. As he knew of my relationship with George, he had actually invited George over to his place for wine, as his wife was out of town.

Boss got me over to his place earlier in the pretext of a farewell dinner. I went over to his place with another colleague, but he managed to set her off to somewhere, leaving the both of us alone. When we were alone in his living room, he told me he had something to give me. I thought it was a present or something. Instead , he turned on the tv and on the screen were the both of us having sex in his office. I questioned him about his intentions and he said he would show it to George later. I was flustered and kept begging him to pass the vid to me but he refused.

He had a big appetite, which I just accepted.
Old 27-06-2014, 05:13 PM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

He had also asked his son to come into the room to watch him screw me. His son is only 20,21 the most. I felt uncomfortable having someone watching, so I asked boss can we just do it alone,but he rejected. He said if I refused to obey him, he will pass George the video. I felt goose bump all over me but soon it was over came with lust. Boss did the usual, and his son Damian was watching the action close by. Boss pried open my pussy and he asked Damian to have a good look at it. I thought what had happened before boss plunged his tongue into my pussy making me moaned hornily. I gripped his head tightly and Damian just stood there watching. Boss stopped after a while and asked me to blow him in a doggie prone position. What I did not expect is Damian suddenly came behind me and thrust his young cock into my ass. It gave me a tremendous sensation and he pumped me like a hot blooded youth. I was enjoying the both of them, damn!

Our threesome session lasted an hour or so and would have been longer if not for George to barge in. He saw what had happened and demanded us to stop. Alas, damage was done and I didn't see George after that night.
Old 27-06-2014, 05:14 PM
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

nice story! :d
Old 28-06-2014, 10:30 PM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

After that fateful night, George did not contact me anymore but my ex Boss still whatsapp me as and when he likes. I went over to a new company introduced by George and worked as a legal secretary in a law firm. My time passed quickly with not much fun and enjoyment as my work took up most of my time. I didn't even go out after work so my life became monotonous once again.

My ex Boss was very persistent in meeting me up again but i felt i should not be kept hostage by him. I told him off to stop contacting me and He threatened to put my video online. I dared him to do that and in return,I would tell his wife about his affairs. Hence on, i did not hear from him anymore and I moved on.

3 months into my job as a legal secretary, I have familiarised myself with some knowledge of law and i got to meet some nice lawyers but most lawyers are not so nice. As I dressed up in a corporate way, nobody paid attention to me. My boss proposed that I go and take up courses as a legal executive and i took up the offer.
Old 28-06-2014, 11:58 PM
windstrafer windstrafer is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

Nice story my lady...keep on writing.
Old 30-06-2014, 04:10 AM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

As I was always rushing for my course after work, my life had become so monotonous. Its always work,study then home. In my class, almost three quarter of my classmates are female, only a handful of them are some old folks who cannot make it. We have 3 different lecturers who are all professional legal counsel who took time off their busy schedule to guide us. The first 2 lecturers are very seasoned and old lawyers who gave us precious knowledge but the 3rd lecturer is a young suave North Indian lawyer, who caught my eyes.
Old 30-06-2014, 02:45 PM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

The North Indian lawyer, Ashvin,is a young man with a good bod. However, he only taught us once a week and I saw his gf waiting for him after our lessons. So, I was envious of them and did not think further. My monotonous routine continued.

I was invited to a girl friend's party at a ktv pub and went to wish her happy birthday. It was like 4 months since I last went to a party. Reached there in my corporate suit as I went directly after work. Chit chatted with her and she began to introduce her friends to me, mostly her new friends. But there was a young man who hitted on me.
Old 30-06-2014, 03:00 PM
Falicia Falicia is offline
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Re: Life of a Successful Woman

Ken,the young man in his early 20s ,was hitting on me as he kept me company by chatting with me and trying to know more about me. He is a cute and confident man who really made me destressed in the pub. He was also trying to fish out information about me. When I excused myself to the ladies, he walked me to the ladies and waited for me outside. I was impressed by his gesture.

When we returned to our table,he suggested drinking white wine. He ordered a bottle followed by another. Maybe it was due to a long period without drinking,I felt tipsy after a few glass. Wanted to go home but he suggested playing some childish game like truth or dare. Lost a couple and I told him some "truth" and when he lost,I dared him to drink more so as to go home earlier. Our last game was a big gamble as he said whoever lost must accept the dare. And so I lost.

He dared me to a french kiss and I told him definitely not in the pub. Wanted to say bye to my fren but noticed she was already dead drunk. And so he drove me home.
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