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Old 04-06-2021, 05:36 PM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

Chapter Three

I think that comment about wishing she wasn't my sister was what really convinced her I wasn't going to laugh at her. And my opinion really mattered, for some reason. The point is that, from that point on, instead of being freaked out that her brother was looking at her like ... well ... not her brother ... she was more or less comfortable with being naked in front of me. But more than that ... her own curiosity about boys was allowed to come to the fore.

The first indication of that was after I got the mesh suit on her. That was, by the way, both ridiculously easy and astonishingly difficult at the same time.

Getting each piece where it belonged was the ridiculously easy part. I went in reverse order, doing the bottoms first. It was just big enough to cover all her curly short ones. The hardest part of that was figuring out how the strings went. She bent over and pointed at things to help me spread it all out. I glanced up and saw those fabulous breasts, just hanging like ripe fruit on a tree, and my cock got even harder. She stepped daintily into the arrangement and I pulled everything up.

Then it was hard to get all those strings tight enough but not too tight. And then there was the part that went between her ass cheeks. It was elastic, but I had to spread her butt cheeks to get it to lie right so it would pull the bottom of the front panel to curve over that tightly closed cleft between her legs. It worked best if the cord around the waist was high in the back and the side strings went high over her hips.

The bra was easier to get on, but then it needed to be tugged and moved all over each breast to present an even appearance. I realized she had tiny, fine hairs on her upper torso that I would never have been able to see unless I was this close to her body.

I finally stood back.

"Wow," I said.

"I look okay?"

"They're going to sell a million of these suits," I said.

"You really mean that!" she sighed.

"You're damn straight," I admitted easily.

"Thank you."

"You're most welcome," I said.

This was when her curiosity bubbled up to the surface.

"You need to change into your suit too," she reminded me.

I thought about my rock hard prick, and how what was shaping up to be a very comfortable relationship might take a completely different turn if she found out I had a boner for her.

"You can go on out," I suggested.

"No way," she said. "You saw me. It's only fair I get to see you too."

"That's crazy," I said.

"Crazy or not, you got to see all my flaws. I get to see yours too. Fair is fair."

"You don't have any flaws," I said, somewhat heatedly.

"Shhhh," she said, quietly. "Hurry up." She stuck her head through the curtain and told Vlad we were about ready. I heard him say, "Take your time," which should have registered as odd, but did not. I had other things to worry about just then.

My sister stood there in that incredibly sexy "swim" suit, oblivious to the fact that she had turned my penis into a bar of tungsten steel, and waited for me to expose that fact.

"I can't," I said.

"Why not?"

"I have a ... problem."

She didn't get it at first. I could see her turning it all over in her mind, trying to figure out what kind of problem I could possibly have. I could also see when she did get it. Her face changed from a frown of concentration to The Joker's face as he laughed at Batman.

"You're kidding!" she whispered, leaning toward me and covering her mouth as she giggled.

"You said I couldn't laugh at you!" I reminded her.

"I'm not laughing," she insisted ... while laughing.

"Come on, Addie. I couldn't help it. It's not something a guy can control when he sees a beautiful girl. And you are beautiful."

"Change!" she hissed.

It was obvious she wasn't going to cut me any slack.

"Look away," I said.

"Don't be ridiculous. You saw everything I have!"

"It's not the same!" I insisted.

She finally turned around, folding her arms over her chest.

"Okay then. Just hurry up."

If I'd have thought about it, I'd have realized she could have just left. Assuming she was no longer going to even the score. Which, of course, she was.

She must have had eyes in the back of her head, because as soon as I was naked and reached for Vlad's Speedo, she turned around and bent over to stare at my manhood.

"Good grief!" she gasped, like there was something horribly wrong with it.

"What?" I asked, looking down, expecting to see bleeding, or boils or something horrible.

"It's huge!" she said, weakly.

"It is?" It was an automatic response. I'm not suggesting I didn't know what size I had.

She looked up at my face, but only for a split second.

"Not that I've seen any," she said. "But I can't help but imagine ... and that looks way bigger than I expected. It looks ... scary. They say it hurts the first time. I can sure believe that!"

Guys look at that prospect differently. We know it's happened zillions of times, and nobody was killed by it. Plus we all assume we'll be good enough lovers that the girls will all say, "Pshaw," at whatever pain there might be and beg for us never to stop.

"It's never killed anybody yet," I said, with typical teenage bravado. It was an instinctive thing to say ... the kind of thing I would have said if I were talking to a guy. Maybe I was trying, unconsciously, to stop lusting after my sister and put her on the level of a guy friend. I don't know.

"You've done it?" she said, loud enough for our father to hear, clear across town.

Vlad called out. "Is there a problem?"

"No!" I called back, shushing my sister immediately after.

She looked mad for some reason. Or maybe she was just shocked and disgusted. In any case, I saw things going south in a hurry, so I fessed up.

"I've never done it!" I hissed. "Guys just talk like that, okay?"

"You're a virgin?" she said, more softly. "Really?"

"Of course I'm a virgin," I said. "Just like you are."

There was a split second delay before she answered, and when she did her eyes sparkled. I saw it, but was unable to react to the cues when she said, "Who says I'm a virgin?"

Instead, I shot back, "You better be a virgin, or I'm going to have to beat the living shit out of some guy."

She giggled again.

"Of course I'm a virgin," she said. "I'm glad you are too."

That confused me.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. Get your suit on, before Vlad charges in here to find out what's wrong and he sees your monster ... thing."

"It's not a monster," I growled.

"Sure looks like one to me," she giggled.

I grabbed the Speedo and stepped into it. I looked ridiculous as I pulled it to cover my boner. And there was nothing I could do about it. In the end, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I hoped I looked professional or something.

When we stepped out, I think we both expected to find a frustrated Vlad waiting, wanting to get the fuck on with things. We'd been there more than half an hour by then, and he had yet to take a single picture. Of course we didn't know then what we know now ... that he was grooming us for bigger and better things, and that, from his point of view, however much time it took for us to get used to seeing each other naked was worth it.

"Very nice," he said, casually. " I knew that suit would look good on you."

He ignored me, which didn't surprise me at all. If I were in a room with some guy and Addison, and she was dressed like that, I wouldn't look at anybody else either. He took her to stand in front of a backdrop that was all sand and sun and palm trees, like the scenes on her nails, and stood her there while he fiddled with light meters and exposure settings and all that kind of thing.

"We're going to have to oil you up," he finally said. "Your skin is so fair it bleaches out. The oil will refract the light and give your skin a more golden tone."

It took no imagination at all to envision what "oiling her up" meant, and it sounded like he intended to do it himself. That was unacceptable.

"I'll do it," I said, firmly.

"Of course," he said, flashing his perfect teeth. He went to the table and picked up a bottle, which he handed to me. I realized I was about to rub my oily hands all over Addie's skin. My cock twitched under the towel.

"Should we go back in there?" I asked, looking at Vlad for some reason.

"No," he scoffed. "Is just oil. No big deal, right? She is your sister, after all, yes?"

"Of course," I said, knowing that was what I was supposed to say ... what any normal brother would say.

That was when I found out how firm her breasts were, as I had to slide my oily hands along the sides and tops of them, where the suit didn't cover. It was insanely tempting to slide my fingers under the cloth too, but I managed to resist doing that.

It did not help that she kept saying, "That feels nice, Bobby."

Old 04-06-2021, 05:41 PM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

I do not remember dragging out the oiling up of my sister. She later told me I did that. I denied it, but then she said, "I didn't mind." I didn't know what that meant, so I just dropped it.

Anyway, I finally stopped, and Vlad pronounced her well oiled. Then he said, "Okay, Bobby. Your turn."

"My turn?" I said, not understanding.

"You need oil too."

"I'll do him," said Addie.

"You can't," said Vlad. "Your nails will fall off if your fingers get oily."

I suddenly imagined Vlad's big, hairy hands going all over me and had a mixed reaction to that. That was because while the thought of his hands on me made my skin crawl, I also felt my erection begin to soften.

"He can do himself," said Vlad, carelessly. "He has no nails."

The long and short of it is that, by the time Vlad told me to lose the towel, my cock was only half hard, which I hoped would actually made a nice bulge in the suit. Guys do want to be perceived as being "huge" after all. Even if not usually in their sister's opinion.

Vlad glanced at my Speedo.

"Move your junk into the middle," he said, casually. It was so weird hearing his Russian accent using what I thought of as an American term.

I looked down and saw that it looked like I had a big slug in my suit, that was crawling towards my left hip, trying to escape the Speedo. I couldn't do anything except pull the waistband away from my skin and stick my other hand in there to rearrange things. I looked up to see Addie watching me with interest.

"Don't laugh!" I warned her.

"I wouldn't dream of it," she said, and then promptly giggled.

"All right then," said Vlad. "Let's make some money!"

I have mixed feelings about that session. Vlad may not have minded that we took half an hour to get into the first outfits, but he made up for that by shooting over fifteen changes in the next hour and fifteen minutes. Again, this may have been because he knew our family might ask questions if we got home late, or it may have been because he knew that, if I was putting things on Addie and then taking them off, and having to do it rapidly, we would eventually become used to the concept of me seeing her naked and touching her body. If it was the latter ... it worked.

By the time Addie got behind the wheel of the bug and started us home, I had touched just about every part of her body, including those pussy lips. Which, by the way, did not stay tight and white and invisible. As that hour and fifteen minutes progressed, two lines of darker, more wrinkled and flushed skin began to push out from the cleft where her white skin dipped inward. I didn't say anything about it. But I sure noticed.

Then there was the fact that I kept getting boners. More than once she said, "Is that really because of me?" One time I said, "Of course. I said you were beautiful." Another it was, "Who else is here?" Another time I responded, "Get used to it, okay?" I only spoke one more time about it and that was to say, "Stop fishing for compliments!"

But I think another really important thing was the reaction we had to the poses he put us through. They weren't sexual, exactly, unless you were a teenager. Like, I was usually standing behind her. And he'd tell me to put my hands on her hips, or further forward with my fingertips on her abdomen. It was just boyfriend/girlfriend kinds of poses. Once he had me kiss her neck, and I felt her whole body shudder as I touched her skin with my lips.

Come to think of it, the next costume change was when I noticed something pushing out of her pussy slit.

There were lots of poses with my arms around her, or our arms around each other, half turned to face the camera.

All I know I was extremely glad it was me touching her, instead of some other guy.

"Thank you," she said. We had gotten about two blocks and it was the first time either of us had spoken. We each had six crisp twenty dollar bills in our pockets. I was going back and forth between thinking about that, and what my sister looked like naked and oily.

"What for?" I asked.

"For not making me do that with some other boy."

"No way is some other boy ever going to do that to you," I said, automatically.

"Ever?" She shot me a look.

"Not in the foreseeable future," I said.

"I can live with that," she replied.

"Good," I said.

"Don't go all caveman on me," she laughed.

"Sorry," I said. "It's just that ... well ... I know how I felt, and another guy ... I just can't think about it, okay?"

"I actually know what you mean," she said.

"You do?"

"Yeah. It was ... um ... intense for me too."

"Was it?"

"It was."

"Can you explain that?"

She drove on for another couple of blocks before she answered.

"There were times when it was hard for me to remember you were my brother."

Old 04-06-2021, 05:42 PM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

There is one thing I am quite sure of, and that is that that first modeling job of adult swim suits caused a behavioral change in Addison. She was a lot less modest around the house. In the past, she used to cover her panties up with running shorts, and she had always worn a bra under her T shirts or whatever she was wearing after we got home from school and she changed into "comfortable" clothes.

But now, she ran around in panties and a T shirt with no bra under it. Our father noticed it too.

"This modeling stuff has made you more comfortable in your skin, hasn't it," he commented one night.

"I guess so," she said.

"Remember there are two males living in the house with you," he said.

"How could I forget that?" she asked, looking confused. "You both live like pigs and leave things lying all over the place."

"I was referring to you exposing your feminine charms to us," said Dad, dryly.

"I'm not exposing anything," she said, looking down at her T shirt, which displayed Donald Duck wearing a conical birthday hat and blowing one of those paper things that unrolls and squeaks as you blow into it. She'd gotten it on her birthday a couple of years past. I hadn't noticed it before, but after our father drew attention to it I saw it was a little small for her now. The cloth was thin enough you could see dark circles through it where the tips of her breasts pressed against the cloth. I also noticed that there were no bumps there. That was the first time I realized her Bing Cherry pits weren't always on display. They had been in all the shots Vlad took of her wearing various bikinis, by the way.

"Addison," said our father, patiently, "I know you like showing off to all the men in the stands. And I suppose that has translated into enjoying showing off as a model. But it isn't fair to your brother and me to show off at home. We are both normal men, and we can't help but notice how ... um ... grown up you are."

I smiled. Part of that was because my father had included me as a "man" in his comment and part was because he was blushing.

"Awww, thank you, Daddy," she said, going and hugging him, to press her braless breasts against him. "You and Bobby make me feel so pretty. You guys are really sweet. I love you."

What that translates into in real meaning, in case you're a guy, is that she ignored his suggestion she put something on and make it easier on us guys. She didn't. She didn't flaunt it, but she didn't cover it up either.

That eventually evolved into her asking me if she looked good, but before we get there, I'll just tell you that, over the next five or six sessions at Vlad's studio, we got thoroughly used to seeing each other naked. And, after that first time, Addie started asking Vlad what nails he wanted her to have on for our next shoot, and she glued them on beforehand.

What that meant was that she didn't have to have any help undressing. But she also said, "We can both change at the same time. It will save time."

It took me a little while to figure it out, but she was doing little stripteases for me. She always looked at my crotch when I was naked. And of course I always had a hardon. After a while neither of us had any modesty left. At least not around each other.

And having her nails on ahead of time meant she could oil me up ... just like I oiled her up.

Vlad knew about my boners, of course. The first time I couldn't hide one he said, "No worries. Is normal. Addie is nice looking girl, yes?"

What he did was pose me in ways that the boner didn't show. Which, of course, was fine with me. I wasn't embarrassed by my boners any more, but, like Addie, I wasn't about to flaunt them.

There were two things that advanced us toward the goal Vlad had in mind, which we didn't know he had in mind.

The first was one night when, after the shoot was finished, he said, "Addie? Next series of suits will show your golden hairs down there. Must trim them back, okay?"

"How much?" she asked. This will give you some idea of how comfortable we were with Vlad by this time.

"Personally? I would say all the way," he said, carelessly. "Be more form-fitting that way. But is up to you. Just so nothing shows, okay?"

"Can I see one of the suits?" she asked.

He got it for her and she looked at it critically. I wasn't to find out until the next shoot that she decided to do what he suggested ... take it all off.

When I did find out about that, by seeing the result in the changing booth, it left me a little shell shocked. I was used to seeing her pussy by now, but the complete lack of hair just changed things somehow. That was the first time I wanted to touch her there, just to see what it felt like. I didn't do that, of course, but I wanted to. And it made it a lot easier to see when her pussy "blossomed" as I thought of it.

We had admitted to each other that we got turned on by all this. I'm not sure either of us knew what to do about that. Or I should say that both of us knew we shouldn't do anything about that, and yet we spent hours at a high state of sexual excitement around each other. So it was impossible not to let the imagination slip a little, into taboo territory.

Then came a day when the shoot involved the two of us sitting on chaise lounges, side by side, holding hands with a view of what was supposed to be a resort behind us.

"Boner is now problem," said Vlad, again using what I thought of as an American word, with a Russian accent. Then he tossed off, in the most unbelievably casual way, "You can go behind curtain to take care of it."

"What?" I knew what he meant. I just couldn't believe he'd said it.

"Go in there!" he said firmly. "Beat off. Get rid of boner! What? You stupid?"

I looked at Addie, whose mouth was hanging open. Her eyes looked as big around as the little coffee cup plates mom kept in the china cabinet.

"You never do this before?" Vlad's voice sounded incredulous.

"Sure I have!" I said, in instant self-defense of my manhood.

"Well hurry up. We have shoot to do," he said. Both double-u's were pronounced as vee's.

I got up. Addie was lying there on her chaise lounge in a dark blue "swim suit" that was little more than two triangles that barely covered her areolas and was extremely form-fitting, as Vlad called it, where it covered her pussy lips. Those lips were always more full and lush these days. I actually wondered if they went through some kind of growth spurt or something. I know that's silly now, but I just didn't have enough experience back then to understand that when she got really turned on, her pussy lips blossomed into a beautiful camel toe.

And, of course, that's exactly what Vlad wanted.

I could see what she was going to look like, lying there on that chaise lounge, with her camel toe clearly visible and her nipples almost bursting through the cloth covering them. She had on sunglasses, and the lamps he had shining on us were hot enough to make her sweat a little bit.

Suffice it to say I had no trouble, once I got behind that curtain, deciding what to think about as I spanked my monkey.

I didn't even think about the fact that I felt completely normal beating off to a mental image of my sister.

And, of course, I didn't know that's exactly what Vlad had intended to orchestrate.

Old 04-06-2021, 05:43 PM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

The rest of that shoot went pretty routinely. If, that is, it was routine for me to have to beat off two more times as Addie and I changed outfits.

After that first time, when I came out of the dressing alcove, Addie was still lying there, looking like she was simply lounging around in the sun. Vlad was sitting on a stool at her feet, talking to her. I didn't have any proof, but he had to have picked that spot to sit because it gave him a perfect vantage point to stare at her pussy cleft, and her spiked nipples, through that thin suit she was wearing. He happened to be talking when I emerged, and I realized he was telling her how normal it was for me to have been required to go do what I had been doing.

Her head turned just a little when I opened the curtain and walked out. I couldn't see her eyes, because of those sunglasses, but her upper chest and cheeks got so pink suddenly that it almost looked like she really was in the sun, and was getting a bit burned.

But that went away as he stood and moved the stool and directed me on how to lie, and to reach and hold her hand, like we were on the beach being romantic.

He took a dozen shots and then told us it was time for a costume change.

It was me who was blushing when we entered the changing room and I had to get naked in front of her again. She didn't bat an eye. I could see them this time because the glasses had been left out on the chaise lounge. She reached to flick at the bows I had tied earlier, and the little pieces of cloth dropped to the floor. She stood, naked, as I pushed my trunks down.

"Did you really ... do that?" She was breathing deeply. "In here, I mean?"

"I guess I did," I admitted.

She looked around and I realized she was looking for what my body had produced as I had imagined my sister while I masturbated. I guess she thought I'd just shoot it on the floor or something. My eyes darted to the underwear I had taken off when we first got there ... and did not plan on wearing home.

"I didn't know you did that," she said. Then she frowned. "Well ... I guess I never thought about you doing it. I mean I know guys do it, but ..." She let her voice trail off. I think I said what I said next because I wanted the attention off of me. Maybe.

"So ... do you do it too?"

She got red clear down to almost her nipples this time. But she took a deep breath, which did amazing things to her breasts, by the way, and then let it out.

"Sometimes," she said, softly.

"Let's go," I said, as I felt something twitching in my groin, and imagined her naked, lying on a bed with her hand between her legs. "Before it happens again."

She got to work putting on the next suit, which was a one piece, sort of. The top and bottom were connected to each other by cloth in the front that narrowed in the middle to where it just covered her belly button. The back was completely bare. The top was held up by a strap around her neck and the bottoms were held on by another of those thong arrangements. There was also a deep vee between her breasts that showed most of the insides of those swells. Again, her nipples and pussy lips were clearly displayed by the fabric, which was bright red.

My suit was a set of baggies that looked like they were tie dyed. At least they gave my cock some room.

That series had us both on one chaise lounge, with our arms around each other.

About ten shots into the series, Vlad said, "Can you make it look like you're about to kiss?"

We weren't wearing sunglasses for this set, and when we turned our heads to face each other her blue eyes stared into mine. She licked lips that looked fuller than usual for some reason. We had always kissed Mom and Dad good night with little quick pecks on the lips, but not each other. I suddenly wondered what those lips would feel like pressed against my own.

"A little closer," he said, moving over us and taking a shot.

Her head tilted in the exact same way some of my dates' heads had tilted just before they kissed me, but her eyes stayed open. Her head came closer and suddenly her lips brushed mine, ever so softly.

"Perfect!" he said, as the flash went off three times in a row. "Okay, that's it for this set. Time to change again."

We rolled apart, but the arms on the lounger dug into our backs and we had to basically hold on to each other as we struggled out of the chair. My hand went to her bare shoulder and hers went to my waist. We finally made it out of the thing and stood up. Both of us were breathing hard.

"Oil each other up for the next set," said Vlad, casually.

I turned to look at him and he tossed me the bottle of baby oil. When I turned around, Addie's naked back and ass were all I could see as her body split the curtains to the change room.

I was stiff when I got there. Which was fine, because she was already out of the old suit and standing there with her feet spread about a foot apart and her arms out at her sides like she was balancing on a surf board.

"Do me before I put on the suit," she said.

Like I said, I was already hard, but if I hadn't been, just hearing her say "Do me" would have done it. I didn't stop to wonder why she wasn't doing herself. Maybe it was his suggestion that we do each other.

I started on her back and then did her arms. She left them sticking straight out. I wanted to move to the front, but I've always been one of those people who like delayed gratification, so I knelt and did the backs of her thighs. I didn't even think about the fact that I had my hands on the inside and outside of her right thigh until I slid them up so far that she went up on her tiptoes. I could hear her rasping intake of breath as I stopped. I moved to the other leg and she went back down onto her heels. This time she stayed there, feet flat on the floor as I slid my hands closer and closer to her sweet spot.

But I didn't touch her there. Instead, I did wax on and wax off to her butt cheeks. I even said, "Wax on ... wax off." She giggled.

Then I moved to the front.

"Why'd you put oil on my butt?" she asked, still breathing hard.

"None of these suits cover it," I said.

"He's never taken shots of my ass," she reminded me.

"Yet," I said, moving my hands smoothly from her shoulders across her collar bones and up the sides of her neck. I started to do her cheeks, nose and forehead.

"Not there," she said. "Don't make my face shiny!"

"Oh," I said. "Sorry."

I moved down to her sides and knelt to do her stomach and hips. My face was right in front of her pussy as I did the front of her thighs. I made sure not to go too high with my thumbs.

"There," I said, standing up.

"You didn't get everywhere my skin will show," she said.

"Yes I did," I argued.

"These suits are showing almost all my boobs," she said. "All you did was above them and below them."

"You want me to put oil on your boobs?" I stared into her eyes.

"Not all of them," she said. "Just most of them."

"Oh," I said, staring at the orbs we were talking about.

"Do you really like them?" she asked, suddenly.

"Of course I do," I said. Then I thought about how that might sound. "I mean they're fine. They're part of what makes you beautiful."

"I think the left one is bigger than the right one," she said.

"Really?" I leaned back and my eyes went back and forth between them. "I don't see it."

"Never mind. He's waiting," she reminded me.

I gingerly reached and used my fingertips to circle each breast, getting closer and closer to what I knew I shouldn't touch, but wanted to desperately.

Suddenly she brought her hands in and they grabbed mine.

"For pity's sakes," she growled. "Just do them!"

Then my sister made me flatten my hands and she moved them all over her boobs, nipples and all.

She made this funny little "Uh!" grunting sound and pushed my hands down toward her stomach.

"That's fine," she said. "Get your trunks off."

I admit I was a little light headed as I leaned over and pushed my old suit off and stepped out of it. She already had her hands full of oil and she slathered it all over my chest and back, moving her hands in broad strokes like she was in a rush. Her right hand slid down to my own ass cheeks and I gasped as her fingertips slipped into my crack for just a second.

"Addie!" I croaked.

"Don't be a baby," she said, kneeling. Her hands moved smoothly to do the front and back of my left leg. "We don't have time to fine tune all this. I'm just getting you shiny, okay?"

"Yeah," I gasped as the fingertips of her left hand rose and tickled the left side of my scrotum.

She stood and moved to my other side. She refilled her hands and knelt to do my right leg.

Then she moved to kneel in front of me. I looked down. The tip of my erection was an inch from her nose. It was straining up at a 45 degree angle.

She ducked her head and I felt her hands doing the inside and outside of my left leg. Her hair brushed against my cock, moving it to the right a little. Then she changed legs and moved my cock to the left with her head. I was getting a little dizzy and realized I was holding my breath when she leaned back and, like she'd done it a thousand times, reached for my cock with both oily hands and got it thoroughly oily by sliding them up and down its length twice.

She let go of it like it was burning her hands and stood up. Her eyes were a little wild and she was panting.

"Sorry," she gasped. "I just had to see what it felt like."

The trouble with holding your breath is that when your sister strokes your cock unexpectedly, and you try to breathe in, it doesn't work. I don't know what happens to other people, but what happened to me was that spots appeared in front of my eyes. I could tell there was something wrong with my lungs, but couldn't figure out what to do about it.

So I passed out.

TBC - Next Chapter
Old 06-06-2021, 11:39 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

Chapter Four

I woke up right away. I was lying on the floor, and Vlad was kneeling on one side of me while Addie knelt on the other side of me. She was saying my name over and over again. I also heard her say, "I didn't mean to," a couple of times. Vlad had his hand on my shoulder, but he was talking to her, asking her what happened. I think she was so rattled that she just told the truth.

"I just wanted to know what it felt like so I touched it and he started shaking and fell down."

"Ahhhh," he said, with that firm, calm voice. "Is normal. First time boy feels that it is sometimes too much for him. Is okay. He'll be fine. See? He's coming around already." He leaned back and, since he wasn't worried about me anymore, spent some time looking at Addie's naked, oiled body. It was impossible to miss that her breasts were thoroughly oiled. All of her breasts.

"Is normal, you know," he said. "In my country."

"What?" Addie looked from me to him.

"Is normal for brother and sister to learn about things with each other."

"What?" Addie looked crestfallen.

"Is nothing to be ashamed of," he insisted. "You are beautiful woman. He is handsome man. You love each other, yes?"

"Well sure," she said, "but ..."

"No buts," he said, firmly. "Is nothing wrong with brother and sister to learn from each other before they go into wide wide world and get married and all that. Americans think about things funny. I think this is because of Puritans I hear so much about when I get here. But Vlad not tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. I know this is simply way of learning things about sex. No problem."

He looked back at me. He held up three fingers.

"How many fingers, Bobby?"

"Three," I said, automatically.

"Good!" he thundered. "Try sit up. See how you feel."

He helped me, having to try twice because I was as slippery as an eel. I got upright and felt silly sitting on the floor with my legs out in front of me. I looked down at my cock, which was limp, and then remembered who touched it last. It inflated before my very eyes. Theirs too. By the time they helped me up, it was standing tall again.

"You get dressed while he take care of that," said Vlad. "Then he get suit on and we continue, yes?"

He said it like it was such a natural thing to do, that it just seemed like it was okay. Another way of looking at it is that he gave us permission to do that. Then he left, letting the curtain swing closed and leaving us alone. We stood there for a few seconds, looking at each other.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice high.

"Yeah!" I said, trying to be macho after fainting at the touch of a girl. "You just surprised me, that's all."

"I'm sorry," she said. "I just had to see what it felt like."

"I know," I said, as if I had expected her to do that.

"Don't help him!" yelled Vlad from the other side of the curtain. "His stuff get all over you if you help and then we have to start all over."

Again, he spoke as if it was a foregone conclusion that she was going to watch me beat off, that she might even help, and that it was perfectly normal for all that to happen.

"Get dressed on other side of booth from him," yelled Vlad. "But not too fast. He like to watch you while he do that."

I noticed, of all things, that his accent was getting heavier, and his English deteriorating. I was to find out later that this happened while he was masturbating.

Addie backed up, watching me like the cobra watches the mongoose.

But she didn't cover any part of her body. There were another ten seconds of us just looking at each other.

"Are you ... going to?" she whispered.

I wanted to ask, "Can I?" or maybe, "Do you want me to?" but neither of those seemed like the right thing to say. I ended up saying, "I need to," with a little pleading note in my voice.

"Okay," she said, so rapidly that I realized I could have asked either of the other questions and it would have been just fine. Not only did my sister want to know what the teat felt like, she wanted to see one being milked.

It is one thing to come to the completely unexpected and unbelievable agreement with your sister that you're going to beat off in front of her. It is another to actually reach for your cock and start stroking it.

"Should I really stay naked?" she whispered.

It didn't sound like she was disgusted, so I just nodded. That also gave me the courage to reach for my johnson and start stroking.

I have no idea how long it took to do it. I do remember my eyes bouncing from her breasts to her pussy lips. They had blossomed, by the way. She seemed to have some kind of itch on her abdomen, right above her newly shaven mons, because the fingertips of her right hand strayed to that area and went in little circles. I'm pretty sure she had no idea she was doing that, because her eyes were riveted to my cock and hand.

I gave no thought to my underwear, and this time I did exactly what I think she had expected I'd done before. I shot spunk all over the place, in five healthy two foot long ropes that made my balls ache with the intensity of my cum. Well, the first two went two feet. The others were much less, but felt just as good.

As I started spurting, I stared at her pussy lips. I admit it. I was thinking about fucking her. I'd feel bad about it later, but not then. Then, as the enormity of what had just happened hit me, I looked up at her face. Her mouth was open in a big "O"and her eyes matched it in size. Her left hand came up to cover her mouth and her eyes left my cock to meet mine.

I was gasping, of course. I probably looked like a fish out of water, but at least I didn't faint or fall down and flop all over the floor. We stood there, me gripping my quickly softening cock and her just frozen, for maybe fifteen seconds. I got enough air into my lungs to rasp, "You okay?" and she nodded.

Then, suddenly, she was all business again. She lifted the pieces of the next suit, which was a series of long strings that crisscrossed her body, with patches of material at strategic points, connected to two strings where they barely covered her nipples and four strings that crossed, making a square that covered her pussy lips. I picked up another version of the Speedo that I seemed to wear a lot and stepped into it.

When we came out, Vlad was fiddling with his camera like nothing was amiss. He said nothing as he posed us for the first shot. Ten shots later he said, "I have an idea," and told me to take my Speedo off.

"Here?" I asked, confused.

"I have seen you naked already," he said. "Camera, however, will not. Try this. If you no like, we delete from card, okay?"

In the end I shucked the suit and he posed us again, this time with me behind her, like we had done before, with just my bare hip protruding into view. I realized it would look like I was naked (which I was) and suggest my cock was pressed up against Addie's butt (which it was). Since she was almost naked too, it would not look odd. Except for the fact that this was to advertise swim wear.

He took three or four more poses, one of which was us front to front with our arms around each other. The camera got us from the side, so really nothing except my naked side showed.

But I was pressed up against Addie, our naked bodies sliding around against each other. Her suit didn't move, but then it didn't really have to, because by this time I was getting hard again and my cock was pressing right against that little square that covered her pussy lips.

Vlad didn't give us time to get completely worked up, though. Like I said, he was slick. He put us into two more outfits, promising that we'd get to see the ones he'd just taken after we were finished.

I did get fully erect one more time that night. Again, Vlad told us to take care of it while we changed.

And that time Addie didn't look so startled ... or scared.

In fact, she asked me to tell her when I was about to spurt, and when I told her, she came to stand beside me, her hand on my shoulder, and watched as I decorated more of Vlad's floor with my spooge.

Old 06-06-2021, 11:40 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

There had been several times when our ride home was ... interesting. But this one took "interesting" to a whole new level.

I was driving this time and we went four blocks before either of us said a word.

"Wow!" was how Addie broke the silence.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I will be when we get home," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"I told you ... I do it too sometimes," she said.

"You mean you're going to ...?" This time it was me who couldn't finish.

"Hell yes," she gushed. "I've never been this horny in my entire life. I'm going to cum so hard that I'll be the one fainting."

"You're kidding," I said.

She turned her face toward me. "Don't even think you're the only one who's going to get to have that much fun."

"I didn't think that," I said, defending myself. "I haven't even had time to think about all this!"

"Do you think we're freaks?" she asked, suddenly. "Or is Vlad right? Do you think this is normal in Russia?"

"I don't know what to think," I said, honestly.

"Are you sorry it happened?"

"Which part?"

"All of it, you Dodo!" she squealed. "It was so cool! I couldn't believe you were doing that. And because of me?" I saw her frown in the light from a passing street lamp. "It was because of me ... right?"

"If you're asking did I get hardons all night because of you, and then masturbate in front of you while thinking about doing terrible things with you while I stared at your naked body ... then yes, it was because of you."

"Wow," she sighed. "I can't believe that."

"Believe it," I said. "And believe it that I'm not the first boy to do all those things because of you." I frowned. "Well, not the staring at your naked body while they did it part, but the rest of it has been done countless times. Trust me on that."

"You think so?" she asked.

"I know so," I said firmly. "You and every other cheerleader in school."

She let a block go by without saying anything.

"You want to know something?" she asked.

"Sure," I said.

"I don't care how many boys fantasize about me. You're the only one who will ever get to look at me naked while you do it."

"Let's not get carried away," I said. "You're going to get married some day."

"Of course," she said. "But until then, only you."

"Now I think you're getting a little freaky," I said.

She laughed and undid her seat belt to scoot over and hug me.

"I love you, big brother. And not just because it's normal in Russia."

"Fasten your seat belt," I said, feeling my cock trying to lift its head again. "The last thing I need is some cop writing me a ticket after what just happened."

Then, just like everything was normal, she changed the subject and started yammering about asking Rebecca Hamilton to be lab partners with her in biology, because Rebecca was so smart, and how she was going to get an A in the class. We didn't talk about Vlad or modeling or the complete upheaval in our lives the rest of the way home.

Old 06-06-2021, 11:42 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

I know I didn't tell you about screening those shots Vlad took of us when I was completely naked. That's because we didn't actually talk about them until we were on our way back to his house the following Monday. Like I said, Monday and Thursday were our days. We knew he did shoots on other days in the week, including some Friday nights. And we knew that at least four other kids from our school worked for him. They were Jerry Thompson, Cindy Jenkins, who was his girlfriend, and Kerry and Natalie Watson, who were also brother and sister. Cindy had told Addie that "we might even work together" way back in the beginning, but had never said another word about it. Addie had asked Vlad about it once, but he'd just said, "Not yet. Not until I get you two up to their experience level."

So we never went over there any other nights than our two nights. I don't know why we didn't. Looking back on it, it seems like it would have been natural to want to see some of the others posing, to find out how we compared to them. We got to see the shots he took of us, assuming we wanted to. Some of them he showed us regardless, pointing things out that would help us improve our look and stuff like that.

And we had to admit that the pictures he took of us with me naked and Addie as good as naked were hot. And in many ways they were actually tasteful. I mean nothing was shown in most of them other than the side of my naked hip. By that I mean one whole naked side of me. But the naked hip screamed to the viewer that I was, in fact, entirely naked.

There were a couple of shots he had taken when I was getting into position, where my dick showed. It was half hard. But when those came up he said, "I delete that now,"and punched buttons that showed on the screen he was, in fact, deleting them. The rest he showed us twice, pointing out what he liked about each one, and how erotic they were.

"I happen to know owner of company likes this kind of shot very much," he said. "That why I took them. He has parties where he has pictures like this on the walls. These shots not for showing off his merchandise. They for getting his guests in the mood to have orgies. And he pays very good for this kind of layout." He didn't wait for one of us to ask how much "very well" was. "He pay five hundred each to models who pose naked, or partly naked like this."

"We couldn't do that," said Addie, staring at the screen. "I mean I agree, those look hot, but what if somebody saw us. What we're already doing is bad enough. If my Daddy saw some of the shots you've taken he'd ground me until I was twenty-five."

"Owner lives in Barbados," said Vlad. "Nobody there have any idea who you are. There are others who have done this. I can't tell you who they are unless you sign up for same thing, but nobody has been seen by anyone they know yet. Plus we can put sunglasses on you, or big, floppy hat to hide your face."

He shut the monitor off.

"How about this. I send him a couple of these as samples. See if he interested. You think about it until next time. If he interested and you want to do it, fine and dandy. If not, we get rid of these and go on with normal work. Deal?"

"Can we have copies of them?" asked Addie. "I mean even if we decide not to do it?"

"Sure!" said Vlad, expansively, his too-white smile blazing. "No problem. Kids like hot pictures, yes? Vlad understands. But you be very careful with them. It would not be good for wrong people to see these, yes?"

But that issue was like a hot coal, sitting in a fireplace. Neither of us wanted to try to pick it up and decide what to do with it. I think too much else had happened, maybe. The idea of posing naked for what would clearly be dirty pictures was just a little too much to contemplate right away.

Thus it wasn't until we were on our way to his house Monday evening that we talked about it.

"So ... what are we going to tell him?" asked Addison.

I didn't know what to say. While we hadn't talked, I'd been thinking about it all weekend. I felt like a pervert because the idea of posing naked with my sister excited me. But we had done some other things that most people would have called perverted, and the sky hadn't fallen. And Addison hadn't been freaked out by any of it. Not really. I mean she had grabbed my dick!

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Of course," she said.

"When you ... um ... touched me ... you know, in the changing room?"

She looked straight ahead, but said, "Yes?"

"Can you explain that to me?"

"No." That was it. All she said was, "No."


Finally she glanced at me, but then looked out her window. I was driving, so I couldn't look at her for more than a few seconds. I heard her take a deep breath.

"Do you think I'm a pervert?"

I had thought about that plenty, so the answer to that was easy.

"No." That's all she'd given me, so that's all I gave her.

"So when I touched you, and you fainted, you didn't think I was some kind of weirdo?"


We drove on in silence for a while before she finally spoke.

"When I saw it that first time, I remembered what it looked like when we used to take baths together. I realized you were all grown up, because your ... um ... you know ... was so big."

She stopped and I tried to figure out if she was finished or not. But she went on.

"Do you promise not to laugh at me?"

I wondered what I might laugh about. I couldn't think of anything that had happened since we met Vlad that was humorous.

"I promise," I said.

There was another short pause, and she said, "I thought it was beautiful."

I'm a guy. I wanted women to be attracted to my prick, but I wasn't sure "beautiful" was quite the adjective I was looking for. Still, I had enough world experience to know that "beautiful", when used by a woman, might equal "studly" in a man's conversation.

"I guess that's fair," I said. "I think you're beautiful."

"I know!" she said in a rush. "And I know you really mean it. You're not just trying to get into my panties like other guys would. You actually think I'm beautiful and that just ... I don't know ... I can't tell you how that makes me feel."

"So, because I said you were beautiful, you wanted to touch my penis?"

"Penis!" She shuddered. "I can't get used to that word."

"It's what it is," I said. "You're a big girl. Just say it. It's not a big deal."

"I had to touch it," she said. "I knew I'd go crazy if I didn't. You made me so horny while you did that -"

"Masturbated," I said, cutting her off. "Big girl words, Addie," I reminded her.

"When you masturbated it was all I could do to keep from doing it myself, right in front of you. I thought my body was going to explode. And I kept thinking it was impossible for me to feel that way because you're my brother, except I did feel that way. And you kept looking at me like I was a steak and you were starving, and I knew what that meant. It meant the same thing that it always means when the men look at us while we cheer. They want to fuck us!"

She was getting loud and moving around in her seat like she had ants in her pants.

"Calm down," I said. "I'm not trying to do ... that."

"Fuck me?" She looked right at me. "We're just saying it ... calling it like it is ... right? I know that's what you were thinking, Bobby. I know it!"

"Okay, okay," I said. "I admit it, okay? But that doesn't mean I'm going to try anything like that."

"I know that too," she said. "Vlad was right."

"Right? What do you mean?"

"That girls want to try things. But I can't do anything with any of the boys I go on dates with. That's reputation suicide. You let a boy do anything other than kiss you and suddenly he's bragging about it. So we can't explore and ... you know ... try stuff. Except with you I know it won't get crazy. So I just had to see what it felt like."

Her hand moved right on top of my penis. It squeezed.

"That is why I had to touch your ... penis."

"You're afraid to do that with other guys, so you wanted to do it with me."

"Exactly. Do you understand?"

"I do," I said, amazed that I understood exactly. "When you put my hands on your breasts ... it was crazy. Usually girls slap you if you try something like that."

"Exactly!" she said. "Vlad was right. It makes sense for us to explore things, because neither of us will hurt the other."

"Okay," I said. "But how far does that go?"

"I don't know. That's why I don't know what to decide about what he wants us to do."

I thought about that for a few seconds.

"So ... do you want to try it? Because if you don't, that's okay with me. I'm not going to try to pressure you about it."

"See? Most guys would be slavering to get me naked and get their hands on me. But you care! And that makes me want to try it! I mean I couldn't even imagine doing that with somebody else, but with you it doesn't seem so bad."

"You know that's kind of ass backwards," I said.

"Of course I do," she said. "But it's how I feel. So what should we do?"

"Well, you want to try it, and I admit I want to try it. So ... let's try it. We can always tell him we changed our minds, or go back to just doing clothes or something."

"Okay," she said.

Just that. "Okay."

Old 06-06-2021, 11:44 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

When we got there Vlad was moving racks of clothes around, probably lining them up for future shoots. He grinned at us as we walked in.

"There are my stars," he said. "I sent a couple of shots to my customer in Barbados. He is going wacko over them. He says he will pay for two or three sessions with you. Big bucks." He grinned again.

"We're not sure," said Addie. "I'm nervous about it."

"Are you nervous because you're afraid someone will see them, or because it is with your brother that these pictures will be taken?"

"More the first," she said. "If our parents ever saw pictures of us naked they'd freak out."

"I was thinking about that," he said. "I have idea."

He went to one of the rows of backdrops on the ceiling. Vlad had screwed two by fours to the ceiling, parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the wall. Then he hung rolls of backdrops on them in a row. There were three of those arrangements in the room, and each one had a dozen rolls hanging from it. The ones we had always used were pretty close to the wall. The one he chose now was three feet or more from the wall.

He reached up and pulled one down. When he did, I saw it was different than the others. It had translucent paint on it, of palm trees and the ocean at sunset. But the paint was on the back side of it, rather than the front. The front was a smooth sheet of plastic.

"We backlight this. You two stand in front of it and you will be only silhouettes, yes? Your bodies will be only outlines. No faces. Nobody possibly know who you are. This will give you chance to try a series and see if you can do more. If you like it, we move on. I have tricks to alter your appearance. But we can talk of that later. You want to give the sunset a try?"

"Will it really work?" I asked.

He beamed. "You wait. I show."

He moved some lights on tripods, taking them behind the backdrop. He angled them towards the center, aiming them at the sun painted on the backdrop. When he turned them on, the backdrop sprang into light like a stained glass window. It was amazing. It didn't look real - not like a picture of a real sunset - but real in a surreal kind of way, like it had been painted by one of those painters who distorts reality just enough to make it look fascinating. He came around and looked at it, and then went to a cabinet and pulled out a long, thin set of lights. He put that at the bottom of the backdrop, aimed up at a 45 degree angle. He turned that on and I was surprised to see that a strip along the bottom hid the lights from my view, but the bulbs lit up the ceiling above where we were standing. He stood up and moved in front of the strip of lights.

"You turn out room lights," he said.

When I went to the wall, I could see him normally. But when I flicked off the lights, he was suddenly just a black outline against the backdrop. It wasn't as bright as I thought it would be, but I knew the camera could adjust for that. He was right. I couldn't tell it was him if I didn't know. I went back to Addison and leaned to whisper in her ear.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"We'll try it," she said to Vlad.

TBC - Next Chapter.....
Old 19-06-2021, 11:46 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

Chapter Five

We went to the changing room and took off our clothes. Don't ask me why, because we could have gotten nude right there where the camera was. Habit, I guess.

Addison's nipples were there, pointy and hard, just like usual. In my peripheral vision I saw her reach and rub one finger up and down once right where her pussy lips were. I pretended not to have seen it, but I knew she was excited.

I was stiff, of course. Just thinking about posing nude with Addie had gotten me stiff. I stuck my head through the curtain and asked Vlad if I should masturbate. He'd turned the room lights back on and was fiddling with his camera.

"Not this time," he said. "We can work with that under these conditions, and for these kinds of pictures. Is helpful, in fact. Just come on out."

This was it. We were going to go out in front of him stark naked. I'd done it before, so it wasn't so bad for me. I looked at Addie.

"You ready?"

She nodded rapidly.

I reached for her hand and we walked out holding hands. Vlad looked over like he'd seen it a thousand times. Actually, I suppose he had.

"Remember that pose for later," he said. "That's a sweet pose."

I felt Addie's grip tighten. I was amazed that she seemed so calm and cool while appearing in front of a strange man naked.

He fiddled with the camera for another thirty seconds and then told us to get into place in front of the screen. He'd put down two short strips of masking tape, and told us to start out standing on them. Then he turned the lights off.

The strip of light that backlit us was bright enough that we could see each other a bit. He started us out facing each other, just standing and holding both hands. I imagined what her nipples must look like, and then realized my cock was standing out too. I heard the click of the camera, but there was no flash. It seemed odd.

"Get closer together, but keep holding hands," he said, from the dark out there.

We did and the camera cycled again.

"Closer," he called.

He took a picture.

"Okay, now his hands on her waist and her hands on his shoulders," he ordered.

He took that one and told us to get closer.

We inched towards each other and the tip of my cock touched her abdomen. She took a deep breath.

"Yes!" he called. "Push pretty titties up at his face and lean upper body back a little," he called. "Keep big penis touching her, Bobby."

I felt my hands take her weight as she leaned away from me with her upper body, and pushed her lower body against my prick. I felt it slipping up and to one side, across her abdomen.

"Hold it there," he called. We heard him shuffling towards us. " I touch you for just a second, Bobby. I'm not queer, okay? Don't move!"

I felt fingers grip my hard prick and bend it down. He let it up and it lodged where her legs joined.

The tip of my cock was touching my sister's pussy.

"Don't move!" he said again. "Keep breathing. Don't faint on me now. Faint later, but not now, okay?"

"Bobby," Addie moaned.

"It's okay," I said, trying not to move my lips. I was, after all, holding the pose.

We heard the camera click several times.

"Okay!" he called. "New pose."

I felt Addie step away from me as her hands left my shoulders. My fingers drifted off her waist reluctantly.

"Bobby," called Vlad. "We going to make it look like you sucking her titties. But no real sucking, okay? Just bend at the waist and put head behind her. I line things up."

What he did was put my head in position between the backdrop and her body. From his viewpoint, it looked like my face was right in her boobs. Then he had me move little bits until it looked right to him. All Addie had to do was stand there and arch her back, sticking her breasts out. He took that picture and then lined one up with me sticking my tongue out so it looked like it was just touching one of her nipples. That one was hard, because moving only a tiny bit screwed things up, and we had to try that one four times before he got one he liked.

Then he had me stand with my hands on her shoulders and tried to tell her where to put her hand so it looked like she was gripping my erection. He kept telling her to move it up, or closer to her, but it wasn't working. Then, suddenly, I felt her hand wrap around my cock and grip it firmly.

"Perfect!" he yelled. "Don't move!" I heard three clicks.

"Okay," he said. "Addie on both knees. We make it look like you giving him blow job."

I expected her to complain, but all she did was drop to her knees.

"This one tricky," he said, "like making Bobby's tongue look like he licking pretty nipple. We have to get hand right and head right, but I'm sure we can do it."

She lifted her hand at his command, again moving it in increments until, to get it right, she just gripped my penis again. He told her to hold her hand right where it was, thinking I'm sure that it was between me and the backdrop, rather than actually touching me. Then he told her to move her head toward me.

I felt her lips kiss the tip of my cock and gasped. I also leaned backwards so much I almost lost my balance. That pulled my cock away from her lips ... but not her hand away from my cock.

I think that's when Vlad figured out there was more going on than "pretending."

But all he did was talk her back into position. Again, her pursed lips kissed the tip of my cock. This time I stood still. Then she moved her head sideways and slid her cheek along the side of my manhood.

I felt something soothing leak through the middle of my penis.

"Open your mouth, Addie?" he said. "Your jaw must be lower."

Apparently she did, because I heard him take several shots.

"Hand down, Addie?" he ordered.

She let go of my penis. It moved upwards.

"Something wrong,"Vlad said. "Your head was perfect, but now is all wrong."

"Wait," she said. She looked up at me. "Don't faint!" she whispered.

I felt her fingertips pull my cock down. She opened her mouth and put it around the tip of my penis.

"Don't move!" he yelled.

The camera went off four times.

"Magnificent!" he yelled. "You two are natural at this! Okay. Now we find something for Addie to sit on. We gonna make it look like boy is having feast!"

Addison stood up and moved to my side.

"You okay?" she asked, breathing a little roughly.

"Not even," I managed back.

"Don't be mad," she said.

"Mad? How much of your homework do I have to do for that?"

She giggled.

Vlad got one of the chaise lounges we'd used in the previous shoot and set it parallel to the backdrop. He put the back up at a 60 degree angle and had Addie lie down on it.

Then he ran us through a series where I kissed my way up her leg, actually kissing her skin, because Vlad said, "No big deal to kiss sister's leg, right, Bobby?" And he took pictures as I basically climbed up on the end of the chaise lounge, heading for dessert. As I got closer, he had her bend the knee of the leg closest to the camera and raise her thigh up so it looked like my head was between her thighs. He said, "Up, up, up,"until my nose was close enough I could smell something I had never smelled before.

"Reach for his head with your hands, Addie," called Vlad, and I felt her fingertips ruffle through my hair. "We going to make it look like you pulling his head to your sweet pussy."

Her fingertips reached where my skull started to transition from the sides to the back. I heard her take a deep breath and, suddenly, she was pulling my face.

I have to admit that, initially, things didn't work out quite like either of us would have actually planned it. Basically, my nose slid between her pussy lips and my forehead bounced off her pubic bone. I think it was just raw instinct that made me lift my face upwards, to get my nose out of her pussy.

But that brought my lips into contact with her skin and my nose, which was registering something that was as far from being fishy as it's possible to be, instructed my tongue to find out what that delicious smell tasted like.

So I licked my sister's pussy.

"Oh shit!" she gasped.

Her fingers pulled even harder.

So I tried to lick her again. But she was pulling so hard now that all I could do was stick my tongue where my nose had just vacated.

"Oh fuck!" she groaned.

"What is wrong, Addie?" called Vlad.

"A cramp!" she gasped. "It's just a cramp."

"You want stop?"

"No!" she gasped. "Just finish the pictures."

Her fingers eased off and I confess that I licked her some more. I found her split and licked between those pussy lips. They didn't feel tight at all, despite how they looked. I decided that, while I was there, I'd try to find this mysterious clit thing that everybody talked about. I searched for it with my tongue, and she jerked.

She also pushed my head back hard.

"Bobby!" she said, loudly.


"He said we're done!"

"Oh," I said. "I guess I dozed off or something."

"Man who can doze off when so near such a beautiful woman must go to doctor and get sleep remedy," said Vlad.

Suddenly the room lights came on and I squinted. Through partially closed eyelids I saw Addison, lying there with her legs splayed apart, two fingers rubbing circles around what I suspected was that clit I'd been looking for. She was flushed so much she looked sunburned.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing at my groin.

I looked down to see a string of white hanging from the tip of my cock. Vlad said, "That is proof you are beautiful, Addie."

"It is?" She sat up.

"Is ultimate compliment to woman," Vlad said. "But surely you have seen this before."

"No I haven't," she said.

"I am amazed," said Vlad. "Boys in America must be truly stupid not to have shown you this before."

"Vlad," said Addison, standing up. "I think you have the wrong idea about me. I don't look at boy's cocks, and boys don't get to see me like this," she said.

"Only Bobby has seen you like this?" he asked, making his face show what I think he meant to be shock. Then he grinned. "And me, of course."

"And you," she admitted. "I'm not like this. I don't do this kind of thing."

"I feel great honor that you trust Vlad to be nice guy," he said. "I jump to conclusion. I see many beautiful women. Most are sluts."

"Well I'm not," she said, hotly. "We're just doing this for the money, not because we like it."

"I see," he said, with a twinkle in his eye. "Well, let's look and see if there will be any money, okay?"

We stood behind him while he cycled through the shots he'd taken. They were incredible. It looked more real than it had been.

During the review I felt Addison's hand find my cock.

She kept it in her grip until we were finished reviewing the shots. It was obvious they were saleable shots.

Then it was time to get dressed.

Video Sextainment




Old 19-06-2021, 11:49 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

Addie drove home that night.

"We have another problem," she said as she accelerated.

"Sorry," I said. " I guess I got carried away. But part of it was your fault. You pulled so hard!"

"That's not what I'm talking about," she said. "Well, I guess that's part of what I'm talking about. I'm not sure it was a good idea to do that after all."

"I thought it went pretty well," I said. "I admit I almost freaked out, but everything worked out. I had a good time, I'll also admit that."

"I did too," she said. "In fact, I had too good a time. It scared me."

"I scared you?"

"Of course not," she said. "You know how, on the way over here, we were talking about how I have to fight other guys off, but not you?"


"The problem," she said, looking over toward me, "Is that knowing all that makes me want to try more things with you because I think of you as safe."

"I am safe," I insisted. "You know I'd never do anything to hurt you."

"I do," she said. "Which is why, when Vlad asked us to do what we did tonight ... I did it. But think about it. You know he's not finished with us. Those pictures were so hot I almost creamed right there. And he's going to want us to do more. With the lights on this time. And yes I'm sure he has tricks so that nobody will know it's us, but that's not the point. He's going to want us to do things like that - real things - and I'm going to want to do them. And I know you're going to want to do them too, and that feels ... I don't know ... scary?"

It might seem odd to you, but at that moment I think I grew up a bit. I realized this was really a serious decision. We'd gotten used to having spending money, and I think that had caused us to just kind of sail along, going wherever the wind (Vlad) had taken us. But she was right. I had thought about fucking her. I had imagined pushing my iron hard prick between her blossoming pussy lips and imagined what it might feel like. I'd never done that, so all I could do was imagine, but it still got me to spurt every time I thought about it.

And Vlad did think that this incestuous play was normal. So it was quite likely he would ask us to do more things that most brothers and sisters just didn't do.

"I don't want you to be scared," I said. " I know the money is good, but if it's going to worry you, then I don't think it's worth it."

"But you want to," she said.

"Okay, yes, I won't lie. I loved what happened tonight. But the last thing I want is for you to be scared of me."

She laughed one of those explosive, barking laughs that releases pent up emotion.

"I'm not scared of you!" she blurted.

I looked over at her.

"I'm scared of what I'm going to want to agree to!"

"Are you saying you want to do ... more?"

She cocked her head at me. "Do you think guys are the only ones who wonder what it will be like to have sex? Girls do too. We dream about it too. I have a feeling we're a little pickier about who we dream about doing it with, but we still fantasize about it. And we want to do it. We just can't. Not with just any old guy. It has to be someone we can trust, someone we love. But that doesn't happen this soon in most girls' lives. Sure they might get it over with, but it probably won't be with any boy they really love."

"Then why do it?" I asked.

"Because it's such a huge deal that a lot of girls can't stand the suspense," she said, shrugging. "They'll agree to do it with the wrong guy just to find out what the big deal is. Most of the time it isn't the big deal they thought it was. That's the point. Everything that's happened with you has been wonderful. It hasn't been scary or weird. I mean a little at first, but not really. And I know that if we keep going, and he wants us to do really serious things, I might not want to resist."

"Really? You'd think about doing something like that ... with me?"

"I can't wait!" she gasped. "And that's what really scares me!"

"Okay, then," I said. "I'll be the brakes. I'll call a halt if I think things are going too far, or getting out of control."

"That makes me feel a lot better," she sighed.

"Good," I said.

"I can't believe I want to do sexy things with my brother!" she sighed again.

"I can," I said.

"You can believe I want to do things with you?"

"Sure," I said. "Because I want to do things with you too. We'll just have to be smart about when to say no."

Looking back on that, now that I'm older, I want to laugh and cry at the same time. How callow we were. How foolish was my firm belief that we could counter the urges we might have with simple self-control.

Of course there was also the fact that Vlad was there, trying to make sure no self-control was ever used.


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Old 19-06-2021, 11:50 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

I was amazed, to be truthful, at how calmly Addison acted when we got home. Within twenty minutes we were eating the meatloaf and baked potatoes Dad had kept warm for us, and doing homework. Our father was a self-employed accountant, and he did books for half a dozen companies in town. He did a lot of his work during the day, while we were at school, but a couple of nights a week he had some kind of work to finish up in the evenings. He went back to that after he served us supper.

She sat there, doing her assignments like nothing had happened. I spent quite a bit of time peeking at her. It was surreal. All I could think about was how her skin had felt, and how she had tasted. And, of course, how she had let it all happen like nothing was wrong. She paid no attention to me at all, except once to look up and say, "Stop smacking. Chew with your mouth closed."

Finally I was able to concentrate on my math, which calmed me down enough that I could work on a speech I was going to have to give in two days. That was agony, because I was sure everybody in class was going to laugh at me. I got close enough to finishing it that I finally stopped, to work on a paper in sociology. As I got ready to study for a quiz I had the next day, she closed her books and got up. She took her dishes to the counter and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher. Without a word, she left the kitchen, turning toward Dad's home office.

It was easier to study with her gone, and I felt pretty good about the test when I finally quit. I walked into the living room, but it was empty. Our house was built like a short, fat T with the upright being the living room, dining room and kitchen. The cross piece at the top was a long hallway with two bedrooms at each end. On one end was our parents' room and Dad's office. At the other end was my room and Addie's. Each side had a bathroom and the utility room was in the middle. As I turned toward our end, Addie came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head and another one encasing her body. She looked at me and said, "Night. Daddy's going to bed soon, so don't start anything that makes a lot of noise."

This was the old Addie I was so familiar with. Whenever Mom went on one of her expeditions, Addison thought she had to take over running the house, which meant ordering me around. It was surreal, hearing her say something so normal, after we had done such abnormal things at Vlad's.

I decided to read, but as I pulled my T shirt over my head, the odor of sweat and excitement swirled around my head. I decided to take a shower too. I got the rest of the way undressed and grabbed a clean pair of jockeys to take with me to the bathroom. Normally I'd have put on a robe, but I knew Addie was in her room, and if Dad wasn't in his office, he was probably in his room, so I just went to the utility room naked and tossed my clothes in the hamper. Then I went on to the bathroom.

The water in the pipes was still hot, so I got finished quickly. I wiped the steam off the mirror and started to comb my hair, but decided sleeping would just mess it up again anyway. I put on my shorts and left for my room.

The book I was trying to read was by John Grisham, and was called Ford County Stories. It was different than anything I'd read by him before. In the first place, it contained short stories. Second, they weren't very happy ones. At least the first two weren't. Not that his work is all sweetness and light, but these stories were downright sad, with sad endings. At least so far. I had just started the third story when my door opened and Addison slipped in. She was dressed in her usual sleepwear, which consisted of a long T shirt and panties. It hadn't bothered me before, though I have to admit I had admired her legs in the past. Now, though, I couldn't look at her the same way.

Apparently she couldn't look at me like she used to either. Her eyes were pinned on the front of my underwear as she approached the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

I looked at the book in my hands, and then back to her.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Fine!" she said. Then she seemed to wilt like a twenty day old cut flower. "No I'm not."

"Feeling guilty?" I thought that was a legitimate question, because I had been feeling some guilt myself.

She sat down on the edge of the bed.

"No and yes," she said.

I blinked. "Isn't it usually said as 'Yes and no'?" I asked.

"I do not feel guilty for anything that happened at Vlad's tonight," she said. "And that makes me feel guilty."

"Ahhh," I said, closing my book. "Women's logic. One of the great mysteries of the ages."

"Don't make fun of me," she said.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I quipped. "So what brings you here?"

"This," she said, reaching to lay her hand on what she'd been looking at before. That was all it took. Just her saying that, and her touch made it start transforming. She actually felt it and lifted her hand, only to drop it again.

"That's insane!" she whispered. "How do you do that?!"

"I don't do anything," I said. "It does it all by itself."

"That's so weird," she said.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure," she said, but she was distracted by what was happening under her hand. She kept squeezing, like she was trying to judge how far along things were.

"How come the cold shoulder during supper and homework?"

"I had to," she said. "I kept thinking about what you did to me with your mouth. It was all I could do to keep from dancing and shouting."

"Come on. I wasn't that good," I said.

"I suspect you're right," she said. "But I knew I was coming in here later tonight ... so you could try to do even better."

"No way," I said.

She squeezed again and jumped. Then she squeezed a second time and said, "That's just crazy!"

"What do you expect when you come in here and say something like that?" I said.

"I didn't know what to expect," she replied, squeezing yet again. "You're completely hard! It's amazing."

"Do you have any idea how distressing it should be to me to hear you announce that I'm completely hard, and know that you're right, and to further know that you're right because you have way more experience with what you're squeezing than you should?"

"Don't be stuffy," she said. I jumped as she moved her hand and then slipped her fingers in through the leg hole of my shorts. Her fingers drifted over my balls and the leg band of my jockeys stretched almost painfully as she reached far enough to find - and firmly grip - my penis.

"Nobody uses the word 'stuffy' any more," I gasped.

"I do," she said. She squeezed my cock. "I love this," she sighed.

"Until Dad catches us," I said.

"When was the last time Daddy came into your room after you were in bed?" she asked.

"I can't remember," I said, distracted by her fingers fluttering along the shaft of my prick.

"Because he hasn't done it for years and years," she said.

"My sister wasn't in my room talking in a normal voice while playing with my penis," I said. I had meant to add wording to the effect that the fact she was doing that now would bring him there in seconds. But her hand made it hard to think.

"Take off your underwear," she said, pulling her hand out of my shorts.

"You're crazy," I said.

"Take off your underwear," she said, leaning over and spacing out the words. She also used her heavy voice, like Mom did when she used the same tactic, but it backfired. When I thought of our mother, it was even worse than thinking about Dad catching us. Don't ask me why. Either parent would go nuclear.

"You take off your underwear!" I said, challenging her authority to boss me around.

She stood up and flipped up the front of her T shirt, where I expected to see panties. Except there weren't any. What was there was her bare, tightly closed pussy.

"I'm not wearing any!" she crowed.

She sat back down.

"Now you," she said.

"This is crazy, Addie," I moaned.

"I want to see it again," she said. "Here, without Vlad waiting for us or ogling me with his nasty Russian eyes. Just you and me."

"When we do that at the studio," I explained patiently, "It's for work. If we do it here, that makes us officially perverts."

"I don't care," she said. "Take ... off ... your ... underwear!"

She didn't wait. She reached and grabbed and started pulling.

"Ow!" I yelped as one of those fabulous fake nails Vlad loved so much nicked my skin.

By the way. I had already figured out that that stuff about the glue not being strong enough, and that I had to help her change was bullshit. The problem was that when I figured that out, I didn't know what it meant. I thought he was just messing with me or something. Then he hit us with that "Incest play in Russia is normal" stuff, and I didn't know whether to believe it or not. But I couldn't think of any way to check it out. And then I was in way too deep and quit analyzing stuff.

"Sorry!" she said, jerking her hands away from me. "I'm really sorry, Bobby. Are you okay?"

"Depends on whether Dad sees the bloodstains on the sheets," I said, trying to sit up. My abdominal muscles aren't that great, and what I basically did was balance on my butt in the bed. Finally I lay back down.

"You are such a baby!" she scoffed, leaning over to look. "It's just a scratch." She started to lean back and then stopped. "Wait!" she said.

"What?" I asked, still trying to see.

"Let me kiss it better," she said.

She didn't give me time to resist, diving for my abdomen with her face. Her right hand came down on my chest, and her left on my left thigh. She stood at the same time, which put all her upper body weight on my body. I felt her face hit my belly and tightened it up. But she adjusted and really did kiss my skin there. Her lips felt warm. I reached for her head and realized, oddly, that she'd gotten her hair dry while I took my shower and all that.

Then her left hand came up and pulled the waistband of my jockeys down, and she moved her lips into my pubic hair.

Do not ask me how it happened, but the next thing I knew she was pulling with both hands and my butt was arched up off the bed and my cock was exposed.

She abandoned my shorts when they got to my thighs. Apparently "off" means something different to women than it does to men. Her face hovered over my johnson and she froze, just looking at it.

"Ohhh Bobby, it's so beautiful," she sighed.

All I could come up with was "Thank you."

"Don't talk," she said, staring at my penis. I wanted to tell her it wouldn't, but I wasn't that stupid. Not with her expressing that much interest in my manhood. I had a feeling deep in my balls that something very important was about to happen, even if it only involved her grasping my cock and squeezing it some more. And I didn't want to screw that up.

"I've been waiting to do this all night," she said.

"What?" I couldn't help it. I had to ask.

"This," she said.

The hand that had been on my stomach came to pick up my penis, which she stood up like one sailor helping his drunken mate stand up.

Then she opened her mouth and put it on my penis and sucked.

And I mean she put as much as she could get in her mouth ... in her mouth. And she sucked hard!





TBC new chapter...
Old 20-06-2021, 02:01 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

Very good share bro, thanks!
Old 22-06-2021, 10:37 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

Chapter Six

It is quite possible that time stopped, there for a little while, when my sister first started sucking my cock. My recall is a bit spotty for the first bit of time.

Words escape me, at this point. Wait. That should be words escaped me at that point. Because that's exactly what happened. I gurgled quite a bit, as I recall, but spoke not a single coherent word. And while I was trying to think of one or two to grace her with, she pulled off and skinned my foreskin back and then sucked the knob like she meant it. Her tongue swirled all around and her cheeks caved in, and then she pushed her head down to take in half the shaft. She sucked it like she was starving, and there was a chocolate milk shake in my balls. It was literally unbelievable. I tried to figure out when I had started this dream.

But then I realized it was real, and besides blowing my mind ... it blew my balls.


She actually took it rather well. I was, of course, incapable of warning her. I was incapable of doing just about anything at that point other than ejaculating, and from what I've learned since, that was controlled by my autonomic nervous system, which means I didn't really "do" anything. Not in the usual sense of the word.

Her first reaction to getting her throat filled with what she'd only seen twice in her life was to inhale as she jerked her mouth away from the offending organ. That didn't work well, because then she had to cough. And when she coughed, she blew jism out of her nose. This, I was later to learn, was because she was trying to cough quietly, so as not to alert our father that she had a mouthful of brotherly spunk. That was also why she put her face in my covers, like she was trying to eat her way through my bed to the monsters that lived under it.

But in the end, she lifted her head, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, rubbed her eyes and cheeks clean with her palms, and then said, "Actually, that doesn't taste nearly as bad as Cindy warned me about."

"Cindy?" My paralyzed vocal cords finally began to work again, minimally.

"Where else do you think I got instructions on how to do that?" she asked. " It was my first time. Did I do okay?"

"Cindy?" I swallowed.

"Yes, Cindy Jenkins? You know, the redhead on the cheer squad?"

"Cindy Jenkins has given a blowjob?" I croaked. "She's only fifteen!"

"That's only a year younger than me," she said. "Come on. You can tell me. Did I do okay?"

"How am I supposed to know?" I asked. "Nobody else has ever done that to me!"

"Well, you did squirt, so I guess that's one measure of success." She licked her lips. "Actually, I don't know what Cindy was talking about. I like the taste!"

"You're kidding," I said. I tried to imagine liking the taste of my own semen. I did not have any measure of success, as Addie might have put it.

"Not at all. I'm going to do it again."

"You are?" I was still a little befuddled.

"Maybe many times," she said, licking her lips again. "Will you please do me now?"

A state of befuddlement is a really poor time to field a question like that, whether it's your sister or some other girl you have a letch for. Part of that is because when a guy hears the words "do me" come from a girl's lips, he wants it to mean one thing that all men understand. Part of my befuddled brain thought that way, and responded with, "You should have fucking asked that before I blew my wad!" But then the unfried rest of my brain caught up and I realized she was talking about oral sex.

Let's just be honest. I was willing. Even if she asked me so politely that it didn't sound like her request could possibly have anything to do with sex.

She pulled me up and then whipped off her T shirt, leaving her gloriously naked. Then she flopped down on my bed, lay her golden tresses on my pillow, and spread her legs, making it crystal clear I was very welcome between them.

This was all going a little quickly for me. A boy yearns for a girl - any girl - to throw herself on his bed and open herself to him like that. He never believes it will ever actually happen, but he yearns for it. And then there was the "do me" thing that was still bouncing around in my skull. I will say this to any girls who may be reading this: Do not ask a man to "Do me" if you have not already (and recently) sucked his balls thoroughly dry. When my sister flopped like that and spread her legs, if I could have gotten an erection, things might have developed into a "sticky wicket" as our British friends like to call it.

In any case, my penis made the call for me by hanging there limp and happy as I licked my lips and decided to try to find the mysterious clit again.

I did!

And I got to actually watch those pussy lips blossom. It was fascinating. I'd always thought there were just one pair of lips there, but that's not true at all. There are two!

Of course you probably know that. It seems like everybody knows it. But I didn't. Not until that night, anyway.

I learned something else too.

Always have a pillow handy if my sister is going to have an orgasm.

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Old 22-06-2021, 10:39 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

This started a new phase in our lives as siblings. Addie loved sucking cock, at least my cock. And she really loved it when I went down on her.

That first time, on my bed (and yes I know it was technically the second time, but the first really didn't count in my book) she was very vocal. By that I don't mean the screaming. That came later. I mean she sort of gave me instructions. There was a lot of "move your tongue up a little" and "press right there" and " I love it when you do that" and "Oh Bobby, if you stop now I'll just die!" and things like that. And the conglomeration of all of them put together taught me how to make her squeal. Literally. When she felt that first orgasm coming, she knew instinctively that she was going to be loud, and she grabbed the pillow under her head and moved it on top of her head. Well, her face, but you know what I mean.

Even then it was almost too loud. If one of the parents had been in the hallway right outside the room, they could have heard it for sure. We weren't totally convinced Dad hadn't heard it. But nothing happened as we froze, trying to listen for movement outside over her labored breathing. Finally we relaxed.

And she was a slut about it too. As soon as she was sure Dad wasn't going to storm into the room with a ball bat, demanding to know who had been murdered, she said, "Can you do it a little more? Pleeeeease?"

That's the thing that isn't fair. A guy comes once and he's grounded immediately. Twenty minutes later he might be able to take off again, but if he does, when he shoots again, he's done for a good while. A girl can fly for-fucking-ever! I actually stopped because my jaw got too sore to go on.

I'll tell you one thing, though. I slept good that night.

And the next morning, as I drove her to school (only seniors were allowed to drive to school or park in the lot) she must have told me she loved me ten times.

Of course it affected how things happened at Vlad's.

When we got there the next time, he handed us each an envelope. There were ten fifty dollar bills in each one.

"Mr. Brewster wishes me to pass along his heartfelt wishes that you decide to continue nude modeling," said Vlad, grinning. "He is willing to pay even more if he can see your features."

"And what guarantee do we have that he's the only one who will see our ... features?" asked Addison.

"None," he said, calmly. "Except that I know he does not resell his pictures. He uses them only in his villa. Some he displays during his parties. Others he uses only in private. Of course your ages have much to do with his excitement, and he knows that if he ever let any of those pictures get away from him, he would never get any more. He would kill the goose that lays the golden egg, no? In any case, he has never let pictures I send him get out onto the open market for as long as I have known him."

"And how long have you known him?" I asked.

"Long enough for him to help me leave Russia and come to America, where there are no secret police," he said. He wasn't smiling now. " I have known him for twenty years. I am the only photographer he will hire. He says it is because of the quality of my work, but of course I know it is really because he doesn't want those outside his circle of influence to know about his one vice."

"Vice?" asked Addison.

"He has a weakness for young girls who look like you, dear Addie. I confess I may have misled him to believe you are only fifteen years of age. And he will pay handsomely for pictures of fifteen year old girls who are willing to take their clothes off and appear to be having sex with handsome young men," said Vlad.

"Like Bobby," said Addison.

"It need not be only with Bobby," suggested Vlad.

"Yes it does," she said, firmly. "If it's not with Bobby, it's not going to happen."

"Even though he is your brother?"

"Because he is my brother," she said, just as firmly.

"Did I not tell you this is normal in Mother Russia?" he asked, beaming again.

"That's not what I meant," she said, looking flustered. "I trust Bobby."

"But of course,"agreed Vlad.

"I mean I don't have to worry about Bobby," she went on.

"Of course not," he agreed, amicably.

"Oh, never mind. What kind of things would we have to do for Mister ..."

"Brewster," prompted Vlad.

"Mr. Brewster," Addie agreed.

"Similar to what we did last time," said Vlad. "Perhaps with more realism. Is more difficult to pretend in full light."

"More realism?"

"Is difficult to fake a kiss," said Vlad.

"Oh," said Addie. She looked at me. "I guess I could kiss him."

"Is difficult to fake other things too," said Vlad. "This is why I thought you might be more comfortable with another boy."

"No way!" said Addie. "No other boy can ever know I do things like this. It would ruin my reputation!"

"Not necessarily," said Vlad. "It is possible there are other young people such as yourselves who also pose for pictures like these. They would wish to protect their own reputations too, yes?"

"Who?" asked Addison.

"That may be for later," said Vlad. "Let's test whether or not you can be comfortable doing such things at all."

"Last time didn't bother me," she said, sticking her chin out.

"I am very pleased to hear that," he said. He leaned close and whispered, as if to her alone, but I could hear him. "Vlad is aware that some of what happened last time was not pretend."

Addie almost melted down. Her hands leapt to cover her face, and she turned to shove the backs of those hands against my chest. She wasn't sobbing, but she was moaning heavily. Or be-moaning, as it were. Her fate, I mean. She was sure that, regardless of how normal incest play was in Russia, it was only play, and not real.

It took Vlad ten minutes to get her calm enough to convince her he didn't think any less of us. To the contrary, he said he preferred siblings to pose for these kinds of photographs, because he didn't have to worry about them getting in a fight and breaking up and spreading rumors about each other that might cause him trouble, as he put it. Siblings might get in the fight, but they wouldn't shout out what each other had been doing. Not in America, anyway.

And, once Addie figured out how much sense that made ... well ... she sort of lost the last of her inhibitions.




Old 22-06-2021, 10:42 AM
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Re: An Easy XXX Crime ?

Our first "disguise" was to wear Zorro masks, just thin strips of black cloth with eye holes in them.

He started us out by having me stand behind Addie, with my arms around her, under her own arms. Then he simply had me slide my hands all over as much of her body as I could reach. Of course one of the first places I moved them was to her breasts. He made me move them higher, and then lower, eventually telling me to slide my fingers right into her sex. What he said was, "Pet her pussy, Bobby. Pet the pretty pussy."

Then, after we were both turned on (which I think was the purpose of the hands-all-over-her exercise) he ran us through a series of static poses, where we weren't moving. Well ... almost not moving. I'll give you an example. He had me put my hands over her breasts again, with my fingers spread so that her nipples were between them. We were supposed to hold that pose and stare into the camera lens. My fingers had a tendency to both squeeze together a little bit, meaning I squeezed her nipples between them, and to squeeze as hands in general, feeling that spongy flesh give beneath the pressure.

In the meantime, my boner was pressed into her back, and there was the natural urge to push it against her. At one point she reached behind her, gripped it and pushed it down between her butt cheeks, whereupon she started pushing back.

The shots of my hands on various parts of her body moved to shots of us embracing each other, front to front. He'd have us freeze and then either move to where my erection was visible to his lens, or have me move so he could see it. More than once he directed Addie to hold it, or move it so it was either pressing against her pussy lips, or hovering near. He also had her kneel with my cock pressed against her cheek by her hands, like she was holding it there because she just loved to feel it against her cheek. He asked her to kiss the tip and she did so immediately.

"Okay!" he boomed. "New series! No need for masks now. Vlad will shoot faces obliquely, so you hard to recognize."

He told Addie to lie down on this strangely shaped piece of furniture. It was a little like a bed, except it was upholstered in some really soft fleecy type material. It wasn't flat. Rather it started about two feet off the floor where her feet were, and then sloped up in a curve where her butt fit, going on up from there only to curve back down right about where her shoulder blades were. The effect was of her on some weird altar, being offered for sacrifice, with her abdomen high. Her breasts were thrusting up at the sky, and her head was lying on the same plane with the middle of her back. It was both intensely erotic and a little disturbing at the same time.

He moved to stand beside her, holding his camera, aimed at her breasts.

"I tell you how to make love to breasts, okay?"

I think that was the point where we stopped pretending that we had any kind of brother/sister reluctance about doing all this. It just wasn't worth the effort to try to convince him we were less than enthusiastic.

He started by having me purse my lips like I was kissing her breast, but then slowly sliding them all around it. I kept moving toward the nipple, but he kept saying, "Not yet, Bobby. Be patient." At the same time he was snapping pictures now and then.

"I can't see," complained Addie, who was basically helpless, splayed on this sacrificial couch.

"You can see later," said Vlad. "For now just lie there. You are more beautiful than you can imagine."

Finally I got to go near her nipple, but only with the tip of my tongue, dragging it all over like I had my lips. He still wouldn't let me touch the nipple itself.

"Hurry up!"groaned Addison.

"You are uncomfortable?" asked Vlad.

"Just hurry," she said.

"Kiss the nipple," said Vlad.

I did, and Addie's' hand moved in a little jerk where it lay beside her hip.

"Kiss it twelve times, but bring your lips away after each one," said Vlad.

He took at least two dozen shots while I did that.

"Touch the tip of the nipple with your tongue," he said.

I did and Addie moaned.

Suddenly his fingers appeared in front of my face and he gently pinched her nipple between his thumb and index finger. It was done so quickly I couldn't react in any way except to watch it.

Addie's whole body sort of jumped, except the way she was on that couch didn't give her any way to get purchase for her muscles to really move her. Her head popped up, briefly and I saw her mouth form the word "Fuck!" as the sound burst from her lips. Vlad's hand came to her forehead and gently pushed her back to her original position.

"Give a girl some warning," she panted.

"Now suck it," said Vlad.

My lips opened and I sealed them around the tip of her breast. I got maybe an inch more than the areola, and gave what must have been the kind of suck my mind remembered from when I was a baby. It felt so completely natural to suck that tip, letting my lips slide a little so that only the nipple itself was being manipulated. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought to do this before.

I thought I was killing her there, for a little while. The sounds she made were sort of like what happened when she had an orgasm, but much, much quieter. Her hands came to my head, in the same way they did when I was licking her pussy, and both ruffled my hair, and pulled me to her.

I heard Vlad taking lots of pictures. Then he said in the softest voice I'd ever heard him use, "Move to the other one. Don't let it feel alone."

She liked that too, and he took more pictures.

He put his lips right next to my ear and whispered. "You have sucked her pussy ... yes?"

I let the rubbery nipple I had been abusing slip from my lips and turned my face to look at him. He was grinning, sure of himself. Suddenly I remembered him saying, "Vlad is aware that some of what happened last time was not pretend."

I nodded fractionally as Addie lifted her head a little and said, "You're not finished, are you?"

He let me go back to sucking her nipples and then had me kiss my way down her body while he documented that in photos. As I got to the bottom rib, she sucked air and her stomach caved in. I knew she was ticklish, so I pressed my lips hard on each kiss.

"Keep going," said Vlad. " I be right back."

He moved to Addie's head and pointed the camera at her face.

"Be beautiful for me, Addison," he said.

"Ohhhh," she moaned as my lips moved onto her abdomen.

I stopped to tease her smooth, bare mound with my nose. Her legs were moving all around now, but only flexing an inch or two each time. She wanted me to keep going, but not in front of Vlad.

"Keep going!" said Vlad. "Kiss her everywhere!"

I rolled my eyes upward to see him hovering over her face and realized he was trying to get her passion as it built.

I pressed my nose into the kind of triangle of open space where her thighs attached to her body.

"Ohhhh," she moaned again.

"Keep going!"said Vlad, louder.

I stuck my tongue as far as I could into the triangle and licked, but my nose kind of got in the way. It poked her and suddenly her knees bent and her legs sprang apart and she opened to me with her toes digging into the soft fabric. She actually lifted her pussy up and I realized that the support beneath her lower back actually helped her do that.
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