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Old 24-02-2018, 01:37 AM
123hu 123hu is offline
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Fuck you lah. If hated I won’t have girls asking me to rtf them, I won’t have them asking me to write FR on them.

But I told them I do not write FR, as I want my FR to be independent, because once you tell girls you wrote FRs, you are no longer an unbiased source of info that is writing without an agenda.
You came up with this retarded story to show that the WLs like you. Actually, all you showed was that you rarely go to GL because the WL would never out of the blue talk about sammyboy or ask customer to write FR. Knowing you, you probably tried to act like DAI KOR DAI and raised the topic yourself.

I'm sure all the bros here have a similiar experience. It's 2018 stupid. Where the fuck got WL out of the blue ask customer to write FR? You siao ah? I have over a hundred WLs (ex + present) on wechat and not a single one has ever msged me to say pls write FR. You talk what shit?

So which WL on your list of 25 ask you to write FR but you refused? FUCK YOU. Nobody need your lanjiao FR.

And one more thing, when Nana asked you to RTF, she probably says it to everyone without thinking. You're such a hopeless retard that when you recieve a wechat msg asking you "What are you doing?" you probably think the WL only msged you and didn't know it was a mass msg.

Just like how because David called the WLs for you to view, you thought you special and he know your taste wor. FUCK YOU STUPID. Actually, he does it for all customers.

You wanted to show that you are a valued customer when all you showed was that you may have never been to 2036.

The problem with you is that you think sammyboy is reality. You sit in your fucking room imagining WLs go around asking customers to write FR. Why of all customers ask you? Who the fuck are you? What's so special about you? Stop having imaginary conversations with WL you never call la. We all know your $80 short time per month budget la.

You're a fucking nutcase who thinks WL get robbed and beaten overseas.

All Nana remembers of you is that you're the fucking asshole who demanded a bbbj even when she politely asked you if she can use a condom. And you think she likes you and I quote, "ENJOYED THE SESSION". You're a fucking fool. LOL

Last edited by 123hu; 24-02-2018 at 08:30 AM.
Old 24-02-2018, 09:12 AM
LousyTu LousyTu is offline
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Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
I really miss the Dada before the last Dada...slim, ah lian type and very fuckable
Wah Doomas. Long time no see.
Old 24-02-2018, 11:20 AM
123hu 123hu is offline
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
We both enjoyed the session and she asked me when I can come visit her again every time I rtf ok?
Hey stupid, you do realise unlike you, many of us have actually tried Nana and also have her wechat right? Later ask her whether she got ask anyone RTF her or not, especially someone who demand bbbj when she didn't want.

Guess what will be her answer?


Don't want to say only don't know Nana at all. Want to lie don't lie about things which can easily be verified mah.
Old 24-02-2018, 06:17 PM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Both of you should really start your own thread .......
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Old 24-02-2018, 06:37 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Both of you should really start your own thread .......
No need. I’m gonna be the more mature one and stop engaging with that troll.

I was just a little free over CNY, so came in here for some fun.

Will be more busy making money in the weeks ahead.

No more time for SBF.

But will pop in once in a while if I have any useful FRs or info to help all brothers here. :$
Old 24-02-2018, 07:11 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?


You want to be mature, write your own FR and don't comment on other FRs. Grow up and understand the meaning of OPINION. Maturity is respecting that FR threads are meant for FRs, not for you to treat it as your personal blog and share your fuckwit ideas on everything under the sun.

I had made my position very clear and repeat it here. Everybody write their own FR and give the basic courtesy of not attacking or questioning.

But you chose to be a fucking cheebye.

Anytime you want to be childish motherfucker and exercise your childish rights to stick your ignorant nose in places where they don't belong, you can be assured of another round of embarrasing fucking from me.

If you like to question FRs so much then you be prepared to give as good as you get. You want to question motives and agendas be prepared to have your own attention seeking whore personality and $80 budget but think he is sammyboy Dai Kor attitude laid bare.

For the record, Nana's frenching, if she does do it, is not the passionate style and she has never asked anyone to RTF. She does not slap anyone's dick on her face as you claimed. That is not her personality at all. Stop dreaming while on your toilet bowl of things which never happened.

I welcome your move to be mature and finally grow up. Fuck off.

Last edited by 123hu; 24-02-2018 at 08:00 PM.
Old 24-02-2018, 08:05 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

We should be fucking Cheebye and not be a fucking cheebye. Hey that rhymes.
Old 24-02-2018, 08:47 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by 123hu View Post

You want to be mature, write your own FR and don't comment on other FRs. Grow up and understand the meaning of OPINION. Maturity is respecting that FR threads are meant for FRs, not for you to treat it as your personal blog and share your fuckwit ideas on everything under the sun.

I had made my position very clear and repeat it here. Everybody write their own FR and give the basic courtesy of not attacking or questioning.

But you chose to be a fucking cheebye.

Anytime you want to be childish motherfucker and exercise your childish rights to stick your ignorant nose in places where they don't belong, you can be assured of another round of embarrasing fucking from me.

If you like to question FRs so much then you be prepared to give as good as you get. You want to question motives and agendas be prepared to have your own attention seeking whore personality and $80 budget but think he is sammyboy Dai Kor attitude laid bare.

For the record, Nana's frenching, if she does do it, is not the passionate style and she has never asked anyone to RTF. She does not slap anyone's dick on her face as you claimed. That is not her personality at all. Stop dreaming while on your toilet bowl of things which never happened.

I welcome your move to be mature and finally grow up. Fuck off.
I welcome you to grow up and fuck off too, bastard troll promoter of 1649, 123hu.
Old 24-02-2018, 09:20 PM
123hu 123hu is offline
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
I welcome you to grow up and fuck off too, bastard troll promoter of 1649, 123hu.
LOL. Retard, I didn't say I was going anywhere or need to be mature. You still can't understand simple things.

YOU declared that YOU wanted to be mature, and hence admitting that you're a childish fuck.

Your excuse for leaving the forum is because you finally found a job at Burger King and will be busy making money. We all know the real reason is because you got slapped silly and nowhere to show your face after your failed points begging, voting and FR fiasco on Nana.

You want to leave then go lah! Cheebye who the fuck cares?

Fuck off.
Old 24-02-2018, 11:34 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by 123hu View Post
LOL. Retard, I didn't say I was going anywhere or need to be mature. You still can't understand simple things.

YOU declared that YOU wanted to be mature, and hence admitting that you're a childish fuck.

Your excuse for leaving the forum is because you finally found a job at Burger King and will be busy making money. We all know the real reason is because you got slapped silly and nowhere to show your face after your failed points begging, voting and FR fiasco on Nana.

You want to leave then go lah! Cheebye who the fuck cares?

Fuck off.
Lol. Your bullshit knows no bounds, bastard troll promoter of 1649, 123hu.
Old 25-02-2018, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Lol. Your bullshit knows no bounds, bastard troll promoter of 1649, 123hu.
You are entitled to your opinion. But ppl look at evidence. All of us here call WL. But only you so special the WL for some reason like to ask you Dai Kor to write FR. LOL. You don't know the word SHAME. This kind of stupid story also you can imagine. Fucking retard. LOL Or maybe I got it wrong. Maybe the WLs mistook you as the errand boy on your day off. Did they ask you to help them buy cigarettes and lunch too?

As for being a bullshitter, take a look in the mirror. That's the fuckwit who imagined Nana slapped his dick against his face while he was shitting.

What I like about you is that you declare that you're going to be mature and ignore me and in the very next post, do exactly what you said you would not. Fuck. You're unbelievably stupid.

Have fun flipping burgers. You're too stupid to do anything else.
Old 25-02-2018, 12:40 AM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by 123hu View Post
You are entitled to your opinion. But ppl look at evidence. All of us here call WL. But only you so special the WL for some reason like to ask you Dai Kor to write FR. LOL. You don't know the word SHAME. This kind of stupid story also you can imagine. Fucking retard. LOL Or maybe I got it wrong. Maybe the WLs mistook you as the errand boy on your day off. Did they ask you to help them buy cigarettes and lunch too?

As for being a bullshitter, take a look in the mirror. That's the fuckwit who imagined Nana slapped his dick against his face while he was shitting.

What I like about you is that you declare that you're going to be mature and ignore me and in the very next post, do exactly what you said you would not. Fuck. You're unbelievably stupid.

Have fun flipping burgers. You're too stupid to do anything else.
No matter how much bullshit you fart out with your stinky mouth, one thing doesn’t change - you’re a motherfucking bastard of a promoter troll for 1649, called 123hu.
Old 25-02-2018, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
No matter how much bullshit you fart out with your stinky mouth, one thing doesn’t change - you’re a motherfucking bastard of a promoter troll for 1649, called 123hu.
Yah bodoh, my moniker accompanies my every post. Bullshit is your opinion. Just like how you think Nana was just asking for your preference. But is your opinion the truth? Sorry hor, the truth is that you're a fucking retard.

I didn't bullshit. You said you weren't going to reply and did exactly that. Dumb fuck.
Old 25-02-2018, 12:50 AM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by 123hu View Post
Yah bodoh, my moniker accompanies my every post. Bullshit is your opinion. Just like how you think Nana was just asking for your preference. But is your opinion the truth? Sorry hor, the truth is that you're a fucking retard.

I didn't bullshit. You said you weren't going to reply and did exactly that. Dumb fuck.
No matter how much bullshit you produce from your ugly face hole, one thing doesn’t change - you’re a motherfucking bastard of a promoter troll for 1649, called 123hu still upset someone made a negative comment about your mother working in a whorehouse. Lol.
Old 25-02-2018, 01:03 AM
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
No matter how much bullshit you produce from your ugly face hole, one thing doesn’t change - you’re a motherfucking bastard of a promoter troll for 1649, called 123hu still upset someone made a negative comment about your mother working in a whorehouse. Lol.
Calling something bullshit doesn't make it bullshit. Repeating it just shows you're incapable of saying anything and have your foot stuck in your mouth.

Are you a liar? Of course you are! You said you weren't going to reply but you did. You said you don't beg for points but you do!

So I guess I've smacked you around too hard you've gone full retard and can only repeat the same line over and over. I can picture you dead as a piece of wood with foam coming out of your mouth, repeating the same line. LOL
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