Re: People Park Complex
if the lady boss doing hj then probably need not pay for the masg, if the masseuse does, then need to pay the counter.
Re: People Park Complex
its said tenants are shifting out , due to massage parlour affecting shoppers visiting the complex. |
Re: People Park Complex
Why need to reno again since she just reno only a few months ago ?
Can make use of the existing reno Quote:
Re: People Park Complex
Saw that, think some existing tenants must be very du lan about the them snatching the business
If you read Sing Min or Wan Bao, one uncle who own 2 joints at L2 & L3 said his business went down by at least 40% as his male clients went to those joints. Now he need to close one of his shop and concentrate on the other one to cut losses. He said he has written to av, together with the help of other tenants as well if that's the case, I think these tenants would continue to write to av and the raids would continue in the following months |
People's Park Complex MPs
Report from The STAR (Malaysia) dated Saturday 13 November 2010 :-
China Press reported that several massage parlours in Singapore would pull down their shutters to give the impression they were closed for the day whenever they had customers patronising their sex services. The daily reported yesterday that the centres, located at the People’s Park Complex, would open and close countless times each day. An observer who identified herself as Miss Lee said there were at least two masseusses in each centre. “They are scantily clad and stand outside the centre to solicit customers,” she said. Miss Lee added that once a price had been agreed upon, the masseusse would pull down the shutter. “After the service has been rendered, the masseusse will open the shutter again,” she added. --- KatoeyNewsNetwork |
Re: People's Park Complex MPs
anyways i think these so-called 'sex-shops' operating in the same building are juz awaiting for the time bomb to explode. we have seen in the past so many 'victims' in the same building had to close down after the raids (or complaints). classic eg incl JSP, PPCentre, PC, FC, Adelphi. those operating solo in some ulu or lower traffic spot may have a longer survival rate. for the benefit of other bros, the link is here: http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne...13-247054.html
My 22nd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene. Rep pts: Pls do not visit the point exchange groups giving the impression you are keen to exchange points but disappear after one post. Or promise to return points but did not do so after months. Min 5 pts for exchange. |
Re: People's Park Complex MPs
I think they quoted from our Chinese newspapers
Below are the 2 links http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews...00-194800.html http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews...6.html#comment Quote:
Re: People Park Complex
From Wan Bao - 11 Nov 2010 (Just 2 days ago!)
牛车水按摩院新‘淫’招 开门谈价钱关门做‘生意’ 牛车水按摩院卖淫新招,价钱一谈好就关店交易!读者爆料,按摩院出现一天内不断开店关店几十次 的“奇观”。 珍珠坊(People’s Park Complex)是牛车水的地标式购物商场,里头有不少旅行社、钱币兑换店、鞋店、风水店和美容院等商店。 不过近期那里也出现多家挂羊头卖狗肉的按摩院,表面按摩,暗地里提供性服务。 读者林小姐向《联合晚报》透露,色情按摩院主要集中在珍珠坊2楼和3楼,有大约10来间,每间店有2至3名 按摩女,穿着吊带装和超短裙,天天站在店外拉客。 门锁上 灯也关 林小姐说:“嫖客一到,按摩女就把门锁上,灯也关了,掩人耳目,让人误以为今天店没开。等开完房,按摩女就 开门让顾客走,然后把用过的安全套拿去厕所丢掉。” 她指出,一天之内,色情按摩院“可以开门、关门,然后又开门、关门,多达几十次!” 珍珠坊的多名店主也向《联合晚报》证实,一些色情按摩院每天就在“开门关门”中营业。 电器店老板娘刘爱玲(62岁)说:“你一眼就能看出哪些是色情按摩院,按摩女的穿着都很暴露,而且很公然地 在走道上拉客,一谈好价钱,就进店关门做交易。” |
Re: People Park Complex
From Sin Ming
色情按摩院争着租 珍珠坊店面租金炒高30% 牛车水一带的色情按摩院死灰复燃,导致店租暴涨30%,商家生意严重受影响,无不叫苦连天。 一些在牛车水经营小生意的商家投诉,由于色情按摩院再度冒起,让他们的生意大受打击。 不愿意透露姓名的商家说:“虽然几经扫荡,但按摩院春风吹又生,甚至比之前来得更多。不少按摩院以保健美容 或SPA为招牌,避免被检举。” 受访的商家表示,他们曾经多次投诉,但位于珍珠坊、珍珠大厦、珠光大厦、唐城坊、登婆街、宝塔街等地,仍有 不计其数的色情按摩院。 “以珍珠坊为例,2楼和3楼有许多穿着性感的女人,在店外招徕生意,我的顾客为了避免被骚扰,都避而远之。 ” 记者走访珍珠坊,发现按摩院林立,单单2楼和3楼,就有30多家按摩院,其中一些甚至还有女郎在门口招徕生 意。 由于按摩院入侵整栋大厦,导致店租也被炒高。 “除了顾客不上门,许多按摩院为了抢夺店面,店租也从2000多元,被炒高到3000元,我们根本没有办法 生存。” |
Re: People Park Complex
coz she said the existing things in shop not suitable for her new type of biz
Re: People Park Complex
Aren't the shop just need massage beds?
What else is needed since it's hj, bj or fj ? |
Re: People Park Complex
Yes, you're right on this. This is the norm
Re: People Park Complex
I dunno about the msg shop but the new pasar malam theme in the last time CK shop sux. at least Ck, i can buy condom.
Re: People Park Complex
Well, aren't you able to buy condom from the adult shop at level 2 ? Besides condom, you can buy vibrator as well
Re: People Park Complex
mayb u didn't read the previous post.. she changing to saloon business. So of coz the things in the shop will be much different
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