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Old 28-10-2006, 11:31 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports


Name: Bo
Age: 23..birthday is in September she told me
Hometown: Isaarn lady...from Kon Khen
Language spoken: Thai & very little Eng
Look: 6.5/10 - look like brown sugar..
Body: 6.5/10 - small & petite
Boob: Big for her frame...B
French: allowed
Finger: skip
Catbath: 6/10
BJ: 6/10
FJ: 7/10 - allowed change of positions
GFE: quite good...8/10
RTF: friendly OKT and time limit is slightly favourable for this house...friendly and nice girl...yes, i would say

ON - starts from 0130hrs
Old 29-10-2006, 02:11 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by Thai Rak Thai

Name: Bo
Age: 23..birthday is in September she told me
Hometown: Isaarn lady...from Kon Khen
Language spoken: Thai & very little Eng
Look: 6.5/10 - look like brown sugar..
Body: 6.5/10 - small & petite
Boob: Big for her frame...B
French: allowed
Finger: skip
Catbath: 6/10
BJ: 6/10
FJ: 7/10 - allowed change of positions
GFE: quite good...8/10
RTF: friendly OKT and time limit is slightly favourable for this house...friendly and nice girl...yes, i would say

ON - starts from 0130hrs
Wah bro looks like you're on a bonking spree while I was away in Chiangmai. Lolx
When the cat’s away the mice will play...
Old 29-10-2006, 11:13 AM
seemorsa_lompun seemorsa_lompun is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

been going around and find the following gals either chio or cfm look

L8H43 - G3 , G12
L8H19 - G7 , G9
WHH8 - G9
Old 29-10-2006, 02:50 PM
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Red face Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by Craver
Lor8 H17 G11

Just a short FR on her, want to sleep liao, just tried her a few hours ago.

Name: donno nv ask. she like speak only thai, then abit of very simple english. she spoke to me only a few words. like hi, and bye. and a few la..
Age: never ask since got communication barrier.
Face: 8/10, looks like chinese, very fair.
Height: about 160cm?
Figure: 8/10, not very good figure, but at least my prefered type, that's why the 8 pts.
Breast: Firm, allow massaging and pressing, but gets ticklish if u play with the nipples
Catbath: awhile only, but good cause save time lah..
Finger Fuck: No
BJ: ok lah.. not very good but can make it la.. but can feel the teeth..
FJ: 8.5/10, best of my sexperience, i was sweating man..
HJ: standard la.. hand ma.. i also got -.-"
Attitude: Very Good. i keep on tahan make myself dont cum then she still nv give me lj face etc. i think she hj until bth so i just cum lor..
RTF: Sure. but dunno when will she go.
Have not been visiting this forum for a looong while (~2 years) but at the GL scene I'm a regular cheongster stucked with a couple of favorites all these while. It's sort of like you graduate from SBF after a while and know the ropes around the scene to roam/discover on your own then.

I'm back here to do some "research" on a retired WL whom I've visited recently.... Am still mesmerised over this BKK 'sexcapade' and now sitting on the fence about entering into a tirakship with her; decided for now that I should seek the warnings about tirakship and cool-down by channeling the energy to other fresh bloods, hopefully I'll can escape the spell.

So here's a short FR on one in my new hitlist all within L8:

Passed by H17 and went in to look-see since G11 is on my hitlist (the last in order) - she was sitting there quietly looking down. Picked her anyway, as if just trying to check-off one item from the list.

As expected, a thumbs down on the whole experience. She was unhappy apparently and went through the default motion like a emotionless robot. Never allowed me to touch ANYWHERE but I played cool and understanding throughout, trying to assess what's wrong.

Let her finished the routine and unloaded in missionary; she does look a bit like my secondary school's fantasy so it helps with some more imagination.

The fact that a towel was laid on the bed for the actions tell me that she's not into any rough play; I've came across a few of these WL who does it. At the end of it all, I discovered she was actually injured on her left shoulder before me - so that explains it all. I rubbed gently on her shoulder and showered some concerns, this exchanged a nice smile and pleasant wash-up.

With this, my FR may be unique so bro take whatever from here and be your own judge.

Face: 7/10, fair with some freckles. long hair, pleasant.
Figure: 6/10, skinny. Not shapy at all.
Breast: 4/10, unless you're into flat boob...
BJ: this is probably the only point I'm consistent with the bro who posted the FR above; can feel the teeth..
FJ: 7/10, she ride me a while after BJ, signal tired and switch to missionary...
Attitude: Again, probably I'm not in luck (usually thai WL likes me) with this one.
RTF: not for me, going down the list...

BTW, I read that I'll only get rep "power" when my rep "points" up to 15; I think I'll get 1 power for every year here. Not really sure what I get for having "power" yet; I guess I'll earn points for giving FRs.

Hope this helps.
Old 29-10-2006, 07:44 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

dear goodpartner , I think you only get rep power when your pts reach 25.

Old 29-10-2006, 08:31 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by seemorsa_lompun
dear goodpartner , I think you only get rep power when your pts reach 25.
ya. initially got power, but ahkong change the rules, lan lan be newbie again without power
My humble FR :

L6H66G23 (banned)

Old 29-10-2006, 10:16 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

hi,anyone tried before House8( the lane that link between lor16 to lor18..looks newly renovated )...there is a gal nos99 who is super chio lor...i only manage to see her 1 time bt did nt manage to book her...golden hair...everytime i went o ask for her...she sure got a 2 to 3 session booking....haiz...
LoVe dUn eX|sT uNLeSs y0u mAkE |t..thAt's wHy wE cAll it M@KE L0vE..做爱
I s|mPlY LoVe cHinA DoLLs..cHinA DoLLs s|mpLy luV mY $..I s|mPlY LoVe cHinA DoLLs..LoVe cHinA DoLLs s|mpLy LuV my $..| siMplY loVe ch|na DoLLs
If y0u can'T bE FamOus..Be |nfAm0us..iT's aLso c0nsIder FaMoUs buT |n aNotheR wAy..
Old 30-10-2006, 11:31 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by neverdoit
L8 Hse 19

This Hse has friendly OKTs who are often very polite.

Tried G9 ---sounds like "Niam" (I think) on 2 occasions.
She has tatoos on the left breast and the tummy.
She has nice breasts with eraser nips.....small size and look younger than 27 years(her age)
By the way,this gal can speak very fluent malay. Just to let our malay speaking bros here know
Apologies for not sharing any more vids here

Also known as slayer at THE OTHER SIDE Also not as active as before
Old 30-10-2006, 11:45 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by SFollower
Good news for u Bro siamcutey..

cos G90 ORD on 25th Oct!! air-ticket booked.. (i heard from her when i last bonked her 1week ago.. but i too busy to go again or even come to SBF to post haha).. i asked OKT abt the news.. he said yeah.. she got no heart to work already... been ranting abt going back 1-2mths ago.. can see from her attitude.. she now simply "bo chap" attitude in the last 2-3times i met her haha

so on 25th night-time, u can go back to 66G & try other gals there liao haha

Happy bonking!
Don't know you got conned or I kenna SABOED by you.

As of 28th October 2006, she is still around in GL


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Old 30-10-2006, 02:49 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by kkspore
ya. initially got power, but ahkong change the rules, lan lan be newbie again without power
Thanks. OT here, but just to close the loop on this one. What's the use of having power? I read the newbie guide to point systems it doesn't say what's so good with a Power 5 (like me now) and say your Power 2. What's the advantage I have if any?

Thanks man.
Old 31-10-2006, 10:31 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by -667-
By the way,this gal can speak very fluent malay. Just to let our malay speaking bros here know

first time I hear of Thai Gal who can speak fluent malay

Old 31-10-2006, 12:25 PM
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Just tried this girl yesterday around 2pm. here is a simple FR

Name : York

Ht : 163
Wt: 46-47kg

Cup Size : high B ( i think it is a C )
Breast feel : Soft and nice ( really soft and nice WORTH the price to touch)

Skin : Silky and smooth ( also partially she applies powder on her)

Looks : A bit ah lian look but she is quite decent looking in the room

Blowjob ( with cap) : 6/10 not the best i have had but it is of ok standard.

Breast Massage : yes she uses her breast to lightly brush thru your body for some time to arouse you while she sucks your nipple

Sex : her pussy is SHAVED. Tight. And the feeling when you insert in is amazing. You suddenly feel engulfed by warm and moist hole. Feels very good.

Girl friend feeling : not so much of a girl friend feeling because she does not talk much but she speaks some chinese.

Overall : 7/10

If you have nothing to do just try her. It will be a so so bonk but u get soft and nice breast and soft n nice pussy.

Old 01-11-2006, 03:32 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

FR on L18H38G88(if i'm not wrong)
SYT looks:7.5
figure: 7/10
GFE: 0/10
BJ: 5/10
FJ: 5/10 (rush)
Service: 4/10
rtf: no way
Old 01-11-2006, 01:43 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by seemorsa_lompun
first time I hear of Thai Gal who can speak fluent malay
Maybe got Malay tirak?
BEDminton, the rules are easy. Smaller court than it's predecessor, you have two balls used instead of one..and only one gets to hold the ra-cock. The game is over when the ra-cock loses it's grip. Mixed doubles is my forte...
Old 01-11-2006, 06:13 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by kckckc
FR on L18H38G88(if i'm not wrong)
SYT looks:7.5
figure: 7/10
GFE: 0/10
BJ: 5/10
FJ: 5/10 (rush)
Service: 4/10
rtf: no way

saw her the other day lucky never call

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